#LongRoadLife Edition 3 - February 2021

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#LONGROADLIFE Long Road Sixth Form College Applicant Newsletter


UNDER THE MICROSCOPE Hello, from Long Road!

This week we're looking under the microscope at our 3 A-Level Science subjects; Biology, Chemistry and Physics! You will find out all about our bespoke

Long Road Sixth Form College


MedSquad programme to support your dreams of studying Medicine, as well as meet some of our amazing science Alumni!

Read on to find out the power of reminiscing about happy times, meet one of our talented Scholar students & this week's totally adorable Pet of the Week!

@lr6fc Remember to keep up-to-date with everything Long Road over on our social


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media channels

Keep smiling! Long Road x


Quarantine Quizzing (Answers at the end of this newsletter!) Question 1: Complete the lyrics. "I'm gonna take my horse to..." A: the old town road

Question 5: What sport is at the centre of the Netflix series The Queen's Gambit?

Question 9: One of the most popular true crime series in 2020 was called...

B: the big ol' farm

A: Ballet

A: Tiger King

C: the rodeo

B: Chess

B: Lion Prine

D: the deep green valley

C: Checkers

C: Lynx Queen

D: Fencing

D: Cheetah Princess

A: Believer

Question 6: Humans share 50% of their DNA with..

B: It ain't me

A: Mice

Question 10: In the series The Umbrella Academy, what can the character called "Five" do?

C: Shape of You

B: Pigs

A: Influence emotions

D: I'm the One

C: Bananas

B: Communicate with ghosts

D: Gorillas

C: Time travel & teleport

Question 2: What was the title of the most popular 2017 song?

Question 3: What type of music was Bruno Mars singing about in 2015?

Question 7: what country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the USA?

A: City Jazz

A: France

B: Midnight Boogie

B: Canada

C: Downtown Hip Hop

C: England

D: Uptown Funk

D: China

Question 4: The most popular song of 2010 was from which artist?

Question 8: Where do French fries originally come from?

A: Rihanna


B: Nelly

B: Belgium

C: Drake

C: France

D: Taylor Swift

D: Germany

D: Control sound waves

You can't make positive choices for the rest of your life without an environment that makes those choices easy, natural and enjoyable


ADMISSIONS UPDATE A message from our Admissions Team Hello to all our wonderful applicants!

confirmation email detailing your conditional offer, once you have

We loved meeting all of you who

received this confirmation email you

attended your Virtual Advice and

need to log in to your Long Road

Guidance Meetings last week. We just

Online Services Application account to

wanted to get in touch about the next

accept the offer.

stage of your application.

WE'RE HERE TO HELP Our friendly Admissions Team are here to support and guide you through every stage of your Long Road application.

If you have any questions, Remember you can accept and hold a

I haven't had my Advice and

number of offers from different post-16

Guidance Meeting yet, what should I

providers until you receive your GCSE


results in August.

please get in touch!

Heidi Hauser Director of Admissions

If you haven't had your Advice and Guidance Meeting yet don't panic. This

During the summer term information

won't affect your offer to study and we

about Long Road, including your

will be hosting meetings throughout the

enrolment interview date/time, will be

Spring and Summer terms.

emailed to you.

I've had my meeting, what happens

All communication with Long Road will


be via your Online Services Application

Your interviewer will update your Long

account. Please check your emails

Road Online Services Application

regularly and update us with any

account with your chosen courses and

contact detail changes in order to

conditional offer. You will be sent a

receive important information.

Tom Hammond Admissions Officer

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HOLLY'S HOME WORKOUTS Easy exercises that you can do at home! We all know that exercise is a great

Good Morning: Shoulder width

way to keep us physically fit and look

apart, squeeze shoulder blades

after our mental health. However, with

together, squeeze glutes together.

the cold and rainy weather going out


for a walk/run/cycle isn't exactly the

Sideway Lunges: Straight back,

most appealing activity.

lean towards the bent knee.

If you're not quite ready to brave the

Frog Squats:

cold then don't worry - our Sports

legs, flat feet, straight back, chest

Services team are putting together

high up.

Elbows between

some easy exercises that you can do at

Click below to watch Holly's Home Workout video!

home to keep you fit and healthy during

High Knees: Try to get knees to hip



This week Holly is focusing on a Lower

Duck Walk: Half squat position.

Body Strength & Stability workout... no equipment needed! So grab a water

Lateral Lunge Pushes: Bent knee

bottle, find a space and let's do this!

should be around 90 degrees.

Holly's Lower Body Strength & Stability Workout

Calf Raises: Slight bend in your

Do 20 reps of each exercise

knees, high chest, try to squeeze your glutes and core.

10 each leg on the Sideway Lunges.

Jumping Squats: Go as deep as

10 each leg on the Lateral

possible and jump up as high as

Lunge Pushes

you can.

