H.E.A.R.T. March/April 2023

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A PUBLICATION OF THE LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MARCH-APRIL 2023 VOL. 6 NO. 2 H EALTH AND WELLBEING E DUCATION AND WORKFORCE A DVOCACY R EDEVELOPMENT T ALENT, TALENT, TALENT Representing the Interest of Business with Government Why Texas Must Protect Economic Development Incentives Priorities for the 88th Legislative Session InterCity Trip to Billings MT Planning for Future Generations State of the County Judge Bill Stoudt

Longview Chamber of Commerce Staff

Kelly Hall President/CEO 903.237.4004 khall@longviewTexas.com

David Jochum Chief Operating Officer 903.237.4023 djochum@longviewTexas.com

Susan Roberts Investor Relations 903.237.4000 sroberts@longviewTexas.com

Spencer Sallee Business Manager 903.237.4013 ssallee@longviewTexas.com

Shawna Stewart Investor Support 903.237.4000 sstewart@longviewTexas.com

Catherine Camp Program Coordinator 903.237.4009 ccamp@longviewTexas.com

Kathryn Pedroza Communications Coordinator 903.237.4013 kpedroza@longviewTexas.com

LEADING PEOPLE. LEADING PROSPERITY. What’s Inside? Why Texas Must Protect Economic Development Incentives 4 Community College Finance Reform .................................................... 6 East Texas Coalition ............................................................................. 8 Member Anniversaries 9 Ribbon Cuttings 11 InterCity Visit Longview to Billings, MO.............................................. 12 Leadership Longview ......................................................................... 13 New Members / Inserts 14
because I wanted to make more memories with the love of my life. Longview Regional – Lynn G. l Cardiac Ablation I CHOSE With a nationally recognized Heart and Vascular Institute, a certified Stroke and Chest Pain Center, and an innovative Vein Center, it’s easy to see why people choose Longview Regional. MyLongviewCardiology.com 903-308-3566 If you are experiencing the symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 and get to the nearest emergency room. CORNERSTONE INVESTORS 2 WWW.LONGVIEWCHAMBER.COM


2023 Officers

Jessica LaRue Chair Harbour Smith

Steve Gordon Chair-Elect Longview Regional Medical

Kevin Hood Past-Chairman Texas Bank and Trust

Jill Alley Chair of Finance Eastman Credit Union Vice Chairs

Brian Daugbjerg Vice Chairman Longview Scrap & Metal Company

Gerald Rincher Vice Chairman Komatsu Mining Corporation

Mark Robinson Vice Chairman AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company Directors

Michael Clements Jr. PDQ America, LLC

Andrew Coggins Eastman Chemical Company, Texas Operations

Adrienne Deason Henry & Peters, P.C.

Don Deem Longview Cable Television Company Inc Wehco Video Inc

Jim Gaton CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Health System

Lori Ivey State Farm Insurance - Lori Ivey

Nishil Patel Heritage Wine & Spirits

Dana Rutland STEMCO

MARCH 2 Cyber Summit 6 East Texas Coalition Goes to Austin 8 40 Under 40 Workshop with Dean Kristen Stovall 23 State of the County 28 Business After Hours with Homewood Suites 31 Spring Classic Golf Tournament APRIL 11 Elected Officials Reception 16 InterCity Visit to Billings MT
Merritt PC
LongviewChamber.com H.E.A.R.T. REPORT 2023 3
This calendar displays the latest program event updates related to the Longview Chamber of Commerce. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CALENDAR The CITY OF LONGVIEW COMMUNITY EVENT CALENDAR is located here.
located here.

Why Must Protect Economic Development Incentives

We believe in working in partnership with organizations who are committed to working with the Legislature to preserve the business climate and foster future growth by developing a new, transparent, and accountable economic development policy. This mission is critical to ensuring Texas can compete for large capital-intensive investments, which bring jobs and long-term revenue to Texas communities.

