6 minute read
Peek at their pad
from nsert w355
by loopedsaxe3
THE SICK DAY RULES D r a g g i n g y o u r s e l f t o w o r k w h e n you’re under the weather isn’t always s e n s i b l e . W e t e l l y o u w h e n t o g o i n a n d w h e n i t ’s b e s t t o s t a y a t h o m e
We’re taking fewer sick days than ever (on average four per year, compared to seven in 1993), with one study finding that nine in 10 of us would prefer to struggle in to work than take time off if unwell.
And we don’t go any easier on our little ones either. Seven in 10 parents confess to sending an unwell child to school or nursery.
But is that really for the best? When should we stay home and when should we soldier on?
VOMITING AND DIARRHOEA “These are usually clear signs that you should stay at home,” says Pharmacy2U superintendent pharmacist Phil Day.
“Diarrhoea and vomiting can be caused by the highly contagious norovirus or rotavirus, or bacterial infections like salmonella,” he says. “These can be transmitted through direct contact or contaminated objects – so basically, stay away from others as best you can.” Public Health England advises exclusion until 48 hours after the last episode of illness to reduce the risk of contamination.
C O U G H S , C O L D S A N D F L U “With genuine flu you will be too weak to get out of bed initially,” says Dr Sarah Brewer, medical director of Healthspan. Expect to be absent for at least a week and ensure you are fever-free for 24 hours before returning.
Coughs and colds are more of a grey area, with 75 per cent of adults saying they would feel guilty for taking time off work. So you might be surprised – and relieved – to learn that health experts recommend time off for colds as well as flu.
“You can spread a cold from a few days
“Even if you feel better during that time frame you could still be ‘shedding’ the virus,” says The Hygiene Doctor’s Dr Lisa Ackerley. “It only takes one or two particles to infect someone.”
However, vomiting can also be caused by medication, food intolerance or migraines, in which case there is no risk of passing it on.
HOW TO TREAT: Rest and sip clear fluids to avoid dehydration.
Be scrupulous about handwashing, avoid sharing towels, wash laundry at high temperatures and disinfect surfaces, particularly toilet and door handles. before symptoms begin until they have finished,” says Dr Brewer. “Stay away from work or school for at least two to three days to help yourself recover and protect colleagues and classmates.”
However, with some symptoms lingering for weeks, there can be confusion over when to return. Essentially, if you are coughing and sneezing droplets all over the place you shouldn’t be at work or school as you will spread it. Lingering symptoms can usually be managed. HOW TO TREAT: Rest and stay warm, with plenty of fluids to keep hydrated. Over-thecounter treatments can ease symptoms but if they haven’t improved after a week, or complications develop, see your GP. HOW TO CONTAIN: Cough and sneeze into your elbow to reduce the spread of airborne droplets. Adopt a one-use rule for tissues and wash hands every time you blow your nose.
H A N G O V E R According to the Health and Safety Executive, alcohol is estimated to account for 8 to 14 million lost working days in the UK each year – up to five per cent of all absences.
Some companies have introduced “hangover days”, allowing staff to work from home. But psychologists at the University of Bath found that hungover people have poorer attention, memory and
psychomotor skills such as co-ordination, with implications for activities such as driving or operating machinery. HOW TO TREAT: Use rehydration sachets containing electrolytes that replace lost fluids quicker than water alone. Try painkillers and an antacid for headaches and upset tummies. HOW TO CONTAIN: Know your limits and never drink on an empty stomach.
HEADACHES “Headaches usually respond to painkillers, so you may feel well enough to work,” says Phil Day. “But if the pain persists or worsens, you feel sick or find light or noise painful, see a GP.“ Migraines are more than just a bad headache. Some can last for days, or come with a visual disturbance or lead to vomiting. If you’ve had them before you’ll know if you can work or not.” HOW TO TREAT: Rest, sip water and try ibuprofen or paracetamol. For migraines, ask a pharmacist or GP about triptans – medication to calm the brain’s pain nerves. HOW TO CONTAIN: Stress, dehydration, skipping meals, food intolerances, bad eyesight, alcohol and fatigue can trigger headaches and migraines. Keeping a diary can identify causes.
IBS – a collection of symptoms including constipation, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and bloating – is not contagious so there’s no risk of passing it on, says Phil Day. “But if you’re in pain then it would make sense to stay home and recover.” HOW TO TREAT: Changing your diet and lifestyle or taking medicines to control symptoms can help. HOW TO CONTAIN: See your GP if you’ve not had a diagnosis or if symptoms worsen.
Mental health problems cost more than 15 million work days in 2013.
Everyone has low moods but if you can’t function properly or face work at all, it’s time to get help. Emma Mamo of mental health charity Mind says, “Taking time off for mental health should be treated the same as physical health. But recent research found that around one in 10 employees who disclosed
a mental health problem faced demotion, disciplinary procedures or dismissal. We want staff to talk openly about their mental health.” HOW TO TREAT: A GP can offer advice on treatments or medication. HOW TO CONTAIN: Follow Mind’s Five Ways To Wellbeing, which include taking regular exercise and being mindful. Visit mind.org.uk. STRESS, DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY
P E R I O D P A I N According to a Bupa survey, almost a quarter of women have taken time off work for issues associated with periods – with a third of those lying that they had flu or a tummy bug.
“Cramps, caused by uterine contractions, can vary in severity. If they’re very painful you may not be well enough to work,” says Phil Day. “Some women also vomit or have diarrhoea.” HOW TO TREAT: Heat and painkillers can help. If symptoms persist, your GP can prescribe stronger medication, period-pausing contraception or refer you to a gynaecologist. HOW TO CONTAIN: Exercise can reduce the severity of cramps. Take painkillers at the first sign of cramping instead of waiting till it’s unbearable.
BAD BACK According to the Office for National Statistics, more working days – 31 million – were lost to back, neck and muscle pain than any other cause in 2013.
“Keeping active is important for a fast recovery, so carrying on with your normal activities is usually the right course of action,” says Phil. “If your job involves physical activity or heavy lifting, speak to your boss. See your GP if the pain doesn’t improve, it happened after an accident or if you have a temperature of 38°C or above.” HOW TO TREAT: Painkillers and applying a hot or cold compress can help. See your GP if the pain doesn’t improve. HOW TO CONTAIN: Strengthen your back with regular exercise, check posture, maintain a healthy weight and avoid sitting for long periods.