LCVA Annual Report 2008-2009

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Cover: Audrey Gee helps to prepare the decorations for the 2009 gala art auction Ultraluxe.

LONGWOOD CENTER for the V I S UA L A RTS A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 . 2 0 0 9

CONTENTS Mission & Values Statements...........................1 Message from the President ............................3

Message from the Director...............................5

Exhibitions........................................................6 Special Exhibitions .........................................17

Education .......................................................23

Events ............................................................42

Volunteers ......................................................48

Collections......................................................53 Financial Contributions...................................70

Financial Summary.........................................74 Advisory Board...............................................75

Administration & Staff.....................................76

MI S SION STATEMENT The Longwood Center for the Visual Arts is a collaborative forum for students and faculty of Longwood University

and the people of South Central Virginia to explore visual art and its relevance to everyday life. The LCVA fosters creativity, intellectual curiosity, and involvement in the visual arts through its exhibitions, educational programs, permanent collection, and volunteer and internship programs. The LCVA is committed to improving the quality of life in the region by providing

full access to the visual arts and to the ways art exemplifies beauty, hope, and the power of human imagination.

VALUES STATEMENT The Centrality of Art to Individual and Community Life

Works of art are essential records of human history and can influence and enrich every aspect of living. Art can inspire people to lead more hopeful, creative, and participatory lives within the community for the greater good. With these

convictions in mind, the LCVA treats all visitors in a welcoming and inclusive manner while fostering an aesthetic

appreciation of diverse experiences, forms, media, and content. The LCVA encourages participation in the creative process regardless of age, training, or ability. The LCVA designs exhibitions, educational and volunteer programs, and internships to spark community interaction and development.

Artistic Integrity

The LCVA serves as an advocate for artists by insisting on fair, respectful, and professional treatment of artists within our institution as well as in the community at large. The LCVA fully accepts the role of steward for art in its possession and

commits itself to preserving the original intent of the artist. The LCVA dedicates itself to presenting compelling examples

of exemplary artistic vision and craftsmanship.


In the conduct of its business and in the exhibition, collection, preservation, and maintenance of works of art, the LCVA adheres to the highest professional standards and ethical considerations as outlined by the American Association of Museums, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Longwood University.


Christopher Jackson ’99 and Santana Crump admire an untitled work by William Fletcher Jones, exhibited as part of

Extreme Personalities, Elegant Paintings: Works from the Lester Blackiston Collection. This work’s conservation was made possible by Hunter R. and Patsy Kimbrough Pettus ’50.


FROM THE PRESIDENT As the events of the 2008-09 year concluded at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, the world was looking ahead to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

We were captivated by records – could Apolo Ohno possibly win his eighth, unprecedented winter medal? Would any records be broken along the way? I think that part of the appeal of the Olympics is that it allows us to quantify accomplishments – how fast, how many, how high.

Quantifying accomplishments is harder in the art world. It makes no sense to ask an artist how fast, how many, or how high. Like any other organization, however, the LCVA does have measurable markers of its progress. And looking over the year 2008-2009, I’m surprised by how many records were broken. Here’s a quick list of the LCVA’s Olympic feats:

The Longwood University Art Department Senior Exhibition would have earned a gold medal for broadening the LCVA’s audience to the community and to Longwood University alumni, parents, and students by attracting a record crowd of nearly 400 to its opening reception.

The LCVA broke new ground by adding a host of new events – including a summer sewing camp, a family art night,

They may not be medals, but a national award is pretty close! The LCVA won two from the American Association

an art workshop at Nottoway County High School, and an open-air studio session for area artists.

of Museums for its innovative labels and invitations. The LCVA also received two awards from the Public Relations

Society of America, for its newsletter and an exhibition catalog.

★ ★

The LCVA’s gala in February 2008 set a very important record – highest grossing charitable function in the area, netting

$87,000 for the LCVA’s educational programs.

The record for records broken goes to the 2009 Annual Area Youth Art Exhibition, which set new highs for attendance (844), counties represented (10), and number of student works submitted (552).

Of course, numbers and figures are meaningful only to the degree that they illustrate that the LCVA is fulfilling its mission.

Can there be any doubt that through its expanding programs and growing circle of supporters, the LCVA is improving the

quality of life in the region by providing access to the arts? Can anyone fail to see how these programs exemplify beauty, hope, and the power of the imagination?

I am thrilled to see the LCVA set so many records in participation, support, and new programs. I will be even more excited

in the months and years to come to see the LCVA break its own records, accomplishing new heights year by year. Sincerely,

Heyn Kjerulf

President, LCVA Advisory Board


Many of the artists whose works were featured in Extreme Personalities, Elegant Paintings: Works from the Lester Blackiston Collection attended the opening reception. Shown here are William S. Amlong, Richard Lee Bland, LCVA Director K. Johnson Bowles,

William Kendrick, and Eddie Peters. The late Lester Blackiston himself looks on from within the frame of a 1961 portrait by Kendrick.


FROM THE DIRECTOR In last year’s letter for the annual report, I explained that the LCVA had recently submitted a twelve-inch-high stack

of materials to the American Association of Museum’s (AAM) accreditation program.

Nothing but good has come out of this so far: we have received positive follow-up inquiries from AAM staff, and in April 2010, a team of site visitors will come to the LCVA for a face-to-face meeting.

Plenty of other good things have already happened, as well. As a result of our submitting the application, we have developed, revised, or approved our Advisory Board By-Laws, its Code of Ethics, the LCVA’s Collections Policies,

its Program Policies, a Strategic Plan, and an Emergency Plan. Many of these documents have been vetted and approved

by the University’s Board of Visitors and the Longwood Foundation, including a Resolution of Permanence (committing the

University to long-term support of the art center) and a Memorandum of Understanding that spells out how the the university and the Longwood University Foundation will support the LCVA.

Is this thrilling stuff? Not so much. But it is important – and in its own way, it’s even exciting to know that we have laid

the legal and intellectual foundations that will guide the LCVA to becoming a better organization and a stronger steward of its collection. Sincerely,

K. Johnson Bowles Director


2 0 08.2009 EXHIBITIONS

A partial view of the installation Riveting Inferences, featuring photographs of specimens of extinct or endangered birds taken

by Longwood students under the direction of Longwood Biologist Alix Fink and conceived as an installation by Kerri Cushman

of Longwood’s Art Department.

Riveting Inferences: An Art + Science Collaboration 1 July – 6 September 2008 Main Street Gallery

Previously shown at the Vespine Gallery in Chicago, this summer installation raised questions about our environment,

revisiting a comparison made decades ago by scientists Paul and Anne Ehrlich, which begins: “If you were sitting on a plane

and noticed rivets being removed from the wing, would you be alarmed?” Presenting images of birds whose species status is extinct or endangered, the exhibition further explored the analogy: Should we be alarmed when elements of our

ecosystem are threatened? The installation was a cross-disciplinary collaboration by artist Kerri Cushman and biologist

Alix Fink (both on the Longwood University faculty), completed with the assistance of LU students Alex Grabiec ’07,

Kristen Herndon ’08, Michael McAteer ’08, Laura Nodtvedt ’07, and Kari Wilson ’09. The multi-faceted exhibition included

an oversized artist book, photography, handmade papers, plenty of rivets – and riveting ideas.


Viewing the It’s Giving Me the Creeps exhibition, Donna Taylor examines Icarus – Pre Volantum by Dean J. Meeker. The show featured works from the LCVA’s permanent collection that, while artistically sound, are also disturbing.

The unconventional show won an award for its labels from the American Association of Museums.

It’s Giving Me the Creeps! Art from the LCVA Permanent Collection that Scares the Staff

5 September – 1 November 2008 Bishop and Sully Galleries

Good art should evoke a response from the viewer, whether a smile, a sigh – or a scream? That was the assumption

underlying the LCVA’s fall exhibition. The works ranged in subject matter from a Frankenstein-like figure to challenging questions about social justice to plain-old eerie representations of the world around us. Works shown were created by an

equally wide range of artists, from living artists in our own community to past masters such as American painter Thomas Sully. The exhibition won top recognition in the 2009 Excellence in Exhibition Label-Writing Competition organized by the Curators Committee of the American Association of Museums. Each label in the exhibition not only featured traditional identifiers

about a work’s artist, title, and medium, but also displayed the opinions of the LCVA staff members who found the work

to be disturbing. Each label concluded with material about the artist and the work, placing the challenging piece within the broader art context. Jurors for the competition described the exhibition and labels as “engaging” and “compelling.”

Marlene Chambers, editor emerita of the Denver Art Museum, noted, “The idea that even the museum staff might find some art off-putting or ‘creepy’ audaciously validates the visitor’s own gut-level responses and opens the door to

thoughtful consideration.”


Detail of Self-portrait (Charlie) by Charlie Jeffress, one of 80 adults with disabilities who attended Camp Unity, sponsored by Crossroads Community Services during the summer of 2008. The LCVA offered art activities

for the camp participants, who created the interior portraits shown in a fall exhibition on the lower level of the art center.

A Few of My Favorite Things: Portraits Made at Camp Unity

14 September – 10 October 2008 Lower Level Gallery

From June 2 through June 27, 2008, Crossroads Community Services sponsored Camp Unity at Twin Lakes State Park to offer recreational opportunities for adults with disabilities. Working with four sessions of campers, the LCVA’s Curator

of Education Emily Gresham guided them through the process of creating self-portraits decorated with words and symbols of their favorite things. “I knew I was going to like the art because it was an interior portrait of some special people,”

commented Gresham. “But as it turns out, I liked the art on its own merits, too. That’s one of the amazing things about art –

even people with so-called ‘disabilities’ can find expression and can find ‘abilities’ they might not have previously

experienced.” Camp director Jerry Brickeen was so pleased with the project that he proposed an exhibition of the

artworks, an idea that the LCVA embraced enthusiastically, including an opening reception for the 80-some artists, their friends and families, and the community at large.


Made possible by assistance from ARAMARK, No Free Lunch in the Main Street Gallery drew attention to the high rates of poverty and hunger in Southside Virginia.

No Free Lunch

20 September – 8 November 2008

Main Street Gallery

While many Americans worried about the war in Iraq, the economy, and who would be the next president, others in our

community struggled with day-to-day needs. At Prince Edward County Public Schools, 59 percent of the children receive free

or reduced-price lunch through the National School Lunch Program. Installed in the Main Street Gallery, No Free Lunch was created to illustrate the needs of such children. Glinting silverware dangled and twirled on fishing line hung from the ceiling

in front of paper-doll children, numbered for every child in the county who lives on the poverty level. This exhibition was

made possible with the assistance of ARAMARK Corporation, which provides dining services for Longwood University.


Will Semonco ’09 examines photographs by assistant professor of art Anna Cox. Her work was a part of the Longwood University Faculty Exhibition.

Longwood University Art Department Faculty Exhibition

21 November 2008 – 31 January 2009

Thomas Sully Gallery

Like their colleagues in other academic disciplines at Longwood University, art department faculty members teach full loads

throughout the academic year and conduct research in their areas of specialty. For the art department, that means delving

into the process of creating works of art aesthetically and technically. Their 2009 exhibition of works at the LCVA showcased

such skills, including bookmaking, collage, printmaking, sculpture, performance art, and more. This year’s participants fea-

tured Mark Baldridge, K. Johnson Bowles, Jessica Broad, John S.J. Burke, Anna Cox, Kerri Cushman, Erin Devine, Randy

Edmonson, Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman, Amos Kennedy, Wade Lough, Kelly Nelson, Denise Penick ’73, Christopher M.

Register, and Homer Springer.


Professor Ramesh Rao and Sujaya Rao along with their son Sudhanva admire an intricate drawing in The Inner Eye: Folk Art of India from the William and Ann Oppenhimer Collection.

The Inner Eye: Folk Art of India from the William and Ann Oppenhimer Collection 21 November 2008 – 31 January 2009

Barbara L. Bishop Gallery

The Inner Eye featured drawings of daily life in rural India by the family of Ganesh Jogi and Teju Ben as well as traditional

painted scrolls by Montu and Joba Chitrakar. In addition, it included other works collected by William and Ann Oppenhimer

during their travels to India, including the works of Pradyumna Kumar, Sona Chitrakar, Govind Jogi, Prakash Jogi, Somi Jogi,

and the renowned folk artist Nek Chand. Organized by the University of Richmond Museums, the original version of this

exhibition was co-curated by Richard Waller, Executive Director, University Museums, and Kristen Malanoski, a graduate

of the University of Richmond. This exhibition was co-sponsored by the Longwood University Office of Multicultural Affairs

and International Student Services, along with Dr. Shashi Ayer and Saraswati Ayer ’02, Mr. Dilip Jain and Hemlata Jain, and

Professor Ramesh Rao and Sujaya Rao.


Eve Jones and Toshiana Bland point to their artworks selected for the 2009 Annual Area Youth Art Exhibition. The exhibition broke records for the number of submissions (552), the number of counties participating (10), and the attendance at the opening reception (844 people).


Start with Art, Learn for Life: The Annual Area Youth Art Exhibition

29 March – 9 May 2009 Lower Level Gallery

The 2009 area youth art exhibition consisted of 552 works of art by students in grades preK-12 from public and private

schools within a 10-county region. The opening reception on March 29 attracted a record attendance of 844. The exhibition

was as diverse as the artists involved, featuring paintings, drawings, photographs, weavings, ceramics, mixed media,

fiber art, sculpture and collage. Art teachers contributed their students’ works from the counties of Amelia, Appomattox,

Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Lunenburg, Nottoway, Powhatan, and Prince Edward.

Participating art teachers included: Jennifer Abruzzo (Buckingham County High School); Gayle Bromer (Buckingham County

Middle School); Kim Dalton (Pocahontas Middle School); Laura Dedmond ’08 (Cumberland County Elementary School);

Marley Dickinson (Nottoway Intermediate School); Jane Dougherty (Amelia County Middle School); Cassie Duarte (Central High School); Carol Edmonson ’82 (Prince Edward County Elementary School); S. J. Fleisher ’04 (Lunenburg Middle

School); Deborah Ford ’76 (Amelia County High School); Vicki Fulcher (New Life Christian Academy); Frank Hailey

(Randolph-Henry High School); Patricia Herring ’80 (Nottoway County Middle School); Mrs. Hertzler (Five-County Home School); Allison Jones (Kenston Forest); Ronda L. Jones ’78 (Cumberland Middle School); Jean Kunath (Central High

School); Keri Lindsey ’05 (Burkeville Elementary School and Crewe Primary School); Megan McConnell ’06 (Nottoway

County High School); Rose Mezzatesta (Buckingham Primary School and Dillwyn Primary School); Kathryn Orth (Prince Edward County High School); Denise Penick ’73 (Fuqua School); Bettye Pope (Amelia County Elementary School);

Connie Queensberry ’90 (Central Middle School); Debbie Quinn ’92 (Blackstone Primary School); Beth Reynolds ’94

(Appomattox Middle School); Wendy Richardson ’72 (Appomattox County High School); Kathryn Sheldon (Bacon District

Elementary, James Murray Jeffress Elementary, and Phenix Elementary); Betsy Skelton (Five-County Home School); Krista Skelton ’00 (Scottsburg Elementary School); Pat Smith (New Life Christian Academy); Janice Stanley ’92 (Cumberland

County High School); Tiffany Thomas (Dillwyn Elementary School and Gold Hill Elementary School); Joy Utzinger (Prince Edward County Elementary School); Lindsay Wheeler ’08 (Eureka Elementary School); Maggie Whorley ’73 (Appomattox Elementary School); and Valerie York (Appomattox Primary School).


