friday,oct. 12, 1984
vol. xxxi, no. 5
cabrini college, radnor,pa. 19087
Councilof CollegeAffairsabolished by C.C. Corcoran The Council of College Affairs (CCA), which has been under reviewforthepastyear,hasbeen discontinued after discussion of the matter by the senior staff. This staff consists of Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president of Cabrini College; Joseph Romano, vice president of Cabrini College·, John Heiberger, vice president for development; Sr. Christine Baltas, MSC, dean of students and JamesKeches, business manager. In an advertisement in the previous issue of Loquitur, Currie stated that the CCA was eliminated to stop duplication and overlapping of purpose of other committees and to strengthen these existing committees and office structures.
The reaction to the disbandment has been mixed. Robin Larkins, senior, ·presidentofSGA, stated, "I have mixed emotions. ------------
'WithCCAgone,it puts pressureon these Other Off'ICeSOn campusto do their work.' -Robin Larkins, SGA 'd senior, preSIent
There are other structures which have been established to handle the issues which the CCA has previously addressed . With CCA
gone, it puts pressure on these administrative offices and committees on campus to do their work." Lar~ins continued, "CCA served its purpose when the collegedidn'thaveevaluatativecommitteessuchas ,MiddleStatesand offices such as Student Services. When asked to comment on the abolishment of the CCA, Romano said that the existing committees cannotonlydoCCA'sjob,butdoit better th an CCA. With the council discontinued, the question now is which means of communication should the students, faculty and administration take to air their complaints. Rev. Mark Falcone, 0 Praem, who was amemberoftheCCAsaid, "It was a place where people could go to air complaints or make sug-
gestions. I don't think it would hurt having it." The council was concerned with the issues of the entire college ------------
It was a placewhe~e people could go to air compla'1nts or make . tIOnS.I dOn't SUgges think it would hurt havingit.' R M kF I ev. ar a cone, I'
community and its purpose "to facilitate communications to actively seek academic social improvement among
was and and the
s~udents, fa~u~tyand administration ofCabnm College. The Dean and SG:APresident are members ex-pffic10.The other members are electe~ by the_group each rep:e: sents, according to the Cabrm1 College student handbook, . 1984-1985.
The only question yet to be answered is whether or not the existing committees can handle what the CCA was set up to do. That is, taking complaints and suggestions to the president of the college. The senior staff, conscientious faculty and administrators, the student body through SGA, and Loquitur are responsible for monitoring these committees to make sure issues are taken care of, according to Larkins.
Issueof churchand statedebatedin campaign is in direct opposition to the official stand ofU .S. Catholic bishops . In two recent pastoral letters , the bishops wrote of their mission as one of defining moral issues and creating a dialogue with the world about these issues . Despite Ferraro 's attempts to make arms control the number one issue in the campaign , abortion remains foremost in the minds of many voters of Cabrini College. Sophomore , Anne D'Amico, said, "I don't respect her (Ferraro) because she doesn't stand up for her beliefs." Joanne Norcini, junior , concurs , adding that she also lacks credibility. Norcini cites the abortion issue and her reluctance to disclose financial information as the basis of her opinion. ,
Perspectives on politics This is the third in a five part series examining different aspects in the 1984 Presidential Campaign.
_byKathleen A. Breslin With the issues of the 1984 presidential election now crystallized and the election only four weeks away, the issue of separation of church and state is being scrutinized by politicians and clergy-alike. The concomitant issue of abortion continues to draw national attention . · Cardinal John Krol, archbishop of Philadelphia, in an extraordinary measure to denounce politicians who support abortion, issued a two and one-half page letter to be read from pulpits throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia last Sunday. Krol chose "Respect for Life Sunday " to urge Catholics to fight abortion at the polls. Although Krol's letter mentioned no names, it was an obvious rebuke to Geraldine Ferraro , vice presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket , and Mario M. Cuomo, New York governor, according to the local media . Rob Marchesani, junior , said , ''The cardinal's tone was forceful , almost dictatorial." Marchesani is concerned about morality in the nation and views the important issues in the campaign as moral ones rather than religious ones . "You can be against abortion and be an atheist ," he points out . Krol views Ferraro's stand on abortion , (opposin~ it privately, but supporting it politically), as illogical and unacceptable . "I think my position is a moral one," Ferraro said. "I do not impose my religious
inside perspectives ... news .......... features ........ living .......... sports ......... sga ............
mac ...........
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You'vegot to vote; it is a moral responsibility' -Margaret Reher, chairperson,religion department
The separation of church and state has been an issue in the 1984 Presidential Campaign. Their legal and moral bonds have been the subject of controversy in our country. (photo by Mark Viggiano)
views on others." She and running mate Walter Mondale are conducting their camp a i g n on a pro-choice platform. Republican candidate Ronald Reagan is
opposed privately and politically to abortion. Krol's position, and that of other Catholic prelates who have condemned Ferraro,
While the positions of Ferraro and Cuomo are within the spirit of the Catholic bishops' letters, the furor over abortion continues to draw national attention . Cuomo, in his celebrated address at the University of Notre Dame in September , applauds the stance of the U.S. Catholic bishops in refraining from endorsement of political candidates, noting, however, that they are free to do so under the Constitution. The governor's speech also affirmed Ferraro's position on abortion . No agency or department of government forces women to have abortions, Cuomo said . Rather, he suggests that Catholics are "asking the government to make criminal what we believe to be sinful because
more CAMPAIGNon 3
Do college expectations match up
Electionsfor freshmenare underway
Is college life what many freshmen expected? For a story on these expectations and ways of adjusting, such as the big brother/ sister program, see page 4. (photo by Mark Viggiano)
Prospective officers of the freshman class attended a meeting held by SGA. For more information on freshman elections , see SGA page 7. (photo by Mark Viggiano)
loquitur - friday, oct. 12, 1984
opInIon The benefits from ,being bilingual by Vicky Rodriguez
Communication is an amazing phenomenon. In a few short years, we humans progress from infant "goo-goos and ga-gas" to adult thought-provoking conversations. We learn to speak the language of those around us so that we may easily communicate our thoughts, needs, and desires to them. This makes life a great deal easier-that is, as long as we stay in our own familiar habitat. But would communication be as easy if we were suddenly transported to Colombia, France or Germany? This is a problem that many Americans are faced with when traveling to places that don't speak their native language . Even President Reagan needs an interpreter when visiting another country. More visiting dignitaries are able to greet the president in English than he is. able to greet in their language. Americans may have a basic understanding of another language but actual bilingual fluency is rare. In contrast, most other countries require their students to speak a second language. United States citizens could widen their international communication span if the government would pass a law requiring every student to be taught a second language beginning in grammar school. A bilingual education would benefit Americans in many ways. Knowledge of another culture could improve American foreign relations by helping them to understand different points of view and systems that are different from their own. A second language could provide more international business opportunites. Businessmen would be able to explore new possibilities and establish new trade without the necessity of a translator. Learning another language could also increase an individual's marketability in the job field. Major companies like IBM, Ford, and AT&T who do a great deal ofbusiness on foreign soil, hire bilingual employees instantly over 4.0 graduates. We should make it a goal, if not for ourselves then for our future children, to establish a standard bilingual education in the United States. We now have the freedom of speech; why not also have the freedom to communicate that speech to our foreign neighbors?
