PATRICK FINNEGAN LONGWOOD’S 25th PRESIDENT Volume 10, No. 1, Winter 2011
A Magazine for the Alumni and Friends of Longwood University
From the Editor
As I gaze from my window in Lancaster Hall, I know for sure that winter is upon us. The leaves have fallen, the temperatures have dropped, and the college rankings have arrived. Each year, college administrators, especially those responsible for admissions and recruitment, approach the new year with a sense of trepidation in anticipation of “The Rankings.” Did we go up? Did we go down? Are we even included? For Longwood, the answers are Yes, No, and Yes! I am happy to report that, for the 13th straight year, Longwood University is ranked among the best in the 2011 U.S.News & World Report survey. The new USN&WR “America’s Best Colleges” report ranks Longwood No. 9 in the category “Top Public Universities - Master’s” in the South. Among all Southern Universities - Master’s (public and private) Longwood remains within the top tier at No. 27. Additionally, Longwood University is again one of the best colleges and universities in the Southeast according to The Princeton Review. The education services company recently selected Longwood as one of 133 institutions it recommends in the “Best in the Southeast” section of its 2011 Best Colleges: Region by Region survey. And, for the first time, Longwood University is included as one of the best colleges in the United States in the Forbes 2010 list of America’s Best Colleges. The list of more than 600 undergraduate institutions, compiled with research from the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, is based on 11 factors measuring the quality of the education each school provides, the experiences of its students, and the achievements of its graduates.
That’s good news on all fronts. And we have more good news to share with you in this, our 19th edition of Longwood Magazine.
In our last issue, we introduced you to our 25th president, Brigadier General Patrick Finnegan. President Finnegan and First Lady Joan Finnegan have been busy settling into Longwood House and learning all about Longwood and Farmville, while setting priorities for new leadership. It is a new era for Longwood and you’ll learn more about the Finnegans in several stories on the pages that follow, including parts of an interesting in-depth interview with President Finnegan by Ken Woodley, editor of The Farmville Herald. In a related story, Joan Finnegan discusses her role as Longwood’s new First Lady and some of the plans she has for historic Longwood House. Speaking of history, the Longwood Honor Code celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. The Longwood Creed: “We shall not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do,” is almost identical to the Cadet Honor Code at West Point, a fact that resonates well with President Finnegan as he noted during the presidential selection process: “One of the things that struck me most about my visits to Longwood, and one of the things that made me most comfortable, was seeing the Honor Code on the wall of the library. Not only was it a tie to West Point, but it also confirmed that the Longwood community and I shared the same values.” Longwood students are going abroad to learn and to serve. This issue includes a story about a remarkable missionary trip to Haiti and a capstone writing seminar in France. Alumni reunions, profiles, sports – including the Greatest Athletics March Ever – and a special story about a new Longwood podcast commemorating the Civil War Sesquicentennial: “That a Nation Might Live,” await you in this issue. Enjoy! Dennis Sercombe Editor
On Our Cover A new era begins as Brigadier General Patrick Finnegan takes charge as Longwood’s 25th President. Photo by Duane Berger. Read complete story, p. 3.
President’s Message
President Patrick Finnegan
Longwood’s new president reflects on Longwood, leadership, and the person he is. FEATURES
Meet Longwood’s New First Lady Joan Finnegan’s genuine enthusiasm about her new role as Longwood’s First Lady is evident by the extensive calendar of social events being held at Longwood House.
Longwood Celebrates 100 Years of Honor and Student Governance
Longwood Citizen Leaders Make A Difference
Design Lab Longwood University’s graphic design program now includes what has been called a student-run design agency.
Athletics News
Longwood News & Alumni Events
Recent Publications by Longwood Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni
is published twice a year for the alumni and friends of Longwood University by the Longwood University Foundation Inc. All materials © Longwood University. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or full is strictly prohibited. Comments, letters, or contributions can be sent to the Office of Public Relations, Longwood University, 201 High Street, Farmville, Virginia 23909.
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Longwood Publisher Editor Creative Director Associate Editors Contributors
Longwood University Foundation Inc. Dennis Sercombe David Whaley Kent Booty, Gina Caldwell Duane Berger, K. Johnson Bowles, Beth Cheuk, Diane Easter, Cocheyse Gilliam, ’97, Alyson Goff, Alex Grabiec, ’07, David Hooper, ’00, Cricket Gicz Morris, ’06, Greg Prouty, Paula Prouty, ’85, Katie Register, James Rutter, Nancy Shelton, ’68, Mary Jo Stockton, Ken Woodley
Editorial Office
Longwood University Office of Public Relations 201 High Street, Farmville, Virginia 23909 telephone 434.395.2020 fax 434.395.2825 email sercombeda@longwood.edu on the web at http://www.longwood.edu
Editorial Advisory Board
Longwood University
Dennis Sercombe, Chairman, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications Kent Booty, Public Relations Writer and Photographer H. Franklin Grant, ’80, Interim Vice President for University Advancement Gina Caldwell, Media Specialist David Hooper, ’00, Director of Web Communications Greg Prouty, Associate Athletics Director for Media Relations Chris Register, Associate Professor of Art Nancy Shelton, ’68, Director of Alumni Relations David Whaley, Director of Publications and Visual Arts
Patrick Finnegan,
John B. Adams Jr.,
Rector of the Board of Visitors
Dr. R. Kenneth ‘Ken’ Marcus, ’82, Michael A. Sheffield, ’89, Board of Visitors
President of the Longwood University Foundation Inc.
President of the Longwood University Alumni Association
John B. Adams Jr., Rector, Richmond, Virginia M. Jane Brooke, ’63, Richmond, Virginia Otis L. Brown, Vice Rector, Richmond, Virginia Marjorie M. Connelly, Richmond, Virginia John W. Daniel II, Richmond, Virginia Edward I. Gordon, M.D., Farmville, Virginia Rita Berryman Hughes, ’74, Virginia Beach, Virginia Chin Han ‘Hank’ Kim, ’90, Chesterfield, Virginia Ripon W. LaRoche II, M.D., Farmville, Virginia Judi M. Lynch, Ph.D., Blacksburg, Virginia Stephen Mobley, ’93, McLean, Virginia Susan E. Soza, ’62, McLean, Virginia Ronald Olswyn White, Midlothian, Virginia
Volume 10, No. 1, Published January 2011
From the President It is an honor and a privilege to serve as Longwood University’s 25th President. Joan and I are delighted to be in Farmville and appreciate very much the warm welcome we’ve received from all branches of the Longwood family. We owe a special debt of gratitude to Patty Cormier (and Raymond, the First Gent) for making the transition so smooth and easy, as well as for their wonderful contributions for 14 years. Patty Cormier changed the face of Longwood, moved it from a college to a university, and raised the academic standards to new heights. She will be deservedly long-remembered as a forwardlooking president who moved Longwood into a new era. As many of you are aware, the start of my tenure was not what I expected or hoped because of illness. I’m happy to report that I’m well on the way to a full recovery. Joan and I were overwhelmed by the good wishes, cards, and gifts of so many wonderful people – they raised our spirits every day. One thing my unanticipated absence did was prove exactly what a strong team there is at Longwood – every part of opening the school year, from freshman orientation to welcoming back returning students to the beginning of classes, went off without a hitch even with the president on the sidelines. In the last few months, in between trying to figure out which building is which and where the bathrooms are, I’ve been trying to meet with as many staff and faculty, students, and alumni as possible. I’ve talked with all the department chairs and deans, as well as other key faculty. I’m meeting with each class, from freshmen to seniors, mostly to hear their thoughts and field their questions. We’ve also scheduled a series of breakfasts with staff and faculty members from across the campus. These discussions and meetings have been very helpful as I’ve been learning as much about Longwood as I can. Joan and I have also enjoyed the opportunity to meet alumni, parents, and friends at a series of receptions in Washington, Virginia Beach, and Richmond. During those events, we’ve met alumni from eight different decades, from the 1930s to 2010. The remarkable thing is that what virtually all of them say about Longwood is so similar, whether they graduated from an all-girls college or a coed university that has more than doubled in size. They all appreciate the spirit of Longwood and understand that it is a very special place because of the caring people and the close-knit atmosphere. They cherish the relationships they’ve formed and the fact that faculty members are not only available to them but are also genuinely interested in them as students and as individuals. And the best part may be that I hear the same thing from current students. As we continue to move forward and make changes that are necessary to keep pace, we will all strive to maintain that personal touch that is at the heart of this school. Patrick Finnegan President
Patrick Finnegan Reflects On Longwood, Leadership And The Person He Is Ken Woodley Editor, The Farmville Herald Editor’s Note: On 23 July 2010, The Farmville Herald published a front-page feature story about Longwood’s new president written by Editor Ken Woodley. With the kind permission of Mr. Woodley and The Farmville Herald, we have edited the two and a half page interview for Longwood Magazine. To read the complete interview, go to: http://www.longwood.edu/president/26877.htm
Woodley: Why Longwood? What convinced you to apply
the initial interview, which I’ve learned is called ‘the airport
for and then accept the presidency of this university?
interview’ because it happens at the airport. And met the 13 or 14 people on the selection committee, a variety of
Finnegan: Longwood was very intriguing to me for a
people – from members of the board of visitors, to faculty,
number of reasons. I knew a little bit about it because my
to staff, to students, some members of the (Longwood)
sister graduated from here in 1976, but it was a very
Foundation. And I was taken by two things. One, how nice
different institution back then – it was an all girls school,
they all were, how pleasant they were to talk to. And, two,
primarily a teachers school. So I knew about Longwood
how committed they were to their school. How much they
College. But that information was dated.
obviously cared about Longwood and what it meant to people. And that’s the kind of place I want to be, where folks
When I was possibly looking for jobs because I wasn’t certain
are committed to what they are doing. Where they care
I would stay in the Army – the Army hadn’t let me know
about what they’re doing. Where it’s a calling as much as a
whether they wanted me to continue or not – I had seen an
job. And I think I have found that, in all my dealings so far,
advertisement for the presidency of Longwood University
in a limited time.
and went on the website, looked at the information and was very intrigued by a number of things. I was captured by
To me, there’s an old saying that the Army has, and I think
their mission to transform young men and women into
it’s a great one, and it says the Army isn’t about people, the
citizen leaders who contribute to the good of society. I think
Army is people. And to me, in any job you’re in, position
that’s a great purpose of education. I think it’s very akin to
you’re in, the most important thing is the people that you’re
what we were doing at West Point, and trying to do there,
around and you’re working with and dealing with. And so
with a more narrow focus, probably. But I think that is what
what we found here and what we found in the community
education can and should be about.
is a group of people who are friendly, who have a smile on
I like the idea of a campus this size, in number of students –
don’t. And, particularly talking about the university,
their face when you walk past, whether they know you or 5,000-plus but really not intending to grow into an
everyone we met cares very much about the school. And for
enormous school. So I thought that I would apply and see
the faculty, I think, by and large, the ones I’ve met, this is
what was there and what Longwood was about. I went to
not just a job, it’s a calling, which education should be.
Patrick Finnegan pictured in front of The Soul of America, 2001-2002, shoes, wood, and latex paint, 8’ x 16’ x 6’, created by the staff and volunteers of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts.
For the students, I hope it’s not simply a place to get a
once we got off (Interstate) 95. That’s not fun. But driving
diploma but a place to get an education in all kinds of ways,
through the countryside here was – we love this part
inside the classroom and outside. And that’s really the kind
of Virginia.
of place I want to be. I think Longwood has come a long way in the last 14 years under Dr. Cormier, and has certainly
So we came down and our initial thought was simply to
changed its nature and its reputation, and I think it has great
walk around the campus. We parked and we had a little map
possibilities for the future and I want to be part of it.
of the campus that we printed out from online and just
“I loved my time in the military. I particularly loved the last dozen years at West Point and the last five as the Dean of the military academy. It was a dream job, one I never thought I’d have, but I really think this, unbelievably, has the possibility of being another dream job.” – Patrick Finnegan Woodley: How hard was it to leave your career
wanted to walk around. So there were a few buildings that
in the military?
were open. The library was open and we went in there and was immediately struck by the – when you walk in one
Finnegan: It wasn’t hard. I loved my time in the military.
of the first things you see in big letters is the honor code,
I particularly loved the last dozen years at West Point and
the honor creed of Longwood, which is virtually identical to
the last five as the Dean of the military academy. It was a
West Point. And that was almost shocking, in a way, to see
dream job, one I never thought I’d have, but I really think
that because we hadn’t seen that before. And, again, it was
this, unbelievably, has the possibility of being another
almost an omen or a signal that this might be a place worth
dream job.
looking at.
I found what I really liked best about the job as Dean was
Woodley: What are the differences and similarities between
being around cadets, being around the students, and I know
appropriate and effective leadership by a general in the
there are lots of obligations for a university president as there
military and that of a civilian university president?
are for a Dean but I’m going to try to continue that, to be around students as much as I can.