Africa: Art and Animals appeared in the Main Street Gallery from March 29 through May 18, 2009. Under the leadership of art teachers Carol Edmonson ’82 and Joy Boettcher Utzinger, each of the 1,100 students at Prince Edward County Elementary School made a contribution to the display.

Africa: Art and Animals

29 March – 18 May 2009 Main Street Gallery

Africa: Art and Animals was an exhibit created with the combined talents of approximately 1,100 Prince Edward County

Elementary School students under the leadership of art teachers Carol Edmonson ’82 and Joy Boettcher Utzinger.

Featuring masks and mudcloths and more, this installation featured the colors, sights, and vitality of Africa.

In addition to exploring African art generally, the exhibition also mimicked some of the highlights of the

African art permanently exhibited in the LCVA’s Miller Gallery.


A crowd of nearly 400 attended the opening reception for the 2009 Longwood University Art Department Senior Exhibition. Organized in cooperation with the LU Art Department, the exhibition featured the work of more than thirty soon-to-be graduates.

Longwood University Art Department Senior Exhibition 18 April – 9 May 2009 LCVA Lower Level

Combining youthful energy and trained craftsmanship, the Longwood University Art Department Senior Exhibition attracted nearly 400 people to its opening reception. The exhibition featured diverse works by more than thirty young artists who graduated in May 2009. Artworks represented varied media, including ceramics, graphic design, jewelry, photography, and a mixed media installation. The students’ sources of inspiration were just as diverse, such as nature, geometry,

fitness, and a concern for the environment.

Participating artists were Jake Ambrose, Jennifer Bapties, Andrea Bryant, Brian Carley, Chris Day, Melissa A. Dorton,

Kelly Fitzgerald, Katherine Flickinger, Ingrid S. Hale, Liz Hale, Adrienne Heinbaugh, Ryan Higginbotham, MacNeill James,

Amanda King, Ashlee L. McConnell, Janice Omadeke, Michelle Owen, Jennifer A. Planchak, Megan Quick, Cory Schaeffer, Kristin C. Schiller, Alex Schladt, Will Semonco, Daniel Singleton, Kara Spence, Heather Sutherland, Allison M. Webber,

Amy Williams, Kari Wilson, Rachel Wolfe, and Carley York.


The late Lester Blackiston donated his impressive collection of Richmond-based artworks from the 1960s, 70s and 80s to the LCVA. With the exhibition of the works from May 29 through October 24, the LCVA fulfilled Blackiston’s wish to see the works cared for and shared with the public.

Extreme Personalities, Elegant Paintings: Works from the Lester Blackiston Collection 29 May – 24 October 2009 Bishop and Sully Galleries

Richmond citiscapes, Virginia landscapes, and captivating still life paintings were among the works by Virginia artists on

display as part of Extreme Personalities, Elegant Paintings: Works from the Lester Blackiston Collection. The works in the

exhibition were created in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s by some of the best and most interesting painters working in Virginia at

the time: William S. Amlong, Phyllis Biddle, Richard Lee Bland, William Fletcher Jones, William Kendrick, Eddie Peters, and

Art Wimberly. The paintings entered the collection of the late Lester Blackiston, who held them privately for decades before

giving them to the LCVA in late 2006.

The artists in this exhibition, along with Blackiston, their patron, were known for their spirited lifestyle as they questioned

conformity in a manner in keeping with the Beat movement’s counterculture. In Richmond, the Bohemian scene centered around the Village Café and the Shockoe Bottom neighborhood where theories of painting, poetry, and politics were

stridently espoused and simultaneously challenged. For all, life and art were commingled. The art these artists produced was as visually intense as their lives in color, composition, and execution.

This exhibition was cosponsored by Corporate and Museum Frame, Inc., Dominion Virginia Power, Alan I. Kirshner and

Deborah Mihaloff, and Hunter R. and Patsy Kimbrough Pettus ’50, as well as the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the

National Endowment for the Arts. See related article about the restoration of the artworks on page 53.



After completing the daunting task of selecting thirty-three highlights from the Annual Area Youth Art Exhibition comes the fun part: framing and hanging the works, and then honoring the selected artists. Shown are some of the students from Buckingham, Cumberland,

and Prince Edward Counties whose works were featured in the year-long exhibition at the Hull Education Center: Garrett Jensen,

Holly Herndon, Nathaniel Glover, Summer Woodard, and Jennifer Overstreet.

Highlights from the 2008 Annual Area Youth Art Exhibition October 2008 – June 2009

Hull Education Center, Longwood University The good news was that the spring 2008 Annual Area Youth Art Exhibition held at the LCVA featured a record-breaking 500

submissions from public, private, and home schools in nine counties. The bad news came when the LCVA’s Curator of

Education Emily Gresham had to choose a mere thirty-three pieces from that exhibition to appear in the Highlights show, hung for a year-long display at the Hull Education Center on the Longwood University campus. There, the young artists’

works serve as an inspiration for students, staff, faculty, and visitors. The LCVA and Longwood University’s College of

Education and Human Services cosponsored the exhibition.

Students whose work was selected for the exhibition are listed by county, with art teacher and school. From Amelia: Ramey Castle of Amelia County High School (art teacher, Jane U. Dougherty);

Casey Overbey of Amelia County Elementary School (Bettye Pope); Jonathan Skelton of Five-County Home School (Betsy Skelton). From Appomattox: Mackenzie Bennett of Appomattox Primary School

(Valerie York); Mallory Hatcher of Appomattox County High School (Wendy Richardson ’72); Rachel Ingle of Appomattox Elementary School (Maggie Whorley ’73); Kaylynn Penson of Appomattox Middle

School (Beth Reynolds ’94). From Buckingham: Lewis Glover of Buckingham County High School (Kim Powers); Nathaniel Glover of Buckingham Primary School (Jennifer Abruzzo); Trequan Glover of Dillwyn

Primary School (Jennifer Abruzzo); Alyssa Goodwin of Dillwyn Elementary School (Matilde Herrero); Holly Herndon of Gold Hill Elementary School (Matilde Herrero); Hailey Waybright of Buckingham Middle School (Gayle E. Bromer). From Charlotte: Dominique Dews of J. Murray Jeffress Elementary (Kathryn Sheldon Jones); Madeline Ferguson of Eureka Elementary (Kristi Martin); Joslynn Pleasant of Bacon

District Elementary (Kathryn Sheldon Jones); Bryan Williams of Phenix Elementary (Kathryn Sheldon Jones). From Cumberland: Garrett Jensen of Cumberland County Elementary School (Jocelyn Sandberg);

Kaitlin O’Brien of New Life Christian Academy (Vicki Fulcher); Glenn Patterson of Cumberland County Middle School (Ronda L. Jones ’78); Calvin Whitehead of Cumberland County High School

(Janice Stanley ’92). From Lunenburg: Brittini Jones of Central High School (Jean J. Kunath); Stephanie Neal of Lunenburg Middle School (S. J. Fleisher ’04). From Nottoway: Blaize Adderly of Nottoway

County Middle School (Patricia Herring ’80); Nick Brown of Nottoway County High School (Megan McConnell ’06); Molly Childress of Blackstone Primary School (Debbie Quinn ’92); Toni Knight of Crewe Primary School (Keri Lindsey ’05); Sha’Kara Robertson of Burkeville Elementary School (Keri Lindsey ’05); Summer Sutton of Nottoway County Intermediate School (Wanda L. Cary). From Powhatan: Heather Wilkerson of Pocahontas Middle School (Kim Dalton). From Prince Edward: Jennifer Overstreet of Prince Edward County High School (Kathryn Orth); Caleb Rogers of Fuqua School

(Denise Penick ’73); Summer Woodard of Prince Edward County Elementary School (Joy Utzinger).


Select fourth-graders at Prince Edward County Elementary School participated in ART Kids, a program offered

by the LCVA to teach both photography and communication skills. Each student’s best image was framed and exhibited, first in the students’ cafeteria and then in the LCVA’s Main Street Gallery. Here, students show one of the photographs to Cafeteria Manager Jo Ann Oliver-Owens.

ART Kids Exhibition: A World of Photographs 12 – 25 May 2009

Prince Edward County Elementary School Cafeteria

29 May – 24 October 2009 Main Street Gallery

Select fourth-graders at Prince Edward County Elementary School participated in ART Kids, a photography class led by the

LCVA’s exhibitions manager, Alex Grabiec ’07. During the year-long program, the students learned not only about the art and

craft of photography, but also about the interpersonal skills of communication and cooperation. As a concluding project, the

kids’ best photographs were framed and exhibited, first for the students’ peers, families, and teachers at their school and

later in the LCVA’s Main Street Gallery. To learn more about this inspirational program, see related article on page 39.


Among the ongoing educational opportunities of the LCVA are tours of the Brock Commons outdoor sculptures.

Here, a group of children from Heritage Weekday Education Center imitates Kendall Buster’s Bloom (Steel Hide).

Brock Commons Outdoor Sculpture Program Drawing inspiration from the human body, plant forms, or racecars, the three new arrivals to the Brock Commons

Outdoor Sculpture Program fulfill the program’s mandate to showcase a variety of artists, subjects, styles, and materials.

New large-scale sculptures arrived in the winter and spring of 2008-09 and will remain on view for two years. All sculptors

presented a public lecture at Bedford Auditorium following the installation of their pieces. The Brock Commons Outdoor

Sculpture Program is made possible by the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts and the Longwood University Department

of Facilities Management.


Internationally acclaimed sculptor Ledelle Moe assembles her work Memorial (Collapse) near Greenwood Library. The piece was previously shown in Iowa and the District of Columbia.

Ledelle Moe (Baltimore, Maryland) Memorial (Collapse), 2005

concrete and steel, 5 x 7 x 6 feet

Installation and lecture: 3 December 2008 The monumental head on display in front of Greenwood Library was created by sculptor Ledelle Moe as part of a larger display, which was previously exhibited in Iowa, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. A review in The Washington Post called it “a striking art installation” and advised, “You may visit anytime, day or night. And you should.”

Ledelle Moe was born in Durban, South Africa, in 1971. A travel grant in 1994 brought her to the United States, where she

earned a master’s degree at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). She now teaches in the Sculpture Department at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore, Maryland. Moe has exhibited in venues in the United States and

Austria, South Africa, and Sweden. Presently based in Baltimore, she continues to work on large-scale pieces and travels

home annually to work and visit in South Africa. In 2008, she received the Kreeger Museum Artist Award, a biennial

recognition of excellence, creativity, and influence among DC-area artists.


As part of its installation on the Longwood University campus, artist David Boyajian applies a sealant to AMARYLLIS: From Bud

to Seed to Flowing Form. Following their installations of the sculptures, Brock Commons artists make a presentation open to the Longwood community and the public at large.

David Boyajian (Danbury, Connecticut)

AMARYLLIS: From Bud to Seed to Flowing Form, 1998 stainless steel, 11 x 13 x 8 feet

Installation and lecture: 18 March 2009 A trio of plant forms sprouted on Brock Commons near Greenwood Library, together forming AMARYLLIS: From Bud

to Seed to Flowing Form. Sculptor David Boyajian explains, “I often work on a series of sculptures based on actual plant

forms.” The New York Times called Boyajian’s similar pieces “impressive work.”

David Boyajian has exhibited his award-winning sculpture internationally. He received his BFA from Alfred University in

New York, and he earned his MFA from the Rinehart School of Sculpture at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore. A resident of Connecticut, he teaches at his own studio, the Sculpture Barn; at the Silvermine School of Art; and at Norwalk Community College. His works have appeared in ten states across the east coast as well as in Japan. He has executed

dozens of commissions for public venues – including firehouses, libraries, and schools; corporate clients – such as

PepsiCo, Citizens Utilities, and CPG Architects; and a number of private collections.


Right Turn by Jonathan Hils made its way to a pedestrian-only stretch of the Longwood University campus, as part of the Brock Commons Outdoor Sculpture Program, made possible by the LCVA and the Longwood University Department of Facilities Management.

Jonathan Hils (Norman, Oklahoma) Right Turn, 2005

welded and painted steel, 18.5 x 7 x 5 feet

Installation and lecture: 8 April 2009

Although the main axis of the Longwood University campus has been a pedestrian thoroughfare since 2002, in April 2009,

a car returned to Brock Commons. Pedestrians were still safe, however; this car is Right Turn, a sculpture by Oklahoma artist Jonathan Hils. The piece has won praise for the way it balances extremes – a very airy depiction of a heavy machine, and a lace-like texture on the stereotypically masculine form of an automobile. In 2007-2008, Right Turn and another piece by

Hils won the grand prize award for the Rosen Outdoor Sculpture Competition and Exhibition at Appalachian State University

in North Carolina.

A native of New Hampshire, Hils is an Associate Professor of sculpture at the University of Oklahoma. He received his BFA degree from Georgia State University and his MFA from Tulane University. The recipient of the 2005 Oklahoma Visual Art

Coalition Fellowship for outstanding creative work in the visual arts, Hils’ work is represented in several private and corporate

collections including the Hyatt Corporation, Tysons Galleria (McLean, VA), and Equity West Investment Partners (Denver,

CO). He has shown extensively across the U.S. and has been selected for a prestigious John Michael Kohler Arts Center

Arts/Industry artist residency.


E DUCATION Ongoing Offerings

Have Art, Will Travel

This popular exploration of Chinese art and culture for second graders has three components: first, a trunk packed with

books, art supplies, and lesson plans travels to a participating classroom, followed by a visit to the classroom by an LCVA representative. Finally, the class enjoys a field trip to Longwood’s Chinese art collection on display in the Rowe Gallery. Participation in the program is free.

Drawing in the Gallery

For a fourth year, the LCVA maintained a supply of sketch pads and pencils for visitors who wished to view the museum’s collection the old-fashioned way – with pencil in hand. At the front desk, visitors checked out complimentary drawing materials upon request.

Family Guides

Also back for another year were free educational and interactive guides for families, designed to help parents and children

enjoy and learn from the exhibitions. At the end of the visit, kids returned their completed family guide to the reception

desk to win a prize.


The LCVA continued to offer tours to groups from schools, organizations, and clubs throughout the area. Subjects included

the varying exhibitions of world-class art; the lower-level display of Youth Art Month; our permanent exhibition of African Art;

and art on campus, such as the Cole Collection, the Rowe Gallery, and Brock Commons outdoor sculpture.


The Kids’ Activity Room For eight years, the LCVA has been offering art enrichment for families in the Kids’ Activity Room adjacent to the Bishop Gallery.

Keillor Libby displays a creepy creation that he made in The National Ghoullery of Art, a Kids’ Activity Room sponsored by Green Properties (Charlotte and Janet Green).

National Ghoullery of Art

5 September – 1 November 2008 Kids’ Activity Room

While the grown-ups explored It’s Giving Me the Creeps, kids found their own slightly scary scene at the The National Ghoullery of Art in the Kids’ Activity Room. Is the museum haunted, or is it just that famous artists like Edvard Munch

expressed strong emotions like fear and sadness? Kids explored examples of famously creepy art and scared up some of

their own shockingly good art projects. Made possible through a gift from Green Properties (Charlotte and Janet Green).


