The Lookout
Volume 7 Issue 1 | 2019
Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard Jordan Dudley How do we define bullying? It is a concept
Rights Act of 1964 prohibits harassment on the
most often associated with schoolyard teasing,
basis of color, national origin, race, religion
but the sad reality is, many people experience
and sex” (2018). Acts of bullying that include
bullying far beyond school walls. Bullying
one of these topics are considered harassment
is a gradual progression of negativity that
by law and thus have a separate correction
surrounds a person and can manifest itself in
process, but they can be prevented in a similar
many forms. Being different in a society of
perceived perfection is one of the main causes
According to Nagele-Piazza, a senior
for judgement, which holds true in the work-
legal editor, “bullying is generally defined
place as well; and coworkers are not immune
as unwelcome behavior that occurs over a
to the judgements of their peers. These judge-
period of time and is meant to harm someone
ments can create a great deal of damage to
who feels powerless to respond” (2018).
both the person being judged and to the work-
Bullying can be verbal, social, psychological,
place itself. Ultimately, it is the responsibility
or physical in nature. In a 2017 survey by the
of human resource professionals (HRPs) to
Workplace Bullying Institute, sixty-one percent
correct and prevent bullying behaviors. They
of U.S. employees are aware of abusive
must do this in order to maintain a safe and
conduct (Nagele-Piazza, 2018). Several
healthy work environment by creating detailed
studies, like this one, have been conducted to
policies and implementing training programs
uncover the extent of bullying in the workplace
for bullying awareness.
and have shown that thirty-five percent of the
It is not uncommon for the word
workforce feels bullied at some point at the
“harassment” to be brought into the bullying
workplace (Human Resources: Bullying in the
conversation. In many ways, harassment can
Workplace, 2016). Furthermore, the National
be compared to bullying; both situations occur
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
over a period of time and are meant to harm
found that twenty-five percent of workplaces
someone who feels powerless. The line is
experience bullying (Human Resources, 2016).
drawn between the two by federal law. Lisa Negela-Piazza states that “Title VII of the Civil
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Workplace bullying leads to a negative outlook on the workplace environment and can