Finnegan: I’m not sure there are a lot of great differences. I’m sure there will be some but the stereotype of a general in
People would say to me at West Point, or my friends,
the military – and the reason for the stereotype is that some
‘ Oh, you must be very sad to be leaving’ and ‘You must be
are like that – is that they come in and kind of bark orders
melancholy’ and the truth is we weren’t. We loved our time
and direct people to do everything and they’re very top
there and really will miss a lot of the people there, but we’ll
down micro-managers.
stay in touch with them. We won’t see them every day. But I’m convinced the reason we weren’t sad or melancholy
So the most effective leaders, I think, are more consensus
is because we knew we were coming here. We think this is
building. They can make decisions and implement them if
a great place for us to be and a great opportunity for us,
they need to but they try and get a sense of the organization
a great new adventure
and where it’s headed and have people buy into where you’re going, as well – what your vision is. In most places in the
Woodley: How did you go about your on-campus
military that’s the most effective. It’s certainly true at an
undercover re-con of the university?
academic institution at West Point.
Finnegan: We probably weren’t here for about two hours
So I think, I’m hoping, that that will be very similar here.
or so. We drove down, and loved the drive down from D.C.,
I’ve always believed in and tried to practice a very collegial
and inclusive style of leadership. I’m not afraid to be the
people who are going to be the future of our country ought
leader. I’m not afraid to make decisions when tough
to be fun. It ought to be a happy experience for faculty, for
decisions have to be made. But I’m disinclined to make them
administrators, for students, and I intend to have fun and
on my own, without input from people, particularly in times
I hope that everyone here at Longwood has fun.
like this where educational institutions are challenged in monetary and other ways.
Not every day is going to be a blast and there will be some faculty members who are saying as they’re grading
You have to get, not only input from people but you have to
100 exams, ‘I thought the president said this was going to be
get buy-in from people and allow them to speak their piece
fun.’ Well, not every day is going to be like that but overall
because, first, they may have great ideas you hadn’t thought
the experience and the opportunity to work with bright,
of. Second, even if they ultimately disagree with parts of the
talented, aspiring young people ought to be fun. And we
decision at least they’ve had their say and they will feel a part
ought to make it fun for them, as well, and I think there’s
of the organization.
some great ways to do that.
Woodley: What nuances will your military experience bring
Woodley: What do you view as your own strengths
to your presidency at Longwood?
as a person, and as a leader?
Finnegan: I go back to that original saying. I really do think
Finnegan: The ability to work with people, the ability to
that leadership in the military, for me, and leadership here, is
bring people together, and having a sense of humor about
about people, it’s about caring for people, it’s caring more
things, which helps in tough times, and, I think, a genuine
about what they want to accomplish, what they aspire to,
interest in others. And a passion for education, because
and what the organization does than about yourself.
I think it’s the key to the future of our country.
This university is not about me. It’s particularly about the
Woodley: What about weaknesses?
students who are here and the focus should be on them. But it’s about having all of us work together to give the best
Finnegan: I probably try to do too much, sometimes, and
education inside the classroom and outside the classroom to
I have to be careful about that, not getting involved in too
the students. And so I think that’s organizational leadership
many things because I know there’s going to be an awful lot
that is similar to the military and that is it can’t be self-
of demands on my time and I’ve tried to learn, over time, to
focused, by me or faculty members or anybody else. You try
delegate authority and delegate responsibility and let other
and set the goals and visions of the organization. I’ll tell you
people do their jobs.
these because they’re part of my philosophy and staff and faculty and students and everybody else is going to hear
My wife will tell you I’m a horrible procrastinator. I try to
these repeatedly for the next several years. Two parts of my
overcome that, as well. And, I don’t know if it’s a weakness
philosophy, anyway, and my philosophy, certainly, at West
but it’s something I’m going to have to keep an eye on, and
Point was that our main focus always has to be on providing
that is I have spent my entire life essentially in the military.
the best education for the students who are here. And that’s
I grew up in a military family. My dad was in the Army.
educating them in the classroom and morally, ethically,
I went to West Point and I’ve been in the Army since and
so I have not worked or been in what is a fairly completely
That’s part of it, but to provide them the best developmental
there I’m not aware of, that what may seem normal to me
civilian environment before and so there may be traps out educational opportunity and that’s whether we’re thinking
is going to seem strange to other people. But I’m going to
what’s the next building project we’re going to do, the
be careful about that to make sure I’m being sensitive to
fundraising we’re going to do, or whatever it is, we have to
those issues
keep in mind that our main focus is students. If we do that, you’re not going to get off track as much. So that’s one.
Woodley: Who, within your own realm of personal experience, has most effectively demonstrated leadership –
The second part of my philosophy is this ought to be
how and why?
enjoyable. Education should be a joyful experience. It’s not a grim business we’re in. At times, right now, it’s a challenging
Finnegan: There’s a man that I worked for almost two years,
business because of money, but, overall, education of young
General Bill Garrison, who’s become a little bit famous
because he was the commander of forces that were in
Finnegan: One thing is that you don’t have to do everything
Somalia in the book and movie Blackhawk Down. He was
today. That sometimes, particularly in the setting of an
just a tremendous leader. He focused on what needed to be
educational institution, it’s actually better not to make
done, doing it the right way and making sure that his people
a decision right away, that it’s better to let things sit and
were taken care of.
maybe become socialized in the community and allow people to weigh in and postpone the decision to an
He wasn’t a particularly personable guy, which was kind of
appropriate time. And part of that may be a difference
funny. I had friends who’d worked for him before and they
between military and civilian because military leaders tend
just raved about him and said he’s not arm around the
to say ‘Give me the facts, give me the information, I’m going
shoulder all the time, or anything, but people trusted what
to decide and move on to the next thing.’ Particularly,
he said. In fact, I have a quote about leadership that I keep
probably, in my first years as a Dean, and at other times,
with me: ‘Leadership isn’t so much a matter of charisma,
I wanted to ‘All right, let’s just decide this thing.’ (But)
which can abused, as of character. Only someone who, when
sometimes it’s better to wait and let things develop a little
he says he’s going to do something you know he’s going to
more before you decide which course you’re going to go.
do it, is worth following.’ Woodley: What is the biggest challenge facing Longwood This actually is from a book that I read, a World War II
and how do you plan to deal with it?
veteran was writing about his experiences and he wrote it down and I just ... thought this was a good thing ...”
Finnegan: Like every college or university these days in the commonwealth, and outside the commonwealth, the biggest
Woodley: How does one go about taking the job very seriously without taking themselves too seriously?
challenge is the budget and for Longwood that translates, among other things, into faculty salaries, staff salaries. There haven’t been raises for a number of years, and that can be a
Finnegan: I think that’s the key to any sort of position,
morale issue. People do stay here, despite the fact they may
especially a leadership position. If you take yourself too
be paid less, because they feel this calling. But at the same
seriously then that’s going to be obvious to people right
time you have to be sure that they’re being treated fairly.
away, that you are self-important. People will see that and
And so we’re going to work hard with the legislature and we
will not really want to follow you.
have to raise private dollars. We’re in the midst of a campaign and we’re going to have to find resources of money
You have to take the job and the responsibility seriously.
to make sure we stay at least even because until the economy
I think you can, and I’m not sure how you would do a job
rebounds I don’t know how we’re going to do with getting
like this without a sense of humor. Even in the worst of
state funds.
times there are going to be things that are funny. So that’s the biggest challenge. I haven’t figured out the Again, it really goes back, for me, to people and caring about
answers yet but I know we’re going to try to work together to
them, talking to them, seeing what’s going on with them.
make sure that Longwood retains the character that it has and
But you have to realize in a time like this, and there’s
the people that it has and if we don’t do something a little bit
probably never going to be an easy time to be a university
better on the money side that’s going to be hard to do.
president, there are some challenges right now that are unique but there are probably unique challenges in every
I think the other challenge, in a way, for Longwood, away
time period. I think you rely on the strengths of the people
from the money side, is recognition of its value. And there’s
who are here. There are folks here, I know, you could
a difference between the price and the value. The value of a
probably go to higher-paying jobs and maybe to what people
Longwood education, I think, is well known to people who
would consider more prestigious jobs, but they’ve been at
are here. Not nearly as well known in other parts of Virginia
Longwood and stayed at Longwood because they love this
or outside of Virginia.
institution and what it stands for and I think that’s what you have to focus on and pay attention to and make sure it retains that character even in tough times.
This school has changed substantially in the last 20 years, from Longwood College to Longwood University and from a girls’ teachers school to a much different kind of place. But
Woodley: What do you know about yourself now that you
I don’t know that it’s not (still) perceived as the Longwood
wish you’d known 25 years ago?
College of the 1970s and 80s in many places.
President Finnegan joins in the fun of the annual fall tradition of Color Wars with students (from left) Chuck Wongus, Ashley Stovall, Ernest Elliott and Andrea Damiano.
And so part of my aim will be to raise Longwood’s profile in
there could be and so we are going to work on that and one
a way that people understand, more that they understand
of the ways is, and Joan is very excited about this, is making
what’s going on here rather than to make it do a whole lot
Longwood House a kind of center for all kinds of activities.
of things differently, but more to say ‘This is a great, it is a
For the university, certainly, but for the community as well.
university with the feel of a small college.’ That’s what makes
One of her goals, one of our goals, is we don’t want any
Longwood distinctive to me. You get a university education
student to have graduated from Longwood without having
but people know who you are and care who you are. It’s not
visited the president’s house.
like a school where you’re going and every class you take as a freshman has 150 students and you’re in a lecture hall taught
Woodley: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve
by teaching assistants.
ever received?
That’s the value – not the price, but the value – of a
Finnegan: I don’t know if this is a piece of advice, but
Longwood education. And I have to say that I think it’s
I probably got this from my parents, but I really want to go
nestled in a lovely little community here, in Farmville, and
back to my favorite Shakespeare quote and this is, from
so we want to be, Joan and I, want to be part of this
Hamlet: ‘Above all, to thine own self be true.’ Be your own
community, as well, and make sure Longwood and Farmville
self. Be who you are and you can’t be anybody else. If you
are tied together. We’re going to open up Longwood House
try to do something that is not you people perceive it right
probably more so than has been done in the past. We’re
away, you look like a sham. So my parents always did tell me
going to have open houses there… and do other things to
be your own person, be who you are.
help draw the community and the university closer together But I love that quote from Shakespeare because I think it Woodley: What is your perception of the relationship
really says it, and the follow on (the rest of the quote) is that
between Longwood and the Farmville community and
‘It must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be
how do you plan to reach out to the community in your
false to any man.’ Be yourself. Present yourself in the way
own administration?
that you are and I think that’s the best piece of advice, both that I got from my parents and that I try to follow in my
Finnegan: Our original perception was that there weren’t any
own way.
terrible town/gown issues. That’s certainly what we were told during the selection and interview process and I don’t think
Woodley: What do you do to relax?
there’s a great tension between the Town of Farmville and the university. I’m not sure there’s as strong a connection as
Finnegan: I like to run and I do it for my health but
I also do it because it’s a great time to just kind of think.
important about an education – opening your mind to other
And I’ll come back from a run, thinking about issues,
ideas and allowing you to see how you use your talents to
with some ideas.
make the community a better place, to make your country a better nation.
I love to be with my grandkids, that’s a lot of fun. I’m a big sports fan. I loved watching the World Cup. And I love
Woodley: What message do you want to resonate, year in,
playing soccer, too. I played some soccer but probably
year out, through the staff and student body?
am getting a little too old for that. But I’ll be at a lot of Longwood sports events. First to support the students ...
Finnegan: Leave here with an education. As you learned in
I also like to read. I usually have four or five different books
If you take a toy, put it back. Well, here you’re taking
going on at the same time so.
something out. You’re taking an education out, so give
kindergarten, when you take something out, put it back.
“ The purpose of education, for us, is to create citizen leaders. Because an educated person is someone who can contribute to society and that’s what we ought to be about. That’s what our country, to me, is founded on – people who cared more about this vision of a nation, about helping other people, about being part of something bigger than themselves.” – Patrick Finnegan Woodley: What matters most about becoming educated and earning an undergraduate or postgraduate degree?
something back. Use that education to give something back, in your community, in your family, wherever it is. You’re granted this education, you worked hard for it,
Finnegan: I think I’m going to link that to what Longwood
but use it for more than just individual purposes, use it
says and that is that the purpose of education, for us, is to
to be a servant of the people. I mean, Winston Churchill
create citizen leaders. Because an educated person is someone
said “We make a living out of what we get, we make a life
who can contribute to society and that’s what we ought to
out of what we give.”
be about. That’s what our country, to me, is founded on – people who cared more about this vision of a nation, about
Woodley: If you could achieve, with certainty of accomplish-
helping other people, about being part of something bigger
ment, one thing with the rest of your life, what would it be?
than themselves. Finnegan: I guess if I could accomplish one thing it would And you certainly are better able to do that, better able to
be to take best advantage of this opportunity that I have to
serve the community, better able to serve other people, better
help Longwood. So if I could accomplish one thing it would
able to appreciate causes larger than very selfish ones, with
be – and I’m not sure what the (specific) answer is to that –
education. It opens worlds to you, both in the country and
but to make sure I give my all and take best advantage of
in other parts of the world, and I think that’s what’s most
this chance.
Ken Woodley is a 1979 graduate of Hampden-Sydney College and has served as Editor of The Farmville Herald for 19 years. His wife, Kimberly Staples Woodley, is a 1981 graduate of Longwood. Their son, Ian, is a current Longwood student.
Joan and Patrick Finnegan at home in Longwood House.
Meet Joan Finnegan Longwood’s New First Lady Gina Caldwell Associate Editor Joan Finnegan’s genuine enthusiasm
July 1 start as the 25th president of Longwood University. Since that time Longwood’s First Lady has been busy
about her new role as Longwood’s First Lady is evident by the extensive calendar of social events being held at Longwood House.
redecorating Longwood House to blend some of her furnishings with the historic pieces in the house; joining her husband to meet students, parents, alumni and friends; and opening Longwood House to many guests. “ This is Longwood’s House. We are just the happy occupants,” she said.