w~ ~+,:(tt
"Ah, Mr. President, you really could've benefited from that second language bill proposal. Youjust told the prime minister that his wife is a toad!"
leiter editorial Food committee rebuttal Opinions will reflect mentali1y It happens all time; the news reporter stops the man on the street and asks him to respond to the question of the day. The question may run along the lines of "Should there be a nuclear freeze? Why or why not?" The first person stopped responds "Yes, there should be a nuclear freeze because we (the Soviets, the Americans and •anyone else involved) are all human and no one should have to suffer or.die because a few people don't agree with each other." The second person might respond "Russians are commies they won't honor a nuclear freeze. They don't care about anything." A third person might respond ''It doesn't matter now. Since the Soviet Union has enough weapons to blow the world up three times over and the United States has enough weapons to blow the world up two times over, aren't the number of weapons irrelevant."
The answers the reporter receives are uninformed. Yes,they are the personal opinions of the individual, but that doesn't mean that a person's opinion should neglect making an intelligent statement. For example, many people complain that organizations such as SGA, campus ministry and WCAB are non-productive. Yet, they are usually not an active part of these organizations, working on its programs through the planning and execution stages. Do they allow these organizations to be productive for their benefit? It follows that a person cannot make a valid criticism when they know nothing about a particular subject. One should realize that there is a certain way to go about making a judgement or a criticism. Weigh the pros and cons of a topic; there is always a good and bad aspect. Being one sided only shows the next person what your education is worth.
Every other Thursday at 1:00, I meet with the food committee . In two meetings, we've suggested a separate non-smoking section, conducted a food survey and explored all focxfcomplaints. That's great when you consider that only three dorm reps attended the last meeting, which ran approximately 15 minutes.Yet students commented in the Loquitur ·that food committee meetings take too long and "SGA is not productive." It shows poor taste to criticize something you know nothing about. How can people pass such harsh judgement without ever having attended one meeting - and all are publically invited to attend all meetings. I'll gladly listen to and address all complaints voiced intelligently and directly through the proper channels. Not only are uninformed opinions damaging to SGA, but also to the individuals who make them. Virginia Smith, Food Committee Chairperson
opIn1on Let us not legislate moraliiy by Kathleen A. Breslin
Cardinal John Krol took advantage of "Respect for Life . Sunday" to voice his opposition to the Mondale-Ferraro ticket. He joins a list of Roman Catholic prelates who have publicly condemned the Democrats for their pro-choice platform. "Respect for Life Sunday" serves as a reminder of the harsh realities of abortion for Catholics. Churches display photos and literature which bear testimony to the grim statistics on the issue. This public display serves to stimulate our sense of shame and guilt at being a part of a society that tolerates this crime against humanity. At the mass I attended, the reading of Krol's letter was preceded by stories by my parish priest describing a recent mugging and rape-murder. These topics were relevant that Sunday. The emotionally-charged congregation was primed to receive the message their archbishop had prepared for them. As an opponent of Mondale and Ferraro, Krol is, by elimination, a supporter of Republican nominee Ronald Reagan. Reagan is opposed to abortion and favors a constitutional amendment to abolish it. Abortion, however, is a hard fact oflife. As Mondale said in Sunday's televised debate, "Those who can afford to ha\re them, will continue to have them. The disadvantaged will go out in the back alley as they used to." He added that the people in America have always decided basic moral issues for themselves. "It has been our strength, and we are the most religious nation in the world,"he saici It apparent to me last Sunday that Krol would better serve his flock by encouraging Catholics to consider the full scale « national issues rather than · ·
issue of abortion. By denouncing Ferraro and Mondale, Krol supports a candidate who as President sought cuts in Social Security and Medicare, accelerated the arms race, reduced financial aid for needy students, raised taxes 22 percent for those earning less than $10,000 a year and cut taxes 8 percent for those earning between $100,000 and $200,000 a year. Reagan's record is a direct contradiction of his pro-life stance. The intermingling of church and state, as espoused by Reagan and Krol, could have serious ramifications for all religions. Throughout the campaign, Reagan has personally encouraged the fundamentalists in their mission to make America fit their image of a Christian nation. Traditionally, fundamentalists have been anit-Catholic and anti-semitic. Any element of intolerance which is evident in the American political system endangers the First Amendment. The electorate must safeguard this amendment through the voting process so that all religions continue to have a voice in this society. Krol asserts that "every Catholic is obliged in conscience" to oppose abortion privately and politically. How then would he counsel Ferraro whose conscience dictates that she not impose her views on another? In conclusion, Krol would be well-advised to speak to area Catholics on the spiritual aspects of abortion so that, given a choice, they may consciously reject abortion. Morality cannot be _le_gislated,but. it can indeed be inspired· by responsible
loquitur cabrini
Editor. Barbara Mongelli News Editor: Lucia Laurita Assistant Peggy Simon Perspectives Editor. Virginia Smith LMng Editor. Gia DIGlminiani Features Editor. Bonnie Zischang Spam Editor. Michelle Bamber BusinessManager. Robin Larkins Assistant to Editors: D. B.Field Art Editors: Beth Daly and Debbie Clclrello Photography Editor: Cara Graham Assistant Mark Viggiano Photography />dviser. Dr. Carter Craigle />dviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek staff: Margaret Angelucci, Larry Aquino. Michelle Bamber, Frank Bakosld. Karen Bowers.Kathleen Breslin. Karen Clark. Chris Corcoran. Bernadette Demski. Mary Beth Evich, Katie Glim~ Dor1sHickman, Kerry Hogan. Donna Hors~ Chris Koerner, Joan Kramer, Maureen McAnespey, Robert Marchesanl Gerard Matthews, Barbara Petracci. Laura Przywara. Trish Rell!\(Eileen Riddle, Kathi Wachenheim. Cathy )bung
Laquttur Is published weekly during the school year by students al Cabrini College. Radna,; Pennsylvania 19087. SUbscriptian price Is $1) per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Laqultur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrlf!i College. Rodna,; Pennsytvonia 19087. &Jbscflptian price Is $1J per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees.
