Longview Chamber of Commerce Annual Report 2017 Edition

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R.E.A.C.H. Redevelopment. Education. Advocacy. Collaboration. Health.







Redevelopment. Education. Advocacy. Collaboration. Health. LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL REPORT

Leading Longview: R.E.A.C.H. 2018 ushered in first year under the Chamber’s five-year strategic plan, R.E.A.C.H. Our focus on this new plan brought forth major initiatives for the Longview trade area to support existing businesses while continuing to promote

To engage in and promote projects that have a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area.

VISION STATEMENT To be recognized as an effective resource, providing relevant, innovative, and impactful programming that ensures a healthy business climate and an enhanced quality of life for Longview and Gregg County.


an environment that creates jobs and improves the quality of life in Longview.


R The Chamber formed a 501(c)(3) Foundation working with other stakeholders in Longview and the City’s

We believe that together we can have a stronger voice and influence positive outcomes.

Comprehensive Plan to aid in the transformation of underutilized areas of our community.

E Education initiatives were started to strengthen workforce development including tools to help students plan for their future, a Partners In Education Conference and special Teaching the Future workshop, the Texas Internship Challenge,

We believe Longview is a great place to live and work.

and developing a Career Ready Plus campus certification program in partnership with Ware Elementary School.

We believe that together we can develop leaders to shape Longview’s future.

A Unprecedented involvement for our advocacy as the East Texas Coalition met in Austin with 175 attendees and


the first East Texas Legislative Tour bringing area state legislators to the Longview area.

Strengthen the local economy by researching and providing available resources to grow our local businesses.

C Initiated by the Chamber, leadership from the City, LEDCO and Chamber have collaborated to: move forward with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, a long-term road map for future development; supported City and LEDCO efforts to renovate the Petroleum Building in downtown Longview; seek a location for a planned Career and Technology Center that will prepare high school students the vocational training they need to secure good jobs after high school; and work with area school districts and secondary educational programs to better prepare our workforce.

H Sponsored over 45 programs and events and over 45 ribbon cuttings that promote our local businesses and provide needed to compete in our 21st century global marketplace. The mission of the Longview Chamber is to engage in and promote projects that have a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area. The R.E.A.C.H. strategic plan is our roadmap to the future. Working together, we can move Longview aggressively forward and realize a more vibrant community for the generations who follow us. The following pages outline in further detail what we achieved in year 1! Richard Manley, 2017 Chairman of the Board

Kelly Hall, President/CEO

Promote the community by marketing Longview as a destination for new businesses, tourists, active older adults, and potential employees. Provide networking opportunities by organizing and hosting a myriad of seminars, events, etc. for our Chamber members. Represent the interests of business with government by building relationships with governmental agencies and effectively voicing the needs of area businesses. Build community-wide leadership by encouraging and developing a shared vision for the future of Longview and collectively influencing stakeholders to make it happen. LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


2017 Longview Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Chairman of the Board

Richard Manley R Manley Enterprises

Vice Chairman

Ron Hutchison

Appointed Directors

Sam Neale

Cheryl Jaskiewicz

AAON Coil Products, Inc.

Pinnacle Senior Living

Network IP

Chamber Staff Kelly R. Hall President/CEO

Suzanne Brown Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications

Misty Amaya Immediate Past Chairman

Wade Johnson

Johnson & Pace, Inc.

Vice Chairman

Dr. Roger Johnson

Rodney Overman

Natalie Lynch

Henry & Peters, P.C.

Longview Economic Development Corporation, Board Member

Texas Office Leasing

Special Projects & Workforce Manager

Dave Jochum Business & Development Director

Leska Parker Director of Development Chairman Elect

Chuck King Chick-fil-A

Vice Chairman

Casey Robertson

Citizens National Bank

Longview Regional Medical Center

Brad Tidwell

Ronnie L. McKinney Gregg County Commissioner, Precinct 1

William McWhorter Public Affairs & Relationship Specialist

Stephanie Raudales Information Services Coordinator Chair of Finance

Dana Parr

Copeland Insurance Group

Vice Chairman

Ken Cunningham CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Health System, Inc.



