#LONGROADLIFE Long Road Sixth Form College Weekly Applicant Newsletter
UNDER THE MICROSCOPE Hello, from Long Road!
We've made it to week 3 of our college closure, which is also the first week of the Easter Holidays! While our students take a well earned break, this week we
Long Road Sixth Form College
are looking at Long Road under a microscope - telling you all there is to know about our A Level Biology course!
Once again you have the chance to meet one of our extremely successful Alumni and this weeks Pet Employee of the Week. You can also get a small
insight into the bespoke programmes available to our Biologists and how you'll be supported in your dreams of working in medicine.
enquiries@longroad.ac.uk We're also continuing to raise awareness for Stress Awareness Month, bringing
01223 631100
you more stress busting advice.
www.longroad.ac.uk Sending virtual hugs - Long Road x
APPLICATION UPDATE Important information from our Admissions Team Although our doors may be closed, we
If you haven't been scheduled for
are still here busily working to ensure
your Advice and Guidance
our Admissions process runs as
smoothly as possible. How will this
Your interview will also take place
affect you?
via telephone. Please keep checking your emails
If you have already been scheduled
for any updates on your account.
Do not come into college for your interview
All Advice and Guidance Interviews will now take place via telephone.
Check your emails regularly for communication from our
for your Advice and Guidance interview:
Summer Work
Your interview will now be
To keep you motivated and excited
conducted via telephone.
about joining us in September, we are
The interviewer will contact you via
working our hardest to upload our
your student phone number at your
Summer Work 2020 on our website
scheduled date and time.
early - we're aiming to have this
You do not need to contact us to
available for you to download by May.
confirm your telephone interview.
Admissions Team
Summer Work 2020 will be available to download from our website by late May 2020.
Allow 4 weeks to receive your offer via your online account.
Do not come into college for your
Until then, if you're still looking for
something to keep you busy then take
Please allow 4 weeks to receive
a look at the Summer Work 2019 on our
your offer via your online account.
website www.longroad.ac.uk
Got a question? Email our team on admissions@longroad.ac.uk
"It's a broad subject that covers so many interesting topics, ranging from looking at tiny cells to large organisms and ecosystems. I particularly like learning about how the body works and being able to apply the biological mechanics of everything to everyday life. Also, who doesn't love dissections and bacterial experiments?!"
BIOLOGY A Level Biology examines how molecules, cells
their own gene editing experiments
and organs work; how the diversity of
using technology normally exclusively
life has come about through evolution
available to university students. They
and how organisms operate in their
then separated fragments of DNA
environment. On our Biology A-Level
using gel electrophoresis, followed by
there is a strong emphasis on the
the staining of anthers to see
human side of the subject; particularly
chromosomes undergoing meiosis.
applications of biology in medicine, industry and the environment.
Student Olivia told us "the experiments we took part in were complex but
Our Biologists recently joined a
interesting, and gave me an insight into
Professor and six Doctors from the
studying Biology at a university level."
University of Birmingham, Bristol,
while Tilly said "I enjoyed the different
Leicester and Cambridge in a hands on
practicals and experiments as I found
workshop modifying the DNA of bread!
them really interesting, especially being
The aim was to explore how scientists
able to use more complex equipment.
can improve wheat yields for future food security.
Students got the chance to take part in
MED SQUAD Student Enrichment
Successfully winning a place at a UK
work experience using our strong links
Medical School is incredibly
with Addenbrookes Hospital. You will
challenging, with a highly competitive
be given the opportunity to take part in
admissions process, so the Long Road
workshops led by Cambridge University
Science department has designed our
medical students who will support you
unique Med Squad programme to
in preparing for the UCAT/BMAT entry
support students aspiring to study
medicine. To qualify you must be studying A Level Chemistry, a second A
Year 2 Programme
Level subject in either Biology, Maths or
You will work on a one-to-one basis
Physics, and a third A Level in a
with the Med Squad team and
facilitating subject such as Humanities
Cambridge University medical students
or Social Sciences.
on your personal statement and interview preparation. In the first term
Year 1 Programme
you will take part in an realistic MMI
Joining our bespoke Med Squad
practice interview session with our
programme means our Med Squad
Senior Managers, including our
team will work directly with you,
Principal Yolanda Botham, and
supporting you as you prepare for
Cambridge University medical
Medical School applications. The Med
Squad team will help you organiseÂ
"Long Road has really helped me with my career path, it's been brilliant! The practice MMI's were really useful in preparing me for my first interview at Plymouth University Medical School. I really appreciate all the help from the Med Squad staff."
