2016 Annual Report LEADING LONGVIEW. People. Place. Prosperity.
“Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”
– Henry Ford
OUR MISSION STATEMENT To engage in and promote projects that have a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area.
Chairman’s Message
It’s been an honor being your Chairman this year, especially in our historical centennial year! 2016 became a year
To be recognized as an effective resource, providing relevant, innovative, and impactful programming that ensures a healthy business climate and an enhanced quality of life for Longview and Gregg County.
of re-alignment and strategic planning while maintaining the focus of creating the future Longview, requiring us to be great civic leaders and dreamers. Look at what we achieved! 486 volunteers helped our staff get work done on your behalf. 2,101 individuals attended chamber functions representing 409 companies: that’s nearly 50% of our members! We hosted 45 programs, 70 ribbon cuttings and 2 ground breakings. Your chamber provided member companies with a total of 175,601 ONLINE referrals, not counting the phone calls or walk-ins. Your chamber took some risks on your behalf, being one of 42 Chambers across the country who signed on as a plaintiff with the U.S. Chamber on the DOL’s Overtime rule, and hosted workshops to help our member companies prepare for these changes. Our policy work is probably one of the most important aspects of the organization. That is why we organize and lead teams to DC and Austin to help us understand key issues so we have effective conversations with elected officials and their staff.
This makes me think of an African proverb, “To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.” Our second Cyber Summit provided access to specialists from Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, Secret Service and TSTC. We implemented a new Phone2Action program which engages our members to help with letter writing campaigns to our elected officials on policy that is being considered at the state and national level. There is still much to be done. I challenge you to become more engaged and embrace the restlessness you feel and act on it. For Longview to remain an attractive community for individuals to live, work, and play we must build collaborations, and connections to move dreams forward. As leaders, we must remain extremely sensitive to our business community needs. This is what gives the Chamber the edge in representing our interests at the local, state, and even the national level. As my year as Chairman comes to a close I remain committed to focusing on the larger purpose and build a Longview we desire it to be. I challenge you to dream more so together we can help each other’s dreams come true. Let’s THINK BIG! Wade Johnson,
Chairman, Longview Chamber of Commerce
Kelly Hall, President/CEO
CORE IDEOLOGY We believe that together we can have a stronger voice and influence positive outcomes. We believe Longview is a great place to live and work. We believe that together we can develop leaders to shape Longview’s future.
CORE VALUES Strengthen the local economy by researching and providing available resources to grow our local businesses. Promote the community by marketing Longview as a destination for new businesses, tourists, active older adults, and potential employees. Provide networking opportunities by organizing and hosting a myriad of seminars, events, etc. for our Chamber members. Represent the interests of business with government by building relationships with governmental agencies and effectively voicing the needs of area businesses. Build community-wide leadership by encouraging and developing a shared vision for the future of Longview and collectively influencing stakeholders to make it happen.
2016 Longview Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors James Barron
Keith Honey
Sam Neale
Barrons’s / J & J Enterprises, LLC
AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company
AAON Coil Products, Inc.
Appointed Directors Cheryl Jaskiewicz
Chamber Staff Kelly Hall President/CEO
Paul Anderson Senior VP & Director of Communications
Leska Parker Pat Britton Eastman Chemical Company, Texas Operations
Ron Hutchinson
Rodney Overman
Network IP / Network Enhanced Telecom, LLP
Henry & Peters, P.C.
Natalie Lynch
Director of Development
Austin Bank Texas
Suzanne Brown Advocacy and Communications Director
Lisa Monsivais Office Manager
Ken Cunningham Good Shepherd Health System, Inc.
Roger Johnson
Dana Parr
Texas Office Leasing
Copeland Insurance Group
Ronnie McKinney Gregg County Commissioner Precinct 1
Shalee Faircloth Information Services Coordinator
Amy Canton Leadership Longview Coordinator
Courtney Gill Roy Eon Texas Bank and Trust
David Hayes Hayes RV Center
Wade Johnson
Brad Tidwell
Johnson & Pace, Inc.
