Longview Chamber of Commerce Annual Report 2018 Edition

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R.E.A.C.H. Redevelopment. Education. Advocacy. Collaboration. Health.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT To engage in and promote projects that have a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area. VISION STATEMENT To be recognized as an effective resource, providing relevant, innovative, and impactful programming that ensures a healthy business climate and an enhanced quality of life for Longview and Gregg County. OUR CORE IDEOLOGY AND VALUES

CORE IDEOLOGY We believe that together we can have a stronger voice and influence positive outcomes. We believe Longview is a great place to live and work. We believe that together we can develop leaders to shape Longview’s future. CORE VALUES Strengthen the local economy by researching and providing available resources to grow our local businesses. Promote the community by marketing Longview as a destination for new businesses, tourists, active older adults, and potential employees. Provide networking opportunities by organizing and hosting a myriad of seminars, events, etc. for our Chamber members. Represent the interests of business with government by building relationships with governmental agencies and effectively voicing the needs of area businesses. Build community-wide leadership by encouraging and developing a shared vision for the future of Longview and collectively influencing stakeholders to make it happen.

CONTENTS CHAIRMAN’S LETTER................. 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS............... 5 REDEVELOPMENT...................... 6 EDUCATION................................ 6 Ware Elementary Superintendents Forums Partners In Education

ADVOCACY................................. 7 East Texas Legislative Tour Elected Officials Reception Public Policy Task Forces Washington, D.C. Fly-In Coffee Conversations Employer2Employee Communications Bond Election

COLLABORATION........................ 8 HEALTH..................................... 8 HealthyVIEW

2018 CHAMBER SUCCESSES........ 9 Leadership Longview R.E.A.C.H. Team Membership Luncheons Annual Banquet Business Solutions Conference Total Resource Campaign Communications InterCity Trip Speaking Engagements Business Development Courses Business Before Hours& Business After Hours Building Improvements Staff Local-State-National Involvement Awards/Recognitions






Redevelopment. Education. Advocacy. Collaboration. Health. LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL REPORT

Leading Longview: R.E.A.C.H. 2018 ushered in the second year under the Chamber’s five-year strategic plan, R.E.A.C.H. Our focus on this new plan brought forth major initiatives for the Longview trade area to support existing businesses while continuing to promote an environment that creates jobs and improves the quality of life in Longview.

R The Chamber’s Foundation Board continues to advance the priorities of our business community while working with key stakeholders. One focus areas is to aid in the transformation of underutilized areas of our community while remaining in alignment with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. In 2018 the Foundation facilitated the opening of the East Texas Advanced Manufacturers Academy.

E Education initiatives continued and broadened to strengthen workforce development including tools to help students plan for their future, a Partners In Education Conference and special Teaching the Future workshop, the Texas Internship Challenge, and developing a Career Ready Plus campus certification program in partnership with Ware Elementary School.

A Another year of unprecedented involvement as the Washington, D.C. Fly-In was with 19 attendees. Coffee Conversations were held addressing issues in our trade area, in particular opioids and our workforce as we tackle this issue. New communications piece, E2E, sent the facts to businesses and their employees, in particular a series that drove support for the bond election passage.

C Initiated by the Chamber, leadership from the City, LEDCO and Chamber have collaborated to: move forward with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, a long-term road map for future development; supported City and LEDCO efforts to renovate the Petroleum Building in downtown Longview; Cultural Arts Committee formed and applied for the designation of a Cultural Arts District; opened a location for Texas Advanced Manufacturing Academy that prepares high school students with the vocational training they need to secure good jobs after high school; and work with area school districts and secondary educational programs to better prepare our workforce.

