April 17, 1997 Issue 23 Loquitur

Page 6

CABRINI COLLEGE VOLXLill, NO. 23 . -Features Cultural awareness pp. 8&9 Sports Nfil playoffs p.14 INSIDE A&E Take a trip back to the carefree days of the1980s p.7 THURSDAY,APRIL 17, 1997 RADNOR PA 19087 .. ... ... Cavs annihilate Allentown College, 25-5, in their final home game.
page 16

Shaping the Future of a College: Moregrade-based aid

Imagine what it would have been like to apply to a college already knowing exactly how much your tuition would be reduced based on the merit of your high school transcript.

Next year's crop of incoming first-year students did.

Prospective incoming students were notified about any academic aid they would receive early in their senior year in high school, before they had even applied to Cabrini. This change in recruiting strategy, along with others, has resulted in a 120 percent increase in applications this year, according to Dr. James Hirsh, vice president for enrollment services.

The change in the way financial aid is being distributed is actually quite easy to understand. More money is being given out to students for academic accheivement, as opposed to financial need. The students are finding out about their aid earlier than ever before.

"What we've really changed is how we communicate to students," Hirsh said.

In the past, a student would apply to Cabrini, be accepted and then receive a financial aid package in the early spring.

Now, a group of telemarketers, made up of admissions representatives and professional telemarketers, call prospective students, whose names have been purchased from the College Board. They then make them aware of any academic aid, based on their high school grades, that they would receive should they come to Cabrini. The phone calls are made as early as the fall semester of the students' senior year in high school, according to Hirsh.

"The better performance you have in high school," Hirsh said, "the more aid you qualify for."

The college has not completely abandoned its previous recruiting techniques. Students still receive the traditional viewbook in the mail, but a phone call soon follows.

"It's really one of the key factors in applications being up 120 per-

cent," Hirsh said.

With a price tag of S11,660, Cabrini is more expensive than most public universities. Hirsh said the new methods increase the likelihood that a student, who previously would not have considered Cabrini because of the cost, might give it a second thought.

"We feel really good about being able to reach out and attract the type of student we want to." Hirsh said. "We'd like to admit graduates, not just students. We'd like to be able to tell a student, 'We know you can graduate from our institution."'

According to Elizabeth Cairns, director of financial aid, more money is now being offered in academic achievement, which has not been the case in previous years.

"We are devoting more of our resources to students who we feel will be successful here than we have in the past," Cairns said.

Cairns said a student applying to the college submits a financial aid application already knowing how much they will receive in academic aid. Cairns then enhances the package depending on each individual student's financial need.

In keeping with the trend of notifying students of their aid as early as possible, Cairns finds herself mailing out financial need-based packages earlier than ever.

Last year, Cairns began mailing out the financial aid packages on March 1. This year, need-based packages were being mailed back to students by Feb. 1.

"By September of last year, when we had the class set, we had sent out 600 packages," Cairns said. "Right now we have close to 800 packages out on the street."

Cairns did make it clear that upperclassmen will not be directly affected by the change. She said she was well aware of how much aid each class currently receives, and that she has already set that money aside for their use.

The current budget for the financial aid office stands at $4.2 million. Nine years ago, the budget stood at $375,000.

"It's an example of Cabrini committing their resources to the school," Cairns said.

2 LOQUITUR The third in a four-part series
,. $7,000 $6,234 $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 The average financial aid package of incoming first-year students has increased over the last five years. The total for September 1997 is an estimate. Don't Miss The Most OutrageoUs Event In Cabrini History! Sunday April 20 12:30 next to the Chapel JUST$5 for YOUR Chance To Win Up To $1000*! •or 50% of the Proceeds Raised up to $1000.


Eight years ago, Cabrini College began a program called Special Interest Housing. This permits a group of people who have common· interests (i.e. academic, cultural, spiritual) to live together in a space granted by the college under a proposed "theme," which will be the underlying basis for the group ·s existence.

One such house was granted for the 1996-97 school year-the ethnic/diversity house (House 6).