Companies locate their projects where the capital costs are favorable. Texas has been a national leader in securing large capital-intensive investments, but we could fall behind. Other states and countries are deploying their own temporary tax discounts and incentives. Over the last year, Texas lost several multibillion-dollar deals, including Rivian to Georgia, Intel to Ohio, and Micron to New York. Texas stands to lose more jobs, more investments, more tax base and more growth if we don’t restock our economic development toolbox with a new economic development incentive this legislative session.

Research also demonstrates that voters feel strongly that Texas should enhance its supply chain to promote economic independence and national security. In fact, 84 percent agree that we are too reliant on other

nations for the products we need. Texas Lawmakers have an opportunity to once again be the solution to some of the most difficult problems for our country and our state. We must do more to attract manufacturing and investment to Texas to meet our needs and help stabilize our national supply chain for key goods and services.

Texas needs to modernize and retool to compete for future projects. A new, transparent, and accountable economic development policy is essential to protecting Texas’ position as the nation’s economic powerhouse. This is a top priority for each of our organizations. We look forward to working on policy solutions to grow the Texas economy and secure a bright future for the next generation.

Research shows that Texas voters overwhelmingly agree that limited, temporary property tax discounts make sense when exchanged for long term revenue and economic development.



Ensures Texas' economic security

Promotes technological and manufacturing independence

Creates new capital investments in our communities

Gives our children greater opportunities

Provides additional resources for local schools


70% Support continuing temporary property tax discounts.

84% Believe we are too reliant on other nations for essentials.

77% Believe temporary tax discounts are worth the return on investment.

H.E.A.R.T. REPORT 2023 5


Texas Workforce Needs Do Not Match the Supply

Texas boasts the second largest economy in the nation and has enjoyed the longest sustained economic expansion in American history. This influx of new businesses has increased our need for skilled workers. However, about 62% of jobs in Texas require at least some postsecondary education, but only 47.9% of adults in Texas have a postsecondary credential. Currently, only 22% of Texas students earn a postsecondary degree within 6 years of graduation.

skilled workers. However, about 62% of jobs in Texas require at least some postsecondary education, but only 47.9% of adults in Texas have a postsecondary credential. Currently, only 22% of Texas students earn a postsecondary degree within 6 years of graduation.

Community Colleges Are Uniquely Positioned to Address These Challenges

Community Colleges Are Uniquely Positioned to Address These Challenges

By providing quick and affordable pathways to multiple self-sustaining wage credentials, community colleges are uniquely positioned to meet the demand for re-skilling and up-skilling Texans for the 21st century workforce. However, over the past 40 years, state funding of community colleges has declined from 68% to 26%.

By providing quick and affordable pathways to multiple self-sustaining wage credentials, community colleges are uniquely positioned to meet the demand for re-skilling and up-skilling Texans for the 21st century workforce. However, over the past 40 years, state funding of community colleges has declined from 68% to 26%.

The Current System Does Not Produce the Educational Outcomes Businesses Need

The Current System Does Not Produce the Educational Outcomes Businesses Need

In addition to not being adequately funded, the current community college finance model does not sufficiently incentivize outcomes aligned with regional and state workforce needs. Furthermore, it does not support crucial non-credit workforce credentials needed to bridge the postsecondary attainment gap.

In addition to not being adequately funded, the current community college finance model does not sufficiently incentivize outcomes aligned with regional and state workforce needs. Furthermore, it does not support crucial non-credit workforce credentials needed to bridge the postsecondary attainment gap.