Do 2/3 sets depending on how difficult you find it.

Good luck!

"It's a broad subject that covers so many interesting topics, ranging from looking at tiny cells to large organisms and ecosystems. I particularly like learning about how the body works and being able to apply the biological mechanics of everything to everyday life. Also, who doesn't love dissections and bacterial experiments?!"

BIOLOGY A Level Biology examines how molecules, cells

Students got the chance to take part in

and organs work; how the diversity of

their own gene editing experiments

life has come about through evolution

using technology normally exclusively

and how organisms operate in their

available to university students. They

environment. On our Biology A-Level

then separated fragments of DNA

there is a strong emphasis on the

using gel electrophoresis, followed by

human side of the subject; particularly

the staining of anthers to see

applications of biology in medicine,

chromosomes undergoing meiosis.

industry and the environment. Student Olivia told us "the experiments Last year, our Biologists joined a

we took part in were complex but

Professor and six Doctors from the

interesting, and gave me an insight into

University of Birmingham, Bristol,

studying Biology at a university level."

Leicester and Cambridge in a hands on

while Tilly said "I enjoyed the different

workshop modifying the DNA of bread!

practicals and experiments as I found

The aim was to explore how scientists

them really interesting, especially being

can improve wheat yields for future

able to use more complex equipment.

food security.

STUART KEPPIE Long Road Alumnus, 2012 BSc Biological Science, University of East Anglia DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience PhD, University of Oxford During my time at Long Road (2010–

provisions. The feedback on my course

2012) I studied Biology, Physics,

work and advice on my personal

Mathematics and Computing.

statement helped me get to where I am today. I loved the atmosphere,

I thoroughly enjoyed my time and got

opportunities and mix of people at

a lot out of the experience. I found a

Long Road. Going to the gym,

particular affinity for Biology

studying with friends in the LRC and

stimulated by the course content and

getting involved with extra-curricular

the enthusiastic teaching, which

clubs sparked passions and good

inspired me to continue onto a BSc in

habits to which I now credit my

Biological Sciences at the University

success. I was given a strong

of East Anglia. I am now studying for

academic foundation for university,

a PhD at the University of Oxford in

and was motivated by those around

Interdisciplinary Bioscience,

me to become stronger and be

researching osteoarthritis.


The best things about Long Road

Do you know an ex-Long Road

were the approachability of the

student? They can join our Alumni

teachers, and the academic and

Community by simply clicking here!


"The best things about Long Road were the approachability of the teachers, and the academic and extra-curricular provisions. The feedback on my course work and advice on my personal statement helped me get to where I am today."

"It's a broad subject that covers so many interesting topics, ranging from looking at tiny cells to large organisms and ecosystems. I particularly like learning about how the body works and being able to apply the biological mechanics of everything to everyday life.

CHEMISTRY A Level Whether it's in agriculture, medicine,

wonderful smells of grapes and mint,

drug design or forensic science that

Alessandro said "Throughout the

interests you, our Chemistry course

project I have spent over 60 hours

allows you to study the necessary

carrying out practical activities in the

chemical theories and develop

lab, which gave me invaluable

appropriate practical skills. If you really

experience. I am much more confident

want to understand the modern world,

and proficient at reading and

if you enjoy experimental work and can

summarising than I was before which I

visualise things on a microscopic level,

believe to be an important skill."

then chemistry is a subject for you!

Before last year we visited our Chemistry Labs where we met Year 2 students Alessandro, Cherub and Oliver who have been working on their

Also, who doesn't love dissections and bacterial experiments?!"

Extended Project Qualifications!

Alessandro is looking at the synthesis of aspirin from anthranilic acids in 5 steps. While filling the lab with the

KATHERINE SELBY Long Road Alumnus, 1992 Katherine is a former Long Road

supportive. They went beyond their remit

student who started her studies at Long

to help the students achieve their

Road in 1989 joining us from Melbourn

potential. Passionate and dedicated

Village College. During her time

staff empowered students to succeed,

studying with us Katherine took A Levels

yet in a relaxed atmosphere. The

in Maths, Biology and Chemistry.

balance between enjoyment and hard work was struck perfectly. Teachers

Since leaving Long Road, Katherine has

really helped me maximise my potential,

gone on to successfully achieve an

including supporting me when things

Undergraduate and Postgraduate

didn't always go to plan."

degrees in Medicine as well as a Higher National Diploma in Palliative

Do you know an ex-Long Road student?

Care. She started working at West

They can join our Alumni Community, by

Suffolk Hospital in 2009, where she is

simply clicking here!

currently a Consultant Paediatrician.

"The learning environment of Long Road was friendly and supportive. Teachers treated you with respect and were incredibly encouraging and

"The best things about Long Road were the approachability of the teachers, and the academic and extra-curricular provisions. The feedback on my course work and advice on my personal statement helped me get to where I am today."