H Sponsored over 45 programs and events and over 45 ribbon cuttings that promote our local businesses and provide needed to compete in our 21st century global marketplace. This year we revived our Association Health Plan for Small Businesses and launched HealthyVIEW of East Texas. The GEO footprint encompasses 31 East Texas Counties. The mission of the Longview Chamber is to engage in and promote projects that have a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area. The R.E.A.C.H. strategic plan is our roadmap to the future. Working together, we can move Longview aggressively forward and realize a more vibrant community for the generations who follow us. The following pages outline in further detail what we achieved in year 2! Richard Manley, 2018 Chairman of the Board



Kelly Hall, President/CEO

2018 Longview Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board

Immediate Past Chairman

Richard Manley R Manley Enterprises

Chairman Elect

Chair of Finance

Wade Johnson

Chuck King

Johnson & Pace, Inc.



Vice Chairman

Dana Parr

Kevin Hood Texas Bank and Trust

Ron Hutchison

Dr. Roger Johnson

Vice Chairman

Casey Robertson

Jessica LaRue

David Hayes

Texas Office Leasing

Harbour, Smith, Harris & Merritt, P.C.

Hayes RV Center


Longview Regional Medical Center

Cheryl Jaskiewicz

Sam Neale

Rodney Overman

Jim Green

Meredith Todd

Pinnacle Senior Living

NAPPS Technology Corporation

Henry & Peters, P.C.

Eastman Chemical Company, Texas Operations

R. Lacy Services, LTD

Vice Chairman

Appointed Directors

Jason Adams

Natalie Lynch

Ronnie L. McKinney

Ed Moore

Mark Robinson

CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Health System

Longview Economic Development Corporation, Board Member

Gregg County Commissioner, Precinct 1

Longview City Council, District 1

AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company

Chamber Staff Kelly R. Hall

Dave Jochum

William McWhorter


Director of Business and Development

Public Affairs & Relationship Specialist

Suzanne Brown

Leska Parker

Stephanie Raudales

Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications

Director of Development

Special Projects and Event Coordinator

Misty Amaya

Bianca Adams

Brooklen Butler

Information Services Coordinator


Education and Workforce Manager



2018 Accomplishments | Finishing Well


o matter the career paths or the organizations we volunteer for, we have a choice on how we finish! The Chamber Board, staff

and volunteers finished well! We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve with such great leaders. Your board is built with dedicated individuals who believe in moving

EDUCATION Ron Hutchison, Conterra, leads this robust work! For the past few years the teams formed under this division have executed with intentional determination.

Ware Elementary

Longview forward! Will you join us in giving a shout out to the individuals who led teams and executed on the work of Chamber? Below are a few highlights from 2018.

REDEVELOPMENT Championed by the Chamber Foundation Board led by Brad Tidwell, VeraBank. The foundation board has 3 teams in place; the academy, the amphitheater, and a social project. Longview celebrated the opening of the East Texas Advanced Manufacturing Academy on August 28, 2018. The foundation played an integral role in the formation and launching of the academy with other key

50 Chamber member volunteers go through orientation to become mentors at Ware Elementary.

partners: LEDCO, area ISDs, Kilgore College and TSTC. The commitment with Ware Elementary continues with them earning the first Career Ready Plus Certification given by the Chamber. To date nearly 50 parents have graduated from Raising Highly Capable Kids. Success for 2018 is great for this campus with a Summer Literacy Camp, the implementation of an Incentive Store, a dynamic Teacher Appreciation program, Career Tours and Showcase.

Superintendents Forums These forums continue to build relationships between area schools, business and community leaders. The most recent forum was with the Governor’s senior policy director and his team. They presented and The East Texas Advanced Manufacturing Academy has been established to provide high school students an opportunity to obtain training in instrumentation and electrical technology and precision machining technology. www.ETxAMA.org

The Chamber was out front supporting the renovation

received feedback on “Improving Student Outcome and Maintaining Affordability through Comprehensive Education and Tax Reforms.” The robust conversation has opened the door for a follow-up in January 2019.

Partners In Education

and revitalization of the Petroleum Building by writing

This program continues to ramp up by addressing key

letters to City Council, speaking at council meetings, and

priorities set by the membership; teaching soft skills,

leveraging relationships with council members.

connecting home and school to work and internships/ apprenticeships. The momentum over the past two years



Dr. Peter Bishop shares results from the Partners in Education Superintendents Forum where 5 schools and 8 employers collaborated on workforce and education action plans.

has planning for 2019 well underway. The annual P.I.E.