The Kids’ Activity Rooms directly complement an accompanying

exhibition in the main galleries. An Eye on India helped kids explore the themes, textures, and ideas of The Inner Eye: Folk Art of India from the Collection of William and Ann Oppenhimer.

Bronwyn and Rebecca Rider work together on a project as part of An Eye on India in the Kids’ Activity Room.

An Eye on India

21 November 2008 – 31 January 2009

Main Street Gallery

From architecture to animals, the Kids’ Activity Room turned an eye on the icons of India. Young artists found inspiration in the elegant splendor of the Taj Mahal, the exotic beauty of tigers, and the vivid palette of India. Kids sat on pillows

and tried on colorful saris as they took a passage to India via the LCVA.


For the holiday season, the Main Street Gallery

was transformed into Candyland,

offering festive activities for the whole family.


5 December 2008 – 31 January 2009 Kids’ Activity Room

With visions of sugarplums, the LCVA staff created a magical winter workshop. Set in a fantastic landscape inspired

by gumdrops, candy canes, and licorice, the art activities focused on gifts that children made for parents, neighbors,

grandparents, or friends. Now isn’t that sweet?


Thomas and Emily Higginbotham work together to make a color-spinner in the Colorforms Kids’ Activity Room


17 April – 24 October 2009 Kids’ Activity Room

From hot designs to cool colors, kids explored the “primary” role of color in art. Finding inspiration in the paintings

and prints of Josef Albers, Johannes Itten, and Frank Stella, children learned about primary and secondary colors, hues, pigments, and color wheels.


The 2008 Summer Art Studio went to Europe, making stops in modern-day

England, France, Germany, Russia, and Spain, along with ancient Greece and Rome. Here a gathering of young artists display their classic creations.

Above: Tristan Drautz, visiting Farmville from Florida to see his grandparents, stopped by the LCVA’s Summer Art Studio to make a German cuckoo clock. Left: ShaVaughn Peterson assists Sydney Gilbert as she transforms

a plastic bottle into a Russian firebird.

Summer Art Studio: European Edition Even if local families were more likely to visit Burkeville than Barcelona, kids still explored European culture at the LCVA. Its annual, free Summer Art Studio was chock full of art projects that explored the culture, architecture, and history of

Europe. Open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the LCVA had all the supplies and an assistant on hand.

Throughout the summer, children created their own Fabergé eggs, explored the work of Spanish greats such as Picasso

and Dali, and designed rose windows suitable for a cathedral – or at least a refrigerator door! 26 May – 6 June: 9 – 20 June:

23 June – 4 July: 7 – 18 July:

21 July – 1 August: 4 – 8 August:





Cathedrals and Castles ... Comme c’est bon!

Picasso and Salvador Dali … ¡Como me gusta!

Nesting Dolls and Fabergé Eggs ... Yzumitelno!

Ancient Greece and Rome

Mythology and The Olympics ...Carpe diem!


Bauhaus Style and Josef Albers ... Wunderbar!


Fish & Chips and Big Ben ... Brilliant!

Professional Development for Teachers During the 2008-09 school year, the LCVA offered two workshops for area teachers, providing them with stimulation, resource packets, and the recertification points their schools require.

The LCVA’s Professional Development Workshop for Teachers in October was titled School Picture Day:

Using Photography in Your Classroom. Here, participants watch as a light-sensitive print develops.

School Picture Day: Using Photography in Your Classroom

3 October 2008

In the traditional school picture, kids are the subject, sitting in new clothes with hair neatly combed. In another scenario, kids

are the photographers – capturing images of the world around them. Exploring both old and new technologies, this workshop

focused on tips for ways that teachers can incorporate photography in the classroom. Hampden-Sydney College associate

professor Pam Fox offered guidance about using time-honored pinhole boxes to create images; Longwood University

professor Anna Cox brought the group into the digital age. In the afternoon, LCVA Curator of Education Emily Gresham

presented an activity and shared lesson plans appropriate for use in the schools. A Diverse and Rich History: Exploring Native American Cultures 6 February 2009

From pottery to pueblos, the earliest Americans created beautiful, time-honored art that reflected their needs, values, and resources. Longwood University anthropologists Brian Bates and Jim Jordan offered cultural insight into Native American

cultures, a mainstay of history curricula and a source of unending inspiration for art. After a break for lunch, teachers

prepared their students’ work for exhibition in the Annual Area Youth Art Exhibition, which ran from March 30 through May 9, 2009.


Family Workshops The LCVA’s free family workshops attract hundreds of participants, who come to the lower level to make any number

of seasonal art projects. All materials are provided free of charge, and a team of twenty or more volunteers – many of them students at Longwood University – are on hand to offer a hand and a smile. The workshops are held on Saturday mornings

from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.; they are open to the public and require no registration.

Buddies Kristin Cottrell and Lindsay Williams display their finished sugar skulls at Dia de los Muertos: Mexico’s Celebration of Life.

Dia de los Muertos: Mexico’s Celebration of Life 18 October 2008

With colorful cut-paper banners strung from the ceiling and mariachi music playing, the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts

transported families from Farmville to Mexico for one art-filled morning. Celebrated around the world, the Dia de los Muertos honors the lives of our loved ones, past and present. The holiday also provides opportunities for kids to make maracas,

create paper flowers, carve jack o’lanterns, and more.


Top: The Hamilton family makes “hand-made� gift wrap at the Winter Wonderland workshop. Bottom: Mason Ludgate and Kailin Hamilton display their completed pinecone bird feeders, created during the Winter Wonderland workshop.

Winter Wonderland

13 December 2008 Poinsettias, gingerbread men, snowflakes, jingle bells ... need we say more? Nearly three hundred people gathered

for a holly jolly Saturday, browsing and choosing their favorite activities, such as designing gift wrap, cutting snowflakes,

or creating a wintertime birdfeeder with pinecones.


Sandy, Marcus, and Mary Brooks work together on a Valentine at the LCVA’s February Free Family Workshop.

Valentine-Making Workshop: Art to Your Heart’s Content 7 February 2009

In February, the LCVA countered dreary winter days with a burst of sunny cheer – an entire workshop devoted to helping kids express their Valentine’s Day wishes. The 345 participants picked among their favorite projects, perhaps creating

a bouquet for Grandma, drawing a card for Dad, or making a glitter-and-lace-covered heart for a bulletin board.


Art for Lunch Lecture Series The LCVA continued its series of lunch-time lectures during the 2008-2009 academic year. The topics varied from month

to month, but the quality of the presentations remained consistently excellent. Lectures were held Thursdays at 12:30 on the lower level of the LCVA.

The Insider’s Guide to A Critical Eye 31 July 2008

Humorous, engaging, and nationally respected, art collector Bob Mayo presented an afternoon lecture at the LCVA to offer

the inside scoop on its summer exhibition, A Critical Eye: A Selection of Paintings from the Robert B. and Margaret T. Mayo

Collection. The lecture was cosponsored by the LCVA and Central Virginia Arts. Because the exhibition itself opened in May 2008, it was featured in the 2007-08 LCVA Annual Report.

China: A Travelogue

18 September 2008

After spending years preparing for the award-winning Reflecting Centuries of Beauty: The Rowe Collection of Chinese Art,

LCVA Director K. Johnson Bowles represented Longwood University in a delegation to China, headed by President Patricia

Cormier. Using her own photographs, Bowles shared highlights from her trip, including stops at the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and Suzhou’s new museum, designed by I.M. Pei.

Panel Discussion: Fear No Art 18 October 2008

Accompanying its fall exhibition, It’s Giving Me the Creeps: Art that Scares the Staff, the LCVA hosted a panel discussion

by three artists with works in the show. Virginia artists David Dodge Lewis, Chris Register, and Willie Anne Wright discussed

such questions as: Why is it important for artists to make art that is hard to look at? Are they trying to make the viewer

uncomfortable or mad? Are they just trying to shock the viewer? What responsibility do artists have to create work that

is visually and intellectually challenging? An Insider’s Look at The Inner Eye 11 December 2008

Dovetailing with the winter exhibition The Inner Eye: Folk Art of India from the Collection of William and Ann Oppenhimer,

collector and art historian Ann Oppenhimer offered a gallery talk, providing insight into the collection and how it represents

Indian culture. Founders of the Folk Art Society of America, Richmonders William and Ann Oppenhimer have assembled an

extensive collection of American folk art. However, in their world travels, they have also acquired beautiful examples of works by self-trained artists from other cultures, particularly India.


Ann Oppenhimer presented An Insider’s Look at The Inner Eye for the Art for Lunch series.

The presentation complemented the exhibition of the Oppenhimers’ collection of folk art from India in the Bishop Gallery.

Fashioning the Politician: Jefferson’s Image and Ideology

22 January 2009

What to wear? The question that dogged political figures as they contemplated the 2009 inauguration was just as important

in our country’s earliest days. The issue took on special importance when leaders such as Thomas Jefferson sat for official

portraits. Monticello historian Gaye Wilson, a former costume designer, examined the details of Jefferson’s life portraits to learn more about the third president and the new nation that he led.

Japanese Art: An Introduction 19 March 2008

From the famous ukiyo-e woodblock prints to lesser known but still influential Buddhist and Shinto painting, art historian Dr. Rosemary Smith spoke about Japanese art and aesthetics. This program complemented an art workshop at Nottoway

County High School; both programs were organized by the LCVA and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and were sponsored

by the Toshiba International Foundation.


Partnering with Central Virginia Arts, the LCVA cohosted its first Art in the Garden workshop at the home of retired art teacher Margaret Stombock. Shown here are Avis Addleman, Joy Utzinger, and Edwilda Isaac.

Community Workshops

New Ways with Watercolor 8 November 2008

Setting aside the traditional rules of watercolor, local artist Ursula Burgess demonstrated a new technique, using bold brush

strokes and intense pigment applications. Mixing paints directly on paper, participants used these strategies to create mood, develop atmosphere, and forge a new path to creativity. Cosponsored by the LCVA and Central Virginia Arts, the workshop blended presentations, technique demonstrations, and hands-on painting. Ursula Burgess grew up in Germany and now

lives in Nottoway County with her husband. Skilled in traditional watercolor techniques yet always on the lookout for new approaches, she presents her award-winning work in exhibitions and art shows across the state. Her work is also sold at the Blackstone Antiques & Crafts Mall and at the gallery of U. C. Burgess Art Studio in Crewe.

Art in the Garden: An Open-Air Studio Session 6 June 2009

About a dozen area artists brought sketch pads, cameras, paint sets, and other art supplies as they gathered in the gardens

of retired art teacher Margaret Stombock at her Farmville home for a three-hour, outdoor studio session. The event was cosponsored by Central Virginia Arts and the LCVA. Ms. Stombock’s back and side yards include woods, arbors, flower

beds with colorful annuals and perennials, and ponds with water features so that artists could spread out and find inspiration

for their work. There was no formal presentation or structure – just light refreshments, interaction with other area artists, and time to create.


General Education Film Series For the fourth year, the LCVA was pleased to support Longwood University’s General Education Film series, providing

an opportunity for people in the community to see lesser-known films that garnered critical acclaim. Organized by Longwood

professors Anna Cox and David Shoenthal, the films in the series showed on Wednesday evenings on the LCVA lower level, free and open to the public.

An Unreasonable Man: 17 September 2008

“A perceptive and beautifully made documentary portrait of [activist and presidential candidate Ralph] Nader.” – Entertainment Weekly

The Orphanage: 29 October 2008

A fresh and thoughtful take on the ghost story, produced by Pan Labyrinth’s Guillermo del Toro. “An elegantly mounted,

surprisingly humane but terrifying horror thriller.” – USA Today The Band’s Visit: 12 November 2008

An unlikely comedy about Middle-Eastern conflicts: “A warm and delightful take on cross-cultural relations that proves

that sometimes a light touch is just what’s needed to address serious topics.” – Variety Up the Yangtze: 21 January 2009

Examining the impact of China’s Three Gorges Dam on the lives of two young people and their ancient culture.

“Witty, lovely and profoundly unsettling.” – Trouble the Water: 25 March 2009

Exploration of Hurricane Katrina showing tragedy, mismanagement, and heroism: “A deeply moving story of resilience and redemption.” – Wall Street Journal

Encounters at the End of the World: 15 April 2009

A journey to a scientific community in Antarctica considers both human nature and Mother Nature. “A contrarian

spiritual journey as provocative as it is hypnotic.” – Philadelphia Inquirer


Additional Community Programs

During the summer of ’08 the LCVA hosted its first-ever summer camp, Sew Fun. The camp was organized

by the LCVA’s Curator of Education, Emily Gresham, and taught by Longwood University assistant professor

of theatre, Melissa Panzarello.

Sew Fun Sewing Camp 4 – 8 August 2008

From stitches to seams, young sewers took up needle and thread to embellish their vacation at the LCVA’s first-ever

summer camp. Students ages nine through fourteen participated in the hands-on program, which was organized by the

LCVA’s Curator of Education, Emily Gresham, and taught by Longwwod University assistant professor of theatre Melissa Panzarello. Panzarello teaches costume design in Longwood’s Department of Communication Studies and Theatre.

Night at the Museum 19 September 2008

No dinosaurs came to life and Ben Stiller was not on the premises, but the LCVA hosted families for a night-time peek at the LCVA’s fall exhibitions, It’s Giving Me the Creeps! and The National Ghoullery of Art. Families enjoyed a guided flashlight tour of the exhibitions (with no spooks or surprises) and then they headed downstairs to create art, enjoy

refreshments, and participate in other activities.


I Wish to Say: The Work of Sheryl Oring

21 November 2008

Traveling the country with a manual typewriter, blank postcards, and some rubber stamps, performance artist Sheryl Oring asked people one simple question: “What advice do you have for the new president?” Then winding a postcard into the

machine, she typed their responses word-for-word, whether patriotic or pessimistic, humorous or hopeful. After inspecting their postcards, participants added their signatures, and, if they wished, an ink stamp for emphasis, such as “Important,”

“Past Due,” or “First Class.” Later, Oring posted the advice to her web site ( and presented the collected advice to the new president following January’s inauguration. Her work has been featured by National Public Radio, The Washington Post, The New York Times, the LA Times, and more. A previous project, collecting birthday wishes for President George W. Bush, has been published as a book.

As part of her visit to Farmville, Oring set up her typewriter to transcribe what the folks in Farmville wanted to say to

the president on Pennsylvania Avenue. In the evening, she presented a lecture about her work.

Manga Workshop 17 March 2009

Teachers around the world have banned their students from bringing to class the popular Japanese-style comic books called manga. However, on March 17, Astro Boy and Fruits Basket were not only welcomed at Nottoway High School, they were

part of the curriculum. Nearly twenty students participated in a special in-school workshop organized by the LCVA and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

In recent years, manga has left its native land of Japan and has become increasingly popular in the United States, especially among middle and high schoolers. The graphic novel section of bookstores like Barnes and Noble has doubled or tripled in

size, and teens can be found reading the mostly Japanese and Korean books, which are often serialized.

Led by Anh Do, the all-day workshop gave students the basics of drawing manga, as well as a foundation for creating anime, the equally popular Japanese-style animation. Do received his B.F.A. from VCU in Kinetic Imagining. A freelance artist, he also teaches animation and graphic design at Virginia State University.

