The Lookout: A Journal of Undergraduate Research at ECU, Issue 7

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The Lookout

Volume 7 Issue 1 | 2019

The Spartan Way of Life Ashley Hunter In pondering ancient Greece, people generally

and unite the community under a strenuous,

think of Athens with awe because of develop-

but unique ideology. Foremost, formal

ments, such as theater and democracy, which

education was absent in Sparta, especially

Athens is given credit for initiating. On the

in contrast to other Greek city-states where

contrary, one may view the Spartans as the

citizens—specifically young males—learned

ruthless warriors portrayed in modern-day

to read and write and master other vital skills

movies since their entire lives revolved around

of their time (Xenophon). Spartan citizens

military training and war. However, it is inap-

could not read or write, but adapted to the

propriate to judge the Spartan way of life on

warrior culture surrounding their everyday

modern terms, and even that of Athens; one

lives through extensive and mandatory

must consider other aspects of Spartan cul-

military training that began at a young age.

ture and social systems because Sparta was a

The integration into their ideology and how

successfully functioning society in its time.

the order was maintained started with their

The Spartan codification and refinement were

education system and is outlined by Xenophon

adequate for their organization because Sparta

in The Constitution (Politeia) of the Spartans.

maintained order, had a well-organized govern-

The critical point that displays the influences

ment, and allowed for the greater significance

of the education system is by the famous

of women within the community compared

Spartan lawmaker Lycurgus. His regulations

to other Greek city-states. Nonetheless, every

on “respect and obedience” that commenced

system has its flaws, and as for Sparta, theirs

for young boys established discipline, loyalty,

happened to contradict modern standards,

and the capacity for boys to sustain themselves

which may cause some biased viewpoints

in harsh conditions on the battlefield. Males

when analyzing their way of life. The way they

were taken from their families around the age

treated the helot population led to unnecessary

of seven to attend a military school and would

internal conflicts.

eventually spend the rest of their lives serving

The first component that positively contributed to Sparta’s success was their ability to preserve order among their citizens

the state. Lycurgus also reshaped many Spartan customs and behaviors such as marriage

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