Citizens National Bank
Brett Lindig
Meredith Todd
SYSCO Food Services of East Texas, LLC
R. Lacy Services, LTD
Young Entrepreneurs Academy
Becky Simpson Gregg County Court of Law 1
Dr. Ron Sones LeTourneau University
The Organization ORGANIZATION SOLUTIONS Ambassadors In 2016, the ambassadors found that moving to a 4 person leadership team and incorporating training on how to sell memberships has taken this group to a new level of success. While still very challenging to manage nearly 40 volunteers, they have developed a reputation as the dream team and now we have a waiting list. Quarterly trainings are held for those wishing to
Annual Banquet The Chamber’s annual banquet, kicking off the year-long Centennial Event on January 12, was a huge success! The theme was patriotic focusing on strengthening our Voice of Business and protecting the free enterprise system. Rather than bringing in a guest speaker, up and coming young professionals spoke and gave a glimpse into the future and why they believe in investment in the Longview Chamber of Commerce.
apply so they can better understand the role of an
Boat & RV Show
ambassador. In 2016 the ambassadors hosted close to
We experienced some bumps and bruises with the
70 ribbon cuttings and 2 groundbreakings.
2016 show with the departure of the staff member in
Accreditation Chamber volunteers and staff worked diligently to apply
Ambassadors coordinated and hosted nearly 70 ribbon cuttings and 2 ground breaking ceremonies in 2016.
charge, but we survived and ended the weekend with about 2,000-3,000 in attendance.
for national Accreditation through the U.S. Chamber of
Planning for the 2017 event is almost complete. We
Commerce. The Chamber earned 5-star accreditation
have made better use of our committee and have
in 2011, which was up for renewal in 2016.
taken to heart the lessons of the past. We have only three booths left to sell with vendors calling daily for information about the booth space. Promotion for the event has been better than last year and so we expect a much larger response from the public. 2015 Chairman of the board, Ken Cunningham, offer a toast in honor of the Chamber of Commerce Centennial year at the annual banquet.
COMMUNICATIONS The Weekly Longview Progress Report Formerly the EBuzz, new branding was completed and launched in 2016 to reflect the Chamber’s Centennial year. Ad space sold out for most of the year and there were new members advertising! Open rates dropped during the holidays, but increased back up to 25%, where they maintained for most issues. Business related articles continued receiving the highest number of click-throughs. Several submissions were made to the annual W.A.C.E. communications awards, but none were awarded and judges’ feedback ranged from very high scores with high positive feedback regarding great information and balance to low scores with feedback of too much content. Planning submissions for media and communications awards through TCCE and ACCE, but resource constraints precluded entry.
Looking ahead to 2017 New branding for this publication, reflecting the R.E.A.C.H. strategic plan. The Weekly R.E.A.C.H. The Chamber takes pride in their print materials like the award-winning Uniquely Longview magazine as well as their digital communications materials including Weekly Progress Report e-blasts.
Report rolled out January 3, 2017, and experienced an even higher click through rate. Advertisements are less than last year, although we do have new companies advertising in 33% of advertising space.
Longview Progress Report Newsletter (LPR) The LPR was transitioned to Shalee Faircloth for the Sept/Oct voting issue. Upon Shalee’s resignation, this transitioned back to Paul Anderson for the final Nov/ Dec issue. In general, the organization has lost all internal graphics expertise. We are leveraging our relationship with former employee, Shalee Faircloth, to continue LPR production and limited graphics design. The Jan/Feb 2017 LPR was produced with Suzanne managing articles and advertising and Shalee putting the piece together with graphic design elements. Utilizing this model reduces costs. All LPR publications will be maintained at 12 pages, again reducing costs. Delays experienced at the production site for the Nov/ Dec 2016 issue were addressed, and Suzanne and Shalee met with Hudson representatives to optimize the process, and determine the schedule and production of the subsequent LPRs. The Jan/Feb 2017 edition arrived to destinations before January 1, 2017. The Jan/Feb edition released prior to January 1, 2017. The March/April edition is underway and will have a major focus on the Business Solutions Conference. Publication and ads have been transferred to Suzanne Brown’s responsibilities. Layout and compilation is outsourced to Shalee Faircloth, maintaining Chamber messaging and branding control. Uniquely Longview (UL) – The 2016 annual publication Uniquely Longview was distributed to members and advertisers in January 2016. The membership directory was shipped the week of February 8. In March, planning underway for efficient, focused execution for 2017 UL, minimizing staff time. In May, staff met with the Hudson Printing and Graphic Design and Forbes and Butler to begin the process of planning the production for next year. This publication is owned by Hudson Printing and the Chamber receives a 5% royalty for the partnership.