The Chamber brought a record number of participants to their 2-day D.C. Fly-in event. Participants met with Congressman Gohmert and Senator Cornyn.

Conference is slated for August 28, 2019. One of the

Congressman Gohmert and U.S. Senator John Cornyn.

exciting outcomes of this year’s conference is the release

The 2-day event was packed with meetings with agencies

of a video that is being used to educate parents about

to better understand legislation being considered and its

well-paying jobs for their students right here in East Texas

potential impact on area businesses.

that do not require a 4-year college degree.

Coffee Conversations

ADVOCACY Kevin Hood, Texas Bank and Trust, helped drive the intense work around this division. The leadership met on a regular basis to execute in several areas including:

East Texas Legislative Tour A hosted tour for state elected officials which allowed them the opportunity to better understand the opportunities, needs, and challenges of our region, and laid the ground

Elected Officials Reception

Gary Ford, Richard Manley, and Kristen Ishihara discuss the 2018 Bond Proposal during the Chamber’s Coffee Conversations focused on the pivotal ballot items.

The annual reception once again was well attended by area

2018 launched Coffee Conversations on important

school board members, city council, county elected officials,

issues to the business community. Topics have included

and area state representatives and our state senator.

Opioids & Our Workforce, Tobacco 21, and Exporting as a

Public Policy Task Forces

Business Expansion strategy.

17 task forces were formed to review and update existing

Employer2Employee Communications

public policies. These were vetted and presented to the

A new communication piece and video series was

work for expanding the East Texas regional footprint.

board for approval last fall. This becomes the instrument used to act on behalf of our business community with elected officials.

developed for company leaders on current trends and topics to encourage water cooler conversations and help employees better understand decisions made at the

Washington, D.C. Fly-In

local, state, and federal level. Topics included: health &

A record number of participants joined together to

wellness, workforce skills gaps, and a four-part series on

share Longview’s story and discuss federal policy with

the bond election.



the City, area schools, and elected officials. Chairman Manley led the largest delegation on the annual InterCity Trip which has led to new and exciting initiatives across Longview.

HEALTH Casey Robertson, Longview Regional Medical Center, took on the challenge of an internal and externals lens around health. Internally the organization had a hugely successful year with over 130 businesses joining the chamber, a record setting total resource campaign, as well as a record setting year for volunteer engagement.

HealthyVIEW Externally, the work around health and wellness intensified with the launch of HealthyVIEW. HealthyVIEW’s focus group has hired a consultant to help navigate discussions and process around physical health, emotional & spiritual health, financial health, career & workplace health and, lastly, community health. The Robert Woods Johnson Foundation reported we are raising the sickest generation in our country’s history with a life span shorter than their parents. This concern combined with Gregg County’s community health ranking has employers concerned about the future workforce for their companies. Another HUGE accomplishment this year was the launch of the Chamber’s association health The Chamber levereged the E2E Newsletter to inform local business about the 2018 Bond Election.

Bond Election

plan HealthyVIEW of East Texas. The health insurance plan has a geo-footprint of 32 counties in East Texas. It has 20 product offerings with United HealthCare and is designed for companies with 2-50 employees.

The Chamber fully supported the 3 proposals in the fall elections. The chamber financially supported the campaign activity plus produced informational videos, and E2E Communication pieces for companies to use to educate employees with the facts so they could make wise and informed decisions. All 3 bonds passed two-toone in all districts with a record voter turnout!


for its small business members, was created by the

Richard Manley, R. Manley Enterprises, Chairman Manley

31-county region. Chambers in those counties have the

believes very strongly in working together and building on each other’s strengths to grow our community and prepare for the next generation. He facilitated meetings with LEDCO,


HealthyVIEW of East Texas, an association health plan


Longview Chamber of Commerce, encompassing a opportunity to become affiliate members of the Longview Chamber, giving them the ability to market the plan to their member businesses.

to leave the Longview Chamber in a better place for

For the first time in U.S. history, we are raising a generation of children who may live sicker and die younger than their parents’ generation. Robert Woods Johnson Foundation

those to follow. While the work of the Chamber will never be done, we do believe success can be mastered each year by the choices we make. Now it is time to turn the position of chairman over to Chuck King, chairmanelect. We know Chuck’s intentions are to continue to work together and build a strong, healthy, and dynamic organization. The Longview Chamber will continue to finish well because of the motives, discipline, integrity,

Building a Culture of Health

and convictions of the professionals leading the way.