“ We are having an event here about every 10 days, or sometimes more often,” said Joan as she gave a tour of
The very first group the Finnegans entertained at
Longwood House.
Longwood House included the movers, electricians,
The Finnegans began moving into Longwood House in late
Information and Instructional Technology Services, Capital
June, just prior to Brigadier General Patrick Finnegan’s official
Planning and Construction, Material Management, and
painters, groundskeepers, carpenters, and staff members in
Longwood Dining Services/Aramark who worked tirelessly to make Longwood House the Finnegan’s new home. “ Everyone on the staff has been wonderful,” she said. “They worked on this house as though it were their own.”
“ Pat and I always say that Longwood students are the best promotion we can offer,” she said. Aside from entertaining guests at Longwood House, the Finnegans have been busy traveling throughout Virginia and to Washington, D.C. to meet alumni, legislatures,
That event was just the first in a series of events at
and donors.
Longwood House. Other guests have included members of the President’s Circle, new and recently promoted/tenured faculty members, Honors Students (for a Halloween costume party), sororities, faculty/staff donors, and others.
“ We love going on the road to meet alumni,” she said. “Our message to them is ‘Your Longwood legacy is safe.’ Today’s Longwood students are sharp and they will continue the proud traditions of Longwood University.”
Longwood’s First Lady is excited about the opportunity to share the beauty and history of Longwood House with the campus community and has a goal to invite every student, at some point during their time at Longwood, to visit Longwood House. A special event involving graduates and
About Joan Finnegan
their families is being planned just before commencement. Joan Finnegan, a native New Yorker, graduated from “ Commencement is a time for celebration and I feel it is
Our Lady of Mercy Academy in Syosset in 1967, and from
important to offer an event as a point of closure for the
St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing and Lemoyne
parents and families of our graduates,” she said. “Our
College in Syracuse in 1970 with her nursing degree.
graduates have worked hard to achieve this goal and this
Joan has worked professionally “in between moves” as an
is one small way to congratulate them.”
obstetrical RN all around the world. Her professional credentials include childbirth educator.
In addition to showing off the inside of Longwood House, Joan is looking forward to reworking some of the gardens
Joan met Patrick Finnegan while she was in nursing school
around Longwood House and plans to begin a vegetable
and he was a cadet at West Point. They have been married
garden on the property in the spring.
for 39 years and have two daughters, Katie Finnegan Rucker and Jenna Finnegan Bechen, and four grandchildren.
“ We’d like to involve the Honors Students and complement what is being done at the Cormier Honors Garden near
As an Army family member, Joan has lived in 10 different
campus,” she said. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a small
states coast to coast (including almost a decade in the
dinner party and know that the salad you serve was grown in
Commonwealth of Virginia, where she holds her nursing
your own backyard?”
license) as well as living and travelling extensively in Europe for over five years.
When entertaining at Longwood House, students are always part of the guest list. Pitch Perfect, a group of around 25
Her volunteer history spans more than 40 years, including
female singers who perform a cappella, entertained at several
the American Red Cross (where she began as a Candy
events this fall, and plans to invite Voice Male, a similar
Striper), Army Spouses Clubs, Girl Scouts of America, Army
group of Longwood male students, are in the works.
Community Service, Army Family Team Building, support
Sharing the history of Longwood House also presents an
organizations. Her most recent awards include the Red
opportunity to involve students. A plan to recruit and
Cross National Volunteer of Excellence Award, the
educate a team of volunteer student docents about the
Commander’s Award for Public Service, the Certificate
groups for families of deployed soldiers, and various church
history of Longwood House is being developed. During
of Achievement in recognition of Exemplary Performance of
open house events, the docents will be stationed in each
Volunteer Service to the United States Military Academy and
room of the house to welcome guests and offer stories and
West Point Community, and the Department of the Army
historical facts about the house and its furnishings.
Outstanding Civilian Service Medal.
President & Mrs. Finnegan at Longwood House.
The Legacy of Longwood House The House that bears the name “Longwood” predates
Nathaniel E. Venable for his wife and 11 children. In those
the college that would eventually adopt the same name. Both
ante-bellum years, Longwood house was the hub of a 1,181-acre
the college and the house have a long and storied history, yet
plantation. The Venable family distinguished themselves in the
except for their geographic proximity there were no common
fields of medicine, education, business, and in the Confederate
ties until the year 1928. In that year, the college (then called
Army. They remained masters of Longwood until 1873 when
Farmville State Teachers College) purchased from Wright
200 acres, including the house, were sold to Wright Barber.
Barber’s descendants a portion of the Longwood Estate, consisting of 88.7 uncared-for acres and a lovely 113-year-
Reconstruction had taken its toll on the once-lovely estate.
old house which showed the ravages of time and neglect.
No doubt the house missed the sound of young laughter, running
In 1936, the college purchased an additional 14.88 acres
feet, and the charm of the Johnston and Venable years. New lines
from the Barber heirs bringing the total acreage owned by
were added to the face of the old house with each year’s passing.
the college to 103.58 acres.
It was not until the early 1920s that Mrs. J.L. Jarman, wife of the president of Farmville State Teachers College, recognized the
Neglect has not been a characteristic of Longwood Estate.
underlying beauty and value of the estate to the college.
In 1765, Peter Johnston Sr., a Scottish immigrant, purchased
Mrs. Jarman became the overseer of the restoration of Longwood
a large tract of land in Prince Edward County and built the
House shortly after the college acquired the property in 1928.
original Longwood House. The exact amount of land in the
She envisioned a favorite recreation spot for students at the
estate is not known, but historical records show that he gave
college. A golf course and riding ring were added, the cabin and
to the Presbyterian Church the acreage where Hampden-
open fireplaces were constructed, and the lawns and gardens were
Sydney College is now located and willed to his son the “ courthouse tract,” presumably the area around Worsham which was the seat of county government during those early
restored to their former beauty. Many of the college’s alumni recall with pleasure the weekends spent at Longwood House, the picnics and banquets, and the May Day celebrations in the Dell.
years. The name Longwood seems to be a corruption of the Scottish word “Loughwood,” which was the name of the
By 1949, the estate had become an integral part of the campus
ancestral Johnston castle in Scotland.
and in that year the college adopted the name Longwood as its
The Johnstons – father, sons, and grandsons – served the
eventually the house, originally constructed in 1815, was closed
colonies and the new republic with distinction as soldiers,
due to the extensive repair and modernization needed. In 1968,
statesmen, writers, educators, and explorers. The two most
at the request of the Board of Visitors, the General Assembly
own. The grounds were maintained for recreational use, but
notable were Peter Johnston Jr., who fought with Light
appropriated money to revive the charm of the historic house
Horse Harry Lee during the Revolution, and his son, Joseph
and to establish it as a home for Longwood’s presidents. Floors
Eggleston Johnston, the Confederate general who was born
were sanded, wiring and plumbing repaired, heating and air-
at Longwood in 1807. When Joseph E. Johnston was four
conditioning installed, insulation blown between the walls, and
years old, his family sold the estate to Abraham B. Venable.
baths and kitchen updated. The spacious, high-ceiling rooms were
Shortly thereafter the original house was destroyed by fire.
furnished with antiques and period pieces in keeping with the
The second Longwood House was built in 1815 by
had again become a reality at Longwood House. – K.J.B.
architecture. By the Christmas season of 1969, warm hospitality
100 Longwood Celebrates 100 Years of Honor and Student Governance Gina Caldwell Associate Editor Honesty. Scholarship. Responsibility.
“ One of the things that struck me most about my visits to Longwood, and one of the things that made me most
Pride. Perseverance. Potential. Character. Humility. Integrity. Civility. Leadership. Service.
comfortable, was seeing the Honor Code on the wall of the library,” President Finnegan said. “Not only was it a tie to West Point, but it also confirmed that the Longwood community and I shared the same values.” The Honor Creed (We shall not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.) is prominently displayed on a main wall in
These words represent the key tenets of Longwood University’s Honor Code that was established 100 years ago
Greenwood Library and each classroom contains a copy of the Academic Honor Pledge.
to “promote an atmosphere of trust, where students are presumed honorable unless their actions prove them
As part of the ceremony, 12 faculty/staff members
otherwise. It also serves as a higher-order set of moral
representing a variety of departments across campus were
standards and principles for all members of the community
selected to read the Twelve Points of the Honor Code and
to follow and take with them wherever their lives may lead.”
the statements that define each point. In addition, all faculty and staff in attendance read aloud and were asked to
“ The words of the Longwood Honor Code are especially meaningful as we celebrate 100 years of Honor and Student
sign the Honor Code pledge which reads, “I, ___________, having a clear understanding of the basis and spirit of the
Governance,” said Ben Brittain, Student Government
Honor Code created and accepted by the student body
Association president. “I hope the principles of the Honor
of Longwood University, shall at all times govern my
Code will serve as a guide to all students, and eventually
university life according to its standards and actively work
graduates, of Longwood University for their entire lives.”
to support its principles, thereby thoughtfully accepting my
During the fall semester, Longwood celebrated 100 years of
responsibility for preserving the honor and integrity of all
Honor and Student Governance with a variety of events
past, present and future members of the Longwood
including a campus birthday party and lectures by
University community of scholars. I will not lie, cheat,
motivational speaker T.J. Sullivan and Longwood President
or steal, nor tolerate those who do.”
Patrick Finnegan who addressed “Honor and Integrity.” In addition, the President’s Welcome, held October 7 in the
According to the Honor Board web page, “The three basic
newly re-opened Jarman Auditorium, included a ceremony to
provisions of the Honor Code of Conduct, which strictly
recognize the 100th anniversary of Longwood’s Honor Code.
forbids lying, cheating, or stealing, represent the standards
of integrity and moral responsibility that all students,
groups, and organizations are expected to exemplify.
As the future of our communities, we hold great potential
The Honor Code is one of Longwood’s proudest traditions.
which we are obligated to embrace. We must avoid decisions
Established by the student body in 1910, the student-elected
that diminish our potential, because there is nothing more
Honor Board has protected the basic values of honor and
damaging than a dishonorable reputation.
academic integrity.”
Character Each individual has the undeniable right to establish their
The Twelve Points
own character based on personality and life experience.
The Twelve Points were a result of a re-ratification of the
Our combined personalities constitute the character of an
Honor Code by the Longwood student body in 1930.
honorable community.
In 2010 the Twelve Points, as well as the Honor Pledge, were revised in celebration of the Honor System’s 100th year
of existence. The spirit of Longwood is fostered by Honor;
In a climate of honor, humility is important because of the
an intangible quality found in each student. The Twelve
role it plays in grounding ourselves to not believe that we are
Points are intended to define the meaning of Honor at
invincible, but accountable to each other. Humility with self-
Longwood University.
confidence is hard to achieve, but ultimately desirable.
Honesty is the fiber from which any relationship is formed
The most encompassing point of our Honor System is
and is crucial to establishing personal competency and
Integrity. Integrity is the glue that holds our values of trust
leadership. True honesty is practiced at all times, not just
and respect together. Personal Integrity involves perseverance
when convenient.
and establishing a trustworthy character. Community
strive for at Longwood. For honor is not merely just a
Scholarship is the essence of learning and growing, inside
personal journey, but a community expectation.
integrity is the pinnacle of any society, and it is what we
and outside the classroom. Like the Honor System, a commitment to academics is a valuable investment that pays
dividends to both the individual and the community.
A courteous and respectful manner towards others, which
differing points of view without fear of reprisal, civility is the
Responsibility is a state of mind whereby we commit
mark of a true scholar.
promotes an atmosphere where one can debate and argue
ourselves to maintaining our integrity and ensuring that others do likewise. Our honor is tarnished by moments of
indiscretion that cannot be reversed. Responsibility is vital to
Leadership is a quality required to guide others to achieve.
any thriving collegiate community. Without it, the masses
Anyone can lead in a self-serving manner, but as citizen leaders
succumb to apathy and progress stops. Without
we must strive to lead with honor to achieve higher goals.
responsibility, the community suffers immensely.
Service Pride
In 1927, a Longwood alumna wrote, “I have prepared to
Pride is significant to fighting the effects of apathy. Pride is a
lead, and in leading, to serve others.” Service to others is the
personal commitment to excellence and taking joy in one’s
other half of leadership. As citizen leaders, we must fulfill
actions. Everything we do is a reflection of ourselves and our
our responsibility to give back to our communities.
university; it is essential to make decisions in which we can take pride.
Perseverance A steadfast persistence in spite of difficulties or obstacles, perseverance is necessary for good scholarship and maintaining ones honor. Perseverance in achieving honorable goals is a quality to be admired.
