#LONGROADLIFE Long Road Sixth Form College Applicant Newsletter
ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE Hello, from Long Road!
If you haven't guessed already, this week we are letting our Performing Arts courses take centre stage.
Long Road Sixth Form College
Read on to find out about our exciting Drama, Music and Musical Theatre courses and all the extra-curricular qualifications and performance
opportunities open to our students!
Remember to keep up-to-date with everything Long Road over on our social media channels.
enquiries@longroad.ac.uk Keep smiling!
01223 631100
Long Road x
ADMISSIONS UPDATE A message from our Admissions Team
WE'RE HERE TO HELP Our friendly Admissions
We are really looking forward to
meaningful discussion about your
meeting all our applicants who will be
individual aims and ambitions.
and guide you through
joining us for our second round of virtual Advice and Guidance Meetings
What to expect:
next Wednesday, 24 March. If you're
An informal 20 - 30 minute discussion
feeling a little nervous, don't worry that
between you and a member of our
is completely normal! The most
experienced staff; parents/carers are
important thing to remember is to just
encouraged to attend with you.
You may be asked questions similar to:
know you. It's also your chance to get
Why have you chosen this course?
to know us and to ask any questions
Do you have any career aims or
you might have about life at Long
future plans?
What are your hobbies and interests?
Getting Camera Ready!
What are your subject
Our friendly staff are really excited to
strengths/likes and
meet you and want to engage with you
as much as possible, so please make
Are there any personal issues or
sure you turn your camera and
difficulties that may affect your
microphone on. We need to be able to
see and hear you so we can have a
every stage of your Long Road application.
If you have any questions, please get in touch!
be yourself. We aren’t trying to ask you trick questions, we just want to get to
Team are here to support
Heidi Hauser Director of Admissions
Tom Hammond Admissions Officer
01223 63 1125
Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again #MONDAYMOTIVATION
ISABELLA, LONG ROAD SCHOLAR MEET OUR LONG ROAD SCHOLAR AWARD STUDENTS Name: Isabella Year Group: 1 Secondary School: The Kings School, Peterborough Studies: Biology, Geography, English Literature Progression Goals: University study I chose to study at Long Road because I
My teachers have helped me to do that
felt like I could become more
and always supply us with resources to
independent and comfortable with
enrich our knowledge of the subject
expressing myself whilst receiving
outside the curriculum.
Considering the circumstances we are One of my favourite things about Long
under, the money I received is in my
Road is how flexible my timetable is.
savings for the time being, because I
With the town centre being close there
planned on spending it for a trip to see
are more ways to spend time which is
the Northern Lights in Iceland and all
always a plus.
things geography related. Maybe sometime in the future that could still
prove to myself that I could do it just for the sake of it honestly. It was a bit of a surprise to have received the award and I’m grateful for being chosen, but also for finally being able to recognise I’m capable of doing a lot and you can choose to limit yourself or continue to challenge yourself.
If you feel inspired after meeting our current Scholar Award students then why not make an application yourself?
Click here to start your
support and respect in doing so.
I applied for the Scholar’s Award to
happen outside a covid world.
application today!
Applications close 23 April 2021
DRAMA AND THEATRE "I feel that Drama A Level has made me more comfortable with the subject but also more comfrotable with myself.
A Level Our Drama and Theatre A Level is
This intensive day of physical theatre,
taught in excellent purpose built
including techniques such as mime and
facilities which include rehearsal rooms
stylised speech patterns, engaged,
and a fully functional black box
challenged and stretched out students
theatre. The main focus on this course
knowledge and practical experience of
is the development and interpretation
Berkoff, leaving them feeling energised
of theatre and live performance.
and inspired.
Last term the Splendid Theatre Company led a fun and educational
Not only have my acting skills improved, but also my teamwork and presentations abilities."
practitioner workshop with our Year 2 Drama and Theatre students.
During the day our students were able to physically explore Steven Berkoff's style of theatre which they then applied to their A Level set text, Metamorphosis.
LAMDA ACTING, VERSE & PROSE Student Enrichment
Congratulations to our students who
coming to Long Road. I just achieved a
recently received brilliant results in
distinction in grade 6 and I am now
their LAMDA acting exams.
going on to do grade 7.
Taking their Grade 6 Bronze Medal
I chose to get involved with these
exam, students Beth, Sebastian, Lucie,
qualifications in order to build up my
Zoe, Ruby, Archie and Kieran all
skills but also to have more things to
received pass, merit or distinction
include on my personal statement as I
grades. Taking his Grade 7 Silver
would like to go to a drama school and
Medal exam, Louis received a
pursue acting when I leave college.
distinction grade!
However, even if I didn’t want to go on to act, I feel that this would be a really
All LAMDA medal exams carry UCAS
great opportunity for anyone wanting
points which is an additional bonus for
to try something new or build their
our students who are hoping to
progress on to university study. If you're feeling inspired and want to Beth told us "LAMDA is a drama school
get involved then come along to our
that offers a series of qualifications for
LAMDA enrichment clubs - open to all
anyone to take part in. I only found
students! with a passion for acting!
about them recently because of
"I feel that this would be a really great opportunity for anyone wanting to try something new or build their confidence."
