3 minute read
Residentassistantincreases awarenessthroughprogram
by Becky Raetsch assistant news editor
Ninety-three percent of all rapes go unreported and each time one does, a person guilty of a sexual assault is permitted to remain at large. When junior Marie Koski was raped two years ago, she did not report it either, but she is now using_ her position of resident assistant to try to increase awareness about rape and the physical and psychological effects brought about by the crime.
On Tuesday, Feb. 18, Koski held a program for female residents in Woodcrest, where she is a resident assistant. She told her story and signified how important it is for women to protect themselves. Koski also provided tips to help prevent a rape from occurring.
One in four college women are raped or subject to an attempted rape.
Koski was at a friend's party two days before Christmas 1995. She consumed about two or three mixed drinks, which someone else fixed for her, not nearly enough to make her black out. But she blacked out and awoke around 3 a.m. to find "Joe," the man she had been seeing for about two months, on top of her, raping her.
Ninety percent of all rapes are committed by someone the woman knows, otherwise called acquaintance rape.
When someone blacks out, Marie explained, they have no idea what is happening. She was assertive and said forcefully, "Get off of me," and tried to wake her friend's mother who was in the next room, but to no avail. She blacked out once again. Marie wondered why he did not talk to her the next morning. Her friend said she was acting weird and would not let "Joe" touch her.
Because Koski blacked out so easily and does not remember a thing, she believes someone slipped a pill into her drink. She said the pill is called Rohypnol, also known as the date rape drug.
Rohypnol is an illegal drug smuggled into the United States. There are two reasons the drug is used. One reason is that the drug causes a high similar to acid. The other is to get someone in a state where they do not know what they are doing. It is undetectablewith no taste.
Koski did not realize what had happened to her until driving in the car with her present boyfriend. She proceeded to explain to her current boyfriend what happened that night, and he told her she had been raped.
The rapist is always responsible for having committed rape, regardless of the victim's appearance or behavior.
Koski contracted chlamydia from "Joe."
One in 15 rape victims contracts a sexually transmitted disease as a result of being raped.
More than half of raped college women tell no one of their victimization.
Now, as a resident assistant, Koski finds herself in a position to increase rape awareness on campus. That was precisely what she was attempting to do by telling her story and giving advice to the roomful of people.
"If some guy tries and buys you a drink, say no," Marie urged.
No men were pennitted to attend the program because Koski said she did not want to offend anyone or inhibit anyone from talking freely.
"I don't hate guys. I hate 'Joe,"' she said.
Koski said she would like to try and organize a program for men on the same topic, hosted by a male resident assistant.
Koski said she is still learning to deal with the emotions and feelings brought on by what happened on that late December evening through counseling.
"In most cases, rape could be avoided if there was clear communication," Koski said.
"If you don't want him touching you or kissing, say 'no' and mean it. Don't put your life in their hands," she emphasized.
Angela Wilbanks, resident director of Woodcrest,said it is not acertain type of person who is raped.
"It can happen to anyone at anytime," Wilbanks said.
Mary Ann McNally-Lacour, a counselor, advised females to pay attention to their internal signals and to be assertive.
McNally said, "You don't have to be raped to feel uncomfortable."
"Even if someone touches you and you don't want it, say something," junior Diane Gri-maldi said.
"Something really clicked and set in reality during this program," first-year student Lisa DiSandro said. "If Marie tries to pursue to present this in the future for orientation use, I will definitely back her up."
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This & That
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-David Russell