David Hayes Hayes RV Center

Craig Schmidt

Ed Moore

Eastman Chemical Company, Texas Operations

Longview City Council, District 1

Kevin Hood

Meredith Todd

Lynn Ferry-Nelson

Texas Bank and Trust

R. Lacy Services, LTD

AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company

Brooklen Butler Intern

2017 Accomplishments REDEVELOPMENT The foundation board has been focused on two projects in South Longview and execution on the City’s small area plans. The Foundation hired Intrepid Development to provide consulting service. Board members have also met with developers and consultants to gain insight on how best to approach initiatives.

parent engagement. A $50,000 grant was received from AEP SWEPCO to help cover the costs for one year of administration overseeing the Ware program and our overall Education initiatives. Components of the initiative include:


28 parents graduated from the Raising Highly Capable Kids program at Ware Elementary – Longview Independent School District.

Education Council The council hosted two superintendent’s forums which included participation from all three school superintendents and over 20 community and business leaders. These meetings focused on legislative updates with Representative Jay Dean and presentations on LaunchMyCareerTX.org, the ETBU Workforce Survey, and a special guest Joe McMahan, Texas State Director of ReadyNation gave a presentation of the purpose of their organization.

Career Ready Plus Certified Campus The most aggressive work thus far has been the development of a replicable program called “Career Ready Plus Certified Campus” for elementary campuses, launched at Ware Elementary last fall. The Chamber has committed to adopting Ware for a minimum of three years, and will lead a multi-faceted team which utilizes the strengths and resources of agencies and organizations currently working with Ware. Buckner, Junior League, Longview Regional Medical Center, Network Communications, and Nucor Steel have committed to work with us. The ultimate goal is to significantly improve post-secondary readiness, reading and math scores, and increase

▸▸ Raising Highly Capable Kids™: Rezilient Kidz™, a 501c3 organization, created a 13-week parenting curriculum called Raising Highly Capable Kids, has given LCC a grant to institute their program in Ware Elementary for 18 months. 17 local business leaders lead the class in both Spanish and English. The first class of 28 graduated in December. Buckner Children and Family Services and The Boys and Girls Club of the Big Pines provided free childcare for the parents, and meals were supplied at no cost, as well. ▸▸ Materials for this program are available to any organization (churches, schools, agencies, etc.) in our community to replicate for free within that 18 month period (through February 2019). ▸▸ Community Garden: The Gregg County Extension Agency’s grant includes the 10-lesson curriculum and some supplies. ▸▸ Career Exploration Tours: The 5th grade visited Sabine Mining Company as a science tour. The 3rd graders visited Texas Bank & Trust to complement their Financial Literacy unit. ▸▸ Incentive Store: Incentive store items have been purchased and will be ready for Ware students to kick off their reading program, Reading Counts, in January for the Spring semester.

Redevelopment planning has focused on two “Small Area Plans”. The Chamber is proactively working to bolster these initiatives.



Partners In Education (P.I.E.) The first Partners in Education Conference was held last summer with over 100 in attendance. Dr. Peter Bishop was the keynote speaker and presented his non-profit initiative, Teach the Future, to a mixed crowd of business leaders and educators. Casey Robertson, Longview Regional Medical Center, and Pete Lamothe, Eastman Chemical Company, Texas Operations, presented their work-based learning programs as examples of what we consider best practices. Dr. Bishop also held an afternoon workshop for educators that allowed them to earn continuing education credit.

ADVOCACY Energy Summit Energy Summit showcased experts from traditional sources, renewables, state and federal policy issue experts. Representatives from US Chamber, AEP SWEPCO, Martin Resources, and Titanium Environmental presented and held a panel discussion.

