Lockdown Lowdown - Edition 2

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LOCKDOWN LOWDOWN Bringing you the latest Long Road lockdown news!


SENDING VIRTUAL HUGS X Hello, from Long Road!

It's week 2 of our college closure, do you know what that means? We've already survived week 1! We don't know about you, but we are definitely seeing that as

Long Road Sixth Form

a big achievement.



As promised we are back in touch to try and lift your spirits. April marks Stress Awareness Month, so we'll also be giving you advice on managing your stress -



something we find especially useful while we're cooped up at home.

Make sure your keep in touch with your teachers, Progress Coach and us on social media!

01223 631100 Sending virtual hugs - Long Road x


UPDATE ON SUMMER EXAMS What we currently know on summer exams 2020 At this stage this is all we know, and


the key points are: Students will be able to sit exams

What does this mean exactly?

early next academic year if they

It means that you will be awarded a

wish or in summer 2021

grade without having to sit exams this

Otherwise, they will be awarded a

summer, and that this grade will count

grade based on teacher

as a normal qualification going

judgements (which teachers will

forward – it will be treated in the same

make based on mocks and non-

way as A Levels/BTECs/GCSEs taken

exam assessment, guided by

by students in any other year.

If you are feeling stressed or anxious please contact a member of the welfare team on wellbeing@longroad.ac.uk and someone will call you.

DfE/Ofqual advice) combined with prior attainment and other data.

Who decides the grades?

The precise process will be decided

Teachers (the College) will be sending

soon and communicated as soon as

grades to the Exam Boards based on


their professional judgement with all of

Grades will be available hopefully

the evidence available to them: To

by the end of July, and have a

produce this, teachers will take into

similar distribution as in previous

account a range of evidence and data

years. They can be appealed.

including performance on mock exams

For vocational courses where work

and non-exam assessment – clear

has already been completed and

guidance on how to do this fairly and

assessed, these grades are likely to

robustly this will be provided to schools

form part of the judgement.

and colleges.

The full statement is here: https://www.gov.uk/govern ment/news/further-detailson-exams-and-gradesannounced

UPDATE ON SUMMER EXAMS CONTINUED... What we currently know on summer exams 2020 Does this mean I can stop working now?

including prior attainment, and use this

have put in is fairly recognised and

information to produce a calculated

that teachers in the college are

No. This process will take some time

grade for each student, which will be a

being consistent in the way they are

and lots of schools and colleges may

best assessment of the work they have

doing this. We have rigorous quality

have set different hand in dates for

put in.

assurance processes set up already (for example in the setting and

work. Teachers will be expected to use evidence from across the whole

But what does that mean?

course, and are collecting that now

It means that if we just say everyone

and over the next few weeks. Your

gets an A* or triple Distinction at Long

current work may be really important in

Road, they will adjust it, because they

convincing your teacher that you

know that wouldn’t happen! I expect

deserve a good grade. We don’t know

we will have to demonstrate to the

at the moment when they will say ‘stop

Awarding Body how we have decided

now and send us the grades’. Teaching

on those grades, for example give

was expected to last another few

them evidence from the Key

weeks at least, so they have to make it

Assessments, Mocks, Coursework, Unit


Assignments and maybe attendance.

moderating of Mocks and Non Exam Assessment).

If you are feeling stressed or anxious please contact a member of the welfare team on wellbeing@longroad.ac.uk and someone will call you.

But we don’t know that detail yet.

So it is all down to what my teacher thinks?

The full statement is here:

Not necessarily. Exam Boards will look

So now I can start negotiating with my teacher?


at these grades and compare it to the

Please don’t. We will not engage in any


expected grades they might expect

of those discussions. Instead, we will

from college and from the students we

be working hard to make sure all the

have: (using) other relevant data,

work you have done and the efforts you


UPDATE ON SUMMER EXAMS CONTINUED... What we currently know on summer exams 2020 But what if I really think I would've done better in the exams than my teacher thinks?