The workshop was well received by students. Andrew Ranalli commented, “He taught me skills that enable me to draw much better. The way he broke down complex shapes was helpful.” And Stephanie Shukrullah said, “I liked learning about

Japanese culture and art. Some of the styles of the artists he introduced us to were different from the manga I’ve seen in the past.” Teacher Megan McConnell ’06 was equally appreciative: “It was great for my kids to get to interact with someone else who makes art and can tell them about areas of art in which I’m not as knowledgeable.”

The workshop – along with an Art for Lunch presentation about Japanese aesthetics given on 19 March – was organized by the Division of Education and Statewide Programs of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. It was generously underwritten by the Toshiba International Foundation. LCVA Curator of Education Emily Gresham worked with the VMFA and with

Nottoway County High School art teacher Megan McConnell ’06.


ART Kids Program Thrives at Prince Edward Elementary On Mondays at Prince Edward County Elementary School, about a dozen fourth graders missed recess – and they

couldn’t be happier about it. “ART Kids is better than recess!” exclaimed one participant. Organized by the LCVA and

PECES, the ART Kids program uses photography to teach self-expression, enhance communication skills, and build confidence.

The 2008-09 program was taught by LCVA exhibitions manager Alex Grabiec, himself a photographer who graduated from Longwood’s Art Department in 2007. Grabiec was assisted by Wells-Bishop intern Todd Stonnell ’09, along with a host

of Longwood University student volunteers. “Part of what we do is to break into small groups to discuss new concepts,

to take new photographs, or to evaluate our projects. Having capable volunteers to give more individual attention has been incredibly helpful,” noted Grabiec.

He also appreciates the leadership of PECES teacher Natalie Reeves, who guided the program at the elementary school.

“Her administrative skills were great,” Grabiec said, “but even more, we appreciated the way she jumped right in to help with our activities and the ways she communicated the importance of the program. She is a real advocate of the kids and the

program.” Principal Barbara Brown and division superintendent Patricia Watkins were also supportive.

The program helps fourth-grade students who have been identified as “at risk” by the school’s teachers and administrators.

“Frankly, I don’t see these kids as any different than other kids, or the way I remember being a kid,” noted Grabiec. “But it is

a nice opportunity to work in a positive way with kids who may have had problems. And it’s gratifying to see so many positive changes – watching a very shy girl open up, seeing improvements in the kids’ photography, hearing the kids move from a more insulting way of talking about one another to a more constructive form of art criticism.”

The program culminated in an exhibition of the students’ photography, which was hung in their school cafeteria from

May 12 through 25. Then the show traveled to the LCVA’s Main Street Gallery, where it hung from May 29 through

October 24. For the exhibition, Grabiec mounted and framed each student’s best work. “I’m looking forward to the

exhibition,” noted Grabiec before the opening. “I think that in addition to displaying some nice photographs, we’ll also

be highlighting the personal growth that these students have made.”


Wells-Bishop intern Todd Stonnell ’09 participated in a wide range of activities at the LCVA, focusing on the ART Kids photography program. Here, he assists Christian Herrera at the LCVA’s Winter Wonderland workshop.

Wells-Bishop Intern Todd Stonnell Having volunteered at the LCVA since his sophomore year at Longwood, Todd Stonnell ’09 knew what he was getting into

when he applied for the Wells-Bishop internship in anticipation of his senior year. He even knew which program he wanted

to work with: ART Kids.

“I’d like to pursue art therapy as a career, and ART Kids shares many of the same goals and strategies, working one-on-one with young people using art as a go-between,” explained Stonnell.


Working with exhibitions manager Alex Grabiec ’07, Stonnell assisted with the ART Kids program at Prince Edward County

Elementary School (see related article). “The elementary students told us they looked forward to our class every week,

which is great. I looked forward to it, as well! We received a lot of positive feedback from teachers at the school, and it was neat to see the kids grow and develop, in their art and interpersonally.”

In addition, Stonnell worked with curator of education Emily Gresham, assisting with a wide range of activities at the LCVA, from Kids’ Activity Rooms to workshops to the gala to offering tours for the Annual Area Youth Art Exhibition. “Todd was flexible and reliable,” explained Gresham. “He came in with a strong focus on the ART Kids program, but he also made

contributions in almost every area of the museum.”

A native of Richmond, Stonnell majored in psychology and minored in art, graduating from Longwood in May ’09. “I’m so glad

to have had the opportunity to do the internship with the LCVA. Just as we saw the kids grow in the ART Kids program, I know I also grew as a person.

“For me, the internship at the LCVA really confirmed that I’d like to explore a career in art therapy. Being part of a program to help kids has definitely shown me that I can make a difference with my life.”

In 2004, the Longwood University Foundation, Inc., established the Wells-Bishop LCVA Internship in memory of Barbara L. Bishop (Class of 1961, Art Department Faculty, Art Department Chair) and in honor of Dr. Carolyn Wells (Professor Emerita of Biology, Department of Natural Sciences). The internship offers three hours of credit each semester, along with a stipend, with the goal of attracting outstanding students to the LCVA.

Heart of Virginia Festival Volunteer coordinator Mike Webb ’07 and several Longwood University volunteers manned the LCVA’s station at the 2009

Heart of Virginia, offering free art activities to the crowd. Children and their parents created masks and kente cloth weavings,

complementing the ongoing exhibition, Telling Objects: African Art from the LCVA Permanent Collection.

Events Held at LCVA Hosted by the Community Each year the LCVA hosts receptions, tours, and dinners for organizations at Longwood and in the larger community,

including groups such as Davenport & Associates and the Virginia Commission for the Arts.




Art isn’t a luxury. It is a renewal through beauty and hope.

It is an inspiration through the ultimate expression of human imagination. It is an elegant epiphany. Longwood University theatre professor Melissa Panzarello and director of publications and visual arts David Whaley

developed the artistic vision for the event.

LCVA Nets $87,000 in February Gala It’s hard to put a monetary value on the role of the arts in a community – but the February 2009 gala at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts raised a record-breaking $87,000 in support of the art center and its educational programs.

“The economy is down and the weather was wet,” noted Director K. Johnson Bowles. “But the community rallied to

support the LCVA and its educational programs that reach across the region.”

The LCVA hosts permanent and rotating art exhibitions in its galleries on Main Street in Farmville, and it offers a wide

range of educational activities for young and old. During the spring of 2009, the LCVA hosted more than 1,000 students on

field trips, made in-school presentations at elementary and high schools, exhibited artworks made by children in ten counties, and more.

The every-other-year gala was organized by chairmen Harlan Horton and Stan Cheyne, with the assistance of a capable

committee and more than a hundred other volunteers. Longwood University theatre assistant professor Melissa Panzarello and director of publications and visual arts David Whaley developed the artistic vision for the event. Revenue for the event

came through tickets, sales at the art auction, and from a host of generous sponsors, including the following:


$5000 Sponsors:

$250 Sponsors:

Creative Electrical Contractors, Inc.

Troy Austin


Farmville Wholesale Electric Supply Company Earl and Jean Lockwood

The Manor Resort Spa & Residential Estate Worth Higgins and Associates, Inc.

$2500 Sponsors:


@WORK Personnel and Medical Services Paul and Joanna Baker

Dr. and Mrs. Paul Barrett Shirley V. Blackwell

Dr. Susan L. Booker K. Johnson Bowles

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan L. Horton

Dick and Darlene Bratcher

Lowry and Jane Kline

James and Joyce Davis

J.E. Jamerson and Sons, Inc.

Robert and Margaret Thomas Mayo ’52

Harold and Margaret Collins Details & Company

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network (Charles H. and Candice Jamison Dowdy ’69)

Franklin and Nita Grant

Michael David Whaley

Lucy Gunn

Real Living Cornerstone (Navona Hart)

Phil Grimes

Sandy Henderson and John Pharr

$1250 Sponsors:

Dr. and Mrs. Paul Hicks


Kinex Networking Solutions, Inc.

Accessories Inc.

Awesome Party Supplies and Event Rentals Drs. Thomas and Mary Basco

Buckingham Greenery, Inc. (Connie Hom, CLP) Built-Rite, Inc. (Don and Crista Cory) Discount Fabrics, Inc. Guy and Julie Dixon

Fourth Street Motor Company, Inc. (Jerry Stuart) Mr. and Mrs. Everett W. Gee III

Lonnie I. Calhoun III and Dr. Marian Hahesy-Calhoun Terry and Ellen Hudgins j fergeson gallery

Longwood University Office of the President Rochette’s Florist

Marc and Wilma Sharp

Murray and Cora Straughan Simpson ’61

Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wade

Walk2Campus Properties

Dirk and Patrizia Johnson Heyn and Sandy Kjerulf

Eric Koger and Melissa Panzarello Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindsay

Longwood University Foundation, Inc.

William and Harriet Butterworth Miller ’51 Jake ’99 and Heather Milne ’99 Dr. and Mrs. David Pruitt

Craig and Denise Rogers

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ross

Sand Solutions, Inc. (Chris and Katherine Feil Dowdy) Mr. and Mrs. William D. Semonco Mr. and Mrs. John Slade

L. Rucker and Karen Snead Tim and Lisa Tharpe

Cannon and Lorraine Cundiff Watson ’95 Dr. and Mrs. Wayne McWee Dr. Carolyn Wells

The Woodland, Inc.

$500 Sponsors: Ellery and Robin Sedgwick Stellar One

Walter and Joan Witschey in honor of K. Johnson Bowles


Honorary Chairs Heyn and Sandy Kjerulf

Benefit Committee Maurice Beane, K. Johnson Bowles, Johnnie Britt, Lonnie I. Calhoun III, Stanley A. Cheyne (co-chair), Crista Cory,

Julie Dixon, Candice Jamison Dowdy ’69, Chris Dowdy, Katherine Feil Dowdy, Jarrod Fergeson, Lara Smith Fergeson, Kristen W. Gee, Phil Grimes, Pat Hicks, Harlan L. Horton (co-chair), Angela M. Jackson, Dirk Johnson, Eric Koger,

Elizabeth LeSueur, Jessica Moseley, Melissa Panzarello, Herb Pulliam, Tammy Southall, Lisa F. Tharpe, Rob Wade,

Cannon Watson, Lorrie Cundiff Watson ’95, Holly West, Michael David Whaley, and Joan Witschey.

Volunteers Rebecca Agee, Sara Badgett, Clark Barkley, Tricia Barnes, Kathryn Barrows, Sara Bendrick, Michelle Brechtel,

Christa Brown, Katie Buckley, Kimberly Burtt, Samantha Chuchul, Sarah Clark, Jennifer Conkright, Emily Conner,

Karen Covington, Anna Cox, Sirena Crowder, Lindsay Decker, Berkley Dunbrack, Mary East, Diane Easter, Niki Elliott,

Jessica Fields, Rebecca Franklin, Brittany Fuller, Alaina Furman, Lauren Gabor, Kristen Gaines, Dominick Gary,

Stephanie Gerbrick, Heather Gibson, Cricket Gicz, Cocheyse Gilliam, Alexis Girard, Alyson Goff, Jackie Goncalves,

Laura Grabiec, Brittany Gray, Liz Hale, Jenna Hallet, Crystal Hayes, Matthew Hein, Adrienne Heinbaugh, Rhanda Helsley, Krista Hendricks, Zach Highland, Taylor Hines, Kimberly Hinkel, Courtney Hodges, Darrel Hodges, Charles Hoever,

Erica Hopson, Laura Hughes, Bobby Jones, Heather Justus, Eileen Keller, Camille Ketsdever, Jane Kline, Katee Knupp,

Jonathan Leist, Anne Lewandowski, David Lewis, Suzzanne Locascio, Linda Locke, Lindsay Longmire, Jacob Lovelace,

Morgan Madonna, Amy McGregor, Sally Meadows, Kaitlyn Mihlon, Lori Mitchell, Emmilee Mizerak, Lauren Munnerlyn,

Anna Murphy, Laura Neidert, Aubrey Neuf, Krista Oglesby, Sara Orange, Kaitlyn Ouellette, Sidney J. Paterson, Megan Penn, Heather Perris, ShaVaughn Peterson, Katie Petrock, Abigail Phillips, Kimberly Phillips, Leslie Pitts, Jennifer Price, Rachel Price, Paula Prouty, Lauren Purcell, Rebecca Reeve, Jen Rentschler, Brandi Roberson, Hannah Rohle,

Sarah Rooks, Bryan Rose, Billy Roy, Sam Ruedinger, Carissa Ruf, Brian Russell, Greg Scott, Nancy Shelton,

Lauren Smiley, Madison Smith, Kerstin Soderlund, Ed Sorrentino, Ashley Steadman, Jess Stetekluh, Morgan Stokes,

Todd Stonnell, Jessie Stott, Heather Swenson, Jennifer Thorton, Ginger Tinsley, Caitlin Volchansky, Jamie Warrick, Elizabeth Weeks, Cassie Whiting, Dearberge Wiley, Sandy Willcox, Brittany Williams, Emily Wilson ’06, Valia Wisniewski, Rachel Wolfe, and Josie Ziluca.


Chris & Katherine Feil Dowdy / Chuck & Candy ’69 Dowdy, Eleanor & Harrison Jones, and Carolyn & Norman Dinwiddie / Ellen & Terry Hudgins ’84, Guy Dixon, and Lisa Tharpe

Edwilda Isaac and Willie & Mary Jackson / Eric Koger, Melissa Panzarello, Larissa Smith Fergeson, Jarrod Fergeson / Gene Dixon, Joan & Walter Witschey, and Helen Warriner-Burke ’56

Sid Allen and Jennifer Wall / Harlan & Reed Horton and Carol & Linwood Cousins / Julie Dixon, Patricia Cormier, Jane Kline, Courtney Hodges

Paul & Diane Barrett and David & Navona Hart / Lonnie Calhoun and Brad Watson / Wilma ’67 and Marc Sharp / K. Johnson Bowles and Kristin Gee


Winners of the 2009 Community Achievement in the Arts awards are shown on the front row: Patty and WD Myrick for Wilkins Myrick Frames & Fine Art (business), Marianne Dennison (individual), and Dr. Gwen Eddleman

for Centra Southside Community Hospital (organization). On the back row are the LCVA’s Volunteer of the Year,

Melissa Panzarello, and the LCVA’s Student Volunteer of the Year, Sinclair Brydon.

Community Achievement in the Arts Awards 26 April 2009 Boosters of the arts take many approaches – from loudly advocating to quietly advancing. This year’s winners of the Community Achievement in the Arts Awards are the quiet advancers: Marianne Dennison (individual), Wilkins Myrick

Frames & Fine Art (business), and Centra Southside Community Hospital (organization). From organizing art activities to supporting arts programs in local schools to incorporating the arts into its everyday activities, these individuals and

groups steadily promote the arts in our region.

In addition, the LCVA honored Melissa Panzarello as Volunteer of the Year and Longwood senior Sinclair Brydon as Student

Volunteer of the Year. The LCVA held a free, public reception to honor the CAA winners and its volunteers of the year on Sunday, April 26, 2009.

Both sets of awards recognize individuals or groups that have made significant and selfless contributions to the development of the visual, performing, or literary arts in the area (including Amelia, Appomattox, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland,

Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward counties). For the CAA awards, a committee consisting of past recipients,

the LCVA’s Marketing and Membership Committee, and community representatives selected the winners. Candy Dowdy ’69,

and Jean Lockwood organized this year’s event.


In 2008, the LCVA won national awards in two

separate competitions: one for label-writing for

It’s Giving Me the Creeps! Art from the LCVA

Permanent Collection that Scares the Staff and one for an invitation to an event in honor of

William and Ann Oppenhimer for the creation of a folk art collection at the LCVA. Shown

are various parts of the invitation, including a refrigerator magnet that featured Howard Finster’s Mr. Coke.

