#LongRoadLife Edition 7 - April 2021

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#LONGROADLIFE Long Road Sixth Form College Applicant Newsletter


AND THE BAFTA AWARD GOES TOO... Hello, from Long Road!

Today we are looking at our future BAFTA Award winners who are studying on our Film Studies A Level and GCSE courses. With access to an amazing range

Long Road Sixth Form College

of film and media equipment, our students never fail to amaze us with the work they produce.

@LR6FC April marks Stress Awareness Month. We can all agree that the last year has


been pretty stressful, to say the least. We've put together some top stressbusting tips to help you take care of your mental health.

enquiries@longroad.ac.uk Remember to keep up-to-date with everything Long Road on our social media.

01223 631100 Keep smiling!


Long Road x

ADMISSIONS UPDATE A message from our Admissions Team

WELCOME DAYS 2021 If you are still interested in

What happens next?

We will be continuing to host Advice

You may be wondering “what happens

and Guidance Meetings until we have

joining us as a new student

next?” Although we still have a little

given each of our applicants the

in September 2021, please

while to wait until you join us as a

opportunity to meet with us virtually.

make sure that you accept

student in September, we have lots of

your offer of study.

exciting activities specially designed to

If you are still interested in joining

prepare you to take the next step and

us as a new student in September

start your post-16 education journey

2021, please make sure that you

with us.

accept your offer of study.

We can only invite applicants who have accepted their offer of study to our summer

If you are yet to attend an Advice

We can only invite applicants who have

and Guidance meeting:

accepted their offer of study to our

Please do not worry that you are yet to

summer Welcome Days and we don’t

have your meeting. We will be

want you to miss out on the opportunity

continuing to host meetings throughout

to get a taste of what life is like as a

taste of what life is like as

the spring! The key thing to remember

Long Road student! Don’t forget, you

a Long Road student!

is that the date of your meeting has no

can accept offers of study from

impact on your offer to study with us. It

multiple post-16 education providers

is really important to us that we get to

before making your final decision on

know you as an individual; we want to

where you would like to study after

know about your interests, your

GCSE results day.

Welcome Days and we don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to get a

Please click here to log in to your Online Services account and accept your

ambitions and your aspirations!

offer of study.


ADMISSIONS UPDATE A message from our Admissions Team

Our friendly Admissions Team are here to support and guide you through every stage of your Long Road application.

Sports Opportunities – Spring 2021

You will spend the day trying out your

Keep an eye out for our Sports

chosen subjects, getting to know

Opportunities email that will be making

subject teachers, meeting other new

its way to your inbox later this Spring,

students who share your academic

giving you the chance to let us know

interests and finding out what life is

what Team Sports you may be

like as a Long Road student.

interested in participating in at

If you have any questions, please get in touch! Heidi Hauser Director of Admissions

college. Be sure to return your Sports

Summer Work – Summer 2021

Opportunities form so we can adjust

One of the most important activities to

your college timetable to

help prepare you for your studies as a

accommodate your sports activities.

Long Road student is completing the summer work tasks for each of your

Tom Hammond Admissions Officer

Welcome Days – Summer 2021

subjects. We will explain each of these

We know that joining a new college

activities to you during our Welcome

can be a little daunting, that’s why we

Days as well as share downloadable

invite all applicants who have

01223 63 1125


Summer Work documents on our

accepted their offer of study to our

website. These activities aren’t here to

Welcome Days in June (dates to be

trip you up or catch you out, they’re

confirmed). Our Welcome Days are

designed to give you an extra taste of

created with you in mind, and the aim

what you will be learning during your

is to make you feel as comfortable,

time at Long Road and we hope you

prepared and excited as possible to

have fun completing them!

join us as a new student in September!

ADMISSIONS UPDATE A message from our Admissions Team GCSE Results Day – 12 August 2021

So, what now?

GCSE results day is a little earlier than

Please carry on regularly checking your

usual this year, taking place on

emails for communication from us.

Thursday 12 August (save the date!).

Make sure you remember to follow us

We know there is a lot of anxiety

on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to

around GCSE exam results, but please

stay up-to-date with Long Road news

do not panic. Our Admissions Team will

and get involved in our online

be on hand to reassure you on any

community. Our friendly Admissions

questions you have relating to your

Team are always on hand to help you

application with us – don’t worry, we

with any questions you have for us, so

know you’ll be amazing!

please feel free to contact us via

ACCEPTING YOUR OFFER Don’t forget, you can accept offers of study from multiple post-16 education providers before making your final decision on

email: admissions@longroad.ac.uk New Student Enrolment – August


phone: 01223 63 1125.


where you would like to study after GCSE results day.

Please click here to log in to your Online Services account and accept your offer of study.

Shortly after receiving your GCSE

We will be in touch again over the

results, you will be invited to enrol with

coming months with more information

us as a student!

on the next stages of your application. Until then, stay safe and keep smiling!

Keep an eye on your emails for more information on the enrolment process

Best wishes

over the summer.

Long Road Admissions Team

Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination. #MONDAYMOTIVATION

Run Away from Stress Running, or walking, is an easy and effective stress-busting exercise to fit into your everyday schedule.

Get off the bus a stop early, talk a walk at lunchtime or spend some quality time outside with your dog.

No equipment needed. No expensive gym memberships. No excuses!