Incentivizing Community Colleges to Create Programs Aligned with Workforce Needs Is Critical

Incentivizing Community Colleges to Create Programs Aligned with Workforce Needs Is Critical

The Texas Commission on Community College Finance's recommendations shift state funding to be majority outcomes-based and incentivize work-based learning and employer partnerships. Additionally, they help stand up new programs in high-demand fields so that colleges can better adapt to changing business needs

The Texas Commission on Community College Finance's recommendations shift state funding to be majority outcomes-based and incentivize work-based learning and employer partnerships. Additionally, they help stand up new programs in high-demand fields so that colleges can better adapt to changing business needs

Business Leaders Are Calling for Action

Business Leaders Are Calling for Action

Business leaders across the state believe the Commission's recommendations will help build the workforce that we desperately need. Similarly, 93 percent of Texans agree that community colleges should be properly funded so they can continue to offer the training needed for people to get a good job or a better job. To ensure that Texas maintains a globally competitive workforce, the 88th Legislature must strategically and meaningfully fund our community colleges.

Business leaders across the state believe the Commission's recommendations will help build the workforce that we desperately need. Similarly, 93 percent of Texans agree that community colleges should be properly funded so they can continue to offer the training needed for people to get a good job or a better job. To ensure that Texas maintains a globally competitive workforce, the 88th Legislature must strategically and meaningfully fund our community colleges.

ason Businesses Struggle to Hire:

The Reason Businesses Struggle to Hire:

obs in Texas are considered middle-skill, but % of Texans are sufficiently trained for these eaving a "middle skills gap" comprising ~1.4 MILLION TEXANS 6

54% of jobs in Texas are considered middle-skill, but only 45% of Texans are sufficiently trained for these jobs—leaving a "middle skills gap" comprising ~1.4 MILLION TEXANS

w n y t i m e s c o m / 2 0 1 9 / 0 7 / 0 7 / b u s i n e s s / t e x a s - e c o n o m y - j o b s - c i t i e s h t m A P S m i t h N , a n d S t r o h l J ( J u n e 2 0 1 3 ) R e c o v e r y : P r o e c t o n s o f J o b s a n d E d u c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t s T h r o u g h r g e t o w n P u b l i c P o l i c y I n s t i t u t e u n d a t i o n , A S t r o n g e r N a t o n 2 0 2 1 T e x a s R e p o r t S a m p l e : U S r e s i d e n t s , a g e s 2 5 - 6 4 C r e d e n t i a l s i n c l u d e d r p r o f e s s o n a d e g r e e s b a c h e l o r s d e g r e e s a s s o c i a t e d e g r e e s c e r t i f i c a t e s i n d u s t r y - r e c o g n i z e d c e r t i f i c a t i o n s G r a d e C o h o r t i n f o r m a t o n f o r C l a s s o f 2 0 1 2 O u t c o m e s p y A d v o c a t e s s u r v e y c o n d u c t e d b y B a s e l i c e & A s s o c i a t e s I n c

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3 2
1 4 5

The Texas Commission on Community College Finance's recommendations propose bold and transformative changes to community college finance that will address our workforce and postsecondary completion challenges.



Shifts to a majority outcomesbased funding framework that supports student success by incentivizing credentials of value and successful transfer to 4-year schools

Aligns with regional and state workforce demands to meet e

Increases financial aid with a goal to support at least 70% of qualified low-income college students pursuing credentials of value

Provides financial aid for dual credit for economicallydisadvantaged high school

Provides one-time seed grants to help community colleges stand up programs in highdemand fields

Enhances collaboration and cost-sharing among community colleges to improve efficiency and increase student access redit re kable ms to s.

How the Commission’s Recommendations Support Businesses:

Incentivizes community colleges to meet workforce needs by shifting to a majority outcomes-based funding framework.

Expands paid work-based learning opportunities between colleges and employers that lead to increased job placement. Helps community colleges stand up programs in high-demand fields.


E c n in st g
Back to What’s Inside? H.E.A.R.T. REPORT 2023 7


As we prepare for bringing nearly 175 key influencers to Austin, March 5-7, it is critical, we are in alignment on messaging and priorities. Collectively, Kilgore, Lindale, Longview, Tyler, and Whitehouse Chamber boards have agreed on the following 5 Priorities for the trade area:

1. SUPPORT and protect continuing the use of transparent economic development incentive tools to enhance job creation and investment in Texas.