The SGAand TWAC pages are paid ad\/'erttsement The confent Is under the supe,visior, of 1hase cifflces. l.aqu1ur ""8lcames lettersto the editor. letlefs should be sqled and the authorship known to the editors. Hclw!Netw the wrtterwishes.and the editor agrees. the writer'sname may be lelt off the letter upon publlcaltan and an in1Cf1ptton ir-1ed such as "namewfthheldat the ~ ot the wr11er.· LetleBshaud be f'/P8C1 double-spaced, and no morethan 300 wordsIn length. wa letter is too IOng torthe OIIOllable space. the editormay eclt or condense. lefter11o the editor shaud be SUbmitt8dby noonan Mondays.
loquitur - friday,oct. 12, 1984
Loquiturstaff receivesfirst class rating Loquitur achieved its seventh consecutive first class award from the Associated Collegiate Press. In addition to this, Loquitur was awarded two marks of distinction in coverage and content and opinion content. According to Bernon Peacock, a judge for the Associated Collegiate Press, "Loquitur captures the tone and essence of the people, events, issues and ideas of interest and importance at Cabrini." Peacock also stated, "Opinion content strength is epitomized by consistent and significant commentary on local issues."
Foundation organizesTrivial Pursuitchallenge
news briefs by Lucia L. Laurito and Eileen J. Riddle
Hoguet's·do's and dont'sin the mailroom
A day long Trivial Pursuit challenge, John Hoguet, mailroom manager, scheduled for the week ofNov.12-18, is part suggests that students write their return of a nationwide event occuring in 80 cities. The event is organized to raise money for address on their letters when writing to family or businesses . Their mailbox the local Easter Seals campaign . The event will be held at the Adam's number and not their room number should Mark Hotel on City Line Avenue and Mon- be included to insure that their mail goes ument Road in Philadelphia, beginning at to the proper box. 10:00 a.m. Registration forms are availDue to vandalism, six mailbox doors able from the Easter Seal Society at 3975 have been ripped off. A $25.00 fine will be Conshohocken Avenue in Philadelphia, or charged to anyone who is caught tampering with mailboxes. This fine is backed by call the Trivial Pursuit Hotline at 879-1005 for details. The deadline for all . the dean of students and will be added to teams or individual regis_tration is Nov.12. the students bill.
Rockworld's second major sweepstakes is here. Student's will have a chance to win one of 40 major prizes in Rockworld's College-Only Sweepstakes II. The college music-video show will give away 16 windjammer Caribbean sailing cruises, 15 oars whitewater rafting adventures and 9 Bic sailboards to 40 lucky students in the Nov. 16 drawing. Students can enter by writing their name, address, telephone number, and college name, and sending it to: Rockworld, 1698 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12205. All entrees must be received by Nov. 15, 1984.
Kamento lecture on scientism and creationism
Advance, the center for preventive psychology, is offering help to anyone who is suffering from compulsive eating, bulimia, or anorexia. Living with any of these disorders is a frustrating battle that you don't have to do alone, according to the therapists at the center. Help is available at the center by calling (215) 647-8699. All calls are strictly confidential. Dr. Robert Ramalia and Dr. Florence Seaman are available for private and group therapy.
RoseTree Park site of Juniors for Seniors'fair
The religion department will sponsor a lecture on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 8:30 p.m. in the library conference room. The lecture is entitled '~d God said, Let there be a big bang;' scientism versus creationism." The lecturer is Barnett Kamen. Kamen is currently in the PhD program in biblical literature at Dropsie College.
CAMPAIGNfrom 1 we ourselves can't stop committing the sin." Cuomo places the burden of choosing on the individual, realizing fully that morality cannot be legislated . Margaret Reher , chairperson of the religion department , remarks that abortion has received an undue amount of attention in this campaign. She urges the electorate when voting to consider other vital pro-life issues of nuclear war, capital punishment, child abuse, euthanasia, unemployment and care for the poor and aged . Reher suggests that those who espouse a pro-life position adopt a consistent ethic oflife as set forth by the bishops in their pastoral letters. She encourages people to vote on the broadest range of interests . "You've got to vote," she said. "It is a moral responsibility. "
Advance'center offers help
Rockworld holdssecond sweepstakes
According to Reher, the Church 's voice in politics should not be construed as a threat to the political process. She cites the bishops' most recent letter of March , 1984: "The Church recognizes the legitimate autonomy of government and the right of all , including the Church itself, to be heard in the formulation of public policy." Rev. Mark Falcone, 0 Praem , campus -ministry , and Sr. Bernadette Casciano , campus ministry, adhere to the Church's guidelines in not endorsing specific candidates. They advise students to look at all the issues , weigh them , then vote according to the dictates of conscience . Lisa Nolan , sophomore , will be taking a hard look at all of the issues when she goes to the polls. "I will vote according to the best interests of the country, " she said .
Sr. Regina Peterson, MSC, chairperson of the social work department, invites Cabrini students to once again join Wawa and the senior citizens to attend the 12 centers in Delaware County at the "Juniors for Seniors" fair. The fair will be held at Rose Tree Park on Oct. 13, from 10 a .m. to 4 p.m. Part of the proceeds from Cabrini's haunted house will also be contributed to the cause.
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~--- --------------The 8th AnnualMarchingBandFestival
Sunday, October 14 from 2 to 5 p.m ..· The participatingbandswill be from the followinghigh schoqls: Penncrest,UpperMerion,Harriton,GarnetValley and Upper Darby Enjoya lazy Sundayafternoonlisteningto the talents of the studentsin these local high schoolbands Sponsoredby the Fine Arts Department SALES: Cherry Dale Farms.a retail candy.
Mobile Fltnea
ha\18 borrowed through the Pennsylvania Higher Education group needs lnatructors. Must have own car; Assistance 11/;Jeoo{s(PHEAAJGuaranteed Student Loan men and women who are able to motivateare program and will be teach ing either math or science in a rlMded for convenient part-timehours. ExperiPennsylVania secondary school may be eligible for the loan ance Is preferred but not mandatory. Call BABYSITTER: VMan Peildn of Rosemont cancellation through PHEM's new loan forgl\leness program 449- 3389 and uk for EIieen or Maryann. needs o responsible male/female to care for her 7 and 1) Contact the financial aid office for details. VALLEYFORGESPORTSGARDEN: Immediate year old boys every do( from 4:00 to 5:30 or 7:00. Will provide P,\RT-TIMESALES: Joyce Selby shoes In the openings for load ~nter attendanls. skate guards , disc meal ~ '/OU miss dinner in the cafeteria. Thlsjob Includes Court at King of Prussia needs sales help stock people and Jock~ and reception/st . Please contact Mr. Pollard (father of chauffe<ing her children to activities and pays $75 per week. cashiers. The jobs will be in1erchangable . The hours OIIOilablE Cabrini '84 alumnus, Kurt Pollard) at 296-8131. Student must ha\18 a car . Contact Mrs. Peildn at 525-4816. are for c::k¥, nights and v;eekends. Salary Is negotiable. YARDWORKER: $5.00 per hour. flexible . Contact Kathy at 337.92n, schedule . Contact Mrs. D.R. Mower at 642-0820 . Call after 5:00 MRT TIME JOB:Clark Products. Inc. located In confeciian and card stare needs sales/counter help an Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:00 ta 9:00 p.m. The store is located in W'{nr>NOOd.Contact Mrs. Toltzisat Ml2 -9989 .