Name: Findlay Year Group: 1 Secondary School: Linton Village College Studies: Biology, Chemistry, Economics Progression Goals: Biochemistry degree to Accountancy apprenticeship I chose to study at Long Road because

work hard and prepare well for their

the facilities looked amazing and being

GCSE’s and will also be a great

a science student, this was a huge

addition to personal statements for

benefit for me. There was also a great

future employment.

sense of community and the students

LONG ROAD SCHOLARS' AWARD If you feel inspired after meeting our current Scholar Award students then why not make an application yourself?

Click here to start your

and teachers all seemed very

I would encourage year 11’s to apply to


Long Road since the teaching quality is

application today!

very high, and the teachers will always I chose to apply for the Long Road

help you if you ever need it. The

Scholars award as it is a great

students are also very friendly and you

opportunity to give back to the college

won’t struggle to get to know new

and a good achievement to add to my


personal statement. I am currently saving my scholarship money but will

My favourite thing about being a Long

likely spend it on any revision tools that

Road student so far is being able to go

I think would be useful or that teachers

into Cambridge during breaks between


lessons. The college isn’t too far from the leisure so it is nice to walk down

I would encourage year 11’s to apply for

there with friends in break periods if

the Scholars Award by suggesting that

you have no work to complete.

it will give them a great incentive to

Applications close 23 April 2021

Anti-Stress Eating Eating fresh fruit and vegetables is not only good for your physical health but also your mental health.

Eating fruit and vegetables increases mental well-being and life satisfaction.

Adding one portion of fresh fruit and vegetables per day could be as beneficial to your mental health as going for an extra 8 walks per month!


FILM STUDIES "The course has given me a different outlook to how I watch films. I can analyse the micro elements in detail and appreciate how the director has constructed the film. "

A Level Our course aims to expand your

During the Q&A Myf Hopkins talked

knowledge and understanding of the

about the process of getting funding

significance of film and film practice in

for this low budget independent British

national, global and historical context.

film as well as the challenges of

You will investigate and explore various

marketing it with such a small budget.

critical frameworks and debates. The students really enjoyed the trip and At the start of the year our Year 1 Film

said they found the Q&A really

Studies students visited the Cambridge

fascinating, they hadn’t realised just

Arts Picturehouse for a free screening

how tough it is to make films in Britain.

of The Last Tree which was followed by

They also found the insights into sales,

a Q&A session with film producer Myf

distribution and marketing really


interesting too.

The film is about Femi, a young black man growing up in London in the early 00's. His search for self and identity takes him on an emotionally charged and utterly unforgettable journey through various stages of his life.


Develop your understanding of film-

The aim of the visit was simple: to

making, the film industry and film

watch a selection of award-nominated

marketing. You will produce a practical

short films produced by students from

piece of coursework, including the

UK universities, gaining inspiration and

individual production of a film extract.

ideas to potentially use in their own upcoming film productions.

"I really enjoy both creating and watching films.

In 2019 our Film Studies students attended the Watersprite Film Festival; a film festival created and organised by students from Anglia Ruskin and Cambridge University.

Watersprite hosts a variety of events promoting independent cinema from around the world and was an ideal chance for our students to experience films from outside their typical viewing habits.

Writing film reviews is great, and the course will help me if i decide to work in media."

Stay Hydrated Water cleanses the body of toxins: drinking water increases blood circulation, flushing out toxins and impurities.

Water boosts your energy: drinking water makes it easier for oxygen to flow to the brain and vital organs.

Water reduces stress: drinking water reduces the amount of stress on your body as it performs everyday functions.


RHYS CHAPMAN Long Road Alumnus, 2008

Rhys Chapman graduated from Long Road in 2008 and has since gone on to become a successful Film Producer with WONDRKID and the Daily Telegraph.

Rhys Chapman joined Long Road in

Do you know an ex-Long Road

2005 after completing his GCSEs at


Witchford Village College. During his

They can join our Alumni Community by

time at Long Road he studied Business,

clicking here!

Economics and Media Studies. He then progressed to study a degree in Arts Management at London South Bank University.

Since graduating from university in 2010 Rhys has gone on to work as a FIlm Director for WONDERKID and as an Executive Producer for the Daily Telegraph Video Department.

Rhys told us that his time at Long Road "shooting and editing films in Media Studies awakened my passion for film. The music video and thriller units were the stand out time for me."

Practice Deep Breathing Sit or stand in a comfortable, relaxed position with your spine straight.

Inhale slowly through your nose to the count of 5.

Hold the breath in for 5-10 seconds.

Count slowly to 8 as you exhale.

Repeat this several times.


MOOD BOOST MARCH 2021 Looking after your wellbeing Earlier this year we contacted our

and the lifting of restrictions.

wonderful students and their parents/carers, to find out how we

You may have seen that throughout the

could better support them during

month of March we spent time

lockdown 3 and throughout blended

focusing on the 4 main areas that our


students told us they are most worried about – motivation, sleep, anxiety and

What we found is that we really are all

effective remote learning.

in the same boat, many people had the same worries surrounding lockdown

We shared lots of advice on all of these

and the impact it is having on students

topics, which you can find on our

across the UK. We’ve been working

website noticeboard, or across our

hard behind the scenes in response to

social media.

all their lovely feedback and were very happy to launch Mood Boost March

We have also created our Mood Boost

last month1

March Wellbeing Calendar with 31 different mood-boosting activities that

Mood Boost March was all about

will help improve your own, and others,

improving your wellbeing and helping


you to look after yourself as we navigate our way through lockdown 3

Click here to visit our website noticeboard and check out our wellbeing advice & activities!




01223 631100








Long Road Sixth Form College



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