Mary Catherine Hoyt (left) and Nancy Wright
Longwood Citizen Leaders Make A Difference In Haiti Kent Booty Associate Editor Two Longwood University students
northwest Haiti, and the poverty in the country is even worse than in the cities.”
participated in a mission trip to the Western Hemisphere’s poorest country
Hoyt, an economics major from Newport News, echoed those sentiments. “It makes you realize how you take things
last summer.
for granted. Last summer I was complaining when the air
Juniors Mary Catherine Hoyt and Nancy Wright, former
things in perspective.”
conditioning in my Jeep went out, but at least we have paved roads and a car to drive. This experience really put
soccer players who are friends through their membership in Kappa Delta sorority, were coaches in a week-long soccer
Hoyt was a coach last year, the first time the camp was held,
camp in July in Poste Métier, Haiti. They were the only
and just before spring break she asked Wright if she wanted
females among the nine coaches and three other Americans
to go this year. “One other female had gone with me last
who went to help with the camp, which is sponsored by
year, but she couldn’t go this year, and they wanted another
Hoyt’s church, Peninsula Community Chapel in Yorktown.
girl,” said Hoyt. “Just before spring break, I said to Nancy,
It was attended by 90 boys ages seven to 12 who had been
‘Since you used to play soccer, maybe you’d like to go.’”
chosen based on school grades, church attendance and
Wright said she “didn’t take much convincing.”
community service. Hoyt and Wright, who were in Haiti for 10 days, stayed in “ It was an eye-opening experience,” said Wright, a psychology major from Richmond. “We were in the countryside in
Passe Catabois, a 30-minute truck ride from the camp, held at an Episcopalian church and affiliated school. Passe
Mary Catherine Hoyt with girls at the soccer camp in Poste Métier, Haiti.
Catabois, in the countryside in northwest Haiti like Poste
would go until about 3 o’clock, then we’d ride back and have
Métier, is home to Bruce Robinson, a civil engineer who
down time – play cards or have Bible study – shower, hang
has lived in Haiti as a missionary for more than 20 years.
out, and have dinner at 6 p.m. Bruce’s wife is an amazing
Robinson and Hoyt’s godfather, who went on the trip (as did
cook, and she was feeding 22 of us. She can take anything
Hoyt’s father, also a coach), are longtime friends. They
and make it taste good, even though in Haiti everything
stayed in what Wright described as “a missionary team
comes in a can and there aren’t many condiments.”
home, sort of like a compound.” Wright and Hoyt helped prepare lunches for the camp. Every morning, Hoyt and Wright got up at 7 a.m., had
“ Every night before we went to bed, we made 22 peanut
breakfast, then rode to the camp in the bed of old pickup
butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch the next day,” said
trucks, mostly Toyotas, that Haitians call taps-taps. “They
Hoyt, adding with a laugh, “And every night when we were
call them tap-taps because you tap on the top when you
halfway done, the dads would ask if we needed help.”
want to get off,” Hoyt said. At the camp, there would be a devotional by the church’s Haitian pastor, then the boys were
One thing they encountered where they stayed were
fed breakfast. The church and school are in the same
various insects and other animals. “The windows didn’t
courtyard, and there’s a field there and a larger field five
have screens, and there were a lot of spiders and bugs
minutes down the road.
that kept crawling in, and one morning we woke up to a chicken walking around inside the house. I didn’t sleep
“ We would split into two groups, and we would hold
very well,” Wright said. Plus, it was hot and humid.
scrimmages at the closer field and drills at the other field,
“ As soon as you got out of the shower,” Hoyt said,
then after lunch we would switch,” Hoyt said. “The camp
“ you were sweating again.”
Together on the dusty road in Poste Métier, Haiti.
Those who helped with the camp took with them equipment,
there are a lot of donkeys in Haiti, we had to keep avoiding
including cleats, socks, jerseys, soccer balls, collapsible goals,
donkey manure. It was a long day. It was humbling, though,
cones and goalie gloves, which they left there. Some of the
because you realize these people do this walk every day.”
equipment had been donated by companies, including the company for which Hoyt’s godfather works. Hoyt also held a
On their first day in Haiti, after landing in the nearby
fundraiser at a California Pizza Kitchen restaurant in Virginia
countryside in a small plane, Hoyt and Wright were going to
Beach. “Everybody on the trip took two 50-pound duffel
cross a river in a boat, but rain had made the river rise. They
bags, one of which was completely filled with equipment.
had to jump into a dump truck to get across the river. Also,
The other bag held about 20 pounds of personal belongings
their bags didn’t show up for several days. “The whole trip
and the rest was equipment,” Wright said. “Some of the equipment had been donated by friends, and we had taken
was very much an adventure,” Wright said. Added Hoyt, “ There was a lot of improvisation.”
donations of money and bought equipment at second hand sporting goods stores.”
Returning to the United States, they said, involved as much
The shoes presented a problem for the Haitian youths, at
Burger King and Starbucks – all in one sitting!” said Hoyt.
culture shock as going to Haiti. “We went to Pizza Hut, least initially. “Soccer, which is called futbol, is popular in
“ I don’t even like Burger King, but I did that night.”
Haiti, and they usually play barefooted,” Hoyt said. “They were grateful and excited about the cleats, but it took them
Both women played travel and high school soccer, and Wright
a while to adjust. Their touches were off at first.”
played her freshman year at Longwood. They think that in
The two women were received well by local residents. “Little
played together on the same summer league team. Hoyt is
kids came to know when we would be driving past, and they
treasurer for her sorority and the Student Government
would come out and wave at us,” Wright said. “Many of
Association. She is a member of the Order of Omega (Greek
them had never seen a white person before, and they would
honor society) and the Student Advisory Board for the
keep yelling ‘blanc, blanc,’ which means white person.”
College of Business & Economics, a peer mentor and an
In traveling between where they stayed and the soccer camp,
president of the junior class, an SGA senator, a peer mentor
they had to cross four bends of the same river, which was
and a junior marshal.
the eighth grade, before knowing each other, they might have
economics tutor. Wright is secretary of her sorority, vice
not always possible by truck. “One day the water was high after a tropical depression, and we had to wade across in all
Both women, who plan to return to the camp next summer,
four places,” Wright said. “In the morning they dropped us
not only became close to the boys in the camp but also to
off at the first river crossing and we had to walk the rest of
the boys’ younger sisters. “The best part of the experience
the way, about two and a half or three miles – and we were
was getting close to the kids,” said Wright. “You really
wearing flip-flops. Plus, we didn’t have any water, and since
cherish those relationships,” added Hoyt.
Longwood students Madeline Hunter and Ollie Garland (front) and (back, from left) Monica Ware, Jordan Hammelmann, AnnaLeah Chantry, Brittany Dixon and Claire Turck.
Active Citizenship In An International Setting Kent Booty Associate Editor Almost all Longwood University
accompanied by Heather Mueller Edwards, lecturer in French, the students also completed the intermediate level
students enroll in English 400, a capstone writing seminar called Active Citizenship, to complete General Education requirements. Last summer, for the first time, eight Longwood students fulfilled that requirement in an
of their foreign language requirement by studying French under faculty at the University of La Rochelle. Although this was the third consecutive summer that Longwood students ( non-foreign language majors) studied French at the University of La Rochelle, it was the first time the program included a section of English 400. It also was the first time English 400 has ever been offered abroad. The past two years, the program featured, in addition to French, an upper-level history course taught by Dr. Steven Isaac, associate professor of history at Longwood. Isaac, who launched the program, was unable to lead it this
international setting.
summer because he was conducting research as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Poitiers, about an hour and a half from La Rochelle.
During the four-week program in Paris and La Rochelle, led by Dr. Wade Edwards, associate professor of French, and
The Longwood students, three of whom are history majors,
lived with host French families, took weekend side trips,
France. La Rochelle is a popular vacation spot, and there was
and kept a blog (http://larochellejuillet.wordpress.com/).
a film festival under way when we arrived. Throughout the
They received three credits for the English 400 and another
month we enjoyed a week-long music festival in the town,
three credits for the French course. The program, which
the World Cup (soccer tournament) and the Tour de France,
invited students to focus on the function of language
and we were there for the French national holiday, July 14).
in a democracy, was called English 400 in France: Language and Identity.
“ We took excursions every Saturday. We went to an island next door, the Ile de Ré, where (actor) Johnny Depp
“ As their host families and professors kept telling me all
has a house, and saw how locals raise oysters and cultivate
summer, these students were extremely hardworking,” said
salt from the salt marshes, and we visited a lighthouse.
Edwards, who as a result of the trip is exploring possible
Another Saturday we floated on gondolas in an area of
“ We took excursions every Saturday. We went to an island next door, the Ile de Ré, where (actor) Johnny Depp has a house, and saw how locals raise oysters and cultivate salt from the salt marshes, and we visited a lighthouse. Another Saturday we floated on gondolas in an area of marshland in the country called the Marais Poitevin, also called the ‘Green Venice,’ that has canals dug out by monks in the 11th century. After the French courses ended, we spent three days exploring Paris.” – Dr. Wade Edwards exchanges with the University of La Rochelle. “They were in
marshland in the country called the Marais Poitevin, also
French class from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day, and they
called the ‘Green Venice,’ that has canals dug out by monks
were in the English 400 class for about an hour after that
in the 11th century. After the French courses ended, we
every day. Our theme, ‘Language and Identity,’ encouraged
spent three days exploring Paris.”
them to investigate the role language plays in shaping personal, political, national or gender identities. Because the
Edwards said that one of the trip’s highlights occurred
course met off-campus, the students approached the course
on Bastille Day when the man from whom he and his
from a new angle – that of the cultural outsider. I wanted
wife rented an apartment opened and shared a bottle of
them to learn, from the position of a foreigner, to negotiate
cognac from 1920. “Our host’s grandfather used to work in
the various linguistic registers vital to public discourse in a
the cognac industry years ago. Every Christmas he would
democracy: when to be assertive and when to be humble,
present a bottle to his sister as a gift. Since she didn’t drink
when to speak up and when to listen carefully.
cognac, she simply stored it in her cellar. Years later when she died, our host’s family discovered several bottles of lovely
English 400 (Active Citizenship in an Advanced Writing
90-year-old cognac, which he generously shared with us.
Seminar) fulfills Goal 14 in the General Education program,
I was touched that someone we just met would share
which is “to learn how to communicate effectively as an
something so dear.”
active citizen leader and to participate in the written discourse of civic life.”
Edwards also said he was fortunate to “bump into” Isaac a few times. “He met us at the train station when we arrived
“ La Rochelle is a welcoming, small town on the Atlantic Ocean just north of the Cognac region in the middle of the
and gave us and the students a history-laded orientation to the town of La Rochelle, which he’s been studying for
west coast,” said Edwards. “We left July 1 from Dulles
a while. He was a great resource to use. In a sense,
Airport and returned July 28. It was a good time to be in
he was our anchor.”
Cheryl Davis, ’96
Cheryl Davis Honored Kent Booty Associate Editor Cheryl Davis, senior lecturer of
with a concentration in supervision at Longwood in 1996. Before joining the Longwood faculty in 2001, she was a
business education and computer information management systems at Longwood University, has been selected the 2010 Outstanding Collegiate Teacher of the Year
business teacher at Appomattox County High School from 1993 to 2001 and at Denbigh High School in Newport News High School from 1991 to 1993. “ Ms. Davis clearly loves her profession,” said Dr. Paul Barrett, dean of the College of Business & Economics. “It shows in everything she does with and for her students. Her students are particularly drawn to her ability to understand where they
by the Southern Business
are and how they need to learn. No two students are alike,
Education Association (SBEA).
finds ways to communicate so that each student feels like they
and Ms. Davis has a keen understanding of this principle and are the only one in the classroom.”
Davis received the award Oct. 22 during the SBEA’s annual
Davis is currently serving as the college and university
convention in Charleston, S.C. The SBEA, an affiliate of
representative on the Executive Board of the VBEA, and
the National Business Education Association (NBEA),
she presents annually at the VBEA conference. She is
represents more than 3,000 business educators from 12
faculty adviser for Phi Beta Lambda, a student business
states. As the regional collegiate teacher of the year, Davis is
organization; co-director of the Educational Division of the
a candidate for the national collegiate teacher of the year
SNVC Institute for Leadership at Longwood; co-director of
award, which will be announced at the NBEA annual
the Longwood Region of the Future Business Leaders of
convention in April 2011.
America (FBLA); and a member of Phi Kappa Phi national honor society and Delta Sigma Pi international business
The criteria for the award include contributions to business
fraternity. She serves on numerous departmental and
education through teaching; participation in professional
university committees and is a consultant for the
organizations; involvement in other activities such as
Cumberland County Public Schools Foundation.
departmental responsibilities, serving on committees; and working with student organizations; and contributions
Although Longwood is one of 13 Virginia colleges or
to business education through major articles, publications
universities approved by the Virginia Department of
and research activities.
Education to offer business education, Davis is currently the only instructor in Virginia certified by the National
Davis coordinates the concentration in business education,
Association for Business Teacher Education to teach the
her academic specialty. She received an M.S. in education
NBEA online methods course.
Pictured (from left) are: Michele Norman, Peggy Agee, Gayle Daly, Wendy Pulliam, Lissa Power-deFur, Shannon Salley, and Theresa Clark.