JOB Sl3UAD ---------------
the Marion MIii Business Center on Fayette Street In W. Conshohocken, has an opening for a part time job doing light assemblies. Pay is $5.00 per hour. Hours are flexible . ~ Interested. please call Mr. Ruben Clark at 828-7600 .
F.I..AIIIIONT BELINARTS SCHOLARSHIP_: Appllca1lons for this fine arts scholarship whoch encompasses painting. sculpture , music. drama. dance, literature and archttectore , etc. are OIIOilable In the financial aid office. ln1erested students should act ~ as appllcallon deadline is Dec. 15.Preference Is given ta residents at the Abington or Pocono Northeast region of PennsyMJnla.
BABYSITTER:Needed to take care of two girts. ages two and three and a ha~ years old . Transportation will be provided . Hours needed are from 9:00 am to noon on Friday mornings. Contact Joyce Sutterer at 687-5049.
DAYCARE CENTER: Part time assistant. wo,ldng with small children . Specia l needs program Educotion ~,or . Send resume ta : Special Needs/ Box Phlladelph~ ~ 541731
LITTLE HEEL SHOP: in Suburban Square. JANITORIAL:Part-time light janttorial work. Ardmore is looking for an assistant manager . Hours are Mon .-Fri. 6:00-9:00 p.m. Maguire Insurance 11/;Jenc,.259 E. Su/lday thru Saturda( do( work. tt interested. please call Sue Lancaster Ale. W'{nrw,ood, Contact Ben SanFellce at 649-71)() Lenton at 896-6180.
ext. 244. Start at $5.00 per hour.
HILLARrS GOURMETICE CREAM: Islooking CLERICALWORK: Taylar Gifts of 355 East for students who are l,1terested In part time work from 12-3 or Connestoga Rd..Wayne Is looking for part time help 3 hours a 12-3:30p.m. v;eekc::k¥, Please contact Nina Patel at the Paoli day. 5 days a v;eek. It interested. call 688-3046 .
DRIVERS:Domino 's Pizza needs 15-30 people ; Shopping Center at 647-0659 . , . must be at least 18years old, ha\18 a car and Insurance TEACHEFI SAIDE - EARLYCHILDHOOD:St. Flexible hours and days; con earn between $5-7 per ~ Flat SPECTRUMSHOWCASE:The Court at the King Da'Jid's Nursery School . Hours are 9-1 Monday -Friday or rate Is $3.35 plus six percent mileage plus tips. Contact ant,y of Prussia mall needs retail clerks for full and part-time jobs. Tuesday-Friday.Please call Elaine Blazier at 687-3m . Greve or Kevin Core at 293-0980 . Hours are flexible , Including weekends and evenings. It CHILO CARE: DMne Providence Villoge at 686 MINTER'S HELPER:Tom Rosato of 454 Interested. please call Melanie Pesta at 265-6353. Marple Road In Springfield. Working with mentally Glenwyth Road In Stratford. Is laalclng for O palnte(s helper to ACCOUNTANT FIRM: In Wayne , C~ firm needs handtcopped girls. Prefers Special Ed. or education majors . help out to,- the next ten v;eek,, Hours are flexible . ~ Interested, accountants and typists.Please send resumes ta Elmwood Monday through Frida( 3:00-8 :00 p.m. and 7:00 to 7:00 on please call Tom at 687-2.092. ~ P.O.Box 1816.West hestec !":. ~380 Saturda( and Sunday. It interested call 328-n30 .
loquitur - friday,oct. 12, 1984
features freshmencopeI
by Mary Kate Grimley Across campus, a noticeable shift in attitude is being expressed among the freshman class. According to most freshmen, initial anxieties and qualms are gradually diminishing and summer fantasies of collegiate life are being fulfilled thus far in their academic and social surroundings at Cabrini. Many freshmen have found the upperclassmen to be one of the greatest helps in dealing with their many new adjustments. "Everyone always smiles and they're all so positive," said Christy Mason, freshman. Mason said, "I expected to be treated like a freshman by the upperclassmen, but they've been so great!" ·
Youmakecollegewhatyouwantit to be. It is unlike high school becauseyou do as much or as little academicwork as youdesire.' -Patricia Flood, freshman
Michelle Dahl, freshman, found her greatest support from a sophomore through the Big Brother/Big Sister program. "My big sister, Jody Romano, not only helped me here at school, but she also prepared me for college throughout the summer through letters and telephone calls." Academically, the expectations set by most of the freshmen were far too high. Many of the freshmen are discovering that the work is not as overwhelming as they had thought that it would be. "I thought I'd be swamped," said Dahl. Fortunately, for most of the students, they have been able to keep on top of most of their classes. Patricia Flood, freshman, said, "You make it what you want it to be," realizing that unlike high school, college is doing as little or as much academic work as you desire. It is very difficult to approach a cold, empty dormitory room faced with one or two absolute strangers with whom you will be living with for the first time. "I think that privacy is what I miss most," said Flood. For some students, getting along with a roommate can be a major obstacle in those first few weeks. Naturally, situations vary from room to room. For some, the resident situations are no problem, yet for others, some effort and time is
needed to make things work. Fortunately, the majority of the students are realizing just how beneficial living with these new individuals can be. It is a comforting thought for the freshman class to realize that they can easily find friendship and gentle guidance in their orientation leaders and in their resident assistants. "John (Doyle) and Bert (Siwak) really helped in teaching us the ins and outs of college life . They've been both friends and resident assistants to us," said freshman, Stephen Saville. According to Megan La,mb, resident assistant in one of the freshman wings at Woodcrest, "It is obvious that the freshmen are far less homesick than early on in the year. This is seen in the fact that they are becoming more involved, they are working together more, and they are relying on their new friends now instead of on their p__arents, as in the first days of their resident life." Most of the freshmen class have gone home at least once since moving in on Sept. 4. Their reasons for packing up for home are countless, in accordance with the many different personalities found in the freshman class. For Timothy Fitzgerald, freshman, his visits home in the afternoon are a prime opportunity to do his laundry. Dahl said, "Mom wants me home," so her visits home are more frequent and anticipated. Peggy Emmerich, freshman, is one of the few who hasn't been home. Emmerich has "enjoyed being around," and she's very content with staying at Cabrini on weekends. Orientation was a particularly helpful time for the freshman class to aquaint themselves with college life. Mason, noted that, "Jim DiRaddos talks were really great! I felt much better after he made us aware ' .{lfhowour parents and other classmates were also feeling." · Joseph Giuffre, sophomore and orientation leader, saw the freshman class moving at a comfortable pace in their progression of making needed adjustments. Giuffre sees homecoming and class elections as very positive influences on the class. "During these times, they have an opportunity to look at themselves as a class and also recognize those particular individuals who exhibit leadership qualities." Generally, the freshman class has been extremely satisfied in what collegiate life has turned out to be. For the most part, those summer expectations have been fairly correct in Megan Lamb, junior, provides all the support assuming just what the school atmosphere would be like. Their positive attitudes have been a step in the right direc- that Paul Murphy, freshman, needs from a big sister. (photo by Mark Viggiano) tion for a better adjustment to college life.
