1 minute read
Clinton health plan impacts
CXHleW5 ea70f
~(limon,1,3.5proposedarestructuringofthehealthcaresystemthatwillguarantee health care for all Americans. The proposal would use financial incentives to encourage consumers tojoin low-cost health maintenance organizations and would push doctors, hospitals and insurers together in networks.
The goal of this plan is to make consumers aware of the cost of health care and to aeare competition between health insurance companies, which should lower costs and supply better service.
The National Health Board, which consists of seven members appointed by the president, will be in charge of monitoring state compliance and the functioning of health alliances, interpretthe standard benefitpackage and make suggestions on new benefits.
This board would also be responsible for publicized reports <;>nthe quality of service and care offered by health plans. A committee will keep track of drug prices to see if they are unreasonable. This will help make prescription drugs accessible to everyone.
UnderOinton's proposed plan, employers would be responsible for at least 80 percent of the average cost of premiums in their region and for supporting family coverage for married workers.
Employees would contnbute an averageof 20 percent toward their own insurance premiums and any required deductJ.blesor co-payments.
Employees with good health insurance wouldsee little difference if they are already belong to H.M.O.,and some would have more plans to choose from.
Uninsured workers would be required to purchase coverage, and employers would be required to contribute. Employees would pay 20 percent of the cost if they chose an average priced premium and less if they chose a cheaper premium.
Self-employed workers and unemployed individuals would be required to buy insurance, paying the full cost of the premium, un_Iess they qualify for government subsidies. The cost would be fully tax deductible, in comparison to