Focus on the following:

Thank you to the members who chose a board that

▸▸ Physical Health ▸▸ Emotional & Spiritual Health ▸▸ Financial Health ▸▸ Career & Workplace Health ▸▸ Community Health

believes in building our community to the best place

We believe these individuals have demonstrated what

to live, work, and play! Be a part of this amazing team! #JoinTheMovement!


character and leadership is made of! They pressed in and gracefully led by shepherding others while executing on the Chamber’s strategic plan. They speak the truth and deal with challenges and obstacles admirably – even when doing the right thing is not popular! This team is disciplined and they executed on goals and objectives within the designated timelines. This team had no interest in gossip or game playing. They remained focused on

Leadership Longview

building the best organization possible while Leading

Leadership Longview Project Gives Curb Appeal to the

People. Leading Prosperity!

Longview Child Development Center.

Yes, we are proud of the Chamber board and executive

The 2018 Leadership Longview Class selected the

team. Wade Johnson, past chairman, and those who

Longview Child Development Center (LCDC) as their

walked before him built a foundation of trust. This allowed

project. LCDC is located at 1230 South High Street and

Richard Manley to follow with open eyes and a conviction

has been serving income eligible families by providing educational opportunities and quality child care in a safe, loving environment for over 35 years.

This year’s annual Business Solutions Conference gave attendees an inside look at the HealthyVIEW initiative.

Leadership Longview Class of 2017-2018 Project



2018 R.E.A.C.H. Team members

R.E.A.C.H. Team ▸▸ 38 Team members ▸▸ 41 ribbon cuttings that have been or will be that will be facilitated during the year ▸▸ 16 before and after hours that have been or will be facilitated during the year

Ron Hutchison was presented with the Chairman’s Award at the 2018 Longview Chamber Annual Banquet.

Annual Banquet The following recipients were highlighted during the banquet: ▸▸ Manufacturer of the Year: BioDerm Laboratories ▸▸ Large Business of the Year: Gregg County

▸▸ 4 quarterly programs that have been or will be facilitated during the year

▸▸ Chairman’s Award: Ron Hutchison

▸▸ Commitment to the Chamber R.E.A.C.H. initiatives through their hard work and dedication

Business Solutions Conference

▸▸ Click here to see team members and the businesses they represent. R.E.A.C.H. Team

the following award recipients:

Membership Luncheons

At the Small Business Awards Luncheon we recognized

▸▸ Small Business of the Year – Hospitality Health ER

East Texas Boat & RV Show

▸▸ Family Owned Business of the Year – Ben Maines Air Conditioning

This year’s show was the best in recent memory. There

▸▸ Minority Owned Business of the Year – Perfect Catering

were an estimated 6,000 in attendance, but more importantly, our exhibitors were very pleased with the results for their businesses. Annual Chamber Classic

Total Resource Campaign The Total Resource Campaign continues to serve as the driving force for volunteer development and the securing

▸▸ 20 teams played the 19 hole scramble ▸▸ Sponsors filled up the course before, during, and after the tournament ▸▸ Thankful for the players, the teams, the sponsors, and the volunteers for helping facilitate a very successful Chamber Classic Golf Tournament ▸▸ Sign up now before spots fill up for next year! Chamber 101 A total of 70 people attended in 2017, to help new members get acquainted with who we are and what we do at the Chamber. Nearly 70 Total Resource Campaign volunteers were trained to help evangelize about the programs, products, and services of the Longview Chamber of Commerce.



of financial resources for the Chamber. The Leadership set a lofty goal of $475,000 in 2017. With much hard work and determination, $483,555 was secured to execute the strategic plan.

