#LONGROADLIFE Long Road Sixth Form College Applicant Newsletter
YOU'RE HIRED! Hello, from Long Road!
This week we're feeling like contestants on The Apprentice and pretending to be Lord Alan Sugar as we delve into the Business world, taking a closer look at
Long Road Sixth Form
our Business A-Level and Business Diploma courses.
College Once again you'll meet a member of our Alumni community and hear from one
of our Long Road Scholars as well as hearing from two of our current students involved in the Long Road Volunteering Club!
@lr6fc Remember to keep up-to-date with everything Long Road over on our social
01223 631100
media channels
Keep smiling! Long Road x
ADMISSIONS UPDATE A message from our Admissions Team Hello applicants, parents and carers!
Information on how to book your Virtual Advice and Guidance Meeting will be
We hope you all had a pleasant
sent to you directly from our Admissions
February half-term and are looking
Team over the coming weeks. Please
forward to returning to school next
make sure you are regularly checking
your emails (including your junk/spam folders!) for communication from us.
It is just a short message from us this
WE'RE HERE TO HELP Our friendly Admissions Team are here to support and guide you through every stage of your Long Road application.
If you have any questions, please get in touch!
week to all the applicants who are yet
If any of your contact details have
to have their Advice and Guidance
changed, please make sure you update
Meeting - if that is you, please read on!
your account so that you don't miss out
Heidi Hauser Director of Admissions
on any important information from us! Our next round of Advice and Guidance Meetings will be held on
Remember, everything you need to
Wednesday 24 March. As always your
know about preparing for, and what to
safety, and the safety of our staff, is of
expect during, your Virtual Advice and
the utmost importance to us, so we will
Guidance Meeting can be found by
be continuing to hold all Advice and
clicking here!
Tom Hammond Admissions Officer
01223 63 1125
Guidance meetings virtually via the SchoolCloud platform.
We can't wait to meet you soon!
Best wishes Long Road Admissions Team
The only thing worse than starting something and failing... is not starting something.
PALOMA, LONG ROAD SCHOLAR MEET OUR LONG ROAD SCHOLAR AWARD STUDENTS Name: Paloma Year Group: 1 Secondary School: Cottenham Village College Studies: Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths Career Goals: Career in Nanoscience
LONG ROAD SCHOLARS' AWARD If you feel inspired after meeting our current Scholar Award students then why not make an
After careful research and
Scholars Award can be a great
consideration of how important it is for
opportunity to mutually benefit you and
me to be seen as a whole individual, I
the college.
concluded that Long Road is the perfect place where I can develop to
Long Road is a place where you will be
my full potential. Long Road Sixth Form
treated as a young individual and not
provides a fun learning environment
just another student, where you have
with welcoming and encouraging
the opportunity to explore your
teachers and staff.
subjects, sports and other extracurricular options and share your
I applied for the Scholars Award as it
opinions openly and at the same time
allows me to participate in super-
being guided by great and expert team
curricular activities and other
leaders (teachers). I am always looking
opportunities where I can contribute to
forward to all of my classes. Teachers
the school and enhance my experience
make sure that all the lessons are
in the college. I plan on utilising my
engaging and the content is up-to-
scholarship money for research
materials, and education-related fees (such as university misc. charges, lab
Long Road is a jovial, responsible, and
usage fees, seminars, etc.) If you are an
sensible environment making it the
ambitious student and likes to take your
perfect place for me to learn.
achievements to the next level, the
application yourself?
Click here to start your application today!
Applications close 23 April 2021
BUSINESS "Studying Business at Long Road has allowed me to learn and understand how the world not only works around me, but how i am part of it too".