2. SUPPORT efforts to increase workforce supply and resiliency by supporting the recommendations made by the Texas Community College Commission Finance (TCCCF).

3. SUPPORT and ensure East Texas is prioritized in the broadband plans.

4.SUPPORT improving access to care and increasing behavioral and mental health services through expanding physician loan repayment programs specifically targeted to primary care provider, mental health providers, and underserved areas and expanding the child mental health consortium statewide.

5. SUPPORT the implementation of the Tri-Agency workforce Initiative (HB3767) to determine if alignment of education and workforce development has improved through data-sharing; advocate for strengthening agency data-sharing and public access to information on progress towards state workforce goals and student outcomes; support engagement with the business community to improve the quality of workforce data collected by state agencies.

The priorities has driven developing our agenda explained, CEO Kelly Hall. We have policy shapers and influencers lined up to present to our attendees and our elected official’s staff to better understand the why behind the issues outlined.

For example, two key items for discussion include why we need to protect economic development incentives and supporting the Texas Commission on Community College Finance Recommendations.

1. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Texas didn’t just become great! We intentionally built tools to attract and retain jobs. Now, these incentives are being jeopardized and Texas’s economic security could be at risk. We have been at the table with several state agencies since the 87th session working on enacting a modern, transparent economic development program. It is imperative that our elected officials represent Texas and protect our economic environment.

2. For the past several years we have been working in partnership with Texas 2036, Commit Partnership, and the Texas Association of Business on the importance of postsecondary education and its impacts on job attainment. That is why we are helping champion the recommendations from the Texas Commission on Community College Finance. We believe community colleges should have access to the resources necessary to improve and grow the outcomes of ALL Texas students.

For more information about the Chamber’s policy work in protecting businesses and our economic environment please feel free to reach out to Kelly Hall @ 903.237.4004 or khall@longviewtx.com


The event will include recognition of our Small Business Awards recipients and the Leadership Longview Class of 2023 Graduation. Our speaker is Stephen Capps, owner of TXGates Handyman Service in Marshall, Texas. Stephen helps overwhelmed business owners overcome adversity, avoid the crash and burn so they can have the life and business they want. He is also the creator and host of the podcast, Pull Up and Thrive.

Reserved Company Tables and Company Display Tables are available, as well as individual tickets.


LEADING PEOPLE. LEADING PROSPERITY. Featuring Stephen Capps – Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Coach, and Speaker Thursday, May 4, 2023 | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm | Pinecrest Country Club
GOLD SPONSORS: Eastman Chemical Company - Texas Operations, KLTV-Channel 7, Texas Bank and Trust, VeraBank
LEADING PEOPLE. LEADING PROSPERITY. 2023 MILESTONE CHAMBER MEMBER ANNIVERSARIES JANUARY/FEBRUARY 5 Years Fidelity Metalworks Next Level Professional Development Stonewater Roofing Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Advanta Insurance Partners ASAP Roofing & Construction 10 Years Alpine House 15 Years Phillips Flooring Center 25 Years Southside Bank 30 Years Express Employment Professionals Texas Oncology - Longview Cancer Center Hayes Engineering, Inc. SAVETHEDATE Back to What’s Inside? H.E.A.R.T. REPORT 2023 9

Applying for jobs and hiring employees can be difficult and time consuming. But, with Express Employment Professionals, finding the right job or filling the right position is easy.

Call, come in, or go online today to see what Express can do for you.

(903) 663-3559

101 West Hawkins Parkway, Suite 4 Longview, TX 75605 ExpressProsLongview.com

the current edition here! nowlongview.com 10 WWW.LONGVIEWCHAMBER.COM


Chuy’s 208 E. Loop 281

Longview TX 75605

(430) 242-7771


Tele’s Mexican Restaurant 1700 Judson Rd

Longview, TX 75601, USA

(903) 553-9833


Kranz Psychological Services 1402 McCann Rd Longview TX 75601

(903) 258-9279


Thank You!