What are universities saying about all this? We have had some reassuring messages

you can be certain that the athletes

Then there will be an additional exam

from universities about them supporting

are still working hard and staying fit.

period sometime next academic year

students with places offered. The best

Don’t stop learning and don’t stop

(we don’t know when, maybe November,

thing to do is to check their websites in

perhaps earlier) and the

the first instance.

Football League, the Grand Prix series and most other competitions,


normal exam period next summer 2021

Government are confident that most

I'm a first year student, with no exams this year. None of this matters to me right?

students will be happy with their grade

Yes and no. While we hope to be back to

and the extra exam period won’t be as

normal for next year, this highlights how

large as usual, so we will be able to put

important the Key Assessment and the

exams on without too much disruption to

work you do all the time matters. We will

the next academic year.

be setting an end of year assessment still

where you will have the opportunity to demonstrate that. Obviously the

If you are feeling stressed or anxious please contact a member of the welfare team on wellbeing@longroad.ac.uk and someone will call you.

(Key Assessment 4), even if that is not in

Will I be able to have extra revision sessions before those extra exams, or come back to college and repeat second year again?

the same way as we planned. For example it might be online if we are not back.


year’s students as normal and wouldn’t

Is there some sort of sporting analogy you can compare this to, Steve?

have capacity to do that, but we could

Why yes: even with the postponement of

enable you to have access to resources.

the European Championships, the

Probably not, we hope to enrol next

The full statement is here: ment/news/further-detailson-exams-and-gradesannounced

SAMANTHA MILLARD Long Road Alumnus, 2003

"Her current success is a direct result of the wonderful teaching and encouragement she received from the Art Department and teaching staff at Long Road."

We would like to congratulate

result of the wonderful teaching and

Samantha Millard, a Long Road Alumni,

encouragement she received from the

who recently contacted us about her

art department and teaching staff at

outstanding achievements.

Long Road”.

Studying at Long Road from

On her website, Sam says that it was

September 2001 until May 2003, Sam

at Long Road that she “discovered

said her “style and enthusiasm all

magic and movement in the work of

started at Long Road in the fabulous

Franz Marc” an artist who became a

art department”. During her 2 years at

big influence on her own artistic style.

Long Road, Sam was able to gain 4 excellent A-Levels and secure a place studying Architecture at Cardiff

Do you know a former Long Road


student? They can join our Alumni Community with Future First! Simply

Since studying at Cardiff University, Sam has moved to British Columbia, Canada, and now works as a successful artist; her mother Lynne believes “her current success is a direct

visit: https://networks.futurefirst.org.uk/sig nup/longroad

PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends

Week two of college closure is upon us.

Meet this weeks Pet Employees of the

However, not everyone is feeling down

Week, Max and Luna...


Is your pet assisting you while you work at home?

in the dumps about being on lockdown. Whether they're helping you Our fluffy friends are loving the fact

This big fluffy doggo is Luna, and her

that we're working from home -and

curled up friend is Max the cat. While

thy're doing a great job of cheering us

Luna loves to play, Max prefers to sit

up too!

and judge passers by - but they are

revise, or lazing on your laptop, we want to know!

Email your pet photos along with a short description including

both gentle sweethearts! Luna is To keep everyone smiling we will be

enjoying extra long walks while her

sharing a Pet Employee of the Week

family are in lockdown!

their name and age to

afutter@longroad.ac.uk. We will be posting our winning

every Friday on our Instagram page @lr6fc. Make sure you follow us to see

Thank you to student Danny for

the weekly winner and runners up!

introducing us to this gorgeous pair, we

Pet Employee of the Week every Friday on our Instagram account

hope you get to cuddle them again soon.



Is your pet assisting you while you work at home?

Whether they're helping you

PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends As we're in week two of college

and sun bathing. She is enjoying the

closure, we thought we'd give you a

lockdown as she loves being showered

special treat - a double winner of Pet

with attention all day long!