Trade Summit

Texas Internship Challenge Eastman Chemical Company, Texas Operations, and Longview Regional Medical Center have developed and integrated internships and apprenticeships into their workplace. To prepare students for future jobs, the Chamber encourages all employers to consider implementing similar programs.

Every Child Has Access The 2017-2018 Every Child Has Access print run increased from 5,000 – 10,000 thanks to the participation of Junior League. It was distributed at the Poverty and PIE Conferences and delivered to area schools.


Chamber Advocacy Summits successfully engaged member and non-member community members alike.



The chamber received a $5,000 grant from the U.S. Chamber to launch the Texas career path website for students and families. Three videos were produced to help disseminate information about the online tool to Longview students and schools. These videos provided staff an excellent tool to create examples of how this resource can be used to help students in conjunction with their counselors, teachers, mentors, and parents to prepare them for their post-secondary plans whether they go straight into their respective careers or on to higher education. Additionally, brochures were produced in both Spanish and English. These were distributed to area schools in Gregg County and Longview as well at the Junior League’s Poverty Conference.

Todd Anderson presents at the Trade Summit

Trade Summit showcased trade in the Longview trade area, as well as highlighting NAFTA renegotiations and International trade, Trans-Pacific Partnership, and how to take your business global. We were honored to host: ▸▸ Jeff Moseley, President of Texas Association of Business and Texas-Mexico Trade Coalition ▸▸ Judge Bill Stoudt, Gregg County Judge ▸▸ Kathey Comer, representing Senator Cornyn’s Office ▸▸ Sheryl Maas, Senior Commercial Officer, U.S. Commercial Service, International Trade Administration ▸▸ Kelly Kemp, Regional Director NTX Branch, EXIM Bank ▸▸ Alale Allal, Regional Export Trade Finance Manager, Small Business Administration ▸▸ Jessica Gordon, Director of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s U.S. Commercial Service ▸▸ Courtney Smith, Texas Senator Bryan Hughes’ Office ▸▸ Todd Anderson, President, STEMCO ▸▸ Bill Pope, President, NCIC Inmate Communications

▸▸ Education ▸▸ Environmental Regulations ▸▸ Healthcare ▸▸ Energy ▸▸ Transportation ▸▸ Economic Development Additional updates were provided through Texas Association of Business and U. S. Chamber of Commerce. NCIC Inmate Communications Export Excellence Award

The U.S. International Trade Administration awarded an export excellence award certificate to NCIC Inmate Communications complete with a taped congratulatory message from U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert.

Coffee Conversations Kicked off “Coffee Conversations” with a conversation with Luke Legate of the Joint Association Oil & Natural Gas Education Initiative, and 30 members.

Policy Tracking & Development Weekly Governmental Affairs conference calls began in tandem with the Legislative Session in Austin, averaging 15 attendees with as many as 25 on the calls. Special speakers included: ▸▸ Bryan Hughes, Texas State Senator ▸▸ Jay Dean, Texas State Representative ▸▸ Keith Bonds, City of Longview ▸▸ Tom Stamper, CHRISTUS Good Shepherd ▸▸ Maxey Cerliano, Gregg County Sheriff ▸▸ Mike Bishop, Longview Police Chief ▸▸ Eric Burger, Highway 80 Mission ▸▸ Sheryl Maas, International Trade Administration ▸▸ Mr. Wayne Pierce, Director, Children Advocacy Project, previously Executive Director, Equity Center. Policy Focus: ▸▸ Sanctuary City Bill ▸▸ SB 2

East Texas Coalition Trip to Austin The 2017 trip was a big success! Many attendees commented on this being the best trip ever, packed with education and one-one-one opportunities with law/decision makers. Over 175 attendees! For the first time the hotel block sold out and 20 reservations were made at a neighboring hotel. The reception was attended by close to 300 invitees.