C3 Industrial Technologies 4917 FM2204

Kilgore, TX 75662

(903) 808-6002


Northwestern Mutual - Colby Dickson 507 E Magrill St, Longview, TX 75601

(903) 230-7241


FreeUp Storage - Tyler Street 350 W Tyler St

Longview TX 75601

(903) 308-3387


2023 CLICK ON business to link to Chamber directory information or link directly to their business website.
2023 Chamber Ribbon Cutting Sponsor
Back to What’s Inside? H.E.A.R.T. REPORT 2023 11

Planning For Future Generatons

Over 30 key influencers are planning on participating in the upcoming InterCity Trip: April 16 – 19, 2023 to Billings, MT. Meetings are well underway to develop an impactful agenda where best practice learning can take place. Areas of research will include redevelopment, place making, workforce development, talent attraction and retention.

In preparation for the trip the chamber board of directors spent time with Asst. City Manager MaryAnn Hagenbucher and Michael Shirley, Development Services Director to better understand Longview’s footprint. It is important to know where development opportunities are explained, CEO Kelly Hall. Often, we forget Longview is built on pipelines. This prevents certain types of development in various areas of our community. Therefore, we must be strategic in our growth plans by understanding mapping for Longview, be willing to work through challenges, and seek creative solutions for new opportunities.

Why an InterCity Visit? The visit is designed to acquire new ideas. It will provide an opportunity to introduce our delegation to innovative programs and impactful projects that may be adapted and implemented in our community. Candid speakers will alert our delegation to the challenges and pitfalls with which they are currently struggling.

Probably one of the most significant reasons to participate in an InterCity Trip is it encourages and reminds us of the importance to dream! Dreaming turns into a vision and a vision translates into ACTION.

Who can Participate? We are seeking individuals who are willing to ACT for IMPACT! We need creative and critical thinkers who are willing to work in partnership with our city, county, and various organizations within our community to create a framework that generates generational opportunities and prosperity.


Registration is open. Please go ahead and mark your calendar now! I appreciate you for believing in Longview and our trade area! Thank you for your willingness to be part of building the future!

Will you join us on the 2023 InterCity Trip?
CLICK HERE ] April 16 – 19, 2023 Billings, Montana

Come Travel With Us!

The Leadership Longview class of 2023 would like to invite you to their Project Open House on Thursday, April 13, 2023. The event will take place in the afternoon at The Martin House Children’s Advocacy Center located at 606 W. Garfield Dr. Suite .

As stated on their website: “The Martin House Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) is a childfocused non-profit organization dedicated to helping children under 18 years of age who are suspected victims of sexual or physical abuse or witnesses to violent crimes.

The mission of The Martin House Children’s Advocacy Center is to ensure that every child who is a victim of abuse and comes to our center has an opportunity to be heard, feel protected, and receive services that are vital to his or her continued safety and future wellbeing.”

The class has been hard at work on muchneeded updates and reorganization. Come and celebrate their work and this accomplishment for a very worthy organization in our community.

Graduation for the class will be held in conjunction with the Longview Chamber’s Business Solutions Luncheon on Thursday, May 4, 2023, at Pinecrest Country Club. Thank you to the class’s graduation sponsor, Prosperity Bank!

Special thanks to this year’s PRESENTING SPONSOR:

Project Open House and Graduation! APRIL 13, 2023 Thank You! PROSPERITY BANK
903-291-5508 sarah.bell@prosperitybankusa.com