Emerging Leaders Luncheon The Emerging Leaders Luncheon had almost 200 in attendance. Tashara Parker of CBS19 served as
The video spots, produced as “virtual invitations” by
emcee and Dr. Tim Watson was the keynote speaker.
the Chamber to promote Business After Hours (BAH),
Recipients of the Emerging Leaders Award were:
have proven to be successful. Suzanne is working
▸▸ John Jaskiewicz with Good Shepherd Health System
with Tye Jackson Productions to produce “virtual invitations” for all BAH and BBH events in 2017.
Business Before Hours Four Business Before Hours were held in 2016.
Business Solutions Conference The 2016 BSC Conference received positive verbal feedback from attendees and exhibitors. An increased effort to drive seminar attendance will, in turn, bring qualified attendees to the show floor. During the Small Business Awards/Keynote Speaker luncheon, the following awards were presented:
▸▸ Allyson Bock with Bancorp South ▸▸ Michael Purifoy with Citizens National Bank We also awarded the final Legacy award which went to Gans & Smith Insurance.
2016 Salute to HealthCare Luncheon The Salute to HealthCare is scheduled for Wednesday, March 8, 2017. The nomination form is ready, and invite has been sent out to prospective task for members. The first committee meeting was held on Friday, November 18th with good participation and great ideas. The nomination process has closed. The
▸▸ Small Business of the Year: Henry & Peters, P.C.
final recipients have been selected and are awaiting
▸▸ Entrepreneur of the Year: Encore Multimedia
confirmation by the Executive Board. Once the
▸▸ Family-Owned Business of the Year: Skinner’s Grocery & Market
Attendees of the 2016 Business Solutions Conference held at Maude Cobb Convention and Activity Center.
recipients have been confirmed, they will be notified, and video production can begin.
Find our more about our award winners on the Longview Chamber web site or on our Facebook page.
▸▸ Legacy Award Winner: Welch Funeral Home The 2017 BSC has been scheduled for May 9, 2017. Booths are available and seminars will be announced soon. The Small Business Awards Luncheon has been combined with this event in a better effort to market and promote both more effectively. David A.R. White has been confirmed as the Keynote Speaker for the event.
State of the City Luncheon 364 people attended the 2016 event, which is a 10% increase over last year. Mayor Andy Mack gave his State of the City address and we awarded our fourth Legacy Award of the year to Pegues-Hurst Motor Company. LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
EDUCATION SOLUTIONS Leadership Longview In 2016 the Leadership Retreat was given a fresh update. Due to the development of key volunteers they chose to lead the retreat rather than hiring a facilitator. The result was amazing. It accomplished 3 things: ▸▸ Demonstrated leadership capabilities ▸▸ Forged deeper trust among leadership team ▸▸ Fostered quicker relationships with incoming class The class of 2016 built a Teacher’s Lounge at Safety City on Cotton Street.
Alumni Over 100 Alumni chose to stay connected with the Alumni in 2016 and attend events such as monthly networking luncheons, mini tours of the Fire
Business and Women’s Leadership Development Series
Department, and leadership training days. These relationships foster conversations and encourage community and chamber involvement.
Four workshops were held throughout 2016: ▸▸ Constructive Feedback by Core Insights ▸▸ Women’s Leadership Series ▸▸ Intentional Living ▸▸ Providing WOW Customer Service. The Women’s series was held in four, one and a half hour sessions. There were 81 attendees at the workshops.
The Chamber Classic - (CofC) The 2016 Chamber Golf Class was a huge success! The 2017 Classic is set for Friday, October 13th at Pinecrest. The 2016 Chamber Classic golf tournament was held for the 23 rd year. The field was made up of influential members of the local business community, as well as dignitaries from the surrounding area.