A Level Analyse businesses, the markets they
Heidi Mulvey, Head of Community
serve and the ever-changing business
Engagement at the Cambridge
environments. Understand the business
University Press, commented "how
world from the perspectives of various
exciting it is to reach out to such
stakeholders and how businesses are
promising young people" and was keen
effected by economic, environmental
to develop the relationship further. As
and social issues.
a result, all students were offered the opportunity to return, at a time that
Last month our Business students
doesn't interfere with their studies, with
attended a dynamic visit to the
the promise to try and arrange
Cambridge University Press. As well as
meetings with staff working currently in
a tour of the facilities, students had the
the Departments that the subjects are
opportunity to speak with current
interested in!
Apprentices and engage with members of staff via a mock interview exercise.
All students spoke positively about the experience, recognising the valuable contribution this has made to their employability skills development.
Businesses are at the heart of the UK
careers-related matters. This included
economy, innovating new products,
how to find out more about
meeting customer needs, developing
apprenticeship opportunities in the
the skills of their workers and creating
local area, as well as more general
wealth for local communities. On our
careers advice.
Business Studies course you will touch on the creative elements of marketing,
One first-year Business Studies student
motivating people, managing resources
was thrilled with the trip, managing to
and psychologically understanding
come away with three separate offers
of potential work experience in marketing, a key requirement for his
Last year, our Business Studies students
course and future vocational interest
visited the Opportunities Ahead
Careers Event - with great success! Other students also managed to find A broad range of organisations offered
work experience opportunities, as well
the students lots of opportunities to
as apply for places on accountancy
discuss their career ideas for the
programmes and finding out other
future, whilst Guidance Professionals
exciting apprenticeship and internship
from Form the Future were on hand to
answer specific questions about
"I took the Business Studies Diploma because I am very interested in Business. The teachers are great and the course is interesting."
"Long Road was a wonderful stepping stone to University. The teachers engaged with us as adults and the friends I made are still some of my best friends today.”
MATTHEW ARMSTRONG Long Road Alumnus, 1999 Long Road alumni Matthew recently
think and approach work, not what to
got in touch to tell us what he’s been
think. It very much prepared me for life,
up to since leaving Long Road, and
not just exams. Long Road was a
how studying at our college helped him
wonderful stepping stone to University.
get where he is today. Matthew left
The teachers engaged with us as adults
Long Road in 1999 and now works as a
and the friends I made are still some of
Development Director at Wycliffe Hall,
my best friends today.”
University of Oxford! Do you know an ex-Long Road student? “I help to create, resource and fund
They can join our Alumni Community,
solutions to a wide range of problems
simply visit:
and opportunities. Long Road encouraged and taught me how to
https://networks.futurefirst.org.uk/sign up/longroad
Take a walk around our campus from the safety of your home Long Road Sixth Form College is
placing you at the heart of modern
perfectly placed, a short walk to the
scientific research. Across our subject
historical city centre of Cambridge and
departments, Long Road teachers have
alongside the cutting-edge research of
developed strong links with those
the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
working on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, putting Long Road students in
As you explore our green and leafy
the ideal location to learn from the
campus and you’ll soon feel a world
world-leading academics and industry
away from city life, breathe in the fresh
specialist scientists.
country air and stroll along our woodland walk. With several thousand
We are so disappointed that we
trees on campus, including a number of
haven't been able to welcome you on
rare species such as an Indian bean
campus to explore our beautiful
tree and a giant redwood, we are very
college grounds.
wildlife-friendly. We'll let you know as soon as it's safe Outside of your classes, you will have
enough for us to start giving college
the opportunity to explore the world-
tours; in the meantime, check out our
famous city of Cambridge. The
Virtual Tour!
Cambridge Biomedical Campus borders Long Road Sixth Form College,
Click here to take our Long Road Sixth Form College Virtual Tour!
If you want to find out more about the Long Road Volunteering Club email Sam on
VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERING CLUB Freya & Cambridge City U14'S Girls Football Team Name: Freya Year Group: 2 Studies: Sociology A Level. PE A Level, Sport Level 3 Extended Certificate Volunteering Activity: Coach for Cambridge City u14’s girls football team Why did you get involved in
Why do you think other students should
volunteering with Cambridge City?
get involved in the Long Road Volunteering Club?