Contrary to popular belief, these living areas are not just given to whoever requests them. There is a very extensive process that occurs in mid-March based upon a variety of criteria.

According to Laura Irwin, assistant director of resident life, student interest in the program was rekindled two years ago.

The two years prior to 1995, no applications for special interest housing were submitted.

A group must submit a proposal that states a theme, goals that will be achieved, the contribution to personal growth as well as the campus community and a list of programs that the house will put on or sponsor in order to help accomplish their

specific mission.

Once the group comes up with their platform, the proposal must be submitted to Irwin. It will then be reviewed by a screening committee.

In addition to this, the group must select three coordinators who will make a presentation to the selection committee explaining their goals and how they will accomplish them.

After this, the committee will make a recommendation to Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development, on whether or not the group's proposal is worthwhile and will benefit the college community. Bonfiglio will then make the final decision.

According to the proposal, the theme of the ethnic/diversity house is "promoting and advocating ethnic and racial harmony on the Cabrini College campus."

Two of the main goals set forth by the house include creating an environment where the campus acknowledges its ethnically diverse population and educating the campus community on various cultures.

According to the house president, junior John Mack, the house has put on a variety of programs to help achieve their goal, including a Martin Luther King Jr.

Ciarrocchito deliver commencementaddress

Pat Ciarrocchi, the Emmy award-winning anchor of KYW-TV's "News 3 This Morning," will deliver the commencement speech to the graduating class of 1997 and their guests on Sunday, May 18, at 10 a.m.

Ciarrocchi is the medical/health corPat Ciarrocchi respondent for News 3 and hosts "Health Matters," a health news magazine. She also has hosted station documentaries, specials and telethons.

A native of Chester County, Ciarrocchi joined KYW-3 in March 1982. Her reporting has won her the prestigious MidAtlantic Emmy Award in health and science reporting for 1993.

She also earned niIJe Philadelphia Emmy nominations in the categories of anchoring and reporting.

In 1995, Ciarrocchi was presented with the Sarah Award by the Philadelphia chapter of women in communication for her achievement of professional excellence and outstanding contributions in the field of communication. In 1990, she was named Woman of the Year by Unico, an ltalo-American group that raises funds for charities. In addition to several other halo-American organizations, Ciarrocchi was honored as Pennsylvania communicator of the year by the Commission on Social Justice, Order Sons of Italy.

film review, which was held the day after the holiday.

The day centered around King's message and how it is being realized in today's society. A film entitled "Racism lO r· was also shown. It examined whether or not racism exists on college campuses.

The house also did work outside of Cabrini's gates. They put together informational packets about drug abuse that were given to parents throughout the community. These packets could help generate discussion between parents and their children about the dangers of drugs.

The group also sponsored many other events. including movie nights, study halls and the non-alcohol Miami Beach party, which was held last fall and became one of their most successful turnouts this year.

A monthly newsletter is published which recaps the past month's events and previews upcoming programs and House six - sponsored activities.

Catherine Caulfield, director of resident life, said that the ethnic/diversity house has completed some of their programs, but not all.

House member James Williams said some of their events did not have a large turnout.

"It's hard to get things done when you don't have full [campus! cooperation," Williams said.

There are many reasons why Cabrini offers special interest housing.

First of all, it "promotes personal student growth, including learning to get along with others, self governance. personal development and time management," Irwin said. ·'Research shows that students who reside in living learning residence halls perceive their environment as being less impersonal than those who reside in traditional halls."

Two years ago, Rosemont College began offering special interest "theme floors" where a group of nine people would be responsible for promoting their theme through programming. According to Laurie Keenan, director of resident life at Rosemont College, the program has yet to be taken advantage of because it is relatively new.

"The benefits are two-fold. First of all, it helps the group to stay focused as well as educate the other students on campus," Keenan said.

According to Mack, this experience has taught him how to live together with people from different cultures and achieve a common goal.

Programkeeps campus aware of gay, lesbian, bisexualissues

People of different sexual orientations attended the forum, "Straight from the Heart," to voice their questions and concerns. The forum took place in the Xavier great room on Wednesday,April 9.