Chamber 101 (CofC)
Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) The 2016-2017 YEA! program at Pine Tree High School is underway. In just a few weeks, the students have learned about Product Life Cycles and Unique Marketing Methods. To assist in making a wise product or service business idea, the students were asked 100 questions to elicit a great idea from an existing idea. Their answers were amazing. The next few weeks, the students will begin sections of their business plan and will visit Network Communications. The Young Entrepreneur Academy Students finished out the semester strong with submitting the rough draft of their business plans. Returning from the holidays, the students are finalizing business plans, creating PowerPoint presentations, and drafting speech cards
Four Chamber 101 Sessions were held throughout
for the Investor Panel which will be held the end
2016 with 67 people in attendance.
of March. The next two months will be extremely
busy with elevator pitches, guest speakers and mentors. Guest speakers will cover topics of business development, insurance, marketing, legal components, and much more.
Texas House and Senate Candidate Forums Forums were held for state primary races: 4 for
Candidate Forums 2016 was a busy year for candidate forums. Elections were set for local Longview City Council as well as Texas
Senate District 1, and 2 for House District 7. The first forum was held January 26, 2016 featuring state rep and state senate candidates. Texas Prosperity
Launch My Career TX
House and Senate. The Chamber hosted forums for all
Project partnered with the Chamber, and the Longview
We were chosen and received a $5,000 grant from the
of these races and set a Get-Out-the Vote Campaign.
News-Journal posted the questions solicited from
U.S. Chamber of Commerce to be one of the chambers
citizens, and moderated the event. Advocate Digital
to help launch LaunchMyCareerTX.
Media live streamed the event on LNJ web site, which was boosted on the Chamber’s Facebook page with
LaunchMyCareerTX.org is a tool designed to help
over 1,775 views. Candidates for Texas Senate District
high school students, parents of students, as well
1: Red Brown, Bryan Hughes, Mike Lee, and David
as counselors understand information on hot jobs, hot skills, and the return on investment (ROI) that students can expect based on the major and public
Simpson. Candidates for Texas Representative District 7: Jay Dean and David Watts Jr. Attendance for the Senate forum was good. The House race did not attract as many attendees.
college they choose in Texas. A landing page was created on the Chamber website to explain the intent of the tool and how to use it. You can link to LaunchMyCareerTX from that page.
The Senate District 1 primary run-off forum was held May 3, at the Longview Community Center. Questions were gathered from the Chamber board members and general public. The Longview NewsJournal participated/moderated, and Texas Prosperity partnered. The forum was open to the public and had a full house of about 60 attendees and a great amount of media coverage: The Longview News-Journal streamed the event live on Facebook, printed a front page story the following day; Longview-Kilgore Cable recorded the forum and broadcast multiple times per day up to Election Day; KETK’s Caroline Hamilton broadcast an interview during the early evening news; and Channel 19’s (KYTX) Andrea Martinez reported live from the event at 5:30pm, 6:00pm and 6:30pm during news casts. Longview City Council Candidate forums were scheduled for City Council Districts 5 & 6 and held at the Chamber’s Citizens
Leadership Longview class of 2016
National Bank board room on Monday, April 18, 2016. The forum was open to the public and LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
questions gathered from the chamber board members and general public. The Longview News-Journal participated. Texas Prosperity partnered in these forums. Between the two forums, about 40 people attended, with the majority at the District 6 forum. Both forums were open to the public and questions gathered from the Chamber board members and general public. The Longview News-Journal participated and Texas Prosperity partnered.
Phone2Action The new Phone2Action call-to-action tool kicked off, and 4 campaigns on issues important to the business community were successfully activated and members fired up to respond! The tool is a portal with a convenient dashboard to track each campaign’s activity as well as total activity. Overall, 73 advocates submitted 210 actions by joining the campaign and/ or submitting emailed letters to elected officials in Washington, D.C. The Chamber will increase utilization of this tool, particularly with State issues. Seven campaigns were initiated on the following issues: ▸▸ Overtime Change ▸▸ Small Business Retirement – Fiduciary Rule ▸▸ Support All-of-the-Above Energy Policy
Get Out the Vote Campaign Advocacy and Communications unite to create a Get Out the Vote campaign for LCC. The animated infographic video was created to encourage people to vote. Emphasis was placed on initial education
▸▸ Just Say “No” to Renegotiate or Reject Tax Treaties ▸▸ Tell Congress to Stop the $10 Tax on Oil ▸▸ DOL OT Rule - HR 5813
registration forms and online voter status check
Chamber Takes Action DOL Overtime Rule
available at every LCC function before that date. To
LCC signed on as a co-plaintiff to the U.S. Chamber
launch these efforts, the LPR cover story addressed
of commerce and Texas Association of Business
voter apathy, registration and why it is important to
lawsuit challenging the DOL overtime rule. The
for voter registration by October 11, 2016, with
The Chamber actively seeks to get the community involved in the elections that shape the business and economic decisions at every level of government.