LCVA Receives National Awards Art is certainly what draws visitors to exhibitions, but the art – and visitors’ appreciation of it – is supported by a variety of

small, sometimes unnoticed elements, such as labels, invitations, newsletters, or exhibition catalogs. In 2008-09, the LCVA won four national awards for just these items.

First, a label for the LCVA exhibition It’s Giving Me the Creeps! received top recognition in the 2009 Excellence in Exhibition

Label-Writing Competition organized by the Curators Committee of the American Association of Museums (see Creeps entry on page 73 for more information).

Second, an invitation for a donor recognition event won first prize in its class for the AAM’s Museum Publications Design

Competition. The LCVA competed with museums with budgets less than $750,000 from across the country. Featured in the July/August 2009 issue of the AAM’s magazine, the winning invitation was for an event honoring William and Ann

Oppenhimer for their creation of a folk art collection at the LCVA. The key image – which was used for both the invitation

and an accompanying refrigerator magnet – was Howard Finster’s Mr. Coke, 1989. The label and the invitation were displayed at the 2009 national meeting of the American Association of Museums in Philadelphia.

The Public Relations Society of America also honored the LCVA for two of its publications. The LCVA’s Arts magazine

earned a Bronze Medallion. In addition, the art center garnered a Bronze Certificate of Merit for the catalog accompanying

the 2008 exhibition A Critical Eye: A Selection of Paintings from The Robert B. and Margaret T. Mayo Collection.

“In some ways, we might think of invitations or labels or newsletters as small things,” noted K. Johnson Bowles, director of the LCVA. “But part of good stewardship is being faithful even in the small things. These recognitions of excellence are an endorsement of the LCVA’s programs, from small to big.”


VO LUNTEERS 2008.2009 Total Number of Volunteers: 1,341 Total Number of Hours: 3,387 ★ Volunteered 50 hours or more Longwood University Students

Karen Covington Lindsay Decker ★

Alpha Phi Omega

Liz Hale ★

Advisor: David Coles, Chair

Liz Elliott

Krista Hendricks ★

Department of History, Political Science, and Philosophy

Bobby Jones

Matthew Hein

Sally Meadows

Brittany Gray

Suzzanne Locascio Brian Russell

Madison Smith Jess Stetekluh

Camille Ketsdever Michelle Owen ★ Greg Scott ★

Angela Tudor ★

Emily Wilson ’06

Elizabeth Weeks

Rachel Wolfe ★

Art Department

Department of Communication Studies and Theatre Students of Associate Professor Pam Arkin,

Students of K. Johnson Bowles,

Associate Professor Eric Koger, and Assistant Professor

Director, LCVA / Assistant Professor of Art Berkley Dunbrack

Melissa Panzarello

Mary East Niki Elliott

Skyler Broughman Christa Brown

Erica Hopson

Laura Hughes

Heather Swenson Josie Ziluca

Students of Kelly Nelson,

Kyle Butler

Andrea Candea Charles Carroll

Sirena Crowder Justin Delaney

Rebecca Egeland

Associate Professor of Art

Abigail Frank

Sinclair Brydon ★

Amber Lee

Clark Barkley ★


Sarah Anglim

Jenna Hallet

Katy Morgan

Heather Perris

Carissa Ruf

Jack Pollio

ShaVaughn Peterson Morgan Stokes

Stephanie Trippeer Amber Widner

Kimberly Phillips Madeline Raines Lauren Smiley

Caitlin Volchansky

English Department Nikki Cash

Kappa Pi

Allison Daube

Advisor: Randy Edmonson, Professor of Art

Leighanna Feeser Liz Lueders

Matthew Orber Meagan Quick

Morgan Madonna Amanda Mungo

Kaitlyn Ouellette Kelly White

Irene Girgente Kenny Wolfe Carley York

Longwood University Ambassadors Advisor: Shannon Hersman, Assistant Director of Admissions

Department of Social Work

Rebecca Franklin

and Communication Sciences and Disorders

Brittany Fuller

Jennifer James

Jacob Lovelace

Sherries Campbell

Lauren Gabor Anna Murphy Sara Orange

Joan of Arc Leadership Program

Abigail Phillips

Kirsten Soderlund, Dean of Students

Leslie Pitts

Grier Brauer

Rachel Price

Rebecca Agee

Samantha Chuchul Sarah Clark

Emily Conner

Crystal Hayes

Rachel Henderson Zach Highland

Heather Justus

Jennifer Price Lauren Purcell Bryan Rose

Ashley Steadman Jessie Stott

Valia Wisniewski

Jonathan Leist

Martin Luther King Service Challenge

Lindsay Longmire

& Service-Learning

Emmilee Mizerak

Kristen Gaines

Anne Lewandowski

Jen Rentschler, Assistant Director, Volunteer

Hannah Mason

Alaina Furman

Krista Oglesby

Kimberly Burtt Taylor Hines


Katee Knupp

Amy McGregor

Student Educators for Active Leadership

Rebecca Reeve

& Service-Learning

Dearberge Wiley

Alexis Girard

Kaitlyn Mihlon

Jen Rentschler, Assistant Director, Volunteer

Ed Sorrentino

Michelle Brechtel

Brittany Williams

Modern Language Club Advisors: Donna Brown and Luis Guzman, Lecturers in Spanish Hannah Lowson Sara Matthews

Sara Bendrick

Kimberly Hinkel Charles Hoever Eileen Kelle Billy Roy

Sam Ruedinger Jamie Warrick

Additional Longwood Students Project Success Onie McKenzie, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, and Jen Rentschler, Assistant Director, Volunteer

Katie Buckley Katie Byram

& Service-Learning

Brian Carley

Kristie Debner

Emily Flint

Kevin Beres

Melissa Guerry Lauren Willey

Sigma Sigma Sigma

AnnaLeah Chantry Dominick Gary

Heather Gibson

Rhanda Helsley April Harper

Advisor: Susan Sullivan, Director, Student Union & Activities

Adrienne Heinbaugh

Tricia Barnes

Ashley Hitchings

Sara Badgett

Kathryn Barrows

Stephanie Gerbrick Jackie Goncalves Natasha Hall

Anita Hilditch

Alayna Hoopes

Sarah Mckibben

Sydney Moineau

Stephanie Monger

Amanda Mason

Megan Penn

Lauren Munnerlyn

Jonathan Rickers

Megan Morris Aubrey Neuf

Brandi Roberson

Catherine Sansburg


Christy Alley

Katie Petrock

Hannah Rohle

Alexander Schladt Timothy Schmidt

Brian Sowder

Todd Stonnell

Prince Edward County High School (PECHS) Students

Jennifer Thorton

Mark Campbell

Heather Sutherland

Advisor: Sarah Moore

Ginger Tinsley

Elizabeth Chassey

Cassie Whiting

Elizabeth Byrnes Daniel Cook

Rushea Dove

Longwood University Faculty and Staff

Evan French

Lonnie I. Calhoun III

Janaana Holmes

Jennifer Conkwright

Russell Lee

David Buckalew

Craig Challender

Carol Cousins

Jayce Gaines

Marcia Jennings Lucas Munson

Anna Cox

Caitlin O’Connor

Hazen Duncan

Tocarro Robinson

Erin Devine Todd Dyer

Diane Easter

Larissa Smith Fergeson Cricket Gicz

Cocheyse Gilliam

Paige Oliver

Hannah Sedgwick Shawn Shepherd David Toone Eric Trent

Alex Grabiec ’07

Alyson Goff

Area Volunteers

Courtney Hodges

Angela M. Jackson

Calla Bowles Johnnie Britt

Liz Kocevar-Weidinger Eric Koger ★

Linda Locke

Maurice Beane

Thomas Brumfield Thea Cheuk Crista Cory

Lori Mitchell

Donnie Cory

Abbey O’Connor

Stanley A. Cheyne

Kelly Nelson

Melissa Panzarello ★ Paula Prouty

Jen Rentschler

Sarah Cory

Marianne Dennison Leslie Dennison I. B. Dent

Nancy Shelton

Julie K. Dixon

Virginia Spivey

Charles H. Dowdy III

Kerstin Soderlund David Whaley ★ Walter Witschey

Candice Jamison Dowdy ’69 Chris Dowdy

Katherine Feil Dowdy


Jarrod Fergeson

Jessica Moseley

Audrey Gee

Sidney J. Paterson ★

Jessica Fields ’08 Kristen W. Gee Jennifer Glavé Laura Grabiec

William Gravitt

Shelby Gresham Phil Grimes Pat Hicks

Darrell Hodges ’07 Harlan L. Horton Dirk Johnson

Raymond N. Kleinlein

Laura Neidert

Lydia W. Peale Emily Pilk

Herb Pulliam

Sarah Rooks

Noelle Prince Shear ★ Tammy Southall

Margaret Taylor-Collins Lisa F. Tharpe Joy Utzinger

Robert C. Wade Cannon Watson

Jane Kline

Lorrie Cundiff Watson ’95

Elizabeth LeSueur

Gwen Werth

David Dodge Lewis Jean Lockwood

Margaret T. Mayo ’52 Robert B. Mayo

Richard C. McClintock

Diane Werth Holly West

Sandy Willcox

Joan Witschey

Community Service Vounteers Participants: 13 To respect their privacy, the LCVA withholds the names of our community service volunteers. The community service

program is an alternative to school expulsion and / or prosecution in the court system. The program provides first-time

offenders a way to participate in positive community endeavors. Participants help with mailings, gallery preparation, and maintenance.


Among the works in the Blackiston collection exhibited in the summer and fall of 2009 was:

William S. Amlong, Untitled (Still life with coffee set), 1981, oil on canvas, 21.5 x 26.75 inches,

collection of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, gift of Lester Newton Blackiston dedicated to Frankie Elizabeth “Lilly” Blackiston, his wife, 2007.13.2.

CO LLECTIONS LCVA Receives Gifts and Grants for Restoration of Blackiston Collection For decades Lester Blackiston served as a blue-collar patron of the arts in Richmond, assisting his artist-friends by trading paintings for food or drink, or purchasing their artworks to supply them with needed cash. Today those same artists rank

among the luminaries of the Virginia art world – including what Blackiston called his “three Bills,” William Amlong, William

Fletcher Jones, and William Kendrick. And in 2008-09 – thanks to gifts and grants received by the LCVA – their work was preserved and made available for the enjoyment of all.

In the last year, the LCVA received gifts or pledges for $11,250 earmarked for the restoration of these artworks.

First, the Alan I. Kirshner and Deborah Mihaloff Charitable Fund provided funds to work on six of the works, which were exhibited at the LCVA in Enduring Legacy: Highlights from New Works in the Collection, 2006-07. Next, Hunter R. and


Patsy Kimbrough Pettus ’50 made a contribution to further the work. And in June 2008, the LCVA received notification that

the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts awarded the art center a project grant in the amount of $5,000 to support the Blackiston collection’s restoration.

Over the years, Lester Blackiston offered a great service to Virginians in collecting these works, but he did not have the

resources or expertise to maintain the artworks to museum standards. Recognizing that the works deserved attention, care,

and honor, Blackiston, who died in 2007, donated many works from his collection to the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts

in December 2006.

“This gift was a rare opportunity,” commented advisory board president Heyn Kjerulf. “It was a great fit for both the donor and

the organization. Mr. Blackiston wanted to give his art to an organization that would value it and preserve it in a way he could

not. The LCVA’s primary collection focus is on Virginia artists; and this is a wonderful selection of works by some of the state’s stars.”

The initial gift to the LCVA consisted of about fifty drawings and paintings made by key Virginia artists, including Amlong,

Jones, and Kendrick, as well as Phyllis Biddle, Richard Bland, Eddie Peters, and others. The works are valued at $250,000,

but many needed significant restoration.

“We were thrilled to receive the collection,” noted Johnson Bowles. “However, the part that can be challenging is finding the resources to restore and maintain the art. That’s why I’m so appreciative of the support we’ve received from several

individual donors and, now, from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. It’s a strong start to the funds we’ll need to conserve

these important works.”

Most of the donated artworks were restored in time for exhibition during the summer and fall of 2009 in Extreme

Personalities, Elegant Paintings: Works from the Lester Blackiston Collection. A second gift from Blackiston’s collection still awaits restoration.

“We need additional gifts to underwrite the very painstaking – and very expensive – restoration of these artworks,” continued

Bowles. “But it’s been gratifying to have early support for the project. And aside from the dollars, it’s heartening to see

statewide recognition of the artistic value of these artworks in our care.”

You Can Help Continue This Important Work To make a gift in support of the Blackiston Conservation Fund, you may visit the “advancement” section of Longwood

University’s web site ( or you can write a check to the LCVA. In either case, please specify that you would like for your gift to support the Blackiston fund. Checks may be mailed to LCVA,

129 North Main Street, Farmville, Virginia 23901.


During the summer of 2008, the LCVA installed musically themed works in the public spaces of Wygal Hall,

home of the Longwood University Music Department. Among the featured works is: Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937),

Untitled (Garth Newel chamber music), 1999, oil on gessoed paper, 29.375 x 20.5 inches, Collection of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, gift of Suitable for Framing, Inc., for the Jack Blanton Collection, 2008.14.2.

LCVA Creates Artistic Harmony in Wygal Hall During the summer of 2008, exhibitions manager Alex Grabiec ’07 and registrar Robin Sedgwick worked to install nearly two

dozen artworks on the walls of Wygal Hall, home to Longwood’s Music Department. All of the art works relate to music, showing, for example, a conductor leading an orchestra, jazz musicians jamming, or choir members harmonizing.

“It’s been extremely well received,” noted music department chair Charlie Kinzer. “I think anyone familiar with academics will understand that it’s rare to find unilateral agreement, but I have not heard from one person in the department who hasn’t

been delighted with the art selections. The drawings and paintings add a lot of atmosphere and elegance – and the musical

themes of the art couldn’t be more appropriate.”


Most of the pieces hung at Wygal were gifts to the LCVA’s collection. Many are drawings and paintings by Virginia artist

Ann Lyne, most of them given by the artist for the Jack Blanton Collection established in late 2006, and several from Roy Carter, who owns the shop Suitable for Framing in Richmond. “To receive these musically themed gifts just as we were

considering what to hang at Wygal was perfect,” commented Grabiec.

Also featured in the building are works by David Cochran, Noel Rockmore, Katherine Cox Smith, William Tolliver, and Jeff

and Mark Zets, and a 19th-century painted tapestry after David Teniers the Younger. These gifts were made possible by Donna and Thomas Brumfield, Robert B. and Margaret T. Mayo ’52, Julia J. Norrell, and Victor Potamkin.

Many of the pieces installed in the music building have been hung in the Haga Room, a “green room” where performers

gather before the start of an event. Other artworks grace the lobby through which students, staff, and faculty pass daily and in which the audience gathers before musical performances and lectures.

The installation is an example of Longwood’s commitment to incorporating art into everyday life for people studying and working in any discipline, from literature to education to the sciences.

An opening reception to celebrate the art was held for faculty members of the Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences on August 18.

Telling Objects: African Art from the LCVA’s Permanent Collection On Exhibition at Sweet Briar College 29 January - 5 April 2009 By Suzanne Ramsey, reprinted courtesy of the Appomattox News In January, Sweet Briar College [launched] a series of events in conjunction with “Telling Objects: African Art from the Permanent Collection of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts,” an exhibit on display January 29 through April 5

in the Anne Gary Pannell Gallery.