Capital Wealth - Carl Newman

(903) 295-4250

222 N Fredonia St. Longview, TX 75601


Capital Wealth Group - Curtis Hinshaw III (903) 295-4250

222 N Fredonia St. Longview, TX 75601 https://thecapitalwealthgroup.com/

Great American Coil (903) 297-4700

PO Box 127 White Oak, TX 75693


Hicken Hospitality (214) 226-2995

4597 CR 2617 Caddo Mills, TX 75135 www.scooterscoffee.com

Ivey Acres Events LLC (903) 930-8535

13788 State Hwy 154 Harleton, TX 75651 www.iveyacres.com


Just Let Juliet, LLC


303 West Loop 281 Longview, TX 75605 www.JustLetJuliet.com

Maxxon Logistics & Business Solutions

(833) 462-9966

911 W Loop 281 Ste #317 Longview, TX 75604 www.themaxxongroup.com

Paul Chiropractic


3008 Gilmer Road Ste 101 Longview, TX 75604 www.paulchiro.net

Ruiz General Framing LLC

(903) 445-4178

6834 Green Hills Rd Gilmer, TX 75645

Sparkle Janitorial 903-238-5775

P O Box 3325 Longview, TX 75606 www.sparklejanitorial.net

Spring Market #727

(903) 643-2000

5005 Estes Parkway Longview, TX 75603

https://www.spring-market.com/sm/planning/ rsid/713/

Super One Foods #612

(903) 753-7411

1217 E. Marshall Ave. Longview, TX 75601

https://www.super1foods.com/sm/pickup/ rsid/600/store-information/Longview/612

Taco Cabana (903) 686-2002

411 E Loop 281 Longview, TX 75605


Taylor Safety Consulting LLC (903) 643-8100 PO Box 945 Tatum, TX 75691


CLICK ON business names to link to Chamber directory information or link directly to their business website.
H.E.A.R.T. Inserts Are you a new member? For more information about advertising contact Kelly Hall | khall@longviewTexas.com Be the first Chamber member to find the hidden logo ‘bug’ in this issue of H.E.A.R.T. and your company will get a 1/4 page ad in the next issue! When you find it email – khall@longviewTexas.com You must identify the page # and exact location of the ‘bug’. The first person to correctly find it and email Kelly will be notified. You must be a member of the Longview Chamber of Commerce to get a free 1/4 page ad. FIND THE “BUG” STEP UP STAND OUT SERVE The following boards are Council-appointed boards. Animal Shelter Advisory Committee Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Construction Advisory and Appeals Board Cultural Activities Advisory Commission Emergency Medical Service Advisory Board Housing and Community Development Advisory Commission Longview Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Partners in Prevention Steering Committee Planning and Zoning Commission Public Transportation Advisory Board Senior Advisory Committee Zoning Board of Adjustment Apply by April 14 • 903-237-1021 • LongviewTexas.gov/Boards Council Appointed Boards PRESENTED BY: LISTEN HERE! nowlongview.com/podcast/ The Supreme Difference Our Mission Our mission is to create an exceptional home financing experience. With an expanding branch network and team of talented mortgage professionals, we help families across the United States achieve their dream of homeownership, leveraging best-in-class technology, superior processes, and a wide variety of loan programs. Our drive to exceed customer expectations has been a major contributor to our company’s continued growth and established reputation as one of the top mortgage lenders in the country. Our Advantages 98.4% customer satisfaction rating, with 66.8% response rate 98 3% of loans closed/funded on time 28.11 days on average for a loan to move rom application to clear-to-close—much quicker than the industry average + loan programs—a product for nearly any lending need purchase volume—which brings greater stability and predictability meeting unique local lending needs Shana Williams p p y y wo k w h Sh n and ou eam We w p ov de you w h a s t nce n n v ga ng wha an be a con us ng r a o mo tgage requ emen s and ma e he p oce s n r d b y mp e and e en b O h th h h th d h d k d Wh h y b g g g h y 30 d y KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA: Mortgage Company MC2129; MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NH, NJ: Licensed the N.J. Department Banking and Insurance; NM, NC, ND, NV, Licensed New York Mortgage Banker NY Office: 5385 Main St., Williamsville, NY NML # 2 82-h W L d h W @ d g Mc nn y X 50 About Shana 14 WWW.LONGVIEWCHAMBER.COM
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