Testimonies Four workshops were held throughout 2016: ▸▸ Terry Winn and Rolin McPhee put together a rebuttal on new regulatory requirements issued by TCEQ, and the statement was issued for the Austin meeting. ▸▸ Testimony on SB 600 opposing the repeal of Chapter 313 at a public hearing held on 4.18.17 in Austin. ▸▸ Visits this year for Texas Energy Day, additional committee meetings, TAB Small Business Committee Meeting, and personal contacts with staff for our legislators in East Texas. ▸▸ Senate Committee on Business and Commerce, and the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development. ▸▸ Opposition of SB 600 by Senator Burton – Relating to the Repeal of the Texas Economic Development Act. ▸▸ Laura Rectenwald, PhD attended Stakeholder meeting EO 13777 – Enforcing the regulatory agenda. Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization hosted a meeting to consult with external stakeholders to hear which rules our stakeholders believe should be repealed, replaced, or modified consistent with applicable law.

The Chamber takes advocacy for local business very seriously. The Chamber actively tracks and engages lawmakers and their staff regarding legislation that affects local businesses. At left, a 2017 Delegation in Austin to meet with representatives and give testimony.



The Longview Chamber of Commerce is using the latest technology to engage and track issues that are most important to the local business community.

Grassroots Campaigns Through our web portal, Phone2Action, 7 campaigns were initiated last year encouraging constituents to contact their elected officials on business-related legislation at the state and federal levels. In one year’s

Campaign Tracking

time we covered 13 issues, signed on 131 advocates making 588 connections to elected officials. Not only Texas, but California, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Michigan. ▸▸ Venting & Flaring Rule ▸▸ Stream Protection Rule ▸▸ Fiduciary - State Level ▸▸ Texas Energy Day ▸▸ Health Care Reform ▸▸ Urge Congress to Reverse CFPB Arbitration Rule ▸▸ Tax Reform

Advocate Connection Totals for 2017 – Our Collective Impact

Letters of Support Provided 8 letters of support: ▸▸ To Dr Tidwell of UT Tyler regarding the recent separation between Kilgore College and the SBDC. Encouraged the University of Texas at Tyler Longview University Center (LUC) to fill this role of Small Business Development Center. ▸▸ City of Longview’s Application for Funding through the 2017 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program Grant. Application for the “Guthrie Creek Trail Phase 2 and 3” project. ▸▸ HB 3854 to Representatives Jay Dean and Chris Paddie. Expressed support for HB 3854 that will create a Port Transportation Corridor, keeping the Texas Gulf Coast ports competitive. Texas is the only region that does not have this type of corridor.



▸▸ Texas Dept of Housing and Community Affairs: 1. Support for TDHCA Tax Credit Application #17268 for the proposed affordable housing development, “Edgewood Place,” to be located west of 611 Clinic Drive Longview, TX, Gregg County, 75605. 2. Support for TDHCA Tax Credit Application #17269 for the proposed Historic Rehab development, “Alton Plaza,” to be located at 202 Whaley Street, Longview, TX., Gregg County, 75601.

COLLABORATION The Chamber hosted numerous meetings throughout the year to build partnerships on key initiatives. These gatherings have resulted in the formation of a Manufacturers Academy Council which is working to launch classes in August 2018.

HEALTH Leadership Longview

▸▸ With other chambers of commerce: Comment on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) Request for Information as it prepares a new five-year National Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Leasing Program for 2019-2024. Urged making available more offshore leases for energy development and to embrace more geographic areas in your new leasing plan.

Class of 2016-2017 graduated 27 new Alumni, who

▸▸ Majority Leader McConnell and Democratic Leader Schumer: The undersigned 616 groups from each of the 50 states strongly urge you to consider and pass the Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017 (RAA). Support that federal regulations should be narrowly tailored, supported by strong and credible data and evidence, and impose the least burden possible, while implementing congressional intent. Ensure agencies adequately analyze proposed rules for their potential impacts on small businesses.

over 30 alumni in attendance to greet the new class.