As the exhibit’s name indicates, the items in “Telling Objects” are on loan from the Longwood Center for Visual Arts in Farmville. The collection was a gift to the University from Donna and Thomas L. Brumfield Jr.

“Telling Objects” focuses on 35 African masks, textiles, baskets, furnishings, sculptures and architectural elements and the

stories these objects tell about religious practices, coming-of-age rituals, death, abundance, giving thanks and other themes.


During the spring of 2009, the LCVA loaned highlights from its Brumfield Collection of African Art to Sweet Briar College.

“This will be a dramatic, vibrant exhibition,” Karol Lawson, Sweet Briar galleries director, said. “The works are large, three-dimensional and very compelling, on both an intellectual and an emotional level.” …

A series of related performances and lectures – including a talk by LCVA director K. Johnson Bowles – accompanied the exhibition. In addition, ninth graders from Amherst County schools participated in curriculum-based tours of the art.

Support for the programs was made possible by the Virginia Commission for the Arts and by the Sweet Briar College

Lectures and Events Committee.


Martin Ramirez (b. Jalisco, Mexico, active California; 1885-1960), Horse and Rider, c. 1950, crayon, 18 x 23 inches, collection of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, gift of William and Ann Oppenhimer for the William and Ann Oppenhimer Folk Art Collection, 2009.15.39. Photograph by Alex Grabiec, ’07.

New In The Permanent Collection 1 July 2008 – 30 June 2009 The year 2008-2009 saw rich additions to the LCVA’s permanent collection. Captain and Mrs. Charles R. Baron made a gift that greatly enhances the LCVA’s Campus Loan offerings, while long-time benefactors Jack Blanton, William and Ann

Oppenhimer, and Henry and Bernice Rowe ’70, added significant works to existing collections established in their names.

Before his death, Lester Blackiston complemented an earlier gift with sixteen works by Richmond artists of the last quarter

of the 20th century. Other works were gifted by Valerie Armini, Fritz Brandt and Karen Siler, Thomas and Donna Brumfield, Patricia Cormier, Phil Grimes, Amos Paul Kennedy Jr., Agnes Lee Lowry-Campbell, Thomas Scanlin, Maryann and

Homer Springer, Suitable for Framing, and Helen Whitehead. Several LCVA purchases rounded out this year’s acquisitions.


Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Garth Newel cellists – playing Smetana), 1985, Conté and pastel, 18 x 12 inches (The Jack Blanton Collection, 2008.14.1). Gift of Suitable for Framing, Inc.

No, 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection,


Whatever my individual desires were to be free, I was not alone. There were Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Garth Newel chamber music), 1999, oil on paper, 29.375 x 20.5 inches (The Jack Blanton

Collection, 2008.14.2). Gift of Suitable for Framing, Inc.

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Mark Russell Smith and Esther

Heideman, Soprano, with Richmond Symphony, 2000, Conté and pastel, 19.625 x 25.375 inches (The Jack Blanton Collection, 2008.14.3). Gift of

many others who felt the same way, 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches

(American Art Collection, 2008.20.7)

All I was doing was trying to get home from work, 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.8)

Our mistreatment was just not right and I was tired of it, 2007, relief print,

Suitable for Framing, Inc.

21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.9)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Mark Russell Smith Conducting

The only tired I was, was tired of giving in, 2007, relief print, 21.125

the Richmond Symphony, 2000, Conté and pastel, 19.625 x 25.5 inches

(The Jack Blanton Collection, 2008.14.4). Gift of Suitable for Framing, Inc.

The fifteen works by Amos Paul Kennedy Jr. (b. Lafayette, Louisiana, 1950)

x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.10)

I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free ... , 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.11)

that follow are from the series Fourteen Quotes from Rosa Louise Parks,

Racism is still with us, but it is up to us to prepare our children for what they

Kennedy III and Adric Paul Kennedy.

x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.12)

Fourteen Quotes from Rosa Louise Parks, Civil Rights Activist, 2007, relief

I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom

Civil Rights Activist. They are a gift of the artist in honor of Amos Paul

print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.1)

have to meet and hopefully we shall overcome, 2007, relief print, 21.125

& equality & justice & prosperity for all people, 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.13)

Memories of our lives, of our works, and our deeds will continue in others, 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.2)

I knew someone had to take the first step and I made up my mind not to

I was just trying to let them know how I felt about being treated as a human


being, 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.3)

Each person must live their life as a model for others, 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.4)

move, 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection,

The time had just come when I had been pushed as far as I could stand to be pushed, I suppose, 2007, relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.15)

I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear, 2007,

relief print, 21.125 x 15.5 inches (American Art Collection, 2008.20.5)


The thirty works that follow are the gift

of Captain and Mrs. Charles R. Baron. Jean-Claude Picot (French, b. 1933), Les Fleurs du Jardin, 1997, serigraph,

18.5 x 15.5 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.1)

Shlomo Alter (Romanian), Parlor View, 2001, serigraph, 9.125 x 11.375

inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.2)

W. Howard Smith, Canal Bridge, n.d., lithograph, 15.5 x 13 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.3)

Andrew Warden (b. Middlesex, England, 1949), Forest Glade, n.d.,

serigraph, 10.625 x 15.875 inches image area (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.12)

Raymond Poulet (b. Paris, France, 1934), Grandes Herbes, n.d., lithograph,

29.875 x 22 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.13)

Pierre Eugene Cambier (French, 1914-2000), Le Pont Neuf, 2001, serigraph, 9.875 x 12 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.14)

Pierre Eugene Cambier (French, 1914-2000), La Sainte Chapelle, 2001, serigraph, 9.75 x 11.875 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.15)

serigraph, 19.25 x 24.25 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.4)

Julian Askins (b. Monmouthshire, England, 1961), Tables in Summer II,

Jeffrey Rivers, High and Dry, 1997, serigraph, 21.5 x 19.5 inches


(Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.5)

Jean-Claude Picot (French, b. 1933), Le Chemin du Village, 1997, serigraph, 23 x 27.5 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.6)

Barbara A. Wood (b. Columbus, Ohio), Blue Lady, serigraph,

29.5 x 33.75 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.7)

Deneille Spohn Moes, Sunday Noon, seriolithograph, 21.25 x 27 inches

(Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.8)

Misha Lenn (b. Leningrad, Soviet Union, 1962), Cancan, 2001,

seriolithograph, 15.5 x 24 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.9) Pierre-Eugene Cambier (French, 1914-2000), Paris – Le Pont des Arts et l’Institut, 1997, serigraph, 7.25 x 9.125 inches image area (Campus Loan

Collection, 2008.21.10)

Pierre-Eugene Cambier (French, 1914-2000), Paris – Place Saint André des

Arts, 1997, serigraph, 9.5 x 11.5 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.11)


Fanch (Francois Ledan, French, b. 1949), Romantic Promenade, 1998,

2000, serigraph, 14.5 x 17.875 inches (Campus Loan Collection,

Zamy Steynovitz (Polish/Israeli, 1951-2000), Pianist in Bloom, 1998, serigraph, 16 x 21.25 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.17) Harry Guttman (b. Bucharest, Romania, 1933), Village Park, 2001,

seriolithograph, 18 x 20.625 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.18) Linda LeKinff (b. Paris, France, 1949), Accords, 2000, seriolithograph, 18 x 22.25 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.19)

Shlomo Alter (Romanian), A Vase with a Violin, 2002, serigraph,

13.5 x 11.125 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.20)

Kevin Miles (b. 1956) and Wendy Schaefer-Miles (b. Wisconsin, 1960), Woodland Jewel, 2001, serigraph, 7.875 x 9.75 inches image area (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.21)

Pierre-Eugene Cambier (French, 1914-2000), Rue de la Montagne Sainte-

Genevieve, 1992, lithograph, 19.75 x 25.5 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.22)

Jerry Eisenberg for Hanna-Barbara Studios, That Means “I Love You”

(still from a 1962 Jetsons television show), 1996, sericel, 10.5 x 12.5 inches (Graphic Design Study Collection, 2008.21.27)

Jim Davis, Happy Cat (Garfield), 1999, cel with background,

11 x 13.125 inches (Graphic Design Study Collection, 2008.21.28.1) Jim Davis, Untitled (Preliminary drawing for Happy Cat), c. 1999,

ink and non-reproducing blue pencil on paper, 10.75 x 12.5 inches

(Graphic Design Study Collection, 2008.21.28.2)

Walt Disney Studios, still from “Mr. Duck Steps Out” (1940), 1990, sericel,

10.75 x 14 inches (Graphic Design Study Collection, 2008.21.29)

The sixteen works that follow are the gift of Lester Newton Blackiston,

William Fletcher Jones (American, 1930-1996), Untitled

(Still life with yellow flowers in a blue vase, Shiva, and toy

cars), 1984, oil on canvas, 30 x 24 inches, collection of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, Virginia Artists

Collection, gift of Lester Newton Blackiston dedicated to Frankie Elizabeth “Lilly” Blackiston, his wife, 2008.27.8. Photograph by Taylor Dabney.

Marcus Glenn (b. Detroit, Michigan, 1968), Saxophone Joe Get Off That

dedicated to Frankie Elizabeth “Lilly” Blackiston, his wife.

William S. Amlong (b. Chilkoot Barracks, Alaska, 1938), Untitled (Richmond

rooftop with skylights), 1978, oil on canvas, 28 x 31 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.1)

William S. Amlong (b. Chilkoot Barracks, Alaska, 1938), Untitled (Three

oranges, jar, cruet, glass, and two bottles on window ledge), 1979, oil on

canvas, 20 x 25.75 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.2)

Seat and Blow, 2002, seriolithograph, 19 x 10.25 inches (Campus Loan

William S. Amlong (b. Chilkoot Barracks, Alaska, 1938), Peacock’s Coal

Marcel Mouly (French, 1918-2008), Petit Port Danois, 1998, serigraph,

William S. Amlong (b. Chilkoot Barracks, Alaska, 1938), First Snow, 1978,

Michael Judge, Windows, 1997, serigraph, 10.75 x 16.25 inches

William S. Amlong (b. Chilkoot Barracks, Alaska, 1938), Untitled (Evening

Collection, 2008.21.23)

10.75 x 12.75 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.24)

(Campus Loan Collection, 2008.21.25)

Ed Benedict for Hanna-Barbera Studios, still from “Do or Diet” (1961), 1996,

Truck, 1977, oil on canvas, 40” x 48” (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.3)

oil on canvas, 20 x 26 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.4)

rooftops, Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia), 1963, oil on canvas, 20 x 30 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.5)

sericel, 10.5 x 12.5 inches (Graphic Design Study Collection, 2008.21.26)


William Fletcher Jones (American, 1930-1996), Untitled (Still life with peach, oranges, onions, and apple), 1986, oil on

canvas, 16 x 19.75 inches, collection of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, Virginia Artists Collection, gift of Lester Newton Blackiston dedicated to Frankie Elizabeth “Lilly” Blackiston, his wife, 2008.27.10. Photograph by Taylor Dabney.

William S. Amlong (b. Chilkoot Barracks, Alaska, 1938), Untitled (Sketch of

Main Street Station, Richmond, with elevated track), 1980, oil on canvas,

20 x 15 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.6)

William S. Amlong (b. Chilkoot Barracks, Alaska, 1938), Self-portrait, 1962, oil on canvas, 15.25 x 11.75 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.7)

30 x 24.25 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.9)

William Fletcher Jones (American, 1930-1996), Untitled (Still life with peach, oranges, onions, and apple), 1986, oil on canvas, 16 x 19.75 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.10)

William Fletcher Jones (American, 1930-1996), Untitled (Still life with yellow

William Fletcher Jones (American, 1930-1996), Untitled (Still life with daisies,

30 x 24 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.8)

cloth), 1989?, oil on canvas, 24 x 30 inches (Virginia Artists Collection,

flowers in a blue vase, Shiva, and toy cars), 1984, oil on canvas,


William Fletcher Jones (American, 1930-1996), Lester!, 1988, oil on canvas,

carnations, and baby’s breath in vase, paperweight, and apples on blue


William Fletcher Jones (American, 1930-1996), Untitled (Cathedral in blue), 1979, oil on canvas, 24 x 30 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2008.27.12) William Fletcher Jones (American, 1930-1996), Untitled (Self-portrait,

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Old Providence Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Graveyard (Spottswood, Virginia), c. 2006, oil on canvas, 21.875 x 27.875 inches (2009.2.5)

drinking), 1977, oil on canvas, 22 x 28 inches (Virginia Artists Collection,

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), The Greyhound “Fire Freeze,” 1989,

William P. Kendrick (b. Charlotte, North Carolina, 1928), Untitled (Petrushka),

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), The Queen Place, 2000,


1965, watercolor, 25.625 x 19.75 inches (Virginia Artists Collection,


oil on canvas, 36 x 42 inches (2009.2.6)

oil on canvas, 27 .5 x 21.5 inches (2009.2.7)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Gwin Farm from Mount Hope, 2000,

Douglas Edward Peters (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1946), Diana Series: Three

oil on canvas, 21.875 x 27.875 inches (2009.2.8)

Collection, 2008.27.15)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Painter’s Porch, Nimrod Hall

Brown Dots, 1984, mixed media on paper, 7.5 x 5.75 inches (Virginia Artists

Douglas Edward Peters (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1946), Diana Series: Four Blue Dots, 1984, mixed media on paper, 11 x 7.5 inches (Virginia Artists

Collection, 2008.27.16)

Nancy V. Leitch (American, 1915-2008), Butterflies, n.d., Conté and pastel

with graphite, 12 x 9.25 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2009.1). Gift of Maryann and Homer Springer.

The nineteen works that follow are the gift of Jack Blanton

for The Jack Blanton Collection.

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Painter’s Porch, 1983, Conté, 30 x 22.25 inches (2009.2.1)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Nimrod Hall with Horses, 1984,

Conté, 22.125 x 30.125 inches (2009.2.2)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Cows 8-15-02, 2002, Conté, 12 x 18 inches (2009.2.3)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), The Folly Farm Studio I (Studio with Sleeping Greyhounds), 1993, Conté and pastel, 29.5 x 41.75 inches

(The Studio with Sleeping Greyhound), 1991, oil on canvas, 47.75 x 35.75 inches (2009.2.9)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Sleeping Greyhound (“Frank”),

1998, oil on canvas, 9.75 x 8 inches (2009.2.10)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), County Fair, Rockbridge, 2007,

oil and charcoal on canvas, 60 x 48 inches (2009.2.11)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Women dressing –

burgundy skirt) (from a series made during the 1992 filming of Sommersby), 1992, Conté and pastel, 12.5 x 19 inches (2009.2.12.1)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Women in petticoats) (from a series made during the 1992 filming of Sommersby), 1992, Conté and pastel, 12.5 x 19 inches (2009.2.12.2)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Women in dressing room) (from a made during depicting the 1992 filming of Sommersby), 1992, Conté and pastel, 19 x 12.5 inches (2009.2.12.3)

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Women and man in

dressing room) (from a series made during the 1992 filming of Sommersby), 1992, Conté and pastel, 15 x 22.25 inches (2009.2.12.4)



Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Scene in women’s

Globe-shape vessel, Nupe culture?, Nigeria?, 21st century earthenware,

dressing room) (from a series made during the 1992 filming of Sommersby),

13.5 inches high x 15.25 inches diam. (African Art Collection, 2009.6.1).