▸▸ Support Trans-pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement
vote. #YourVoteMatters!
Longview Chamber of Commerce releases statement
Texas Prosperity Project
Depart of Labor’s (DOL) new overtime regulation
A new web site resource for the Chamber’s advocacy
nationwide. In a significant victory for job creators
initiatives was launched in partnership with the Texas
and employee flexibility and opportunity, U.S. District
Prosperity Project. The Longview Chamber of Commerce
Judge Amos Mazzant issued a preliminary injunction
is the first chamber in the state of Texas to take
on November 22 to block the U.S. Department of
advantage of this initiative. This site provided a more
Labor (DOL) from enforcing costly and overreaching
state focused view of issues impacting Texas business.
changes to the FLSA Overtime Rule.
on the preliminary injunction blocking the U.S.
The Longview Chamber of Commerce is using the latest technology to engage and track issues that are most important to the local business community.
DOL Overtime Rule Workshops The Chamber Partnered with Jackson and Lewis P.C. to host “Strategies Addressing the DOL Overtime Rule.” Michael DePonte, Principal and Litigation Manager in the Dallas, Texas office, spoke about the new Department of Labor overtime rules for
Campaign Tracking
white collar workers and strategies for companies to respond, including hands on working through scenarios. Two workshops were held on September 21 and October 4. September’s workshop had a waiting list and October’s was at capacity.
2016 Advocacy Summits The Chamber held three advocacy summits for 2016: a Natural Resource Summit featuring representation from the Army Corp of Engineers; a Health Care Summit with representation from Austin, that was held prior to the Salute to HealthCare awards; and a Cyber Security Summit as a half-day, hands-on workshop prior to the Business Solutions Conference. Aggressive and cost effective marketing was pursued pertaining to these events. Advocate Connection Totals for 2016 – Our Collective Impact
Natural Resources – Environmental Considerations for Property Transactions The first Advocacy Summit was held February 18. All but 2 registered attendees came to the event and two non-member companies were there. These companies were subsequently pursued for membership. The audience attending advocacy summits are a different mix from the membership awards luncheons and we are pleased to be reaching out and impacting a new group of members and citizens. The HealthCare Summit The second Advocacy Summit was held March 30, 2016. Misty Baker, Director of Life and Health Insurance Information at Independent Insurance Agents of Texas, was the speaker/trainer, who then transitioned to the luncheon speaker for the following Salute to HealthCare Awards Luncheon. LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
The Cyber Security Summit
to receive public comments regarding the intersection
The third Advocacy
of US 259 (Eastman Rd.) at Eden Dr. & Tryon Rd.
Summit was held
The meeting was held from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at
November 10. U.S.
Forest Park Middle School, 1644 N. Eastman Rd. The
Chamber, security
Chamber attended.
representatives, Department of Homeland
The Transportation Committee met April 8. Both the
Security, Secret Service,
Atlanta and Tyler District Engineers were present and
FBI, and local Longview
provided updates about current and planned projects.
Police Chief Mike Bishop
There was discussion about how the Prop 1 and
and the Longview Police Cyber Crime unit presented
Prop 7 monies would be allocated and used within
panel discussions and hands-on breakout sessions
the districts. Districts should receive their “planned”
in the new half-day summit format. Eighty-four
budgets in late May or June. Once the districts have
participants attended this summit at higher registration
this information another meeting will be scheduled.
costs, and with extended programming. A new revenue
The focus of the meeting however will be hearing a
stream was identified by adding an Expo component to
presentation from the NETRMA.
this event. Although there is great excitement for this event from the sponsor and the cyber experts slated to speak, the Chamber approached growing the event in a slow, sustainable manner. The Expo portion was
Advocacy Summits address
well-attended during the frequent breaks throughout
issues and provide face-to-face
the event. Media coverage was quite good: Longview-
interaction and education. The
News Journal article, and KYTX and KETK evening news stories.
