The Lookout
Volume 7 Issue 1 | 2019
Project Managers: Managers, Leaders, or Both? Nikkenta Murphy One hears the term leadership in a wide vari-
style continuously. By becoming familiar with
ety of industries. Leadership comes in many
both management and leadership qualities,
different sizes and shapes. Leadership is nec-
it will allow the project manager to gain the
essary for all environments, especially project
trust and respect from the team members and
management (PM). Leadership is described
stakeholders while consistently increasing the
by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as:
probability for project success.
“an essential element of organizational proj-
Project managers should build a dedicated
ect management maturity� (PMI, 2018). Key
toolbox to utilize during a project. The
skills that leaders bring to the table are ability
toolbox should embody both skill sets of
to motivate and inspire, build teams, negotiate,
management and leadership. Some of the
communicate effectively, actively listen, and
attributes indicative of leaders are thinking
influence (Kumar, 2009). A common falla-
innovatively, seeking challenges, motivating
cy among many industries is that in order to
and inspiring team members, and providing
be successful in management, you must be a
focus on the company mission and goals.
great leader. I have known many managers
Leaders often have a wide area of influence.
who were effective in management yet did not
The skill sets of managers are administering,
possess effective leadership qualities. Without
seeking opportunities to maintain the status
great leadership qualities, project managers
quo, thinking from a short-term perspective,
struggle to accomplish project goals. Project
controlling, and providing focus on the
managers have limited authoritative power.
company mission and goals. Managers tend to
So, to get work done, project managers have
have little influence (Kumar, 2009).
to motivate and influence their subordinates. It
While some of these skills appear to be
is crucial for the team and stakeholders to trust
negative, there are benefits from considering
and respect the project manager. Through the
things in a short-term perspective. Project
development of strong leadership skills, proj-
managers may benefit from adopting
ect managers can influence team members to
qualities from both leaders and managers.
accomplish project goals. The goal is to grow
They will have the flexibility to utilize the
and master a great management and leadership
best option in a situation and applying the
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