Longwood’s CSDS Graduate Program Earns ASHA Accreditation Gina Caldwell Associate Editor Longwood University’s graduate
Longwood’s CSDS graduate program is the sixth program in the Commonwealth of Virginia to earn ASHA accreditation.
program in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSDS) has earned accreditation from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA). Founded in 1925, ASHA is the professional, scientific, and credentialing association for 140,000
In 2005, Longwood’s Board of Visitors approved the proposal for the CSDS graduate program. Since that time, the program has awarded graduate degrees to 28 students and 43 are currently enrolled (including nine out-of-state students and one international student). The graduate program has also promoted growth of the undergraduate program – from five students in 2005 to 100 students in 2010. In addition, more than 200 students enroll annually in Longwood’s online speech-language courses in order to complete prerequisites that are needed prior to beginning graduate coursework.
members and affiliates who are audiologists, speech-language
Dr. Lissa Power-deFur, professor of Communication
pathologists and speech, language,
for Communication, Literacy and Learning, said, “The
Sciences and Disorders and director of the Longwood Center faculty has worked hard to ensure that the program meets
and hearing scientists.
the rigorous academic and clinical standards for
accreditation. Students must meet more than 120 standards
Tara Boyle, who earned her bachelor of science in CSDS in
prior to graduation. We are proud to report that in addition
2009 and will receive her master’s degree in 2011, said,
to our graduates successfully meeting these standards, 100
“ The expertise that the CSDS faculty members have imparted
percent of our graduates have passed the national
on me, in so many different areas, will remain with me
certification examination and have become employed
throughout my career. My clinical experiences have given me
immediately upon graduation. Currently, our graduates are
the foundational skills to forge head-on into any job setting.
working in public schools, hospitals, nursing facilities, and
The high level of professionalism and ethics that they have
with home health providers throughout Virginia and the
passed on to the students will forever be imprinted on our
East Coast.”
lives. However, the most important thing that they reinforced throughout the CSDS journey is the
A celebration dinner was held in October with guests
understanding that we are never finished learning.”
including Longwood President Patrick Finnegan; Dr. Judy Johnson, associate professor emerita of kinesiology, Board
Martha Battles, who earned her master of science degree in
of Visitors Distinguished Professor, and current chair of the
2010, said, “The education and clinical experience I received
CSDS Advisory Committee; Valerie St. John ‘97 of the
from Longwood’s CSDS graduate program provided me
Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV);
with a comprehensive knowledge base and developed my
and Dr. Daniel Halling, of the Council of Academic Accreditation for ASHA. “ Program change and program growth – resulting in accreditation in just five years – doesn’t just happen,” said Finnegan. “It is not automatic. Instead, it requires a combination of leadership and teamwork, both of which have been
“Upon graduation from Longwood’s CSDS graduate program, I was not only competent but also confident in myself and prepared for any challenge I may encounter.” – Martha Battles, ’10
very evident in conceiving, developing, and implementing this quality program.” critical thinking skills. Upon graduation from Longwood’s Valerie H. St. John received her bachelor of science in
CSDS graduate program, I was not only competent but also
speech-language pathology and audiology from Longwood
confident in myself and prepared for any challenge I may
in 1997 and her master of science in communication
disorders from James Madison University in 1999. She serves as vice president for continuing education on
Judy Johnson served as a faculty member and administrator
SHAV’s executive board and is employed by Blue Ridge
in the College of Education and Human Services for 33
Therapy Associates in Lynchburg.
years. In her introductory remarks at the dinner, she said, “ I have never been associated with a more hard working
“ The majority of Southside Virginia is rural in nature,” said St. John. “As is the case in most rural areas, it is difficult
group, or with a group more committed to their profession and belief in the value of its services. The professional
to entice speech-language pathologists (SLPs) to work in
expertise of these individuals is recognized throughout the
those settings, unless the SLP is originally from that area.
Commonwealth and across the nation. They are devoted
Accreditation of the CSDS program at Longwood will now
to Longwood and its students. They are positive,
provide opportunities for more graduates to return to the
professional and ethical. The word ‘quit’ is not in their
rural areas of Southside Virginia to fill the need that exists
vocabulary and they maintain a positive, optimistic attitude
there for qualified SLPs.”
regardless of the situation.”
Longwood’s Design Lab Kent Booty Associate Editor
Longwood University’s graphic design program now includes what has been called a “student-run design agency.”
“ In the lab,” Register said, “the students are all working in the same direction, whereas in a class they work on individual projects. It’s a collaboration they wouldn’t normally get in an art program. A design lab like this is
The Design Lab, a class offered both semesters, provides
not common at the
students with experience in working on design projects
undergraduate level.”
for clients. This began in spring semester 2010 with eight students who did about a half-dozen jobs. In the fall semester the lab had 10 students, five of whom participated in the spring, who worked on about 15 jobs. Although it’s open to students from any major who range from second-semester sophomores to first-semester seniors, students have to be apply and be accepted. The work is done pro bono. “ The lab is about students having a professional experience and learning about design in a way different from how they would normally learn in a class,” said Wade Lough, assistant professor of graphic design, who coordinates the lab along with Chris Register, professor of art. “ Wade and I tag-team as advisers,” Register said. “In a design agency, we would be the principals. We primarily drum up the business, and the students serve in a capacity like employees. All have different jobs to do, and they’re not always doing the same thing. They work in teams. It’s a collaborative effort, as if we were a company.”
Among the jobs that Design Lab
Students in the Design Lab meet twice a week for two
students did last spring
hours each, receive three credits and follow a syllabus, like
were a security brochure for the Longwood Police
in a regular studio class. However, Lough and Register say
Department, the “identity” and a logo for the Moton
the lab is different from a class.
Museum celebration “Our Schools, Our Vision” (by students Erica May and Kaitlyn Smith), a web site
“ It’s more than a class, and it gives them something
for the Virginia Water Monitoring Council (Franki Starr,
they wouldn’t get in a class,” said Lough. “We don’t think
Jennifer Bapties and Berk Dunbrack), and a poster
of it as a class. It’s a different dynamic than going into
announcing the Farmville Tree Board’s annual Arbor
a classroom. The students learn not only about design
Day photo contest (Jessica Cox and Emily Staskiel).
but also about meeting tight deadlines and how to work
Jobs this semester include a logo for the Southside
with clients, especially how to listen to clients, which
SPCA and the poster for Longwood’s Simkins
is important.”
Lecture Series.
A surprising number of clients have come from off-campus. “ We thought most of the jobs at first would be for the art
Graphic design is the most popular concentration in the Department of Art, accounting for about half of the
department and elsewhere on campus, but many have been
department’s 165 majors, including some 25 of the 49
from the community,” Register said. “It’s been shockingly
incoming art majors. The graphic design program graduates
successful from the very beginning.”
about 25 students a year.
“ I think the work (load) will explode,” Lough said. “We may end up with too many jobs, which would be exciting. We
Appropriately, Design Lab students designed their own logo, which appears on a T-shirt. The logo, which features the
want students to compete not only for jobs on-campus and
words “design lab” in a style called jumble letters and a
in the community but also for national jobs, which they’ve
graphic that Lough jokingly called a “test tube pencil,” was
already done. Last spring they applied to design a new logo
designed by Dane Summerell and Lindsay Scott and refined
for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’
by Jessica Cox. “I think the logo captures the sense that a lab
Commission on Colleges. Very soon Chris and I expect the
is a place for exploration and experimentation,” Lough said.
“ In the lab the students are all working in the same direction, whereas in a class they work on individual projects. It’s a collaboration they wouldn’t normally get in an art program. A design lab like this is not common at the undergraduate level.” – Christopher Register
students of Design Lab to participate in national
“ When I interviewed for my teaching position, Dr. Chuck
undergraduate research projects in design.”
Ross (dean of the Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences)
The composition of the fall semester’s class was perfect,
graduate research,” said Lough. “That discussion was one
and I had a good discussion about the necessity of underRegister said. “Half were veterans and half were rookies.
of the biggest reasons I came to Longwood. When Chris
It worked out well that we had five of each, which allowed
and I imagined Design Lab, we went to Dr. Ross, and he
us to pair up one with the other. Students who re-apply also
made our enterprise possible.
have to be accepted, like with first-time students. We were especially selective in the spring. We want students to be proud they were accepted and are in it, and we want that
“ The lab will show the students that they can compete on a level with other design programs at larger schools. I think
pride to be engendered in other students so they’ll want
it will have a profound effect on the culture of the design
to be in it.”
program here. We want students to realize that just because Longwood is located in a small town doesn’t mean they can’t
The students are provided guidance. “It’s not as if we’re
do work as good as, let’s say, students at VCU.”
throwing them in the pool and watching them flounder,” Lough said. “We try to match the students’ strengths to a particular job. Often the more experienced students collaborate with less experienced students and help them raise the bar on their design. Also, Chris and I serve as a firewall of protection between the client and the students, which works both ways. We also ensure that the students stay on schedule with clients.”
Longwood’s Design Lab Creates New Logo for Southside SPCA Katie Register Contributor For 35 years, the Southside SPCA has
Design Lab take on the assignment. “The Design Lab is a student-run design agency that provides students
been finding homes and caring for the homeless dogs and cats of Southside Virginia, but until last month they
with experience in working on design projects for clients. The work is done pro bono, and since the SPCA strives to stretch every donated dollar, it was a good match,” he said. The Design Lab students who developed the logo, Erica
didn’t have a logo.
May (Warrenton, Va.) and Kyle Fowlkes (Middleton, Va.),
The students in Longwood’s Design Lab were put to work
exploring the unique aspects of the Southside SPCA which
started by researching other logos of animal shelters, and to solve this problem, and now the Southside SPCA has
is a no-kill shelter serving 12 counties in Southside Virginia.
a unique and professional logo.
The student designers, both graphic art majors, presented four different designs to the SPCA board, which chose
“ The Southside SPCA has had many exciting changes over
a design that plays off of the “S” in “South” and “Side.”
the last few years – new buildings, new staff, increased adoptions, and now a wonderful new logo,” said Dr. Helen
“ Creating the logo for the SSPCA feels great. I love helping
Warriner-Burke, ’56, SPCA board member and former
the shelter grow and doing something for a cause I care so
rector of Longwood’s Board of Visitors.
much about,” said May after the presentation. Fowlkes added, “I signed up for Design Lab to gain real world
“ We had a strategic planning meeting this summer and
experience with actual clients and it has been great.
identified the need for a logo that will help us grow to the
I really enjoyed the experience of pitching our ideas
next level,” added board member Dr. Mark Fink, a biology
to the SPCA board.”
professor at Longwood University. Southside SPCA board president Dave Evans commented, Longwood art professor Christopher Register, who has
“ I like how the new logo looks professional and very sharp.
provided graphic design work for the SPCA for several years,
We are thankful for the excellent logo created by the
suggested that the students involved in Longwood’s new
Design Lab students for the Southside SPCA.”
For more information about the SSPCA, visit www.southsidespca.org
Jarman Hall recently underwent an extensive renovation.
Jarman Hall Renovated Kent Booty Associate Editor Jarman Hall, Longwood University’s
“ It is now a top-notch, first-class facility in every way,” Hooper said. “All of the lighting systems are new, and the
main performance venue for nearly six
sound system is new. The finishes in the building have
decades, officially re-opened Oct. 7
essence, the building has gotten a paint job and a face-lift.
remained but have been cleaned up and painted over. In
following an extensive renovation.
The acoustical engineers tell me that the auditorium can be
The renovation has significantly improved the capabilities
almost no noise through the mechanical systems.”
tuned to different performances, and, due to having oversized ductwork, which reduces velocity, there will be
and aesthetics of the facility. New lighting and sound fixtures have been added, interior finishes have been spruced up, and
Jarman was opened as an auditorium and music building in
all of the mechanical and electrical systems, including the
the fall of 1951. It is used for special events, theatrical and
HVAC system, are new. Outside the building there are new
music productions, public lectures and other activities.
urns, plantings and brick walkways and a new bus pull-off
Due to the renovation, there are now 1,049 seats in the
on High Street. The front façade has expanded glass panels,
auditorium, whereas before there were 1,065. The mainstage
letting more light into the lobby, and a rear façade has been
theatre for Longwood Theatre productions, the box office,
added with pilasters and a cornice, made of glass-fiber
and the Department of Communication Studies and
reinforced concrete, that mimic those on the front.
Theatre, formerly in Jarman, are now in the Center for Communication Studies and Theatre.
The auditorium, which was painted, now has 14 acoustical curtains lining the perimeter, which can be moved to control
“ Jarman Hall is not just essential to the Longwood
acoustics. The curtains are uplighted by scallop-shaped
community, but it is also essential to our friends in
sconce lights mounted on the curtain pocket columns.
Farmville,” President Finnegan said just before he and others
New features in the auditorium include carpeting, custom
cut a ceremonial ribbon in front of the building. “Not only
wood around the stage, a control console in the rear of the
will we once again be able to host our Chamber Music
auditorium for controlling lighting and sound, and a
Series, student lectures and guest performers in this
forestage reflector in the ceiling in front of the stage.
impressive new auditorium, but the local area will also
Work on the project began in late September 2009.
and children’s theatre productions.”
be able to use it once again for graduations, dance recitals The general contractor was C.L. Lewis & Company Inc. of Lynchburg. Kim Bass of Longwood’s Capital Planning & Construction was the project manager for the university, and Kevin Hooper was project manager for C.L. Lewis.
A series of elegant bridges now connect Lancer Park to Longwood’s main campus.
Lancer Park Now Connected To Campus Kent Booty Associate Editor Longwood University’s main campus
“ Our students have embraced Lancer Park as a terrific residence – truly their ‘home away from home,’” said
and a nearby complex of universitymanaged apartments and athletic fields on the north side of U.S. 460 (West
President Patrick Finnegan before he and others cut a ribbon opening the bridges. “However, the challenge has been how to tie this wonderful residential and recreational option, what is really a new ‘north’ campus, to main campus and make sure our students feel connected.
Third Street) are now linked in a way that is safer, more direct and more visually appealing.