“I like the way everything is interlinked and how it relates to real life.”


Physics is an exciting and challenging

the directional information on LEDs.

subject which examines both the origins and the structure of the

This project was a serious commitment

universe, from subatomic particles to

of around 70 hours of project time; the

the vast areas of the cosmos. Physics

team formed in October 2018 and

affects every part of our daily lives,

worked on their project weekly since

from civil, mechanical and motor

then up to April 2019. They spent 2

engineering, to how we have

hours every week as a team and then a

harnessed both nuclear energy to heat

further 2 hours with the mentor

and light our environment, and waves

engineer from ARM developing the

to communicate.

project. They completed a detailed report on the whole process of the

In 2019, a group of Year 1 Physics

design and development of the

students were winners of the


Engineering Education Scheme! The team had been working on a project

We are proud to announce that our

with the local company ARM which set

Long Road team won the People’s

them the challenge of changing the

Choice award as a result of all the

world using one of their

votes from everyone present on the

microprocessors. The team designed

day! Congratulations to Jamie, Luke,

and built a pair of glasses which

Dale, Eddie and Rachel on your win!

detect sounds and words and display

MED SQUAD Student Enrichment

Successfully winning a place at a UK

work experience using our strong links

Medical School is incredibly

with Addenbrookes Hospital. You will

challenging, with a highly competitive

be given the opportunity to take part in

admissions process, so the Long Road

workshops led by Cambridge University

Science department has designed our

medical students who will support you

unique Med Squad programme to

in preparing for the UCAT/BMAT entry

support students aspiring to study


medicine. To qualify you must be studying A Level Chemistry, a second A

Year 2 Programme

Level subject in either Biology, Maths or

You will work on a one-to-one basis

Physics, and a third A Level in a

with the Med Squad team and

facilitating subject such as Humanities

Cambridge University medical students

or Social Sciences.

on your personal statement and interview preparation. In the first term

Year 1 Programme

you will take part in an realistic MMI

Joining our bespoke Med Squad

practice interview session with our

programme means our Med Squad

Senior Managers, including our

team will work directly with you,

Principal Yolanda Botham, and

supporting you as you prepare for

Cambridge University medical

Medical School applications. The Med


Squad team will help you organise

"Long Road has really helped me with my career path, it's been brilliant! The practice MMI's were really useful in preparing me for my first interview at Plymouth University Medical School. I really appreciate all the help from the Med Squad staff."

NATHY, LONG ROAD SCHOLAR MEET OUR LONG ROAD SCHOLAR AWARD STUDENTS Name: Nathy Year Group: 1 Secondary School: Swavesey Village College Studies: Biology, Chemistry, PE Career Goals: Doctor

LONG ROAD SCHOLARS' AWARD If you feel inspired after meeting our current Scholar Award students then why not make an

I chose to study at Long Road because

uniqueness, it has helped my CV stand

it felt right for me. It has a relaxed and

out. In year 10, I was lucky enough to

friendly approach to learning, as much

have my Work Experience at an Air

as to their students. They also help with

Ambulance Charity. So after seeing the

you becoming independent but it has

effort they go to for saving lives, I want

equally as much support if you would

to do a charity skydive to take me out

like, from lesson work to guidance on

of my comfort zone and so that I can

future ambitions.

donate the award money to that Air Ambulance Charity (although I am

My favourite thing about Long Road is

hoping that they won’t need to use that

that I am doing subjects which I find

money to save me after the skydive!).

incredibly interesting, as well as being given so many opportunities to

My advice is to choose the Sixth Form

participate in at the college.

that’d best suit you. Long Road has got my pick as best Sixth Form but that’s

I applied for the Scholars Award

because I love the positive, relaxed,

because it gave me a goal to focus on

and supportive atmosphere Long Road

during year 11, and although I wasn’t

has to offer. If you are considering Long

expecting to get it, it gave me a huge

Road as your Sixth Form, I would highly

sense of achievement when I did. I also

recommend going for the Scholars

applied for the award because of its

Award as it gives you so many benefits!

application yourself?

Click here to start your application today!

Applications close 23 April 2021

If you are feeling stressed or anxious please reach out to your friends, family or teachers. We're all in this together - you've got this!

CALMING POWER OF REMINISCING ABOUT HAPPY TIMES A recent article by Emma Young You’ve just had a fight with your

Your brain needs help if it’s to quickly

partner or a confrontation with a

regain control. And, according to

colleague. Now your heart’s racing,

a new study published in Nature Human

and you’re struggling to think straight.

Behaviour, you can provide it by

What should you do?

thinking back over good times.