,Stress,anxietyleadto a·lcoholand drugabuse by Peggy M. Simon
Students are using and abusing alcohol and drugs on campus . According to Mr. Anthony Tomasco, chairperson of the psychology department, students turn to alcohol and drugs because they see its ·use as a way to relieve their tension and stress. Along with the everyday stresses of classes, homework, a job, and roommates, college students are also faced with stress brought about by the attempt to find their identity, choose a career, and make major life decisions. Because alcohol has always been a part of our culture and because it is so accessible, it is a common outlet for
stress . Tomasco believes that the media plays an influential role in the excessive use of drugs and alcohol. ''The use of alcohol is portrayed as adult and attractive and is often used as a solution to problems," explained Tomasco. A typical response when someone complains of a problem he is having would be, "Give him a drink." And how frequently we hear someone exclaim, "I need a drink" when they've had a bad day. According to Tomasco, children grow up with this portrayal of alcohol as being a solution, or a release from a problem. Other common reasons for the continued
use of alcohol is that it reduces anxiety and allows the individual to temporarily feel better . It gives an immediate high and when a problem reoccurs that high feeling comes to mind as a way to release.
A typical responsewhen someonecomplainsof a problemhe is havingwould be "Give him a drink." According to Tomasco, continued abuse of a drug or alcohol will eventually catch up with you. "It obviously will affect an
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individual's studies . Although somehow some students manage to do both, it is very dangerous and is bound to catch up with you," Tomasco explained . The long range effects of drug and alcohol abuse vary depending on the drug or the alcohol. Generally speaking any type of drug or alcohol abuse will damage your physical and pyschological well-being. If a student feels he may have a problem with alcohol or drugs, Tomasco recommends he go to the counseling center where he can talk and discuss the problem confidentially. Iffurther help is needed the student would be referred to an outside drug or alcohol treatment program.
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loquitur- friday,oct. 12, 1984
SurvivalSystemspreachself~defense by Eileen Riddle
Self-defense has become of extreme importance in today's society due to the number of crimes committed. This is why the student activities office sponsored a lecture on selfdefense called "Survival Systems." The lecture concerned the importance of self-defense and how to use it effectively. James Tasker and Robert Hall of Tasker and Hall Inc., self protection consultants, gave a lecture on self-defense in the Widener Center Lecture Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 2. The main theme of the lecture was that self- defense is just that, defense. The men stressed that a person who is being attacked should be on the offense only when the situation is life or death. Tasker said, "It is your personal responsibility to defend yourself." He also said that the main goal is not to harm others, but to protect yourself from harm. The lecture was composed of two parts. The first part, which was a majority of the lecture, was what to do if you were attacked and the attack was not ,a life threatening
situation, such as an unarmed robbery. The men suggested that you try to control the situation by not panicking. The second thing you should do is try and prevent the situation from escalating, and thirdly, -you should continually look for "outs," such as people, a lighted house or talking your way out of the situation.
ing situations, exclusively. Tasker and Hall stated that you should try to disable your attacker. The most effective way to do this is to go for the attacker's weaknesses, such as the eyes and the flesh area above the neck. The men stated that these areas are very effective in almost every situation because every person has these weaknesses.
I thought the lecture gave you a more " psychological approach to self-defense than a physical one.' -Lisa Rancatore, freshman
Hall said, "The most difficult part of teaching selfdefense is that people do not realize the seriousness of violence and the importance of self-defense." Tasker and Hall's most important message was that one should try to avoid an attacker altogether by being alert in every situation. The best self-defense is to avoid a confrontation rather than being careless and induce one.
The second part of the lecture dealt with life threatening situations and how to handle them. The men stressed that you should use these particular techniques in life threaten-
Lisa Rancatore, freshman, said, "I thought the lecture was rather realistic. It gave you a more psychological approach to self-defense than a physical one. I believe that I could handle a situation much better now than before."
'Live-ins'choosefamily livingover campus by Karen Clark A unique, and increasingly popular profession among college students, is live-in babysitting for families in their surrounding area. Live-in babysitters are those people who, in exchange for free room and board, take care of small children and household duties, and also, in some cases, become an integral part of the family. The obvious benefits of this living situation are: a deduction in college expenses and tuition, and the possibility of the student forming a strong bond with the family. Some families are also willing to give the student a small allowance or spending money. However, there are some disadvantages to being a live-in babysitter. The student might feel uncomfortable living with a strange family. Mary Mackin, freshman, is a babysitter by the hour. Mackin said, "Yes, I would be a live-in babysitter if I were acquainted with the family, because I would feel more at ease with a family I knew, than I would with strangers."
I had free use of the whole house, and was allowed to have visitors whenever I wanted to do so.' -Regina Murphy, freshman Another disadvantage would have to be dealing with children who misbehave. Tina Slater, freshman, is also a babysitter by the hour. Slater said, "I would become a live-in babysitter if I knew that the chil-
dren were well-behaved, and I enjoyed tak- ing care of them." Besides child care, the student may also have certain household chores to perform. Michelle Nichols, freshman, was a live-in babysitter. Nichols said, "I was also responsible for the child's laundry and light house chores such as vacuuming, washing dishes and dusting ."
I just could not get along with the family. Nothing I seemed to do was right.' -Michelle Nichols, freshman Although the students live in the home with the family, they are not always treated as a family member . Nichols said, "I had free use of the family room, but I had to buy my own telephone and I was not allowed visitors during the week and very seldom on weekends." This is not true in all cases , however. Regina Murphy, freshman, a live-in babysitter said, "I had free use of the whole house and was allowed to have visitors whenever I wanted to do so. I had my own telephone that the family paid for and my own television," Murphy said. Besides the student's adjustment, an adjustment also has to be made by the family, since a stranger has just come to live with them . This person will be eating meals with them, and taking care of their child or children. This person may have habits which the parents dislike. The parents could also disapprov~ of the way in
Babysitting is a common way for college students to earn extra money. However, a new option is being a live-in babysitter. (photo by Cara Graham) which the person takes care of their children. These and many other problems may arise in this type of arrangement. In some cases, the problems may overpower the situation, and the student may be forced to leave. "I just could not get along with the family. Nothing I seemed to do was right, and I was finally forced to leave, not by the parents, but just by my own judgement," Nichols said. However, the student and family may
also form a close bond, and the student may come to be considered a member of the family. In this case, it may become difficult for the student to leave ifhe or she is forced to do so. Murphy said, "I had to leave to come back to school. When the family found out, they gave me a party, and at the party, the little girl cried." The right conditions seem to be the key to a successful relationship between a livein babysitter and the family.