Employee of the Week!

revise, or lazing on your laptop,

A big thank you to Liam Evans in ITS for

we want to know! It was a special birthday this weekend

introducing us to Mitzy. A big happy

Email your pet photos along with

for one of our furry friends, Mitzy the

birthday to Mitzy! We hope she had a

a short description including


wonderful treat filled day!

their name and age to

afutter@longroad.ac.uk. We will be posting our winning Pet Employee of the Week every Friday on our Instagram account


Mitzy is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier who celebrated her 12th birthday last Saturday (Happy Birthday Mitzy!) Her favourite hobbies are eating, sleeping

QUARAN-TEA Spill the tea Write us an article on


Thursday to make your contribution!

what you've been doing during lockdown!

It can be about any topic, as long or short as you like and include

Of course, you've got your online classes to keep you busy - which we're

We'll be asking for recommendations

sure you're totally sticking to your

on things such as....

timetable and asking for extra work,



Films TV Shows

photos - whatever you've been up to we want to hear from you!

Head to our Instagram page every

But when you're not busy studying,


being stuck in the house all day can be


pretty dull.



afutter@longroad.ac.uk to see your work here in the Quaran-tea!

To try and keep us all entertained, and

Want more? Write us an article on what

stop us from going to stir crazy, we're

you've been doing during lockdown,

asking YOU for your recommendations

share the short story you've been

on different activities to keep us all

working on or give us a preview of your

enterainted whiole we're in lockdown.

poetry! Whatever you've been up to, email

afutter@longroad.ac.uk to see

your story here in the Quaran-tea!



Film recommendations. So create your

Peanut Butter Falcon

own home cinema - turn down the

Hunt for the Wilderpeople

lights, grab your snacks, put on your PJs


and get comfy in front of the TV. We've

Bohemian Rhapsody

got an awesome list of films for you to

Lady Bird

watch during lockdown.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest A Beautiful Mind

A big thank you to everyone on

Rain Man

Instagram who got involved and to our

Girl, Interrupted

Film Studies students for sending us

High School Musical

their favourite films!

Bridesmaids Spiderman Far From Home

Film Recommendations:

Mean Girls

The Breadwinner

Harry Potter



Diego Maradona

Pulp Ficton

Tigers are not afriad

Taxi Driver

Sorry we missed you

Rush Hour

The Captain

The Basketball Diaries

Spill the tea Write us an article on what you've been doing during lockdown!

It can be about any topic, as long or short as you like and include photos - whatever you've been up to we want to hear from you!


afutter@longroad.ac.uk to see your work here in the Quaran-tea!

STUDYING FROM HOME - STEPS TO SUCCESS Studying and working from home, it's pretty strange for all of us! To try and help you out we will be sharing a studying from home tip every week to help keep you on thew path to success!

Remember, if you're struggling with studying from home you can contact your teachers and Progress Coach for individual advice,

Do you have a tip for studying at home? Let us know!

Email Abby on

afutter@longroad.ac.uk to share your advice

LOCK DOWN - GLOW UP USING YOUR EXTRA TIME TO GLOW UP YOUR SKILLS Being in lockdown is giving us all lots of

April is Stress Awareness Month so

extra time during our day. But just

we're looking at the different skills and

because you're at home doesn't mean

techniques you can use to manage

you have to watch Netflix all day

your stress. For more information you

(although we know it is tempting).

can click here to visit the Stress Management Society website.

Are you learning a new skill while you're in lockdown?

Have you found a great resource?

Share it with us! Email afutter@longroad.ac.uk


INSTA LIKES AND INSTA LOVE Spreading likes and love on social media

Make sure you follow us

As well as sending you this newsletter,

But it's not all about us, we want to

we will also be spreading the love over

know what you're getting up to! Make


on our Instagram account!

sure you use our hashtag -

#LongRoadLife and tag @lr6fc in your posts

We're going to be posting different

posts and stories so that we can share

activities on our Instagram for you to

you on our Instagram feed!

and stories so we can

take part in. So take a break from

to get involved with our lockdown activities!


share them on our feed!

#LongRoadLife and tag @lr6fc in your

studying and follow us on Instagram

@lr6fc to get involved. Share the Insta love with us! Use our Instagram feed and stories as a

We're all about fun and positivity - you

base for connecting with

can use the opposite page to reflect

other students and

on things you are grateful for and start


spreading that positivity.




01223 631100











Long Road Sixth Form College



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