Communications ▸▸ News Releases – Wrote, published and distributed about 30 press releases for the organization. ▸▸ Business Briefs – Published and posted on the Chamber web site and Facebook page about 90 business briefs for our members. ▸▸ Interview Prep – Increased our open rate by about 4-5 percentage points, placing this publication over the high end of our industry and at the high end overall of e-newsltter open rates. ▸▸ Weekly E-newsletter – Overhauled this publication and brought into a new era by making it an e-version with interactive linking that provides a take action opportunity at the consumer decision point. This publication now never gets tossed into the rubbish or into recycle: it stays online!

The Chamber’s R.E.A.C.H. Newsletter is a bi-monthly digital publication aimed at providing an in-depth review of issues and events.

InterCity Trip An InterCity trip to Waco, Texas brought a record number of 75 leaders to capture the vision and see redevelopment in process in Waco! Seven task forces came from this group resulting in a push and completion of the East Texas Advanced manufacturing Academy (The Academy) and the formation of a cultural arts group who successfully submitted intent of application for a historical arts designation area for Longview. In addition, a sports commission group is underway in the initial planning process.

The weekly e-newsletter is a valuable resource for those looking to stay connected to current issues and business opportunities that the Chamber is tracking for its membership.

“Bringing leaders together to explore and understand what makes cities healthy is the key to finding the way forward for Longview.” – Kelly Hall

Every Child Has Access Resource Guide - Published annually by the Longview Chamber of Commerce.



Speaking Engagements

Local-State-National Involvement

The LCC targeted an awareness campaign to announce

▸▸ Kelly serves as a commissioner for ACCE’s national certification program called CCE – 2nd term.

the R.E.A.C.H. strategic plan and provided two speaking engagements at area associations and leadership groups.

Business Development Courses Provided no or low-cost training to businesses. The Power of Google with over 30 attendees and then 29 attendees at How to Integrate Constant Contact into Your Communications Plan.

▸▸ Kelly serves on the ACCE Board of Directors. As well as she leads a Chair appointed task force to review the organizations financial model. ▸▸ Kelly is a member of the U.S. Chamber’s Committee of 100 as well as the Infrastructure and Transportation and International Trade Committees. ▸▸ Kelly served as the Chairman for the Texas Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (TCCE). ▸▸ Kelly and Suzanne are members of 100 Women Who Care. ▸▸ Suzanne is on the Advisory Board for the American Heart Association. ▸▸ Misty is a member of the CASA Board and the Junior League of Longview.


Business After Hours in the lobby of VeraBank (formerly Citizens National Bank).

Business Before Hours & Business After Hours Virtual invitation videos were provided for each member hosting, we have seen a big up-tick in attendance. Prior to these videos, attendance hovered between 60-80. With the virtual invitation and push to social media, we are regularly experiencing attendance at 125-150, and topped out at 225.

Building Improvements ▸▸ Roof repairs ▸▸ New furnace

Staff ▸▸ W.A.C.E.’s Academy Program - Dave & Misty ▸▸ Kelly instructed at ACCE’s EAD Fellowship and U.S. Chamber Foundation Institute. ▸▸ Suzanne and Dave attended the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives Annual Conference ▸▸ Kelly attended ACCE’s Annual Conference ▸▸ Kelly participated in US Chamber of Commerce Israel Trade Mission



▸▸ The Chamber was published in the Action Collaborative on Business Engagement in Building Healthy Communities and FTI Consulting. Published as “Tomorrow’s Workforce is on the Playground Today,” as a series of Chamber of Commerce case stories with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine . ▸▸ Misty awarded the Golden Pineapple Award from Junior League of Longview. ▸▸ Suzanne graduated from U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Institute, earning IOM professional designation.

410 North Center Street Longview, TX 75601 903.237.4000 Fax 903.237.4049 www.longviewchamber.com

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