Chamber brings in legislative
representation and subject matter
The Advocacy Committee formed a separate
experts from local, state, and
committee to focus on transportation projects with our
federal levels to educate and
MPO. The committee is comprised of individuals who have significant influence with policy makers in Austin.
engage attendees.
The Judge was involved and invited guests that he believes would be in the best interest of our trade area. Staff created a matrix outlining the various projects the MPO has adopted as well as identifying projects outlined by the regional airport. The first transportation Chamber Advocacy Summits successfully engaged member and non-member community members alike.
committee met on Friday, February 12th.
Our CEO served on two panels. First, with Organizing for Action and secondly, Move Texas Forward. This role has been to share the Chamber’s role in impacting policy at the local, state and national level.
The Transportation Committee was invited to the
Our CEO asked to again serve on another panel with
TxDOT/Longview MPO Public Meeting held March 17,
Move Texas Forward in July.
Washington, DC Fly-In
best practices existing in Texas. Staff attended a series
The DC Fly-In was held May 9-12. The US Chamber
of workshops in Austin on Pre-K, K-12, and Higher Ed
provided briefings as did agency directors with
Funding, preparing for the 2017 session.
American Petroleum Institute, Learning Policy Institute, Association of Highways and Transportation, and the EPA. The coalition then met with Senator Cornyn and Congressman Gohmert. Congressman Gohmert also met with the coalition over dinner and provided the infamous
Elected Officials Reception The Elected Officials Reception was held November 1, 2016, at the Pinecrest Country Club. Well attended and identified more opportunity to reduce costs. Leap
Capitol Tour that night for this group and other visiting
of Faith band played for the evening. Reduced TRC
groups. Eight (8) attendees and two (2) staff made this
support for 2017 event, so that cost reduction will
trip. The strategy of briefings with USC was crucial to
come in handy.
preparing our coalition to conduct focused, intentional conversations with our elected officials and their staff on the issues impacting the Longview trade area. Historically 10-12 attendees plus staff have participated.
InterCity Trip - Evansville, Indiana Evansville is similar to Longview, having approved a comprehensive plan and currently within year 10 of that plan document. To better prepare attendees, a
Additional Washington, D.C. Impact
planning session was held August 31st at 8:30am at
June encompassed a great amount of travel and
the Chamber. 28 participants and two staff members
meetings for the Advocacy program. Meetings were
attended the 2016 InterCity Trip to Evansville, Indiana.
held with the Pew Foundation showcasing and
A follow-up meeting was held on Tuesday, September
encouraging partnership with chambers to research
27 at the Chamber to discuss findings, ideas and set
data impacting policy. Briefings with ACCE and the
strategies moving forward.
U.S. Chamber on business issues, followed by visits with Congressman Gohmert’s and Senator Cruz’s staff to discuss those issues pertinent to the Longview business community. The hill visit was resulted in our Chamber being recognized in Senator Cruz’s weekly e-newsletter. TCCE annual conference highlighted government affairs and a quick trip to Denver for W.A.C.E Political Action boot camp with presentations from top legal and campaign representation.
Louie Gohmert, U.S. Representative from Texas’ First Congressional District, meets with the Chamber coalition over dinner in Washington D.C.
Buy Local Campaign Paul is continuing to build activity targeting our service related businesses.
Discover Longview The newly formed Discover Longview committee kicked off 2016 tours on Wednesday, April 13, 2016. Emphasis was on Employee Engagement, creating a recruiting and retention tool for employers. Tours encompassed a best practices recruiting and retention presentation and discussion with Eastman Chemical and included those types of attractions
Staff attended the Texas Education and Workforce
identified as quality of life determinants for the
Agency Summit, a compilation of the tri-agencies
current and future workforce. Subsequent tours were
findings after their state-wide tour this year to identify
held August 12 and October 21. ¡
Twenty-eight (28) people and 2 staff attended the September 6-8, 2016, InterCity Trip to Evansville, Indiana, representing a mixed group of businesses and diversity. LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
410 North Center Street Longview, TX 75601 903.237.4000 Fax 903.237.4049 www.longviewchamber.com