Healthservices: Howdoes Cabrinimeasureup? by Joan Kramer
Cabrini's health services are led by Nurse Mary Mulligan, M.A., and five qualified student medical assistants, who are trained in helping students with common illnesses, and in emergency calls. (photo by Mark Magner)
Nearly all four-year colleges and universities assume some responsibility for the health care of their students. The extent of this care may range from basic first-aid to comprehensive medical and mental health services. The difference depends on a number of factors, such as the health service's budget and the source of those funds, and the extent to which students press for programs. Cabrini College's Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center houses facilities serving both students' medical and mental health needs. The campus health services are headed by Nurse Mary Mulligan, M.A., and five qualified student medical assistants, who are trained in helping students with common illnesses, and in emergency calls. Sophomore medical assistant Pat McKenna said, "The most common illnesses I have come across in students are colds, nausea, and diarrhea, which result from food changes, headaches,
,cause many illnesses," and migraines, menstrual cramps, added,"Eating disorders are prevand very often stress." He added, alent, and I suggest that students "Stress brings on a lot of physical eat between 1000 and 1200 caloproblems. Its like a trigger mechries daily, and engage in slimanism." Medical as ,sistant at nastics." An article on stress Cabrini East, Maureen in the October issue "Ms" magaMcKenna, senior, agreed, "Stress zine said, "The most common is the big thing in the commuting problems that affect the physical student." Mulligan said, "Walking and - and mental health of students are alcohol, drug abuse, and eating exercising are important for getdisorders . These common illting rid of stress," and added, "I do nesses may stem from tension give out stress tabs in some cases. with parents, sexual confusion, or Another common complaint worrying about a job." made by students is fatigue, and my administration of B-12 shots ''These medical assistants, Pat can be dispensed." and Maureen McKenna, Mike There are a host of reasons (Tamburro, junior) and Michelle behind the student illnesses. Tamburro (senior), and Ladonna McKenna said, "Students do not Mehecca, (senior) all have the dress properly. They underestiability to handle pressure," mate the weather." Mulligan said. When students have any inclination that they may be ill, Mary Ellen Lilly, director Mulligan stressed, ''The sooner of resident life, said, ''They are they seek help the better, or else certified in CPR and advanced the illness will build up and first aid. In case of an emergency, worsen." there is always one medical Many of the sicknesses stuassistant on duty every night, and dents encounter may be due to on the weekends in the dorms; in outside factors. Mulligan said, severe cases, an ambulance will ''The after affects from drinking be notified immediately."
loquitu·r -_-friday, oct. 12, 1984.
Soccerteam kicks off its new season by Frank Bokoski
freshman, is leading the team with 12 goals. "Last year, we didn't have that person to score a couple goals a game," For the men of the Cabrini College soccer team, the 1984 Dodds said. fall season is proving to be the most successful ever. They The majority of the team lives on campus iri Sullivan are working on what could be the best record of any year at ~ouse. "We're a family," said Charlie Dodds, sophomore . Cabrini, and they are on their way to achieving their main We ~f o~t ~ogether, we're always sticking up for each goal for the season-a spot in the playoffs . other . This is one aspect of the positive attitude the team In comparison with last year, the soccer heads are a '1s established this season . vastly improved squad. Glen Griffin, junior, said the dif'"jve're believing in the coach (Bill Crowley). His reward is ference is like night and day. "We are more of a unit, we seemg us play to the best of our ability. We give 150 percent compliment each other." According to Griffin, the players all the time ," Dodds said. The team's dedication and hard are very supportive of eac4 other. If one player gets down on work is e~ident as the team is showing more skill, and more himself, his teammates will always be there to assist in any goal sconng _power. · way. On Wednesday, Oct. 3, the team faced Spring Garden College, a nationally ranked soccer team. Before this year , the Cabrini men had never scored a goal against Spring Garden ; that Wednesday they scored three . The game went The practicesare more intense;the down to the wire with the Cabrini men losing by one goal. team is more aggressive. Dodds is eonfident that if the two teams meet in the playoffs, Cabrini will come out as the victor. Most of the ----------------------• players feel that jealousy is not a problem either, another One may even see a large difference in the team practice ' probabl _e ~eason for the team's unity and success. If a senior sessions this season, in comparison to last season . Accord- has to sit m order to let a freshman play, it's fine. Most ing to several members of the soccer team, the practices are _of th~ players feel t~a~ the c~mbination of unity, aggressive intense; the team is more agressive. This aggressiveness is playi~g, ~d a positive attitude have been the winning then carried into the games. combination for the soccer team. Dodds summed it up Team statistics show that several of the players are play- best when he said "It's not let the individual do it, but let us ing their best ball ever. Team captain, Larry Tukis, junior, .,do it together ." has recorded five shut 'Outs in goal this season. Mike Finn,
Freshman Dave Kodluk and John McQueen , senior, during one of the soccer team's many intense practices. (photo by Mark Magner)
Runningfor the fun of it by Larry Aquino If you enjoy running , for whatever reason, get
out your sweats and running shoes. Saturday, Oct. 20 will be your day to run with other fitness enthusiasts . A fun run is being sponsored on campus by Colleen Di Raddo, director of student activities, at 1:00 p.m. The fun run is an intramur~l event in which the participants run on a course , which will be set up on campus by Di Raddo and several other people . Registration time is upon arrival at the fun run , which will start in front of the Mansion . A 50 cent entrance fee is required to participate as a runner. The distance of the race is three miles . Refreshments will be served for all the participants at the finishing line. The course will span the Cabrini campus and the Radnor commun ity. Maps of ~he course will be posted around the campus.
· Assisting Di Raddo in settii: up the fun run are Beverly Reilly, resident man er ofWoodcrest and also an experienced runner, he Intramural Com-
mittee, consisting of Eileen Riddle, Lisa Catini, and John Stabeno , all sophomores and the social activities board. The fun run is open to all students , facult y, or anyone from the outside communit y. "Anyone can participate. It is not a race where we're racing against each other . It's a race just to finish. However, the people who want to race for time are free to race for time ," Di Raddo said . A $15.00 gift certificate from Herman's Sporting Goods will be awarded as first place prize for the participant with the fastest time . A second place prize is a $5.00 gift certificate from Albert's Bookstore located in the Widener Center . A group prize consisting oft-shirts bearing the Cabrini intramural logo will be awarded to the residence hall or commuter gr oup havin g the grea test per centag e of participants entered in the fun run. "The fun run is an activity you do for yourself to get some excercise while having some fun . This is an activity for anyone who wants to have a good time while doing something good for their body," Di Raddo said .