“ Through these two bridges, we have provided a solution. Not only have we provided a safe way for our students to travel back and forth, but we have also provided a welcoming party for those who want to travel to Lancer Park to socialize, study, play sports with their friends, or live.
Indeed, The Lancer Park Bridges consist of a pedestrian
By adding these bridges, we open up this location to even
bridge spanning Third Street and, about 200 yards west,
more opportunities, including academic and research activity
a vehicular bridge that crosses over a former railroad bed
in the future.”
just before the new entrance into Lancer Park, home to 258 students and fields used by Campus Recreation.
Until the bridges were finished, the entrance to Lancer Park
The bridges, which officially opened Sept. 9, are connected
was atop a steep hill on Grace Street, reached only from
by a walkway on the north side of Third Street. Lancer Park,
Appomattox Street (between the Farmville Train Station
Longwood’s first apartment community, is six-tenths
and Buffalo Shook, a plant that manufactures wood-related
of a mile from campus.
products), which leads to Grace Street. The entrance from Grace Street has been closed, except for emergency vehicles.
“ I have seen more Lancer Park residents riding bikes and
The street leading into Lancer Park was named Cormier
walking to and from campus than I have ever seen in my
Drive by the Longwood Real Estate Foundation in May
entire college career,” said senior Ben Brittain, SGA president
and was approved by Farmville Town Council in June.
and a second-year Lancer Park resident. “Before, they had to
The naming honors Longwood’s recently retired president,
trudge up ‘Mount Everest.’ Because of that hill, there were few
Dr. Patricia Cormier.
bike riders. This has literally bridged the gap between Lancer Park and main campus. Also, more students are using the
On the Longwood side of Third Street, the pedestrian bridge
athletic fields, including new students, and studies show that
empties onto Grove Street near Buffalo Street, providing a
students who are more involved are more successful.
more direct route to and from campus. “It’s a straight shot to
“ Our students have embraced Lancer Park as a terrific residence – truly their ‘home away from home. However, the challenge has been how to tie this wonderful residential and recreational option, what is really a new ‘north’ campus, to main campus and make sure our students feel connected.” – Patrick Finnegan “ This is much safer. Before, to get from Lancer Park to campus, you had to walk on two roads with no sidewalks,
campus from Grove Street,” Copeland said. “We’ve taken a lot of twists and turns out of that walk.”
cross a four-lane road with cars and tractor-trailers traveling 40 miles per hour, and cross two more intersections before
The pedestrian bridge has a built-in handrail on both
arriving on campus. Now, you can just stroll over that four-
sides, is about 10 feet wide and at least four feet high on
lane road.”
the sides, and is slightly taller in the middle than on the ends, due to the arch. To meet the Virginia Department
“ This represents the pulling together of the two campuses,”
of Transportation’s standards of minimum height clearance,
said Otis Brown, vice rector of the Longwood Board of
some 20 feet of elevation had to be achieved along the
Visitors and a member of the Longwood Real Estate
pedestrian walkway as it extends east, toward downtown
Foundation. “These are bridges not just for students to
Farmville, from the opening of the vehicular bridge onto
walk across but a way in which the two campuses can
the pedestrian bridge. It was achieved by adding to a bank
come together.”
that already existed.
Ken Copeland, executive director of the Longwood Real
Work on the project was done by English Construction Co.
Estate Foundation, said that more students, Lancer Park
Inc. of Lynchburg. The bulk of the $4.125 million project
residents as well as non-residents, are now using the Lancer
was financed through savings from the low interest rate
Park ballfields, which opened in 2009 and include a softball
on a bond consolidation of all three Longwood-managed
field and an artificial surface, multi-purpose athletic field.
apartment communities that the Longwood Real Estate
The walkway between the two bridges, which roughly
Foundation negotiated in December 2007.
parallels Third Street, “ties them together in an aesthetic and efficient way,” he said.
Lancer Park, originally called Stanley Park, was built in
The new entrance into Lancer Park is from Third Street
of 30 four-bedroom townhouses, two buildings with
three sections between 1999 and 2003. It consists just east of the driveway for B&G Auto. The vehicular
12 two-bedroom apartments each, and two buildings with
bridge, immediately in front of the entrance, spans a former
four-bedroom apartments each. The Longwood Real Estate
Norfolk Southern Railway bed that is now part of High
Foundation bought the complex in August 2005, and it
Bridge Trail State Park. The project would not have been
has been managed by Longwood, through the Office of
possible had Norfolk Southern not deeded the land to the
Residential and Commuter Life, since fall 2006.
Commonwealth of Virginia in June 2007, part of 31 miles of rail that it donated for the “rails to trails” park. The twolane bridge has a pedestrian sidewalk on the east side and a deceleration lane for west-bound traffic going from Third Street into Lancer Park.
Longwood Launches Civil War Sesquicentennial Podcast
That a Nation Might Live Dennis Sercombe Editor In 1865, as General Robert E. Lee and his troops retreated from advancing Federal forces through Farmville, a skirmish ensued on High Street alongside Longwood University (then Farmville Female College). One historic account states, “Minié balls fell about the building (Ruffner Hall) – one crashed through a window where several girls were standing and when they had recovered from their panic, their friends in gray had vanished like the phantom of a dream.” From: Longwood College, A History, by Rosemary Sprague, former Associate Professor of English
Today, as Virginia approaches the Civil War
Nation-Might-Live/149017591809149 and can be found on
Sesquicentennial, it is both fitting and proper that
Twitter at www.twitter.com/civilwarweeks. All of these sites
Longwood University commemorate this historic occasion
welcome comments and discussion. The episodes will soon
with the launch of a unique online podcast series. “That a
be available through iTunes, too.
Nation Might Live,” online at http://civilwar150.longwood.edu, commemorates the issues, people and events leading up to
Conceived of and developed by Dr. Chuck Ross, dean of
and during the Civil War, telling the epic story as it
the Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences at Longwood
happened 150 years ago, one week at a time.
University, and Dr. David Coles, professor of history, the series offers a unique glimpse in time at the momentous
A podcast is a series of audio recordings released episodically
events that shaped the nation – and it provides a tremendous
that can be played directly from a website or downloaded
learning opportunity for history students of all ages,
automatically and synched to portable digital audio players
especially those at Longwood.
“ We are especially excited that this project will be largely researched, written and produced by students since undergraduate research is such an important part of what we do at Longwood.” – Dr. Charles Ross
like iPods. “That a Nation Might Live” posts a new episode
“ Given the importance of Farmville and Southside Virginia
(two-to-four minutes) every week, turning the calendar back
in Civil War history, this is a natural fit for us and should
150 years and reporting the week’s key developments in the
complement the many other sesquicentennial events
run up to and during the war.
planned around the state and the nation,” said Ross. “ We are especially excited that this project will be largely
Several episodes have already been posted, providing insight
researched, written and produced by students since
to the causes of the Civil War, the politics dividing the
undergraduate research is such an important part of what
nation and the conditions leading to the election of
we do at Longwood.”
Abraham Lincoln as the nation’s 16th president. Future episodes, week- by-week through 2015, will chronicle
The Civil War Sesquicentennial is a national historic
secession and rebellion, Fort Sumter, the raising of armies,
reflection on how the very existence of the United States was
the politics of war, emancipation, key decisions and battles,
tested far beyond the imagination of our founding fathers.
Appomattox and the conflict’s impact on the nation.
As President Abraham Lincoln stated so eloquently at Gettysburg in 1863, “Now we are engaged in a great civil
In addition to its home site, “That a Nation Might Live” has
war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived
a Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/That-a-
and so dedicated, can long endure.”
Follow the story, week-by-week, with podcasts from Longwood University’s “ That a Nation Might Live” online at http://civilwar150.longwood.edu on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/That-a-Nation-MightLive/149017591809149 and on Twitter at www.twitter.com/civilwarweeks
The Last Battle Cormier Scholars Visit Sailor’s Creek Battlefield Historical State Park Dennis Sercombe Editor
Members of the Cormier Honors College for Citizen Scholars visited Sailor’s Creek Battlefield State Park recently, scene of the last major battle of the Civil War, 72 hours before Lee’s surrender on April 12 at Appomattox. The scholars were led by Dr. Geoff Orth, director of the Cormier Honors College, and Dr. David Coles, professor of history, who gave some background on the significance of the battle Longwood graduate Chris Calkins, ’81, director of the park, did a presentation for the students and showed them around the grounds, which include a new Visitor’s Center. Calkins, a 34-year veteran of the National Park Service, was recently appointed as the new director of Sailor’s Creek Battlefield Park.
Pictured: Cormier Scholars (top) gather under the trees alongside Hillsman House, which served as a Union field hospital where wounded soldiers of both north and south were treated. Chris Calkins, ’81, (below) discusses the battle.
Lancers Update Lancers Earn Highest VaSID All-Sports Ranking Greg Prouty Associate Athletics Director for Media Relations Longwood University Athletics finished
springboard for our future. It is a great time to be a Longwood Lancer!”
ninth in the 2009-10 Virginia Sports Information Directors (VaSID) Division I All-Sport Championships, its highest finish
The spring portion of the year proved most successful during 2009-10 as each of the five programs finished with winning records, including baseball (28-20), women’s lacrosse (10-8, 6-0 NLC), softball (36-16), men’s tennis
since beginning Division I competition in 2007.
(12-9), and women’s tennis (13-8). Four of the five teams, with the exception of women’s lacrosse, enjoyed their best campaigns as Division I programs. Softball attained its fifth-highest win total ever, and its 20th overall winning season in 30 years. Baseball earned its 29th overall 20-win
The Lancers completed the year with an overall record of
campaign and 22nd season with at least 25 wins, and now
145-131-3 for an overall winning percentage of .525 percent
has 29 winning seasons in 33 years. Men’s tennis equaled its
to earn the ninth-place ranking among the 14 Virginia
second-highest win total ever, and its 10th winning season
schools that compete at the Division I level – finishing ahead
in 30 years, while women’s tennis posted its highest win total
of Radford, George Mason, Hampton, Norfolk State, and
since 2002-03, and its 21st winning season in 39 years of
VMI. Longwood enjoyed its finest year of intercollegiate
accurate records. Women’s lacrosse won its second-straight
competition since 2003-04 (144-102-3, .584), which was
National Lacrosse Conference Tournament Championship
the first year of the four-year reclassification period toward
while enjoying its 21st winning effort in 39 years as well.
Division I.
In addition, women’s golf won the Tina Barrett Invitational, while the men’s golf team won the Lonnie Barton
“ I am proud to say that 2009-10 was a fantastic year for
Memorial Invitational.
Longwood Athletics,” said Director of Athletics Troy Austin. “ The student-athletes, coaches, and staff work hard every day
Longwood Athletics has now displayed five consecutive years
to provide the University with a quality Division I program;
of improvement in its overall success. Expect nothing less
one that our alums and the community can rally behind.
during this 2010-11 campaign as the Lancers strive for an
The progress is exciting, and it provides us a great
even more successful year of competition.
Briana Wells, ’11, and Dana Smith, ’10, are named Athletes of the Year 2009-10.
Wells & Smith Athletes of the Year Longwood University Athletes of the Year for 2009-10 were softball pitcher Briana Wells, ’11, from Romoland, California, and men’s basketball guard-forward Dana Smith, ’10, from Woodbridge, Virginia. Wells was 27-7 with a 2.35 ERA and 113 strikeouts for the Lancers (36-16). Smith, a two-time winner of the award, averaged 18.2 points, 7.2 rebounds, and 2.5 assists for Longwood (12-19).
The GAME (Greatest Athletics March Ever) Greg Prouty Associate Athletics Director for Media Relations Longwood University opened its 2010-11 intercollegiate athletics campaign August 22 with The GAME (Greatest Athletics March Ever). The Lancers played the University of Richmond from the Atlantic 10 Conference in a women’s soccer match at the Athletics Complex in Farmville. The highly anticipated contest was played before a raucous and record-crowd of over 1,300, though the Spiders won 1-0 with the lone goal scored in the 55th minute. A picnic in the Longwood Dining Hall, a pep rally in Willett Hall, and a march from campus up Fourth Street and Longwood Avenue to the soccer facility on Johnston Drive, took place prior to the opening kick. “ During all my time here, including four years as a student and now in my 17th year as head coach, I have never seen anything like tonight in terms of the Longwood spirit and experience,” said women’s soccer head coach Todd Dyer ’93 afterward. “ Beginning with the pep rally on campus and continuing with the march to the stadium and 34
support throughout the game, tonight’s event was such an amazing spectacle for our university and community, and it truly created some Longwood memories that will last a lifetime.” The GAME was a collective effort among the Athletics Department, the Office of First Year Experience, and the Town of Farmville. It came about after women’s soccer associate head coach Steve Brdarski, First Year Experience assistant director Stacey Wilkerson, and SGA president and FYE coordinator Ben Brittain brainstormed for ideas to incorporate athletics into New Lancer Days, Longwood’s extended four-day orientation experience for all new students leading up to the start of the fall semester. New Lancer Days provided new students an opportunity to meet new classmates, develop friendships with upper-class student leaders, learn about valuable resources available on campus, and explore a variety of issues that they will undoubtedly face during their time at Longwood.
Enthusiastic Longwood Lancer fans are set to enjoy another outstanding Basketball Season.