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Man at dressing table)

Gourd-shape vessel, Zaire?, 21st century earthenware, 15.5 inches high

1992, Conté and pastel, 19 x 25.25 inches (2009.2.12.5)

Gift of Donna and Thomas Brumfield Jr.

(from a series made during the 1992 filming of Sommersby), 1992,

x 12.75 inches diam. (African Art Collection, 2009.6.2). Gift of Donna

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Women dressing –

Virginia Bedford (American, 1905-1977), Canterbury, 1949, watercolor,

1992, Conté and pastel, 15 x 22.25 inches (2009.2.12.7)

Lowry-Campbell in memory of her mother, Agnes Meredith Lowry.

Conté and pastel, 19 x 25.25 inches (2009.2.12.6)

green bodice) (from a series made during the 1992 filming of Sommersby),

Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), Untitled (Five women in costume) (from a series made during the 1992 filming of Sommersby), 1992, Conté and pastel, 22.25 x 30 inches (2009.2.12.8)

and Thomas Brumfield Jr.

15 x 21.875 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2009.7). Gift of Agnes Lee

Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001), Consider the Ant, 1991, serigraph,

22.375 x 29.625 inches (William and Ann Oppenhimer Folk Art Collection,

2009.8). Gift of Thomas E. Scanlin in honor of Ann and William Oppenhimer. Miriam Keates-Reid, Citation, 1985, monoprint with collage, 15 x 11.25

Jinqing?, Untitled (Landscape with waterfalls and mist-filled valleys), n.d.,

inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2009.9). Gift of Phil Grimes.

Art, 2009.3). Gift of Dr. Patricia P. Cormier.

Jim Dugan (b. West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1974), Untitled (Large squared

Helen Whitehead (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1925), Twelve Fundamental

inches (Ceramic Study Collection, 2009.10a/b). LCVA purchase.

ink on Asian paper, 27.25 x 27.25 inches (The Rowe Collection of Chinese

Sounds – Divisions of Lü, second version, 1992, acrylic paint with ink

drawing and vinyl applications on tempered Masonite, 36 x 36 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2009.4). Gift of the artist.

Max Lauger (German, 1864-1952), Untitled (Tree with tan leaves), 1897,

glazed earthenware, 5.75 x 5.75 x .625 inches (Ceramic Study Collection,

2009.5.1). Gift of Fritz Brandt and Karen Siler in memory of their father, Frederick Brandt.

Max Lauger (German, 1864-1952), Untitled (Green leaves in mirror

lidded jar), 2008, wood-fired stoneware with glaze, 12.25 x 10.875 x 10.875

Shelley Gipson (b. Nacogoches, Texas, 1973), Lutto, 2008, intaglio, chine collé, and hair, 11 x 7.5 inches (Print Study Collection, 2009.11). LCVA purchase.

Blue and White Stemmed Cup, Ming dynasty (1368-1644) or early Qing

dynasty (1644-1912), porcelain with blue underglaze, 5.5 inches high x 6.5 inches diam. (Rowe Collection of Chinese Art, 2009.12.1). Gift of Henry C. and Bernice Beazley Rowe ’70.

symmetry), c. 1897, glazed earthenware, 5.875 x 5.875 x .5 inches

Lidded Funeral Urn, Song dynasty (960-1279), straw-glazed ceramic,

in memory of their father, Frederick Brandt.

2009.12.2a/b). Gift of Henry C. and Bernice Beazley Rowe ’70.

(Ceramic Study Collection, 2009.5.2). Gift of Fritz Brandt and Karen Siler

21.5 inches high x 6.75 inches diam. (Rowe Collection of Chinese Art,

Melissa Polhamus (b. 1957, Ludwigsburg, Germany; active Virginia), Loser, n.d., mixed media, 11 x 10.875 inches (William and Ann Oppenhimer Folk Art Collection, 2009.13). LCVA purchase.


Ann Lyne (b. Richmond, Virginia, 1937), The Folly Farm Studio I (Studio with Sleeping Greyhounds), 1993,

pastel and Conté, 29.5 x 41.75 inches, collection of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, gift of Jack Blanton for the Jack Blanton Collection of American Art, 2009.2.4. Photograph by Taylor Dabney.

The works that follow are from a portfolio of works by Nancy V. Leitch (American, 1915-2008). They are the gift of Valerie Armini, the artist’s daughter.

Untitled (Lions), 1944, linocut, 10 x 14 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2009.14.1)

Licorice, n.d., Conté and charcoal, 9 x 10.875 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2009.14.2)

Giraffe, n.d., graphite, 11.125 x 7.5 inches (Campus Loan Collection, 2009.14.3)

Mary (Pittsburgh Zoo), n.d., graphite and Conté, 10.875 x 14.75 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.4)

Untitled (Four sketches of cattle), n.d., Conté, 9.875 x 13.875 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.5)

Pigs, n.d., graphite, 9.875 x 13.5 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.6)

Ponies, n.d., graphite, 8.875 x 11.625 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.7)


Freda, n.d., Conté, 13.375 x 10 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.12)

Untitled (Resting greyhound with head in profile), n.d., graphite, 2.5 x 4.625 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.13)

Untitled (Wildebeest?), n.d., Conté, 14 x 16.875 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.14)

Three sketches of Afghan hounds, n.d., each in blue ink on paper:

head, 5.125 x 2.375 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.15.1); standing, stretching, 5.125 x 2.375 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.15.2); with notation “relief,” 4 x 2.375 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.15.3)

Untitled (Elephant “leaning down to drink”), n.d., Conté on card stock,

4.375 x 6.25 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.16)

Nancy V. Leitch (American, 1915-2008), Butterflies, n.d.,

Conté and pastel with graphite, 12 x 9.25 inches, collection

Collection, 2009.14.17)

of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, Virginia Artists

Six designs for advertisements with chessboard theme for Virginia Electric

Photograph by Taylor Dabney.

industrial education savings,” 16.5 x 13.375 inches (Graphic Design Study

Collection, gift of Maryann and Homer Springer, 2009.1.

Untitled (Seated lion), n.d., Conté, 9 x 12.125 inches (Drawing Study

Collection, 2009.14.8)

Untitled (Mooing cow), 1944, charcoal on board, 12 x 17.75 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.9)

Untitled (Animal with lowered head), 1958, ink, 11.75 x 17.875 inches (Drawing Study Collection, 2009.14.10)

Untitled (Resting greyhound), n.d., Conté, 5 x 7.875 inches (Drawing Study

Collection, 2009.14.11)


Untitled (Resting hippo), 1958, Conté, 10.875 x 16.5 inches (Drawing Study

and Power Company, c. 1966, each a gelatin silver print: “Capture Southern Collection, 2009.14.18.1); “Next door to the nation’s capital,” 16.375 x

13.875 inches (Graphic Design Study Collection, 2009.14.18.2); “Capture

Southern manpower,” 16 x 13.625 inches (Graphic Design Study Collection, 2009.14.18.3); “Capture Southern climate savings,” 16.5 x 14 inches (Graphic Design Study Collection, 2009.14.18.4); “Capture Southern

transportation savings,” 16.375 x 13.625 inches (Graphic Design Study

Collection, 2009.14.18.5); “Capture Southern tax savings,” 16.625 x 13.5

inches (Graphic Design Study Collection, 2009.14.18.6)

The fifty-one works that follow are the gift of William and Ann Oppenhimer.

Unless otherwise noted, they are for the William and Ann Oppenhimer Folk Art Collection.

Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001), You May Not See Me When I Fly, 1987, enamel on plywood, 21 x 40 inches (2009.15.12)

Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001), Space and Earth Will Be Getting

Lillian Barker (American, 1930-1997), Garden of Eaden [sic], 1989, acrylic

Acquanted [sic], 1984, paint on glass with masking tape, 11 x 17 inches

Lillian Barker (American, 1930-1997), Jacob’s Ladder, 1989, acrylic on

Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001), Just Stepping Off in the Dark, 1984,

on canvas board, 16 x 20 inches (2009.15.1)


canvas board, 16 x 20 inches (2009.15.2)

paint on glass with masking tape, 11 x 17 inches (2009.15.14)

Jack Beverland (b. Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1939), Seminole Maiden Doll, 1994,

Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001), Howard Preaches, 1983,

acrylic on board, 18 x 16 inches (2009.15.3)

polychromed wood cutout, 12.5 x 5 inches (2009.15.15)

Minnie Black (American, 1899-1996), Black-striped Monster, 1988, gourd, seeds, Sculptamold, paint, 2.5 x 22 x 12 inches (2009.15.4)

Vernon Burwell (American, 1916-1990), Black Cat, 1987, polychromed cement, leather, and metal, 13 x 11 x 7 inches (2009.15.5)

Jeanne Campbell, Portrait of Ann, 1979, 14 x 11 inches, graphite, Virginia Artists Collection, (2009.15.6)

Miles Carpenter (American, 1889-1985), Orange Root Monster, 1980,

polychromed wood, plastic, and wire, 9.5 x 34 x 15 inches (2009.15.7) Paul Cox (American, b. 1928), Pair of Clydesdale Horses and a Wagon,

1996, polychromed clay, wood, leather, and metal, 13 x 28 x 9 inches (2009.15.8)

Abraham Lincoln Criss (American, 1914-2000), Young Deer, 1986, coffee wood and marbles, 36 x 9 x 40 inches (2009.15.9)

Abraham Lincoln Criss (American, 1914-2000), Woman on a Stump, 1986,

wood, paint, sawdust, glue, 19 x 7 x 6 inches (2009.15.10)

Mose Tolliver (American, 1920-2006), Big Head on a

Wagon, 1990, house paint on plywood, 24 x 24 inches,

collection of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, gift of William and Ann Oppenhimer for the William

and Ann Oppenhimer Folk Art Collection, 2009.15.43. Photograph by Alex Grabiec, ’07.

Thomas Daniel, Tent Revival, Big Stone Gap, Virginia, 1982, gelatin silver print, 9 x 7 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2009.15.11)


Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001), Howard Preaches, 1983, polychromed wood cutout, 12.5 x 5 inches (2009.15.16)

Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001), Spinning Wheel Planter, c. 1950,

Rosemarie Koczy (b. Germany, active Switzerland, New York; 1939-2007), I Weave Myself a Shroud (with black spot upper left), 1981, ink and oil pastel, 12 x 9 inches (2009.15.28)

pyrographed wood with nails, 24 x 22 x 5 inches (2009.15.17)

Rosemarie Koczy (b. Germany, active Switzerland, New York; 1939-2007),

John Gilley (active Kentucky), Birds on a Fence, 1990, polychromed wood

12 x 9 inches (2009.15.29)

with bird’s nest, 23 x 11 x 8 inches (2009.15.18)

Ted Gordon (b. Louisville, Kentucky, 1924), Head of a Man, 2002, ink on posterboard, 18 x 20 inches (2009.15.19)

I Weave Myself a Shroud (with rising form in strong diagonal), 1981, ink,

Rosemarie Koczy (b. Germany, active Switzerland, New York; 1939-2007), I Weave Myself a Shroud (with two tall leaning figures and one figure

elongated in an arc), 1981, ink and oil pastel, 12 x 9 inches (2009.15.30)

Bessie Harvey (American, 1929-1994), A Storm in Time, 1986,

Connie Lewis (active Kentucky), Alligator, 1990, polychromed wood,

James Harold Jennings (American, 1931-1999), Tall Indian with a Star, 1985,

Connie Lewis (active Kentucky), Beaver, 1989, polychromed wood,

Anderson Johnson (American, 1915-1998), Portrait of Ann and Boo, 1990,

Everett Mayo (b. 1959, active Virginia), African Mask, 1997, polychromed

Anderson Johnson (American, 1915-1998), Jesus with John the Baptist,

Carl McKenzie (American, 1905-1998), The Three Bears, 1988,

Anderson Johnson (American, 1915-1998), Mary and Martha, Friends

John Morgan and Charlotte Morgan, Botticelli’s Grace Unveiling a Penny

ink on newsprint, 23.5 x 17.5 inches (2009.15.20)

polychromed wood, 29.5 x 6.5 x 5.5 inches (2009.15.21)

acrylic on canvas board, 24 x 30 inches framed (2009.15.22)

1989, acrylic? on canvas, 48 x 60 inches (2009.15.23)

of Jesus, 1990, acrylic? on plywood, 38 x 44 inches (2009.15.24)

Anderson Johnson (American, 1915-1998), Jesus in the Garden of

Gethsemane, 1989, acrylic? on canvas, 44 inches diam. (2009.15.25) Anderson Johnson (American, 1915-1998), Martin Luther King, 1994, acrylic? on wood, 32 x 27 inches (2009.15.26)

S. L. Jones (American, 1901-1997), Man and Woman, 1985, crayon and ink, 14 x 16.5 inches framed (2009.15.27)

4 x 23 x 6 inches (2009.15.31)

6 x 24 x 4 inches (2009.15.32)

driftwood and metal, 12 x 10 x 7 inches (2009.15.33)

polychromed wood, 10 x 8.5 x 3.5 inches (2009.15.34)

Postcard, 1987, mixed media, 11 x 14 inches framed (Virginia Artists Collection, 2009.15.35)

John Morgan, Cow Series, Pirouette, 1987, mixed media, 16.5 x 23 x 6 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2009.15.36)

Earnest Patton (b. Holy Creek, Kentucky, 1935), Bird and Snake Cane, 1988, polychromed wood, marbles, 39 x 8 x 1.5 inches (2009.15.37)

Mary Proctor (b. Jefferson County, Florida, 1960), God Love Make the World Go Round [sic], 1997, acrylic paint and beads on wood door, 37 x 30 x 2 inches (2009.15.38)


Mose Tolliver (American, 1920-2006), Big Head on a Wagon, 1990, house paint on plywood, 24 x 24 inches (2009.15.43)

Troy Webb (b. 1926, active Tennessee), Big Man, 1988, wood, fabric, paint, 23 x 5.5 x 5.5 inches (2009.15.44)

Velma Webb, Boy, 1988, wood, fabric, graphite, 15 x 5.5 x 3 inches (2009.15.45)

Derek Webster (b. Puerto Castilla, Honduras, 1934; active U.S.),

Man Plate #1, 1997, ceramic, paint, jewelry, beads, 10 x 9 x 4.5 inches (2009.15.46)

Derek Webster (b. Puerto Castilla, Honduras, 1934; active U.S.),

Woman Plate #2, 2003, mixed media, 11 x 8.5 x 2.5 inches (2009.15.47) Derek Webster (b. Puerto Castilla, Honduras, 1934; active U.S.),

Ted Gordon (b. Louisville, Kentucky, 1924), Head of a Man, 2002, ink on posterboard, 18 x 20 inches, collection of the

Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, gift of William and Ann Oppenhimer for the William and Ann Oppenhimer Folk Art

Collection, 2009.15.19. Photograph by Alex Grabiec, ’07.

