The Lookout: A Journal of Undergraduate Research at ECU, Issue 7

Page 80

The Lookout

Volume 7 Issue 1 | 2019

Can Humans Effectively Collaborate with Robots in the Workplace? Dawn Smith Two crucial aspects of manufacturing are

become cumbersome and, over an extended

wanting products to be better than a compet-

time, prove to be nonchallenging. Boredom

itor’s and producing those products as fast as

could have a negative effect on the employee’s

possible. A company must always search for

job performance and could end up costing the

ways to improve the quality of the product

company money in poor production. While

they’re producing and keep their workforce

some people may be fine performing the

trained on the latest innovations in order to

same tasks day after day, other workers want

reach and stay at the top of a certain industry.

to be a part of making improvements in the

There is a new generation of robots emerging

workplace. If your place of employment makes

in industry: collaborative robots. Any type of

reliable products in a timely manner, it’s only

improvement made to either a process or the

helping the workforce keep their jobs.

addition of machinery will cost the compa-

While robots can track production numbers

ny money. Collaborative robots are designed

and provide alerts for lower productivity,

to work alongside a human counterpart. The

it takes a human to take this data and use

prices for these types of robots are generally

it to apply changes to processes that need

thought to be high, but the collaborative robot

improvement. The thought process behind this

has a listing price averaging less than $30,000

is, “Workers with analytical skills will bring

per unit, with prices expected to drop to less

premium assets to manufacturers in multiple

than $18,000 by the year 2020 (Satyavolu,

ways, such as supply-chain optimization,

2017). With emerging technology, especially in

product quality, and asset optimization”

the manufacturing sector, utilizing robots may

(Satyavolu, 2017, p. 3).

be the answer to achieving both productivity

Pairing robots with humans can prove to

and the highest possible quality with limited

be a win-win for a company, as what one

cost to the company.

lacks in skill or knowledge, the other can

The idea behind pairing a robot with a

provide. Artificial intelligence (AI) can be

human counterpart is to increase productivity,

given the ability to learn, but a machine

as well as perform precise and/or repetitive

doesn’t understand human emotion or

tasks. Repetitive tasks to a human worker can

reasoning. Humans have an ingrained need

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