▸▸ Senator Hughes – Chamber staff and the Senator’s legislative chief attended workshops related to Chapter 313. Concerns about S.B. 600 filed by Burton regarding the Texas Economic Development Act: would have repealed Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code (school tax limitations under the Texas Economic Development Act). We opposed this bill. The Longview Chamber supported legislation that preserves the Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF), the Emerging Technology fund (ETF), the Texas Enterprise Zone, the Skills Development Fund and the Texas Economic Development Act: Chapter 313 Tax Code and encouraging more application and use in rural areas.

successfully completed an extensive remodel project at the East Texas Literacy Council. The group completely remodeled the space with new paint, carpet, furniture and internet services. Over 100 people attended the open house. The class of 2018 kicked off with a Meet & Greet with

State Senator Bryan Hughes (District 1) and State Representative Jay Dean (District 7) attend the Elected Officials Reception put on by the Longview Chamber of Commerce giving voters an opportunity to meet their elected representatives.

Leadership Longview class of 2017 LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


Emerging Leaders Awards Emerging Leaders Luncheon The Emerging Leaders award recipients this year included: Greg Colquitt with Citizens National Bank, Kendall Land with First Presbyterian Church, and Iesha Robinson with the Longview Fire Department, with approximately 200 attendees.

Ambassadors welcomed Uber to Longview with a ribbon cutting event in the newly decorated Board Room of the Longview Chamber.

Ambassadors 55 Ribbon Cuttings were hosted. Videos were produced for these companies and pushed on

Gregg Colquitt

Kendall Land

Iesha Robinson

Facebook for additional exposure. The ambassadors participated in the Elf On A Shelf Campaign to help

East Texas Boat & RV Show

benefit businesses in the community through exposure

This year’s show was the best in recent memory. There

on Facebook with public participation.

were an estimated 6,000 in attendance, but more

Membership Luncheons Salute to HealthCare Luncheon

The Salute to HealthCare Luncheon honors outstanding members of the area healthcare community.



importantly, our exhibitors were very pleased with the results for their businesses.

Salute to HealthCare had approximately 350 in

Annual Chamber Classic

attendance, honoring Dr. James Sawyer with the Dr.

The tournament was held at Pinecrest Country Club

Sam Mack Lifetime Achievement; Dr. Karen Roberts

with a full slate of players resulting in a great day for

with the Healthcare Professional of the Year; and

the volunteers, staff and the players. There was a

Kimberly Holcomb with Volunteer of the Year.

Hole-in-One for a new car from Sisk Buick!

State of the City Luncheon

Chamber 101

The annual State of the City luncheon was a sold out

A total of 70 people attended in 2017, to help new

event with Mayor Andy Mack delivering his “State of

members get acquainted with who we are and what we

the City” address, with well over 300 attendees.

do at the Chamber.

Annual Banquet The five-year strategic plan announcement highlighted the 2017 Annual Banquet. Key leaders in each of the five strategic initiatives of R.E.A.C.H. spoke on how the chamber is impacting Longview-area business for today and the future. The following recipients were highlighted during the banquet:

Featuring Author & Keynote Speaker

David A.R. White

▸▸ Manufacturer of the Year: The Crosby Group ▸▸ Large Business of the Year: Martin Resource Management Corporation ▸▸ Chairman’s Award: Brad Tidwell

Business Solutions Conference The Small Business Awards Luncheon was held in

Small Business of the Year Central Title

Entrepreneur of the Year Roughneck Harley

Family-Owned Business of the Year Gill Electric

Minority-Owned Business of the Year Fullman Lawrence Agency

conjunction with our Business Solutions Conference with 325 in attendance for the awards luncheon and Leadership Longview Graduation. The keynote speaker was David A.R. White, a founding partner in the film distribution/production company, PURE FLIX (pureflix.com). We recognized the following award recipients: ▸▸ Entrepreneur of the Year – Roughneck Harley ▸▸ Small Business of the Year – Central Title ▸▸ Family Owned Business of the Year – Gill Electric ▸▸ Minority Owned Business of the Year – Fullman & Lawrence Insurance



Total Resource Campaign The Total Resource Campaign continues to serve as the driving force for volunteer development and the securing of financial resources for the Chamber. The Leadership set a lofty goal of $475,000 in 2017. With much hard work and determination, $483,555 was secured to execute the strategic plan.

