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Chapeltown Village Show
THIS year’s edition of the Chapeltown Village Show, held on Saturday September 22, was another huge success for the Chapeltown Forum.
This community event held for the fifth year running had nine categories covering 72 classes covering fresh produce, floral, domestic produce, handicrafts and textiles, art and sculpture, photography, woodwork, children’s section and a new section this year for age 12 to 16 year olds.
Unfortunately for our vegetable growers the dry summer meant the vegetables were not as prolific as in previous years but there was still an amazing selection with entries being placed in 21 of the 22 classes. Likewise all our other categories had some wonderful entries.
The winners of the trophies were: * Adult – Jane Mettam * Child – Violet Broomhead * School – Windmill Hill
Next year’s show will be held on the Saturday September 21 so make a note of the date.
The committee of the Forum are already planning some exciting new attractions so do try and give the event your support.