2 minute read

Week devoted to healthy relationships

by Ronette Holt staff writer

SAC to start a newsletter with all the cooncil's activities and topics.


SAC also is interested in pos.siblystarting a column in Loquitur.

_ Szczurek said that practically everything SAC inten~ to do must be approved by Boeke. She said, "He's been very open to all our ideas."

SAC also sponsors a grievance procedure. If a student has an important academic problem with a faculty member, he/she can bring it to the Academic Suggestions and Grievances Committee (ASGq.

The faculty handbook states, "The chairperson of the SAC must clearly and concisely present the issue to the ASGC.

The validity of the issue will be determined by a majority vote. Once an issue has been determined valid, the faculty member and student involved must be no• tified.

After a joint meeting (consisting of three SAC members and three faculty members), the committee will suggest a resolution and present it to teacher and student involved.

"The SAC is a vital part of this pro~," according to Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history.

"Many people do not realize that there is a fonnal process for grievances and that students do, in fact have to go straight to SAC fus4 "George Qark, SAC president, said.

As a former member of the Academic Council, Romano said he hopes to see SAC "change and be expanded to cover curricular issues."

He said he also would like to see more input from students about certain policies such as add/drQp, credit system and other items such as syllabuses.

"We are looking to advertise more," Clark said. ''We'll be spreading the word more."

Meetings are once a month. Anyone interested in sharing their ideas about Core Curriculum, courses or any academicissue •should contact Szczurek or Clark.

Healthy Relationship Week heightens awareness on all different types of relationships between males and females. This is the second year the event takes place on Cabrini's campus.

La~t year there were different workshops for students and parents and the highlight was the Newlywed Game. Seniors John Quirus and Melissa Massaro, who have been dating since they were seniors in high school, took part in the game.

This year the Newlywed Game was eliminated. Topics focusing on relationships with someone who has AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, men and women just being friends, learning how to be friends with parents and long distance relationships were on the agenda for the week.

On Sunday, Fr. Ambrose Cashman gave a homily on relationships. The topic of Monday's program was surviving long distance relationships.

Tuesday's program was titled "We 're just friends: Friendships between men and women." The topic was platonic relationships.

Junior Amy Gillette, resident assistant of Woodcrest, put together the program. She felt that not enough people have come out to support He.althy Relationship Week.

Gillette feels the week is a good idea and includes issues that should be dealt with.

Assistant Director of Resident Life Scott Dorsey looked forward to the event and would like more students to attend Ellen Schectman, a counselor in the Rudy Rooyman Counseling Center, said Monday's and Tuesday's programs were thought up by students. The other programs were designed by the counseling center.

Heidi Levine, who just started this August in her position as director of counseling services, was optimistic about theweek. She organized the program on loving someone gay or lesbi~n Levine urged staff, students, friend~ and family to attend the different events Levine said, "Relationships seem to conflict between men and women. It is important that we bind a more healthy relationship between them."


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