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Student'sasthma attack in chem lab raisesventilationconcern

by Andrea Koch assistant copy editor

An incident which sent a student to the hospital has raised questions about the quality of the chemistry laboratory conditions.


A lack of proper ventilation is being blamed for the noxious fumes in the chemistry laboratory due to a broken exhaust hood.

Despite the fact that the exhaust hood has been broken since winter break, labs continued. The Organic Chemistry II laboratory began an experiment in class on Wednesday, Jan. 29, knowing that the fan was broken.

Professor Amanda Radspinner, who was instructing the class, warned students of the dangerous odor of the agent used in the lab. During the experiment professor David Katz showed students what was broken in the exhaust hood.

Both Radspinner and Katz advised students to step outside at their own discretion to avoid the fumes. Students began coughing and choking.

Junior biology major Tara Gilpin had stepped outside where she experienced a severe asthma attack.

Gilpin immediately went to health services and an ambulance was provided to Bryn Mawr Hospital.

"Right now I would not like to make any comments regarding the incident that occurred," Katz said. "There are some sensitive issues here that have to be handled."

Although the professors from the chemistry department admitted their fault, now al] chemistry and some biology majors may be affected.

Lab experiments are now done by the instructor due to the lack of ventilation.

Students are not allowed to perform experiments.

Following her own doctor's orders, Gilpin is not allowed in the lab but will receive credit for the write-ups.

Radspinner will videotape the missed labs for Gilpin.

Gilpin said Cabrini has a great biology department, but majors need "hands-on" experience.

"Either fix it and build a proper department or get rid of it altogether," Gilpin said.

It is not known when the exhaust hood will be fixed; but its repair wilJ cost between $500 and $600.

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