Psychologists are not short on ideas for

Mauricio Delgado and Megan Speer at

how to calm yourself down after a

Rutgers University, US, made 134

stressful experience. Seek out a friend?

volunteers feel stressed by videoing

Yes, there’s good evidence that can

them while they plunged their hands

help. But what if there’s no friend to

into icy water. Some then spent 14

hand? You could try to alter your view

seconds reminiscing about a positive

of what just happened from “Disaster!”

experience (like visiting Disneyland)

to “Not really so bad”.

while others reflected on an emotionally neutral event (such as

But it can be difficult to engage in this

getting luggage ready for the trip).

kind of “cognitive reappraisal” when you’re in the immediate aftermath of a

Afterwards, the group who’d recalled

stressful event – perhaps because

happy memories felt better, but not

acute stress compromises the neural

only that: the expected rise in their

circuitry that’s involved in emotion

levels of the stress hormone cortisol


was only 15 per cent, on average, of

CALMING POWER OF REMINISCING ABOUT HAPPY TIMES A recent article by Emma Young the surge observed in the neutral

"Engagement of cortical regions

healthier, both physically and

memory group. Thinking about happy

previously linked to emotion regulatory

psychologically, over the long term.

memories, then, went right to the heart

functions may be significant for

of the physiological stress response.

enhancing or sustaining pleasant

There are a few caveats. This work was

feelings during positive reminiscence,

on healthy adults. People with

To explore how, Delgado and Speer

thus dampening the physiological

depression usually find it hard to recall

used the same technique as before to

stress response,” the researchers

positive memories, so this technique

stress a fresh group of volunteers and


may not work well for them. And it’s not

then had them reminisce about their

clear yet whether any technique that

own positive or neutral experiences

The idea that thinking about positive

makes you feel positive emotions would

while they scanned their brains using

past events, including achievements or

be effective or if there’s something

fMRI. The pair found that recollecting

successes, can help to improve

special about reminiscing.

good, but not neutral, memories was

ongoing mood and resilience to stress

associated with increased activity in

is certainly not new. But showing that

But this is at least a simple method,

prefrontal brain regions associated

simply recalling happy memories can

and one that in theory many people

with emotion regulation and cognitive

combat acute stress at a physical level

could try.

control – the same regions suppressed

is important, since there’s plenty of

by acute stress – as well as in

research finding that people who tend

corticostriatal regions associated with

to calm down physiologically soon

the processing of reward.

after stressful events are generally

PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends

Not everyone is feeling down in the

Meet this weeks Pet Employee of the

dumps about being on lockdown. Our

Week, MacDuff...


Is your pet assisting you while you work at home?

fluffy friends are loving the fact that Whether they're helping you we're working from home -and thy're

Meet Macduff ("Duffy"), the latest

doing a great job of cheering us up

addition to the Goodwin household.


No, he isn't a Teddy bear, but yes, he is a miniature Labra-doodle and quite a

revise, or lazing on your laptop, we want to know!

Email your pet photos along with a short description including

To keep everyone smiling we will be

character. Who knew just how many

sharing a Pet Employee of the Week

things a puppy is prepared to eat?!

their name and age to


every Friday on our Instagram page

@lr6fc. Make sure you follow us to see

A big thank you to our Head of

the weekly winner and runners up!

Progression, Andy, for introducing us to

We will be posting our winning Pet Employee of the Week every Friday on our Instagram account

MacDuff - he is ADORABLE!



Quarantine Quizzing: Check your answers! Question 1: Complete the lyrics. "I'm gonna take my horse to..." A: the old town road - CORRECT

Question 5: What sport is at the centre of the Netflix series The Queen's Gambit?

Question 9: One of the most popular true crime series in 2020 was called...

B: the big ol' farm

A: Ballet

A: Tiger King - CORRECT

C: the rodeo

B: Chess - CORRECT

B: Lion Prince

D: the deep green valley

C: Checkers

C: Lynx Queen

D: Fencing

D: Cheetah Princess

A: Believer

Question 6: Humans share 50% of their DNA with..

B: It ain't me

A: Mice

Question 10: In the series The Umbrella Academy, what can the character called "Five" do?

C: Shape of You - CORRECT

B: Pigs

A: Influence emotions

D: I'm the One

C: Bananas - CORRECT

B: Communicate with ghosts

D: Gorillas

C: Time travel & teleport - CORRECT

Question 2: What was the title of the most popular 2017 song?

Question 3: What type of music was Bruno Mars singing about in 2015?

Question 7: what country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the USA?

A: City Jazz

A: France - CORRECT

B: Midnight Boogie

B: Canada

C: Downtown Hip Hop

C: England

D: Uptown Funk - CORRECT

D: China

Question 4: The most popular song of 2010 was from which artist?

Question 8: Where do French fries originally come from?

A: Rihanna

B: Belgium - CORRECT

B: Drake

C: France

C: Kesha - CORRECT

D: Germany

D: Taylor Swift

D: Control sound waves





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Long Road Sixth Form College



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