Longwood Basketball In A City Near You Greg Prouty Associate Athletics Director for Media Relations Longwood University men’s and women’s basketball opened their respective 2010-11 campaigns November 12. The men opened at the University of Kansas against the Jayhawks, a perennial top-20 program, while the women hosted the Lancer Classic Nov. 12-13 with games against both Campbell and Marshall. In addition to 27 home games between the two programs, easily accessible at www.longwoodlancers.com, it’s likely that you can find a contest in a city near you this season. The Lancer men travel to Milwaukee to play Marquette
Asheville, N.C., to play UNC Asheville (Jan. 24), College Park
(December 4), Lexington to play VMI (Dec. 11), Newark, New
to play Maryland (Jan. 30), Rock Hill, South Carolina to play
Jersey to play Seton Hall (Dec. 13), Albuquerque to play New
Winthrop (Feb. 5), Blacksburg to play Virginia Tech (Feb. 10),
Mexico (Dec. 17), Boulder to play Colorado (Dec. 19), Las
Savannah, Ga., to play Savannah State (Feb. 13), Bakersfield,
Vegas for two games during the iBN Sports Las Vegas Classic
Calif., to play CSU Bakersfield (Feb. 19), Boiling Springs, N.C.,
at the Orleans Arena (Dec. 22-23), Annapolis to play Navy
to play Gardner-Webb (Feb. 23), and Fort Myers, Fla., for a
(January 4), Grand Forks, N.D. to play UND (Jan. 9),
tournament hosted by Florida Gulf Coast.
Blacksburg to play Virginia Tech (Jan. 22), Hamilton, N.Y. to play Colgate (February 2), Newark, N.J., again to play NJIT
In addition, spring is right around the corner ... be sure to check
(Feb. 5), College Park to play Maryland (Feb. 9), and Savannah,
our website for schedules to include Longwood baseball, softball,
Ga. to play Savannah State (Feb. 12).
women’s lacrosse, men’s and women’s golf, as well as men’s and women’s tennis. An early heads-up for baseball has the Lancers
The Lancer women travel to Richmond to play VCU (Dec. 18),
playing VCU at The Diamond in Richmond on March 9
Fairfax to play George Mason (Dec. 22), Morehead, Kentucky
at 3 p.m., along with a game at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg
to play Morehead State (Jan. 2), Ithaca, N.Y., to play Cornell
on March 23 at 5:30 p.m.
(Jan. 9), Spartanburg, S.C., to play USC Upstate (Jan. 19),
Lancers Off To A Great Start ... Longwood University Athletics is well on its way toward a successful
Association (VSGA) tournament titles within five days this past
2010-11 campaign as the fall sports seasons approached completion in
summer. She won the 85th VSGA Women’s Amateur Championship at
late October. The men’s golf team jump-started the year with a 54-hole
the Glenmore Country Club in Keswick on July 9, and followed that
score of 290-285-300 – 875 to easily win the team title among nine
winning formula with her second victory in less than a week by
teams at its own Manor Intercollegiate, September 13-14, at The Manor
winning the 41st VSGA Junior Girls’ Championship at the Indian
Resort Golf Club in Farmville. The Lancers took a 29-shot advantage
Creek Yacht & Country Club in Kilmarnock on July 14.
over second-place High Point University (904), while junior Ross Sumner (Callao) claimed individual medalist honors with his outstanding
The women’s soccer team took a record of 10-6 into the final three
two-under par score of 70-71-73--214, among the field of 56.
matches of the season, including an eight-match winning streak at home with only Senior Day remaining and scheduled for October 31.
“ It’s great for us to start the year with a win,” said 14th-year head
Coach Dyer (185-110-16) had led the Lancers to their 12th overall
coach Kevin Fillman. “We did a lot of good work on day one, which
10-win season in the 17-year history of the program while assuring
put us in a very good position going into the final round. I’m really
their fifth consecutive winning campaign, and 14th overall since the
pleased for Ross to earn his first medal. He handled the situation
team began competition in 1994. Longwood was being led by super
extremely well, especially since it’s the first time he’d ever had the
sophomore Lindsey Ottavio (Fairfax) who had already tied the school-
chance to win a college tournament.”
record for season goals with 16 (Tina Tsironis, 1995; Tiffany Gruschow, 2002). Ottavio was tied for third in Division I goals
The men’s golf team had finished third in each of its other two
through Oct. 17, and tied for fourth nationally in points (33).
tournaments this fall, led by senior standout Michael Young|Oakville, Ontario with three top-three individual efforts and his impressive 71.67 average that was on pace toward a new school record. The women’s golf team had one top-five team effort, led by freshman
“ There’s still plenty of work to be done, but our success up to this point in the season can be credited to a fantastic bunch of student-athletes who
standout Amanda Steinhagen (Oak Hill) and her 76.67 average with
work very hard and really pull together on and off of the field,” said Dyer. “ I’ve coached some talented players and teams in the past, but this team is
two top-20 individual finishes. Steinhagen was among the August 30
truly special in the love and respect they share for each other, along with
edition of Sports Illustrated magazine’s “Faces in the Crowd,”
their commitment to represent the women’s soccer program and this
recognized for her winning back-to-back Virginia State Golf
university in the most positive manner at all times.” – G.P.
Winning the Right Way As a Longwood Lancers fan, your support is crucial to the success of our programs and student-athletes. The NCAA prohibits specific activities between individuals who are representatives of our athletic programs and our prospective and current student-athletes. If you are a member of the Longwood University faculty, staff, alumni, or Lancer Club, or have donated to, or been otherwise involved with Longwood Athletics, you are a representative of our athletic programs. Please help ensure the eligibility of our prospective and current student-athletes. Visit www.longwoodlancers.com and click on NCAA Compliance link to learn how you can be involved with Longwood Athletics
Lancers Web For all of the latest news and information concerning Longwood Athletics, please visit our re-designed website at www.longwoodlancers.com.
in the right way. We thank you for your continued support. For more information please contact: Nick Schroeder Director of Compliance 434.395.2417 schroederng@longwood.edu
Longwood University News
On Campus
Mary Larkin Thornton, ’88
Mary Larkin Thornton, ’88 Vice President for ARAMARK Kent Booty Associate Editor Mary Larkin Thornton, ’88, started working
Carolina, and I also have one in Tennessee and one in
for Longwood Dining Services as a junior in
Georgia. I spend about 75 percent of my time on the road visiting accounts. The last two years I had a functional job,
the fall of 1986. “I restocked the salad bar
which involves supporting our operations in such areas as
in the Rotunda Market, a fast-food location
HR, marketing and finance, but not an operational one,
downtstairs in Blackwell Dining Hall,” she said.
which this is. I like the operational aspect of the business.” Before beginning her current job, Thornton was vice president of compliance for ARAMARK Higher Education
She still works for Longwood’s dining services provider,
and was responsible for the entire country. In that position,
ARAMARK, but is responsible for much more than fresh
she had an office at corporate headquarters in Philadelphia
croutons and cucumbers in one dining hall. As regional vice
and another office on the Longwood campus. Even after
president for the Southeast Region for ARAMARK Higher
leaving her job as Longwood dining service director, she
Education, Thornton oversees the dining service and
continued to work out of an office at Longwood for her
facilities service operations at 60 colleges and universities
next two positions.
in four states. Eight district managers and one vice president of operations report directly to Thornton, who has been
Those positions were vice president of operations for the
Longwood’s dining service director and has held two
Mid-Atlantic Region (responsible for Virginia and Ohio)
regional administrative positions and one nationwide
and, before that, district manager (covering Virginia and
position in her career with ARAMARK.
North Carolina). Thornton was Longwood dining service director for five and a half years from 1993 to 1998.
“ I have a lot of responsibility, but I have very good people working for me,” said Thornton, who began this position
Thornton, a native of Rockland County, N.Y., near New
Aug. 13, 2010 and whose office is in Cary, N.C. “Most of
York City, majored in political science and was a member
my accounts (schools) are in North Carolina and South
of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority at Longwood. She also met
was a freshman and he was a senior, they didn’t start dating until her senior year, after he had returned to Longwood to become certified to teach. Even as a Longwood student worker, Mary Thornton, then Mary Larkin, moved up the ladder. She was promoted to a student manager position in January 1987. “I was a student manager when the Rotunda Market re-opened that spring after being renovated. The other student managers and I supervised the 250 or so student employees.” After graduating, she was manager of the Rotunda Market for a year and a half. Then she left the company, moved back home to New York and worked briefly in marketing for a wholesale bakery in New York City. In her first position after returning to ARAMARK in 1991, a month after getting married, she was district manager for Virginia and also managed one of the faculty and staff dining rooms at Virginia Commonwealth University, also an ARAMARK school. Even though she “moved up the retail ladder” at VCU, she retained the marketing part of that position. Why has she been successful? “I have a lot of passion for what we do. I like being in the higher education marketplace.
Longwood University News
in Mecklenburg County, Va. Although they met when she
Longwood Challenge A Tremendous Success Last spring, David, '81, and Patricia Whitehurst Crute,‘80, and Will and Colleen McCrink Margiloff, '97, challenged alumni and friends to become new donors to Longwood University. The two couples challenged that if Longwood received 250 gifts from new donors during May and June, Will, Colleen, David, and Patricia would collectively contribute $40,000 to the Longwood Fund. The Crutes and the Margiloffs are firm believers that every gift makes a difference at Longwood, and they wanted to spread their enthusiasm and message across all groups of potential supporters. With their support and the Longwood Challenge, 307 gifts from new donors were received during May and June – making the Longwood Challenge a great success.
Even though we’re not in the classroom, I feel like we’re part of the overall academic experience and that we can impact the future generation of leaders. I like being on college campuses and interacting with college administrators. When I visit accounts, I like to interact with student employees. What also has helped my success is the solid educational foundation I received at Longwood and the high expectations of Longwood Dining Services.”
Will and Tricia live in Chesapeake and their son, Patrick, is a 2010 graduate of Longwood. Tricia currently serves on the Alumni Board. Will and Colleen live in New York, New York. They have three children and Colleen currently serves as the vice president of the Alumni Board.
On Campus
her husband, Dr. Jim Thornton, ’85, school superintendent
Thornton and her husband, formerly the Cumberland County school superintendent, live in Clarksville, Va., with their 17-year-old son, Sean, a senior at Cumberland County High School, and 13-year-old daughter, Kelsey, who attends Bluestone Middle School in Mecklenburg County. The family had lived in Farmville, a short block from the Longwood campus, until Jim Thornton began his position in Mecklenburg County on July 1. He had been with the Cumberland schools for 19 years, the last six as
Everyone at Longwood University is appreciative not only of the Crutes and the Margiloffs for offering such a generous Challenge, but also of every donor who helped make this Challenge a success. Thank you to everyone involved. – C.G.M.
superintendent. He presented a Sankofa Lecture in Longwood’s College of Education and Human Services in October 2008.
Longwood University News
Upcoming Alumni Events ... Celebrate Founders Month With The Finnegans
On Campus
We will celebrate Founders Month this March with four events to be held throughout Virginia. Please join alumni, family and friends for one of these events to commemorate Longwood’s founding on March 5, 1839. President Finnegan will talk about Longwood’s past, present and future. Richmond: Independence Golf Club, March 16 Fredericksburg: Renato’s Italian Restaurant, March 17 Hampton Roads: Greenbrier Country Club, March 22 Farmville: Longwood’s Center for Communication Studies & Theatre, March 25 $20 per person. Reservations are required. Please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 434.395.2044 or alumni@longwood.edu.
Milestone Reunion Classes of ’46, ’51, ’56, ’61, ’66 April 1-2, 2011
Decade of the 70s Reunion April 15-16, 201
Utilize Your Longwood Resources Longwood’s Academic and Career Advising Center offers help to all Alumni. Go to http://www.longwood.edu/career/alumni/index.htm
Tell Us About It ... Do you know a Longwood graduate making a difference? Logon to http://www.longwood.edu/alumni/awards.htm and tell us about it.
Longwood University News
Make Plans Now To Attend Longwood’s Student-Alumni Networking Event Longwood alumni are invited to campus on Friday 25 February for the annual Student-Alumni Networking Event (SANE), an event designed to assist Longwood students with exploring career options and preparing them to leave Longwood as successful Lancers. This annual event, hosted by the Academic & Career Advising Center and the Cook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences Student Advisory Board, is an excellent way for you to share expertise about your career path and provide advice on life after Longwood. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Sarah Hobgood at 434.395.4932 or hobgoodsm@longwood.edu. – N.S.
On Campus
Longwood alumni gather on campus for the annual Student-Alumni Networking Event (SANE).
Are You Ready To Receive Some Longwood Loot? Are you planning an Alumni gathering? Let us send a Longwood Loot box. Please send the names and class year of your attendees, the date of the event, and your mailing address to alumni@longwood.edu. 41
Longwood University News
On Campus
Alumni members and friends of Sigma Phi Epsilon (SPE) gathered on campus in September.
Sigma Phi Epsilon Reunion Largest Fraternity Event In Longwood’s History Alumni members and friends of Sigma Phi
At least six of the SPE alumni who attended have sons or
Epsilon (SPE), Longwood University’s oldest
to have dropped by the event, McMaster said. One
daughters currently at Longwood, all of whom are believed
fraternity, returned for a reunion that was the largest fraternity event ever held on campus.