Speaking Engagements The LCC targeted an awareness campaign to announce the R.E.A.C.H. strategic plan and provided two speaking engagements at area associations and leadership groups.

Businesses adapting to new trends and learning new skills at “The Power of Google Marketing and Constant Contact Email Marketing” course.


Business Development Courses

▸▸ News Releases – wrote, distributed and posted 31 press releases for the organization.

Provided no or low-cost training to businesses. The

▸▸ Business Briefs – processed and posted about 100 business briefs for our members.

attendees at How to Integrate Constant Contact into

▸▸ Interview prep – prepped 5 volunteers for interviews for studio on-air and for on-site reporters. ▸▸ Weekly e-newsletter – with changes in the weekly e-newsletter, we enjoyed an above industry open rate, increasing 4-5 percentage points.

The Chamber takes pride in their print and digital communications materials including the Longview Progress Report, Weekly Progress Report e-blasts, and periodically mailed event invitations.



The weekly e-newsletter is a valuable resource for those looking to stay connected to current issues and business opportunities that the Chamber is tracking for its membership.

Power of Google with over 30 attendees and then 29 Your Communications Plan.

Business Before Hours & Business After Hours

Virtual invitation videos were provided for each member hosting, we have seen a big up-tick in attendance. Prior to these videos, attendance hovered between 60-80. With the virtual invitation and push to social media, we are regularly experiencing attendance at 125-150, and topped out at 225.

Building Improvements

Local-State-National Involvement

▸▸ New Mural in Board Room

▸▸ Kelly serves as a commissioner for ACCE’s national certification program called CCE – 2nd term.

▸▸ Roof repairs ▸▸ New furnace ▸▸ Reworked the electrical gutter and wiring in the storage room ▸▸ Replaced breaker box panel ▸▸ Repaired sagging ducts (fire code issue) in the lower basement of the building ▸▸ Repairs related to raccoon damage and removal

Staff ▸▸ Suzanne completed W.A.C.E.’s Academy Program and Graduated February 2017 ▸▸ Leska instructed at Association of Chamber of Commerce Executive’s (ACCE) Special Event Conference ▸▸ Kelly instructed at ACCE’s EAD Fellowship ▸▸ Kelly and Suzanne attended the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives Annual Conference ▸▸ Kelly attended ACCE’s Annual Conference

A beautiful new mural was erected in the Board Room celebrating the mission, vision, and the strategic R.E.A.C.H. initiatives.

▸▸ Kelly was an officer on the ACCE Board of Directors. As well as she leads a Chair appointed task force to review the organizations financial model. ▸▸ Kelly is a member of the U.S. Chamber’s Committee of 100 as well as the Infrastructure and Transportation and International Trade Committees. ▸▸ Kelly served as an officer on the Texas Association Board of Directors (TAB). She also served on several policy committees. ▸▸ Kelly served as the Chair-Elect for the Texas Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (TCCE). ▸▸ Kelly and Suzanne are members of Zonta ▸▸ Dave is a Chrisman School Board member ▸▸ Misty is a CASA Board member

Awards/Recognitions ▸▸ U.S. Chamber 5 Star Recognition ▸▸ TCCE Marketing Award

The Chamber was proud to be recognized with a TCCE Media Award for excellence in the category of “Brochures” for 2017.



410 North Center Street Longview, TX 75601 903.237.4000 Fax 903.237.4049 www.longviewchamber.com

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