"The best things about Long Road were the approachability of the teachers, and the academic and extra-curricular provisions. The feedback on my course work and advice on my personal statement helped me get to where I am today."
STUART KEPPIE Long Road Alumnus, 2012 BSc Biological Science, University of East Anglia DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience PhD, University of Oxford During my time at Long Road (2010–
provisions. The feedback on my course
2012) I studied Biology, Physics,
work and advice on my personal
Mathematics and Computing.
statement helped me get to where I am today. I loved the atmosphere,
I thoroughly enjoyed my time and got a
opportunities and mix of people at Long
lot out of the experience. I found a
Road. Going to the gym, studying with
particular affinity for Biology stimulated
friends in the LRC and getting involved
by the course content and the
with extra-curricular clubs sparked
enthusiastic teaching, which inspired
passions and good habits to which I now
me to continue onto a BSc in Biological
credit my success. I was given a strong
Sciences at the University of East
academic foundation for university, and
Anglia. I am now studying for a PhD at
was motivated by those around me to
the University of Oxford in
become stronger and be better."
Interdisciplinary Bioscience, researching osteoarthritis.
Do you know an ex-Long Road student? They can join our Alumni Community,
The best things about Long Road were the approachability of the teachers, and the academic and extra-curricular
simply visit: https://networks.futurefirst.org.uk/sign up/longroad
PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends
Week three of college closure is upon
Meet this weeks Pet Employee of the
us. However, not everyone is feeling
Week, Toby...
Is your pet assisting you while you work at home?
down in the dumps about being on Whether they're helping you lockdown. Our fluffy friends are loving
Toby is pictures here working as
the fact that we're working from home
Personal Trainer and assisting his
-and thy're doing a great job of
human in a home workout. Although he
cheering us up too!
is a very active cat, you can see that
revise, or lazing on your laptop, we want to know!
Email your pet photos along with a short description including
what Toby does best is offer moral To keep everyone smiling we will be
support from the sidelines! Fun fact, he
sharing a Pet Employee of the Week
is called Toby as he has extra toes on
every Friday on our Instagram page
each paw!
afutter@longroad.ac.uk. We will be posting our winning Pet Employee of the Week every
@lr6fc. Make sure you follow us to see the weekly winner and runners up!
their name and age to
Friday on our Instagram account A big thank you to Sports Manager Matt for introducing us to Toby, we can see he's working hard with you!
INSTA LIKES AND INSTA LOVE Spreading likes and love on social media
Make sure you follow us
As well as sending you this applicant
We're all about fun and positivity - you
newsletter, we will also be spreading
can use the opposite page to reflect
the love over on our Instagram
on things you are grateful for and start
spreading that positivity.
We're going to be posting different
But it's not all about us, we want to
activities on our Instagram for you to
know what you're getting up to! Make
take part in. So take a break from
sure you use our hashtag -
studying and follow us on Instagram
#LongRoadLife and tag @lr6fc in your
@lr6fc to get involved!
posts and stories so that we can share
to get involved with our lockdown activities!
Use tag
#LongRoadLife and @lr6fc in your posts
and stories so we can share them on our feed!
Share the Insta love with us! Use our Instagram
you on our Instagram feed!
feed and stories as a base for connecting with other students and applicants.
STRESS AWARENESS MONTH April marks Stress Awareness Month. We're pretty sure stress is something you're feeling quite a lot of right now - we know we are! With everything that is going on it is easy to feel
To try and help you take control of your stress we will be posting stress busting tips and advice on our Instagram account
@lr6fc. We will also be inviting you to share your tips
on how you like to de-stress. overwhelmed.
01223 631000
Long Road Sixth Form College