I got involved because I wanted to gain experience in coaching as in the future
Other students should get involved with
I would like to study to become a
volunteering because it’s good
secondary school PE teacher.
experience and it can have a big impact on the individuals you are
Why do you enjoy volunteering?
I enjoy volunteering because I can
Also, it will be helpful for preparing for
share my footballing experience with
future jobs and roles as it increases
younger players. I also enjoy it because
your organisation and responsibilities
I can help the development of girls football and give the players a positive role model to look up to.
VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERING CLUB Esther & Age UK Name: Esther Year Group: 2 Studies: Psychology Level 3 Extended Certificate, Criminology Level 3 Extended Certificate & Sociology A Level Volunteering Activity: Age UK telephone friend Tell us about your volunteering
Why do you think other students should
activities and why you decided to
get involved in volunteering?
volunteer with Age UK... I think other students should get I’m involved in the set up with Age UK
involved because there are many
where I phone call this lady called
people out there who are lonely and
Josie, who is 86, and just have a
feel quite isolated and just with your
general chat with her.
one phone call a week it can make a huge difference to them.
I decided to get involved because even though it is such a small thing for me to do it means a lot to Josie and helps her to feel less lonely.
If you want to find out more about the Long Road Volunteering Club email Sam on splant@longroad.ac.uk
HOLLY'S HOME WORKOUTS Easy exercises that you can do at home! We all know that exercise is a great
Glute Activation:
way to keep us physically fit and look
hips up, hands on the floor, knees
after our mental health. However, with
underneath hips.
Opening your
the cold and rainy weather going out
HOLLY'S HOME WORKOUTS Click below to watch Holly's Home Workout video!
for a walk/run/cycle isn't exactly the
Walk Outs:
most appealing activity.
walk hands out to a high plank
Feet hip width apart,
position, then stand back up If you're not quite ready to brave the
cold then don't worry - our Sports Services team are putting together
Glute Bridges:
some easy exercises that you can do at
floor, pushing upwards with force.
Hands flat on the
home to keep you fit and healthy during lockdown!
Mod Drop Squat:
Touch floor with
fingertips, sit as if you are sitting on This week Holly is focusing on a Lower
a chair.
Body workout... no equipment needed! So grab a water bottle, find a space
Narrow Wide Squat:
and let's do this!
together, bend down, step out and
squat down.
Holly's Lower Body Workout Do 20 reps of each exercise 10 each leg on the Glute
Angle Skaters:
Drive out on both
legs, back pedal back.
Activation. 10 out and 10 in on the Fast
Step Out Burpees:
hands on floor, legs back and then
Do 2/3 sets depending on how
Squat position,
bring legs back in and reach up.
difficult you find it.
Fast Feet: Good luck!
Out and in with your
feet. Fast pace.
PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends
Not everyone is feeling down in the
Hi, my name is Sophie, I am applying
dumps about being on lockdown. Our
for Long Road to study Fine Art,
fluffy friends are loving the fact that
Graphic Art and Media Studies!I saw
we're working from home -and thy're
Buddy the Border Collie won Pet
doing a great job of cheering us up
Employee of the week in January, well
here is my Border Collie – Buddy! He is
Is your pet assisting you while you work at home?
Whether they're helping you
5 years old and loves nothing more
revise, or lazing on your laptop, we want to know!
Email your pet photos along with a short description including
To keep everyone smiling we will be
than running around the park all day
sharing a Pet Employee of the Week
chasing his beloved tennis balls. In the
every Friday on our Instagram page
evening we like to sit together and
read in my room. Buddy has found himself to be very helpful during
their name and age to
afutter@longroad.ac.uk. We will be posting our winning Pet Employee of the Week every Friday on our Instagram account
Meet this weeks winner, Buddy and his
lockdown and loves to accompany me
owner, Sophie!
to my online lessons to make sure I don’t make any mistakes!
01223 631100
Long Road Sixth Form College