Friday,_Sept. 2, 1994
Airwaves-makenew connection by Regina Miller
tening audience that alternative. musi~ atAs a new employee at Cabrini, WYBF tracts. benefits from Sabot's ability to look objecStephanie Bieg, assistant program direc- tively at the department. "In the past, there Dust unsettles between the compact discs, tor and music director, sa~d a listening seemed to be no training program," Sabot a small reminder of the long sumnier break audience's size can not be determined by the said. "Now, everyone will have a struc· between academic years. The dark station a:raount of callers. tured training, both hands-on-and-in the lights up once agaii;i, with organized prepaCollege radio depends on grants, unlike classroom. At the end, new members will ration the main focus. The small cubicle- like outside commercial radio which counts on take a hands-on and written test. Both tests room limits movement, but the floating advertisement. "We do not get enough need to be passed to be part of the station." voices through the airwaves provides an listeners," Verna said. "When we go to try Another new change t_his fall is that escape. For another year, Cabrini's WYBF , and sell·grants, we found out the market is Cabrini is offering credit for radio involveentertains the masses, on and off campus. with blm;k format." Money talks in radio, ment. Verna, a senior, became a producWYBF executive board initiates major via grants or commercials, thus, the ultimate tion director as a second semester freshprogramming changes. Behind-the-scenes litmus test which determines success in ra- man. "The credit option is a great idea,"_ summer pl!l1lllingconfirms dedication. Al- dio. Verna said. "For years we have been trying ternative is out. Block format is in. "It was Grants versus commercials become .to get it. We would be in the studio for five an ethical problem,,. Mike Verna, senior tricky. People need to be trained to decipher hours a day, busting our butts, without reprograms director, said. "We weren't being the difference between them. "In general, ally getting anything for it." Verna actaken seriously or getting the recognition. college radio is forbidden to do commerknowledges that the jocks may be more College radio can be known as the under- cials. Commercials can ask the listeners to serious about their shifts and become iri" ground. It was a hard choice, but I am come down to check ou_tour merchandise, _volved_in other areas of the radio with the photo by OawnielleKlapp excited about it." and we can tell them wliei:e we are located," one credit option. WYBF executive staff breaks from What exactly does block format mean? Sabot · said. "Grants do not allow price The option will become mandatory in summer meeting. Sheri Sabot, WYBF's general manager, said, announcements, we can not tell them to call the spring," Verna said. Communications "Instead of one type of music, it is a variety . a number, we can't describe the merchanPeople do not have to be on-air to be 392, a three credit course, is offered to the of music and shows. During the day, the dise, we can not be too descriptive with executive staff this year. "We will learn involved," Bieg said. "There are other ways show will be a cross between adult contemmerchandise and we can not use influential how to run a specific department and how a of being a part of the radio. They can work porary and the light~r side of top ten of the words, for example, which would describe staff operates," Bieg said. "There will be on a program, do a small spot on news, or past few decades." Sabot was hired recently merchandise as the best." This is only a actual training." produce and plan talk o~ sports shows." as WYBF' s general.manager and communiglimpse of the_written grant technicalities. Of course, there will be papers to write Sabot views the execllftll!e board as a cations supervisor. As limiting as it sounds, local and small and assignments to complete," Verna said. strength of the station. "They are fantastic At WYBF, block format consists of two businesses may choose·to buy air time on "but before, jobs were not assigned." workers," Sabot said. "I have their support, hour time slots. Each period is assigned WYBF because of the cost or because of the Bieg anticipates more live coverage from and they are the key to implementing different musical sounds. Talk radio spices targeted audience desired. "If we are run- the place of the event. She desires more changes." the arrangement. WYBF executives did not ning a college special or discount, the busi- promotions. Verna wants faculty involved WYBF's executive staff anticipate the give up compJetely on alternative music. ness may want to run the ad on a college in broadcasting. Both welcome newcomers start of the year. "We should be up an They appreciate the devoted but small lis- station,". Sabot said. . and hope this year brings new faces. running by the third week in September," Verna said. arts and entertainmenteditor
WYBF Executive Committee Board appointed for 1994-1995 by ReginaMiller arts and entertainmenteditor
General Manager
SheriSabot Senior Programming Director
MikeVerna ~t.ant Programming Director & Music Director Stephanie Bieg
NewsDirector!rraffi.c LauraBarnett TrainingDirector KristenVento Co-Sports Directors Brian Mooney & Justin Mirigliana
PublicAffairs Director Jane Van lngen Programs Director DJ.Glasgow
WYBF schedules fall programs by Regina M_iller
Hits of 60s,70s, and 80s.
9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Reggae. □Monday
to Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Top 40 and Adult Contemporary. □Monday
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
welcome all new undergraduate & graduate students & welcome back all returning students. We wish you a good educational expe- rience and a happy, productive year!
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
a.rtsand entertainmenteditor
10 p.m. to 12 a.m. Dance Show. □Sunday
Phone-in forum.
12 a.m. to l p.m. About Worn.en.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Grateful Dead Show.
l p.m. to 2 p.m. Country.
8 p.m. to 10 p.m Rock Show.
2 p.m._to 3 p.m. Show tunes.
10 p.m to 12 a.m. Metal.
3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Pick of the week artist.
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Classical.
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Sports Source.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Local Band Show.
5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Talk show back stage.
6 p. m. to 7 p.m. Public affairs. - 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Alternative.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Blues. 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. Alternative.
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Jazz. □Friday
6 p.rn. to 7 p.m.
Happy Hour.
10p.m. to 12 a.m. !Jallads.