The Lookout: A Journal of Undergraduate Research at ECU, Issue 7

Page 63

The Lookout

Volume 7 Issue 1 | 2019

The New Pollution: A Scientific Review of the Effects of Anthropogenic Chemical Contaminants on Several Avian Physiological and Molecular Systems Across Species Rachel Goodman Introduction

procedures within the last ten years, and are

Although not considered a looming epidem-

only required in certain high-income countries;

ic by the average person, various sources of

otherwise, most synthetic compounds are

pollution—and the human mortality associated

produced and sold without any safety or

with them—are increasing. According to the

toxicity testing (Landrigan et al., 2018).

most recent Lancet commission on pollution

Less than half of the 5,000 chemicals in the

and health, pollution is the leading cause

environment have undergone any toxicity

internationally of disease and premature death

evaluation or harm prevention testing

in humans, and—in the most severely affected

whatsoever (Landrigan et al., 2018).

countries—pollution-related diseases account

The effects of pollution on human societies

for more than one in four human deaths daily

are known. In 2012, 7 million people

(Landrigan et al., 2018). Although household

worldwide died from outdoor and indoor

air pollution is decreasing, ambient air pollu-

air pollution-related illnesses (Jasarevic,

tion is on the rise; major sources of ambient air

Thomas, & Osseiran, 2014). Of the outdoor

pollution can be found in every country, and

air pollution-related deaths, 40% died from

include fuel-powered vehicles, the generation

ischemic heart disease; 40% died from stroke;

of electricity, and mechanized agricultural

11% died from chronic obstructive pulmonary

industries (Landrigan et al., 2018).

disease (COPD); 6% died from lung cancer;

Chemical pollution is also a growing

and 3% died from acute pediatric respiratory

concern. Since 1950, more than 140,000

infections (Jasarevicet al., 2014). In 2015, 16%

new chemicals and pesticides have been

of all deaths worldwide were due to diseases

synthesized, 5,000 of which are present at

caused by pollution (Landrigan et al., 2018).

pathological concentrations within human

The sources of the pollution are also known.

environments (Landrigan et al., 2018).

According to the United Nation’s World Water

Synthetic chemical testing and pre-market

Assessment Programme of 2003, 2 million

evaluation have only become mandatory

tons of sewage and agricultural and industrial

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