The program began with a short video titled "Straight from the Heart" which features parents and their gay children discussing coming to terms with homosexuality.

"The program is part of an effort to keep the Cabrini College community aware and sensitive of gay, lesbian and bisexual issues," said Carol Comito, a member of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual student group.

After the video, the panel discussed why they were there. Dave and Mary Jo Kane spoke about their son who is gay. "Our son is homosexual and we are very proud of hi~. There are just some words you don't use up," said ..


Susan LeBoutillier is a lesbian with a live-in girlfriend and a 13year-old son. "It is hard to have kids when you are gay. It is hard on my 13-year-old son. I pretty much have to pretend that I am not a lesbian for the sake of my son," said LeBoutillier. "He- still has to make the leap and tell someone that his mom is gay and he is petrified of his friends finding out. He found out I was gay when he was eight years old and it has been •a gradual process ever since."

One of the main topics of the night was how parents deal with their children "coming out of the closet.'' Parents who attended said they are. still proud of their children and they do not hate them because they are gay. Most parents said they were shocked at their child's disclosure and they did not understand why their child was gay. Education was the key to their acceptance.

All of the panel members were

part of a group called Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.

PFLAG is a nationwide organization consisting of 50,000 members in 200-300 chapters. Their purpose is to try to educate the public about the homophobia that exists, to act as a support group to families and to educate and advocate equal rights for gays.

PFLAG chapters are used to lobby senators in Washington, educate the public and many people who are still in the closet and do not get involved.

Legally, homosexuals cannot be fired from their jobs or have housing refused to them just for being gay.

"I am hoping that one day people will accept it. Many good things are happening. Although discrimination is sometimes subtle, it is still happening. Family and friends need to show support because coming out is a sensitive issue. Sometimes it is hard to put things into words," Kane said.

1.1.L> 0 Thursday, April 17, 1997 NEWS 3·

This & That

0 WYBF will sponsor Egypt night club on Delaware Ave. on Wednesday.April 23. The admission for Cabrini Students will be discounted to $7.

0 Love Seed Marna Jump comes to Rosemont College on Saturday, April 19 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the door. For more information call Rosemont at (610) 527-0200, ext. 2425.

0 Mr.Greengenes is coming to Cabrini on Saturday, April 26 during Spring Fling.

0 Random Quote: "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."


Last Week in the World of News

0 4/8

New AIDS drug approved by FDA.

The drug delavirdine from Pharmacia & Upjohn was approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a new AIDS drug. This drug should be in pharmacies within a month with the brand name Rescriptor. Delavirdine-is a member of a class of drugs called non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. It can be used with other medicines, but never alone in treating AIDS patients and those who were recently diagnosed with being HIV positive. There was a delay in the approval during the month of November because of conflicting data. Studies have shown that this drug killed twice as much of the HIV virus than AZT

during early stages, but it only lasted 12 weeks for those who had been ill for a long time.

The main side effect of delavirdine is a skin rash. The wholesale price will be $2,250 for a year's supply.

0 4/9

Government offers apology.

An apology on behalf of the federal government will be presented by President Clinton about a medical experiment in which hundreds of black men were denied treatment for syphilis for as long as 40 years.

The United States Public Health Service did not supply treatment for 399 men from 1932 to 1972 to study how syphilis spread and how to kill it. Those who had syphilis were not informed they had the disease. They were denied penicillin after it was declared as a treatment for syphilis in 1947.

The federal government has paid $10 million to victims and their heirs, which totals more than 6,000 people.

0 4/10

U.N. hopes to end genital mutilation.

The United Nations has filed for international support for a campaign to end the tradition of female genital mutilation which is practiced in Africa and parts of the Middle East.

About 130 million women and girls around the world have been forced to receive such mutilation and two million more were added each year.

The _United Nations Population Fund Unicef will join a health organization in a program which will provide teams for the governments to help enforce national policies to halt the practice.

This mutilation is an opera-

Cloningissuescontinuetomultip y

Ethical and legal issues about the recently discovered technique of cloning are being researched under orders by President Clinton.

On Monday, Feb. 24, Clinton sought the group to research issues such as the moral principles and legality of cloning.