Woman Plate #3, 2003, mixed media, 9.5 x 8 x 2.5 inches (2009.15.48) Derek Webster (b. Puerto Castilla, Honduras, 1934; active U.S.), Queen, 2003, mixed media, 18 x 9 x 4 inches (2009.15.49)

Melissa Weinman (b. Luverne, Minnesota, 1960), Ann Oppenhimer, 1986,

oil on canvas, 37 x 28 inches (Virginia Artists Collection, 2009.15.50) Martin Ramirez (b. Jalisco, Mexico, active California; 1885-1960), Horse and

Rider, c. 1950, crayon, 18 x 23 inches (2009.15.39)

Welthy Williams, Mother and Child, 1960, acrylic on canvas board, 16 x 12 inches (2009.15.51)

Bernard Schatz (“L-15”) (American, b. 1950), Thisbe 4 (Green Mask), 1983,

paint, cardboard, and velvet, 11 x 7 x 3 inches (2009.15.40)

Lorenzo Scott (American, b. 1922), Madonna and Child, 1995, oil on canvas

with artist-made frame created with Bondo, 21.5 x 21.5 x 2 inches (2009.15.41)

Mose Tolliver (American, 1920-2006), Woman on a Scooter, before 1989, house paint on plywood, 26 x 25 inches (2009.15.42)


FI N ANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS 2 0 0 8.2009 Centra Southside Community Hospital Opens LCVA’s Doors to People with Disabilities This fall, a gift from Centra Southside Community Hospital enhanced the accessibility of the LCVA by adding auto-open

technology to the front doors. Wheelchair users, for example, can open the doors with the touch of a button, and the doors

will stay open long enough to allow individuals with disabilities to navigate the entrance.

“The LCVA and Centra Southside Community Hospital have enjoyed a positive relationship as good neighbors who both

serve the same regional community,” noted LCVA director K. Johnson Bowles. “We are so appreciative of their support.” “The LCVA has benefited our patients in many ways,” noted Dr. Gwen Eddleman, President and CEO of Centra Southside

Community Hospital. “The LCVA installed a folk art collection along our corridors that brings inspiration and encouragement on a daily basis to our staff and patients.

“As we start defining ‘health’ more broadly, we see that the arts are a vital part of emotional wellness. We were pleased to help the LCVA’s wonderful facility and excellent programs become more available to the entire population.”

Bowles concluded, “A good gift pairs the passion of the giver with the need of the recipient. Clearly, Centra Southside

Community Hospital is passionate about helping people with physical needs. Their gift was a perfect match to help us open our doors to everyone.”

Contributors 1 July 2008 – 30 June 2009 Hope Society

Beauty Society

Waverly M. Cole

of $500,000 - $999,999

of $100,000 - $499,999

William T. & Harriet Butterworth Miller 1951

Lifetime gifts to the LCVA

Henry C. & Bernice Beazley Rowe 1970

Lifetime gifts to the LCVA


Lester N. Blackiston

Jackson L. Blanton

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brumfield Jr.


John R. Cook 1952 Julia J. Norrell

Dr. & Mrs. William M. Oppenhimer Jackie Paterson

Jessie Ball duPont Fund

Mary Morton Parsons Foundation

Imagination Society

Individuals who have thoughtfully provided for the LCVA through a will or estate plan

Jackson L. Blanton

M. Jane Brooke 1963

Phyllis Watts Harriss 1946

Dr. & Mrs. William M. Oppenhimer Director

Annual gifts of $25,000 or more Jackson L. Blanton

William T. & Harriet Butterworth Miller 1951 William M. & Ann F. Oppenhimer


Annual gifts of $10,000 - $24,999 Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Duff

Harriet B. & William T. Miller Fund

Garland & Agnes Taylor Gray Foundation


Annual gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 Valerie Armini

j fergeson gallery

Mr. & Mrs. Harlan L. Horton Amos P. Kennedy Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Lowry F. Kline

Robert B. & Margaret Thomas Mayo 1952

Henry C. & Bernice Beazley Rowe 1970 Michael David Whaley

Centra Southside Community Hospital J. E. Jamerson & Sons, Inc.

Mark & Tammy Southall


Fourth Street Motor Company Inc. Land Title Services, LLC Pairet’s

Rochette’s Florist Connoisseur

Annual gifts of $750 - $1,249

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network

Ann Bradshaw 2004


David D. Lewis & Sandy Willcox


County of Buckingham

Real Living Cornerstone LLC

Annual gifts of $1,250 - $2,499

Johnnie Britt

Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Lockwood

County of Prince Edward

Navona Hart

Charles H. & Candice Jamison Dowdy 1969


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brumfield Jr.

Buckingham Greenery Inc.

Discount Fabrics Inc.


Capt. & Mrs. Charles R. Baron

Awesome Party Supplies and Event Rentals

Lonnie I. Calhoun III & Marian Hahesy-Calhoun

Town of Farmville

Annual gifts of $5,000 - $9,999

Accessories Inc.

Drs. Thomas & Mary Basco Earline Cheyne

Guy & Julie Dixon

James B. & Dianne Blair Gates 1964

Peter I. Hubbel

Dr. Vilma C. Witten

County of Cumberland

James B. Gates Jr. Revocable Trust

Green Properties Wachovia Collector

Annual gifts of $500 - $749

Mr. & Mrs. Everett W. Gee III

Dr. & Mrs. Shashi B. Ayer

Ellen & Terry Wayne Hudgins 1984

Dr. & Mrs. Paul T. Barrett

Connie Hom, CLP

Paul & Joanna Hydrick Baker 1995


Mr. & Mrs. Heyn Kjerulf

Farmville Wholesale Electric Supply Company

Ellery & Robin Sedgwick

K. Johnson Bowles

Murray S. & Cora Straughan Simpson 1961

James & Joyce Davis

Creative Electrical Contractors

Herberton Virginia Development LLC

The Manor Resort Spa & Residential Estate

Ann Lyne

Marc B. & Wilma Register Sharp 1966

Walter J. Payne Foundation

Jerry L. Stuart

Worth Higgins & Associates Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley L. Watson

Rock Foundation

Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wade

Shirley V. Blackwell

Dr. Susan L. Booker

Dick & Darlene Bratcher Andrew A. & Carolyn J. Ferguson Patricia Altwegg Fitzgerald 1954

H. Franklin 1980 & Nita Beasley Grant 1972


Phil Grimes

Cannon & Lorraine Cundiff Watson 1995

Nancy Lockwood

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hicks

Barrett and Company LLC

Robert D. & Susan H. May

Lucy Davis Gunn 1943 Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Ross

Walter R. T. & Joan V. Witschey

@WORK Personnel and Medical Services Details & Company Farmville Herald

Kinex Networking Solutions Inc. StellarOne

Suitable for Framing, Inc. Fellow

Maurice Beane Studios

Corporate & Museum Frame Inc. Farmville Presbyterian Church Rug Rats

Sand Solutions Inc.

Kathleen Mack

Joseph C. & Elizabeth F. McCutchen Mr. & Mrs. John McHenry James D. & B. J. Morley Frieda E. Myers

Lois A. Nervig

The Woodland Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O’Connor


Allan & Constance W. Pois

Annual gifts of $100 - $249

Emily G. Pilk

Ramesh N. Rao

Christopher M. & Kathleen M. Register

Annual gifts of $250 - $499

Harry B. & Avis Kolanda Addleman 1980

Jim Ryan


Benjamin McRae Amoss Jr.

Michael A. & Maria M. Silveira


Cheryl L. Adkins 1981

Hugh R. & Alice Cheatwood Stallard 1959

Tony & Ursula C. Burgess

Ed Trask

Diane Bottoms Boxley 1972

Alicia B. Barbrey

Peggy Shupe Cave 1967

Maurice Beane

Thomas Patrick Burke Jr.

& Helen Warriner-Burke 1956

Christopher H. & Katherine Feil Dowdy

Anita H. Garland

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gresham

Dirk & Patrizia Johnson

Ray Kleinlein & Joany McRae Kleinlein

William A. & Noelle Prince Shear

John E. & Fran Arehart

Richard Altice

Troy S. Austin

Paul Charlton

Michael K. & Beth Cheuk Nellie M. Coles

Ashley Smith Cooper 1992

Raymond J. & Patricia P. Cormier Thomas D. & Marianne Dennison I. B. Dent

William P. & Shirley C. Donaldson

Rev. & Mrs. William E. Thompson Jane Turney

Beatrice Gay Wallace 1961

G. Daniel & Katherine Weese Pam Barnes Wilkinson John W. Wood III Friend

Annual gifts of up to $99

Eric A. Koger & Melissa S. Panzarello

William F. & Martha J. Dorrill

William P. Abrams & Rebecca K. Sturgill

Wayne E. & Deborah L. McWee

Rick & Aprille Erickson

Sharon Bass

Charles & Margaret Blackley Lindsay 2000

Jason S. 1999 & Heather Whitacre Milne 1999

Dr. & Mrs. John S. Peale

Hunter R. & Patsy Kimbrough Pettus 1950

Dr. & Mrs. David E. Pruitt

K. Craig & Denise Rogers

John D. & Deborah Slade Rucker & Karen Snead

Tim & Lisa Frazier Tharpe

Michael & Joy E. Boettcher Utzinger


Dr. Carolyn Wells

Hazel P. Duncan

William L. & Angie Webb Frank 1980

H. Lewis & Barbara Allen Garrett 1955 Alexander Michael Grabiec 2007

James C. & Ann Harris Gussett 1980

Richard Hyde 1976 & Ann Sprint Ingram 1970

John & Alicia Barbrey JoAnn G. Bauer

Robert Blackman & Kelly M. Nelson Alison M. Brandon

Gwendolyn L. Brooks

Bobbie S. Burton

Angela M. Jackson

Jennifer Byrne

Mr. & Mrs. Dilip C. Jain

Jerry Carney

Willie & Mary D. Jackson

John W. Jessiman

David & Kathryn Finefrock Carmichael 2003 Sharon L. Carney

Paula D. Carter

Alison Overton

Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Claud

Blair & Margo Potts

Robert W. & Elizabeth Cook Carter 1958 Harold N. & Nan H. Colvin

Angie Arrington Coppedge 1984 Mary H. Cormier

Mary Haskell Cosby

Linwood H. & Carol Cousins Jane Danby Crute 1946

Kathryn Marie Planow Terri Priest

Deborah Daniel Quinn 1992

Wendy Welch Richardson 1972 Dr. Carl Riden Julie Shield

Joe Hines & Aimee Harris Spencer 1993

Bruce Davis & Susan M. Sullivan

Mark & Elizabeth Sprinkle

Edward & Cynthia B. Devlin

William D. & Amy Stuart

Erin C. Devine

Cassie Ford Duarte Diane N. Easter

Christina Stratman

Christopher L. Swanson Donna G. Taylor

Betty J. Eidemiller

P. M. Thorne

Tray Eppes

Gregory Chris Tsigaridas 1994 & Naomi Johnson

Deborah S. Elliott

Betty Fanelli

Trey Thompson & Christa Dawn Fye 1995

Dr. Stephen H. Goldberger

Charles R. & Faye Patteson Green 1986 Clay Hall & Amy Alliston Hall

Scott M. & Susan M. Harwood

Saranna Thornton Lacy B. Ward Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Watkins Jr. Kathy D. Watson

Alexander J. & Diane A. Werth Mr. & Mrs. John S. West

Glenn E. White & Virginia Spivey

Patricia Smalley Herring 1980

David Wicks & Kathy S. Worster

Jack O. & Sherry Honeycutt

Ian Wolfe

M. Courtney & Darrell Lee Hodges 2007 Edwilda Isaac

Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Keohane Cecil Madolyn Kidd 1961

Alan L. Williamson & Pamela Arkin Harwood & Son Insurance Mulligan’s Sports Grille

Keith Kissee

Anthony A. Koyzis

Mary Diller LaGue 1980 Judith Lasley-Doan

Myrtis Leigh Lunsford Valerie Lutz

Kelly Ann Martin 2007

Emmett R. & Robin Stables McLane 1976 Walt & Jessica Moseley Ruth S. Murphy

Rachel Nunnally Overstreet 1974


FI N ANCIAL SUMMARY 1 July 2008 – 30 June 2009 Revenue, Gains and Other Support

Contributions ......................................................................................................233,327

Contributions Non-Cash .....................................................................................262,925 Investment Income...............................................................................................77,644 Realized Gains (Losses) On Investments ..............................................................6,064

Unrealized Gains (Losses) On Investments .........................................................82,866 Other Revenue .....................................................................................................54,112

Rental Income ........................................................................................................4,378

Interfund Transfer...................................................................................................5,322

Longwood University ..........................................................................................268,494 Total Revenues, Gains & Other Support ............................................................995,133


Scholarships / Awards............................................................................................1,100

Salaries / Wages / Benefits ................................................................................248,555 Professional Services...........................................................................................36,528

Printing & Publications .........................................................................................39,250 Postage & Shipping................................................................................................6,619

Equipment / Supplies ...........................................................................................44,917

Building Depreciation ...........................................................................................33,902

Utilities .................................................................................................................30,707

Travel ...................................................................................................................23,134 Staff Development..................................................................................................3,149


Marketing / Receptions ........................................................................................34,099

Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................2,807

Interest .................................................................................................................13,771


Total Expenditures..............................................................................................523,302

Increase (Decrease) In Assets ...........................................................................471,831

Beginning ........................................................................................................4,350,834

Ending .............................................................................................................4,822,665


ADVISORY BOARD 1 July 2008 – 30 June 2009 Heyn Kjerulf, Chair Maurice Beane

Thomas Brumfield Carol Cousins Julie K. Dixon

Candice Jamison Dowdy ’69 Charles H. Dowdy III Kristin W. Gee

Jennifer Glavé

William Gravitt

Harlan L. Horton

Angela M. Jackson Jane W. Kline

Jean Lockwood

Margaret T. Mayo ’52

Lydia W. Peale

Tammy Southall Virginia Spivey

Margaret Taylor-Collins Robert C. Wade

Michael David Whaley MEMBERS-AT-LARGE


David Buckalew

Patricia Cormier

Craig Challender

Hazel Duncan

Lonnie Calhoun

Raymond N. Kleinlein

Liz Kocevar-Weidinger

Erin Devine

K. Craig Rogers

Richard C. McClintock Kelly Nelson

Abbey O’Connor Joy Utzinger


AD MINISTRATION & STAFF 1 July 2008 – 30 June 2009

Dr. Patricia Cormier, President

Richard W. Bratcher, Vice President for Facilities Management and Real Property

Courtney Hodges, Director of Corporate and Foundational Relations/Development Liaison to LCVA Dr. Wayne E. McWee, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Tim J. Pierson, Vice President for Student Affairs

K. Craig Rogers, Vice President for University Advancement David Whaley, Director of Publications and Visual Arts

Kathy S. Worster, Vice President for Administration and Finance

Staff K. Johnson Bowles, Director Brian Carley ’09, Preparator

Beth Cheuk, Public Relations and Events Coordinator Alex Grabiec ’07, Exhibitions Manager Emily Gresham, Curator of Education

Michael Webb ’07, Volunteer Coordinator Ashley Greene ’07, Collections Manager Heather Milne ’99, Program Manager

David Overstreet ’06, Assistant Program Manager Robin Sedgwick, Museum Registrar

Work Study Students Vicki Clark

Jessica Fields

Liz Hale

Jenna Hart

Adrienne Heinbaugh

Ginny Howard-Smith Maria Saunders

Jennifer Thornton Emily Wilson ’06


LONGWOOD CENTER for the V I S UA L A RTS 129 North Main Street Farmville, Virginia 23901 434.395.2206

The Longwood Center for the Visual Arts is located at the corner of Main and Third Streets in historic downtown Farmville.

Gallery Hours: Monday – Saturday, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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