The cross country team beat Delaware County Community College
34-27 on Oct. 2 at Ridley Creek State Park . The Cavalier 's record was
boosted to 13-2 with the victory in this dual meet competition . Y" It was a first-ever invitational victory when the cross country team defeated five rival teams at the Baptist Bible College Invitational. Y" The first win of the season for the field hockey team came on Uct. 2 against Chestnut Hill College . Contributing to the 4-0 score were Patty Hinke and Lori DiMeglio, seniors , both with one goal each and Eileen Riddle, sophomore, with two goals . . Y" Soccer player Mike Finn 's goal total is now up to 12. He only needs one more to tie Cabrini 's record of most goals scored in a season, held by Jimmy Vail (alumnus '83). Y" The women's ten nis te am ha s been disappo inte d so far this season. They have a 0-3 record and one game was rained out. _ Y" The soccer team fell short of beating Spring Garden College in what Coach William Crowley called "the toughest game of the season ," on Oct. 3. The score was 4-3, a distinction since Cabrini had never managed to score against Spring Garden before . y, 'rhe volleyball team beat Penn State Capital 2-0. As of Oct. 5, the volleyball team 's record is 6-4.
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(Includes French Fries-Colt Slaw and Br
loquitur- friday,oct. 12, 1984
The CommuterAffairs Club announces
Howto unitealumniand students by Bonnie Zischang Alumni need to become more involved with students and need to play a more active role in their interaction with student's cares, concerns, needs and questions. It is this group of graduates that should take an active interest in those students who share the common Cabrini bond . Many students feel that alumni do not involve themselves enough with campus activity. The few things that the alumni office coordinates is not sufficient enough to make the students feel that there is an alumnus at hand , who was a part of the Cabrini experience, to guide them and give supportive advice. Martha Dale, alumni director, suggests that the Career Experience Opportunity is a good way to get alumni and students involved. This gives interested students an opportunity to particpate in an informal internship with a Cabrini alumnus to learn about a career field of interest.
But even Dale does not feel that this alumni-student interaction is sufficient, although she said that the program has taken a leap of improvement in the last five years. She expressed the need to expand the alumni program to incorporate mo:r,:e student interaction . Bernadette Demski,junior, believes it is so important for alumni to keep in touch with Cabrini students because they have a storehouse of good advice to give to students concerning career directions and the kinds of things to look for and avoid. "They should have an alumni /student's day instead of just an alumni day. They can come and talk to students about life after college," said Demski . Sophomore Eileen Riddle stated , " If alumni would get more involved with students, especially when important decisions have to be made, it would make a major difference because they are so influential. More activities shtmld be planned that involve students instead of activities that involve only alumni."
• • • Commentary
CommuterWeek October29 to November4 has been designatedCommuterWeek. Activities willtake placein variouslocations: Linvilla Orchards,DevonLanesandWidener CenterLectureHall Tickets will go on sale October 9 through October 17. The price for a weekend ticket is $8.00. Individual prices are $4.00 for the hayride (and includes a free movie night on Nov. 4) and $6.00 for bowling For more information,contact Richard Jones, ext. 437
SGA suggests alumni-studentmix for weekend by Robin Larkins Every year you'll see it marked off on the calendar, you'll read about it in TWAC, see coverage of it in the Public Relations newsletter, "Comment," and know that for one Saturday in October you have to go to brunch early because the Alumni Weekend Luncheon in being held in the cafeteria ... Sad to say, the preceeding paragraph seems to be the extent of student involvement, at present, in the annual Alumni Weekend activities. SGA would like to pose the question, "Why?" Or maybe the question could be posed like a suggestion: "Why not incorporate student involvement in the activities which take place during Alumni Weekend?" After all, the alumni are the present students' link to the Cabrini traditions of the past- a very supportive link proven over and over again throughout the year. They provide their financial support, they generously support Cabrini scholarship funds, they solicit present senior class involvement through their annual Senior Dinner and Mother Ursula Award presentation, they aid
in career guidance through sharing their experiences with present students through forums, seminars and programs, and so forth and so on. Just as the alumni can connect us with our roots, we can aid the alumni in gaining an accurate perception of the Cabrini College of the present in an active way through events such as Alumni Weekend. Each year the SGA president is asked by the alumni to deliver a three to five minute speech on what's going on at Cabrini. If the alumni is interested in what is going on in the present at Cabrini, we invite them to take a look beyond a three minute speech. We hope that this will be of interest to the alumni since a larger and larger number of their members consist of the growing graduating classes of the past few years who still have direct ties to the campus. We repeat the suggestion that was made last year to incorporate Homecoming activities into Alumni Weekend. After all the alumni are returning ''home" to Cabrini for a visit. In essence, our holding homecoming activities during Parents Weekend is unsubstantiated, our parents are not coming home to Cabrini, they're
coming FROM home TO Cabrini. We would also suggest incorporating the alumni more into the social aspect of the college through different activities such as socials, dances or cocktail hours. This would be of benefit to alumni of all years and generations as well as for the present students, and could run along the lines of the Parents Weekend Dance with a mixture of music and dance for every generation present. Finally, the alumni along with the present students could co-coordinate a Mass to end their weekend of activity on campus. Of course these suggestions are only applicable if the purpose of alumni weekend coincides with integrating and informing the organization on where the college is at and where it is headed to as a result ofits present. This is what we see the purpose of an Alumni Weekend on campus as being. A better understanding of what this time on the calendar is designated for needs to be communicated. Because we feel that if it is a time for coming home to Cabrini, then we, as its present student body would like to be a more receptive welcoming committee.
calendarof events: by Geralyn Christ Here's what's in store for this week: October 12 Dick Tracy in concert 7:30 10:00 in the gym Rock & Roll with one of Philadelphia's best! October 13 Halloween Dance 9:00 - 1:00 a.m. Come dressed in costumes and compete for various prizes. Group costumes are welcome as well as individual efforts. Let your creativity run wild in this pre-Great Pumpkin gala event. (Being held do early due to date of the Junior/Senior Dinner Dance.) October 15 "Dark Victory" movie 6:30 11:00 Both the original and the remake versions will be shown. Any groups who wish to petition the social activities board for help in planning or publicizing their event should do so at the S.G.A. meetings. See the social activities board or director of student activities with your ideas for campus activities. Remember: we're here to help you have fun!