“Music, although challenging, is an enjoyable course.
MUSIC Level 3 Extended Certificate Music Performance gives you the
Back in July they ended the academic
chance to experience and develop a
year on a high note with their Virtual
knowledge of what it is to work in the
Summer Showcase 2020!
music industry. As a music student, you
Click here to check it out!
will be playing and performing in
I’m considering pursuing a career in Music, and the course has given me a great insight into the subject and broadened my understanding.”
ensemble groups, both in and out of
In December 2020, our Music students
the college. You will learn using a
were back with their Virtual Christmas
practical approach to the requirements
Concert - getting us all in the festive
of working within a creative field while
spirit! Click here to watch their
developing your knowledge of the
amazing performances.
career opportunities that are available in this constantly evolving industry.
Special thanks to all Music students for working so hard on their performances,
Our Music students haven't let the
Chris Seaman for all the video editing
COVID-19 pandemic stop them from
and Jonathan Armitage for pulling
showcasing their talents and putting on
together everyone’s individual
wonderful performances for us all to
recordings into something that looks
enjoy from the comfort and safety of
and sounds like a live performance and
our own homes.
remaining good-humoured throughout!
MUSICAL THEATRE Level 3 Extended Certificate
The Musical Theatre course is a highly
Every month throughout the COVID-19
practical course, providing students
pandemic they have been live
with the necessary skills and
streaming Open Mic sessions on our
opportunities they need to develop into
college YouTube Channel - giving all
a ‘triple threat’ performer.
students the opportunity to perform!
We have excellent purpose-built
Check out the poster below and save
facilities, including a mirrored and
the dates for our next Open Mic
sprung floor studio and a fully
functional black box theatre. Our teachers are specialists and trained to coach singing, dancing and acting skills to a high level.
The COVID-19 pandemic has put lots of restrictions on performers across the world, but our students weren't going to be defeated. While they have been unable to safely perform together, they have moved online to showcase their talents!
Click here to be amazed by our virtual performances!
LONG ROAD SCHOLARS' AWARD If you feel inspired after meeting our current Scholar Award students then why not make an application yourself?
BEHIND THE SCENCES Student Mila talks to us about the talent behind the scenes Mila is a year 1 student who
working with a team. (Yes even the
successfully received the Long Road
actors. Most of the time!) As much as I
Scholars' Award in October 2020 after
love making things by myself in my
joining Long Road in September 2020.
room listening to podcasts, when you
Mila's career goal is to work in
do that you don’t get the anticipation
costumer production; today they are
for the under-rehearsed opening
telling us all about this passion!
scene, you don’t see the lights go up and the curtains get pulled aside and
Click here to start your application today!
Initially, I wanted to be a paramedic
to be entirely honest with you, that
however I swiftly dismantled that life
what made me fall in love with making
plan as I found out I was in fact
squeamish whilst watching ‘Operation
Applications close 23 April 2021
Ouch’. If you don’t know it, look it up,
I’ve done a range of productions, some
it’s a banger.
where I picked out costumes and some of which I made costumes from scratch
I wouldn’t call myself a costume
which I prefer by far. I find it so
designer or a costume maker, I mostly
satisfying to have finished a whole set
just stick to ‘I make costumes’.
of clothes that you know you’ve worked for. I find the entire journey of making
I didn’t know for certain that I liked
something to watching it be worn so
doing costumes until I actually started
rewarding even if it does get ripped
making things for productions and
approximately two seconds in.
My most memorable production was an
I just kind of mentally looked it up and
adaptation of ‘Inspector Calls’
down and thought, ‘This looks near
performed by a year 10 cast. The
impossible, lets waste some of your
terrifying yet brilliant drama teacher
time on that!’ And now I’m studying
wanted paper costumes that break
textiles and have too
throughout the performance to
many books on Costume History.
image due to the twisted views of the
Ideally, I’d like to embrace a life of
upper class. This was performed three
being broke whilst making almost
times so I spent the next two nights
historically accurate costumes for
fixing these tatty paper costumes with
theatre productions and maybe an odd
nothing but staples, tape and
film. How I’m going to do that is a
mystery. I’ll probably wave a portfolio at them and rely on my unstoppable
During lockdown, I found myself making
charm to do the rest. Hasn’t failed me
a ball gown out of the only things that
were available to me. Bedsheets and Though in all seriousness, I would
wasn’t a total disaster. That was
consider myself at the very least
probably thing I’ve had the most fun
satisfied if I had a job that enabled me
with so far because I could do
to construct costumes or theatrical
whatever I want because it was for me
garments that are used in any kind of
I couldn’t ruin it. I can’t really tell you
after meeting our
students then why not make an application yourself?
Click here to start your application today!
Applications close 23 April 2021
curtains. And honestly I’m surprised it
or even do costume in general to be
If you feel inspired
current Scholar Award
illustrate a metaphor of weak outward
when I decided to make the ballgown
01223 631100
Long Road Sixth Form College