ARAMARK student waiter who worked the event, Clayton Lescallett, is the son of Clay Lescallett, ’83, and Cathy Downey Lescalleet, ’81, a Kappa Delta. “We had groups from KD, Delta Zeta, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Zeta Tau Alpha,
“ BBQ, Band & Brews,” held Sept. 11 on Lankford Mall, was attended by 233 people, including 126 alumni members
Phi Mu, Alpha Sigma Alpha, and a few of our ‘GDI’ friends as well,” McMaster said.
of Longwood’s SPE chapter. “Some 451 guys have been initiated into the Longwood chapter since its founding
Also in attendance were four SPE alums from the mid-1980s
in 1978, including the 25 current members, so one-third
who are colonels in the Army or Air Force: Scott Estes, ’87,
of all the brothers were there,” said David McMaster, ’83,
Jeff Helmick, ’84, and Derick Wolf, ’84, of the Army, and
president of the chapter’s Alumni and Volunteer
Chris Wright, ’85, of the Air Force. Helmick and Wolf were
Corporation, who organized the reunion.
chapter presidents. Helmick’s wife, Lisa Harwood Helmick,
The chapter’s first on-campus reunion was attended by 184
is a Longwood junior.
is a ‘84 Longwood alumna, and their daughter, Christine, alumni and guests (many brothers’ wives are also Longwood alumni) and 49 current students. One SPE alumnus, Nuvit
One highlight of the reunion was the presentation of the
Rodop, ’82, came all the way from Izmir, Turkey, and several
first Balanced Man Scholarship, believed to be the first
came from California as well as from around the country.
scholarship awarded by a Longwood fraternity to a non-
At least nine of the chapter’s 22 founding fathers attended.
member. The scholarship for an incoming freshman or
Some 60 percent of the attending SPEs graduated between
transfer student, awarded to freshman Jake Semlar,
1979 and 1989.
recognizes the fraternity’s “core values of virtue, diligence and brotherly love” and will be awarded annually for
“ A lot of these guys hadn’t seen each other in 25 or 30 years,”
academic achievement and leadership. The scholarship is
said David McMaster, a wholesale florist in Miami. “Some
funded by the alumni members, though the recipient is
were returning to campus for the first time since they’d
chosen by the current members. It was presented by
graduated. It was the first time the chapter has
Chuck Ebbets, ’85, alumni scholarship chairman, and
ever had everyone back, from founding fathers to
senior Edward “Joe” Brown, the chapter’s scholarship
current members.”
The event was initiated and paid for by the Alumni and
The reunion also included a golf tournament in which
Volunteer Corporation, which has more than 400 members
15 of the 19 golfers were Longwood alumni. The morning
and was formed in July 2009. “We’ve had several off-campus
of the reunion, alumni SPE members held a business
reunions, the last one about 12 years ago,” said McMaster,
meeting in their chapter room on the second floor of Frazer
whose Longwood nickname was Duffy. “We wanted to
and afterward met with the current members. The Office
reconnect alumni members with the current chapter and
of Alumni Relations was pleased to work with the fraternity
the university.”
on this special fraternity reunion. – K.B.
Longwood University News Finnegan and Jane Brooke, ’63. Middle left: Ronny Van Dyke, Heather Van Dyke, ’06, Joan Finnegan, and Kathleen Early, ’92. Middle, right: Sandy Henderson, ’75, and Joan Finnegan. Bottom: President
On Campus
Top left: Patrick and Joan Finnegan with Senator Mark Warner. Top right: Joan
Finnegan, John Wiggins, ’02, and Kristy Wiggins.
Out & About With The Finnegans Receptions for alumni and friends to meet Patrick and Joan Finnegan were held on Wednesday 29 September, 2010, at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday 12 October, 2010, at the Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach, and on Monday 1 November, 2010, in the Rotunda of the Virginia Capitol in Richmond.
Longwood University News
On Campus
Randy Copeland’s company Velocity Micro builds its high-end computers in Chesterfield County.
Computer Craftsman & Entrepreneur Randy Copeland, ’86 Kent Booty Associate Editor Randy Copeland, ’86, is the founder, president and CEO of Velocity Micro, the largest independently owned boutique PC manufacturer in the United States.
“ I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I didn’t see myself as a corporate type,” said Copeland, who founded Velocity Micro in 1997 when he split two business units that he had founded six years earlier. The company builds its high-end computers in a gymnasium-like area in two large rooms in a 40,000-
The Richmond-based company, with nearly 100 employees,
square-foot office building at the industrial park that
specializes in high-end workstations and gaming computers but
adjoins the Chesterfield County Airport. Copeland is
in recent years has expanded to include more affordable
proud of a 2002 review in his favorite magazine,
desktops, notebooks and peripherals. Its products can be found
Maximum PC, that said Velocity Micro’s computers
at nearly every major electronics retailer or etailer in the country,
are “built with the care and craftsmanship that the
including Best Buy, Amazon, Staples, Walmart, Costco, and
behemoth manufacturers can’t offer.”
Target. The company has won more than 60 major industry awards from major publications, including PC Magazine’s
“ The focus of our business has changed over the years,
coveted “Best of the Year” awards in 2008 and 2004 and its
and now we’re targeting mainstream users as well as gamers,
Reader’s Choice Award for Service and Reliability in 2007.
enthusiasts, and the research and scientific communities,” Copeland said. “However, much of our business is still with
Not bad for someone who admits with a smile that he “wasn’t
gamers and workstations. The FBI and the Navy are among
the best student” and took only one computer class, Intro
our bigger customers, using our faster workstations for data
to Computers – and got a D.
analysis and research. For a while we were doubling our growth every year. This year (2010) will be our most successful
year, and we anticipate doubling sales again next year.”
Longwood University News
Despite changes, Velocity Micro still prides itself
“ My biggest mark on Longwood was that I had the loudest
on its in-house technical support. “We still do all our
stereo on campus,” Copeland, a self-proclaimed audiophile,
own tech support,” Copeland said. “In fact, that’s the
said with a laugh. “I had a great big stereo in my dorm
fastest growing part of our business. All of our customer
room. On Friday evenings in front of Cox, where I lived my
support is in this building. When customers call for
first three years, we would sit on a retaining wall between
tech support, they get someone here in Richmond,
Cox and Stubbs, in front of the driveway that went in front
not overseas.”
of Cox, and turn up the volume on my stereo. One night
“ Production was recently doubled to 4,000 units a day and will be increased several more times in the next few months. We’re expecting to ship almost a million units this year. In 2011, we’ll launch more tablets in different sizes and capacities.” – Randy Copeland, ’86
Phyllis Mable (then-vice president for student affairs) came
tablet market by launching two touch-screen readers and
by to yell at us to turn it down but ended up staying
a tablet. The Cruz Reader, launched in September, and the
for over an hour.”
Cruz Tablet and the Cruz StoryPad, launched in October, weigh one pound and have seven-inch screens, and enable
Copeland’s wife, the former Mary Anne Thompson
users to play music, videos and games, read ebooks, and
Copeland, graduated from Longwood in 1986 and earned
surf the Web.
a master’s degree from Virginia State University. She taught kindergarten in Chesterfield County for 10 years.
“ The Cruz Reader is an e-reader tablet similar to a Kindle, but on a Kindle all you can do is read books; on the Cruz
After graduating from Longwood, Copeland worked as
Reader you can surf the Web and play videos and music in
a sales associate for a marble bathroom products business
full color, too,” said Velocity Micro spokesman Josh
and later as regional sales manager for a Richmond-based
Covington. “The Cruz Tablet, which is more like an iPad
manufacturer of kitchen cabinets. In 1991 he founded Smart
alternative, is similar in look to the Cruz Reader but is faster
Marketing, an independent manufacturing firm providing
and more powerful. The Cruz StoryPad is similar to the
carpentry, countertops, and plumbing products to Virginia
Cruz Reader but geared more to kids and is simpler. It also
contractors and kitchen dealers. Then he began offering
plays music and videos but doesn’t have Internet access, for
his clients custom-built, high-powered computers to run
security reasons.”
computer-aided design programs for kitchen and bath
On Campus
In 2010 the company entered the e-reader and computer-
layouts and information management. After starting Velocity Copeland said in early October that the Cruz Reader is sold
Micro, he continued as president of Smart Marketing until
out at all retail operations. “Production was recently doubled
selling it in 2007.
to 4,000 units a day and will be increased several more times in the next few months. We’re expecting to ship almost a
Copeland travels at least one week every two months,
million units this year. In 2011, we’ll launch more tablets
usually to Asia. “I have flown 140,000 miles this year
in different sizes and capacities.”
already, which is a lot.” In September 2009 Copeland returned to Longwood’s College of Business & Economics
A Chester native who lives in nearby Midlothian, Copeland
as Executive-in-Residence. He spoke about integrity
was originally a biology major at Longwood who planned to
in business.
become a dentist like his father, now retired, and his older brother. “But then I got a C in organic chemistry, and my
Why has he been successful? “I’m not smart enough to
adviser said ‘Copeland, you’re going to have to take it over
know when to quit,” he replied with a laugh. “It’s also
again if you’re going to get into MCV dental school,’
about chasing a dream, but mostly it just gets back
and I didn’t want to. So I switched to the business school,
to not quitting.”
which I loved. I learned a lot from (dean) Dr. Jack Jacques – he showed me how you really make money in business – and from (professors) Dr. Larry Minks and Dr. Burt Brooks. I spent a lot of time hanging out with the three of them. I also learned a lot about business as the ad manager for The Rotunda.”
In Print
Longwood University News
Recent Publications by Longwood Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni
Welcome to Boyceville by John Hudson,’80, Longwood alumnus This was written to help commemorate the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of Boyce, a Clarke County town originally called Boyceville. Hudson grew up in Boyce (population: 500), seven miles south of Berryville, where he lives and works. “This was written free of charge as a gift to the town,” said Hudson, senior vice president and marketing director of the Bank of Clarke County. “The book serves primarily as a historical record, and it also brings back a lot of memories for a lot of people. I wrote it in only nine months.” Hudson, a music education major (in 2007 he released a CD of show tunes, Lounge Lizard), was a member of Longwood’s first male class on campus and was the charter president of Phi Mu Alpha music fraternity. Published privately
On Campus
by authorization of the Boyce Town Council, softcover, 96 pages.
Women with the Good News: The Rhetorical Heritage of Pentecostal Holiness Women Preachers by Dr. Kristen Dayle Welch, Assistant Professor of English This has been called “the first book to share interviews with women preachers of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.” Welch, a Christian scholar who grew up in the IPHC, explores rhetoric, gender and religion in the biographies, autobiographies and histories that detail what it means to be a Pentecostal woman preacher in Oklahoma, her native state. Published by CPT Press, softcover, 136 pages.
Hull Springs Farm of Longwood University: Using Stewardship Plans to Create a Sustainable Conservation Model on Virginia’s Northern Neck by Bobbie Burton, Executive Director of Hull Springs Farm, and Katie Register, Project Director of Hull Springs Farm This is a case study from the book A Sustainable Chesapeake: Better Models for Conservation, edited by David Burke and Joel Dunn, which provides a conservation resource for government agencies, community groups, businesses and others involved in the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. The Hull Springs Farm case study (pp. 221-28) is from the Stewardship chapter. Hull Springs Farm, which consists of more than 662 acres in Westmoreland County, is used for conservation, education and research and was bequeathed to Longwood in 1999 by Mary Farley Ames Lee, ’38. Published by the Conservation Fund, softcover, 278 pages.
After All Is Said and Done by Justin Trawick, ’04, Longwood Alumnus This CD (which features seven songs and technically is an EP) is the fourth record released under the name of Trawick, who describes himself as a “singer/songwriter with a band” and has been a full-time musician for two years. Trawick, who lives in Arlington, plays acoustic guitar and sings, sometimes by himself and sometimes with a five-piece band. He performs about 200 shows a year all over the country. “I came up with a name for my music: urban folk rock. It’s a hipper version of adult contemporary and a bit hipper than folk rock. My music ranges from bluegrass to rock n’ roll to funk. It’s fun to perform in my band because every song is different.” Fellow Longwood alumnus, Owen Shifflett, ’03, designs the art for Trawick’s albums. “Owen has been integral to my success,” he said. As a Longwood student, Trawick was a member of Phi
Mu Alpha and both jazz ensembles (he also plays saxophone), and he played with a campus band, Woodburn Road.
Walking The Walk ... The Greatest Athletics March Ever passes Longwood House on the way to the Longwood Lancers soccer field, led by (from left) Farmville Town Manager Gerry Spates, Director of Athletics Troy Austin, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Ken Perkins, Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Tim Pierson and SGA President Ben Brittain (in the green shirt). Read complete story, p. 36.
Longwood Magazine The Longwood University Foundation Inc. 201 High Street Farmville, Virginia 23909
Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1299 Richmond, VA
No state funds were used to print this publication. Published January 2011.
t he
o f the cen tu r i e s @ LC VA ar t is always the life of t he p ar ty ...
save the date a gala art auction to benefit the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts’ education programs and to encourage art in everyday life Saturday 26 February 2011
Tickets are limited . Don’t wait to be guaranteed admission .
Become a gala sponsor at the $250 level . Sponsors receive: 2 reserved tickets, event recognition and early admission. Mail your check to : 129 North Main Street, Farmville, Virginia, 23901 . Major sponsors to date include : ARAMARK, Centra Southside Community Hospital , Bert Johnson, Earl and Jean Lockwood , Northwestern Mutual Financial Network (Charles H. and Candice Jamison Dowdy ’69) , Worth Higgins & Associates Inc .
This year, attendees are asked to dress in black and white attire .