The f~eshmen n_omineesfor cl~ss officer positions listen intently to _campaign directions being given them by the election committee. The elections conclude today. About 30 candidates are running to fill eight officer p_ositions. (Photo by Mark Viggiano)
JUNIOR/ SENIORDINNER DANCE Dinner/Dance-Open Bar $ 26 Dinner/Dance-Soda Bar $ 20
Dance-Open Bar$ 16 Dance - SodaBar$ 10
loquitur- friday,oct. 12, 1984
ek 'at cabrini Friday
VISIT 11:10
CABRINI DAY!!! Dean's New Programs Committee(DSCR) Hockey/Penn St.-Ogontz(A) Tennis/Eastern (A) Cross Country Benefit Concert "Dick Tracey (G)
7:00 7:30 7:30
Soccer/PCB (H) Sign Language (W:SR) Trivial Pursuit(WCCR) "And God Said, Let there be a Big Bang. " (LCR) Jazz Ensemble (V'K:LH)
-::~~ I
ALUMNI DAY!!! 9:00 Chess Tournament(SH-3,5) 12:00 Cross Country/Allentown Invit. (A) Cross Country-JV/Eastern(A) Soccer/Eastern (A) Oktoberfest Costume Party (Cafeteria)
3:00 4:00 7:00 7:00
Academic Dean Search(WCSR) Soph/Jr Ed Wksp (WCLH,W:CR) M/S Steering Committee (W:CR)' Hockey/Bryn Mawr(H) Chess Club (WCSR) Trivial Pursuit(WCGA)
3:30 7:00 7:00 8:00 8:00 9:00
Superthon Mtg. (DSCR) Job Hunting Tech (RRCC-8) curriculum Committee(WCCR) Hon. Society (LCR) Pre-lc!,W (WCSR) Computer Club (Comp. Lab) Yearbook Staff (Nrm) Language Movie/"The Louvre" (GH-2) Soccer/Valley Forge Christian(A) Vball/Rosemont (H) Trivial Pursuit (WCGA) CEC Movie (WCLH) Concert-pianist & cellist(Mansion) Bedtime Stories
12:30 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 2:10
9:30 Per s o nn e l Polic i es (WCCR) 2:00 'ibmen In Literature(WCLH) 4:00 Hocke y/ Swarthmore (A) 8:00 FALL CONVOCATI ON (GJ Campus Ministry retreat: 10/19-21
l(·!. ·~ ~
!J! ,'.
10/ 20 Saturd a y Get ready to join
, 1
: ::;~·••'• '-•·• '
•·· .·..·-\'.:· ~-::; ,·•-:-~ :.:~: -.:: ..-~·#:.. . ..--~~::;:.:~::::::::.:.~-
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TONIGHT! THECROSS COUNTRY' BENEFIT CONCERT: The group Dick Tracy will be featured, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $3.00, to be paid at the door.
OKfOBERFEST COSTUME PARlY-10/13 The gym will be the place for food,refreshments, games, dancing and music on Saturdayat 9 p.m. Plan to join us. Prizes will be givento those dressed best in the various categories . Music will be supplied by local D.J.
HAUNTED HOUSE: It's ghosts and goblins time again! Please contact the theater if you are interested in working on any part of the haunted house (design, costumes, acting, tickets). Work grant , work study and volunteers needed .'"Call ext. 510 or 511
MOCKfAIL-COCKIAIL PARlY-10/13 Preceeding the Oktoberfest willbe a mocktail party sponsored by the Counsel HaFI and Woodcrest. It will take place from 8 to 9 p.m . Come see and taste what creative concoctions are available for you to experience . LookJor the posters around campus for further information.
JUNIOR/SENIOR FAREWELL10/26 Plan to attend the Junior/Senior farewell- it's only two weeks away ! The event will occur on Friday, Oct. 26 at the Sheraton Valley Forge. Look for ticket details and selling times on posters around campus.
PEPSTEP WALKUP-10/13 The Weight Watchers Associationis sponsoring a tund raiserfor the AmericanHeart Association. The site be the stepsof the Philadelphia Art Museum.Registration beginsat9:45 a.n,. Brochures forsponsors may be obtained in the
FUNRUN-10/20 Plantoparticipate in the Fun Run to be held on
CHESS TOURNAMENT ; Anyone interested in the chesstournament, please contact Mike Tamburro. Villanova, tmmaculata and EasternCollegehave been contacted to register intetestedpeople. The location is Sacred Heart Hall,rooms 3 and 5; starting time is 9 a.m.
ALUMNIOF CABRINl-10/13 We welcome all of you back
to the campus.
your dav !
SPRINGCALEND«\R WORKSHOP-1111 The Spring Calendar Workshop date has been set for Thursday, Nov.1 at_12:45 in the WCI..H. Calendar grids were distributed to clubs. • ' . t orgamzat,ons , class presidents and moderators. They are to be in the student activitiesoffice by Monday, Oct. 22 in ord$1' to preparefor the calendar workshop.
COUNSELHALLCULlURE CLUB-10/14 Anyone interested in going to the Philadelphia Museum of Art will have an oppurtunity to do so this Sunday at 9 a.m. Twovans will leave from Counse l Hall. Please contact Brendan Mullen , ext. 458 for further details. (We would like to welcome the Counsel Hall Culture Club to the Cabrini community and we wish you a §uccessfU J year:) •. •.
Fall convocation is next Friday evening in the
g-pn at 7:30 p.m . Plan to support those students rece ·
·c awards by attending
Saturday,Oct. 20 at 1 p.m. Prizes will be to the first two students who complete 'the ·course.T~hiits will be given to the residency awarded
or commuter group with the highest percentage of participants. The goal of the intramural kick-off is to have people participate at their own rate and get someexercise while having fun! R~gistration Js fifty cents per person. See posters for more information,
MONOt\YNIGHTN THE MCNIES--10/15 The movie "Dark Victorj''s " 1939 and 1976 versions will be shownin the WCLH at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 15. They wiRbe sponsored by the Women In Uterature class attd the student activities office. Jf you 1rea mqvie buff, don 't miss these shows ...
PHILKEAGGY CONCERTr 10/14 On Surid()y evening, Qc l 14 at 7:30 p.m., Phil
Keaggywill appear at Eastern College. He is an acclaimedguitaristby musicians all over the world.Hissoundis Christian rock and his messageis a challenge . Tickets are $6.00 in advance,$8.00 at the door. Anyone who has ever been in a band would appreciate his talen t and enjoy this concert .
10/13 Support our teams tomorrow, Oct. 13, while they compete at Eastern College for their hofne,Eoming.
TOURNAMENT-10/15 The Trivial Pursuit Tournament will start on Monday, Oct. 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the WCGA. See your R.A. or Bert Siwak , box 636 for information.
FROMTHETHEATER: Daniele Perna , director of the theater, would like to thank each one of the perfor.mers in the OneAct Play f~stival for their highly professional