The i.5-member group, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, met in the Watergate Hotel in Washington. They have 90 days to complete their tasks designated by the president.

The recent cloning of Dolly the sheep in Scotland by Dr. Ian Wilmut and a rhesus monkey in Oregon are prompting the team to discover the consequences of cloning. ls it legal? Is it ethical? "Should'' we as opposed to '·could" we?

"lt is going to raise a multi-

tude of ethical and moral questions," Dr. Margaret McGuinness. associate professor and chair of religious studies. said. 'They have not even begun to scratch the surface of this issue."

Most theologians who have spoke out about cloning agree • with McGuinness.

The commission was formed in October 1995, but did not meet until exactly a year later. Originally, the group was to look into the ethics of using human subjects for medical research.

All of a sudden, cloning explodes, and the president looks desperately for people he can turn to for help and advice," Dr. Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, said.

Religious leaders spoke to the group about theological questions that cloning raised.

"There are a lot of ramifica-

tions to really explore what it is all going to mean," McGuinness said.

Dr. Leonard '-Jarman Primiano, assistant professor of religious studies who also teaches a course on contemporary moral problems, said. "It is important to remember that the Roman Catholic Church, as an institution. has questioned the morality of human/biological engineering, going so far as to publish a document on the subject in March 1987."

Primiano said the document, "Instruction on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin and in the Dignity of Procreation: Replies to Certain Questions of the Day," opposes medical interference in human procreation.

The Catholic Church has to be given credit for taking the lead in questioning the morality of such unregulated scientific experimentation.

Four ethicists spoke and

tion called female circumcision. It is common across Africa and it involves a very painful partial or total removal of external female genital organs, or their mutilation.

0 4/14

Plane crash kills four Americans.

Off of a tiny island in the Bahamas, a small plane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean killing the only four Americans on board, including three private pilots.

The Beechcraft 36 crashed into a rocky shoal about 25 yards off Crooked Island, about 250 miles southeast of Nassau. The plane was completely destroyed.

The cause of the crash was unknown, but the weather was cloudy and winds were "choppy" when the plane went into the Atlantic.

half saw possible situations which could be used, and the other two flatly prohibited the idea.

"Two of me would make the world a better place:· first-year student Dennis Finocchairo said.

·'It is a frightening prospect:' according to junior religious studies major Lisa Jacinto. "If we begin with animals, who knows where ~1e can go next."


Anne Kruse, chairperson of biology, does not approve of human cloning. However, she does support the cloning of animals.

"I do not know if human cloning is possible scientifically," Kruse said.

According to Kruse. human cloning has not been done yet, but before it does, "we need more research.''

"Anything is possible with technology today," Kruse said.

1997-1998 S.G.1l. EXECU'l'l\ 7E HftAlll)


Hollie Havens

Vice President

Lisa Mininno

Academic Board Chair

Felicia Miccoli

CAP Board Chair

Angela Palazzone Treasurer

Jasmine .Paulino

Corresponding Secretary

Stacey Caiazzo

Recording Secretary

Michele McDevitt


Tamika Warner



In a survey taken at Villanova University, over 80 percent of the students have admitted to cheating.

The survey was originally conducted in 1995 by the Center for Academic Integrity at Villanova and the results were presented to the Villanova community recently.

Nationally, that number is very high for a good standing institution like Villanova.

John Johannes, vice president of academic affairs at Villanova, said the survey "raised a red flag," but that additional study was need-

ed to see how serious this really is.

Since Cabrini is a smaller institution than Villanova, some may think that there is not a huge deal of cheating going on.

Sophomore Edgar Chammoro said, "Everybody knows everybody here, so cheating cannot be that big of a deal."

Others believed that cheating is very easy to do at Cabrini because the classes are small enough for professors to have trust in the students.

Though a formal survey has not been administered at Cabrini, the Loquitur staff compiled a survey using 100 people. The outcome of

the survey had 79 students admit that they have cheated in a variety of ways ranging from cheat sheets to looking over the shoulder of the person in front of them.

Jeff Pietrusko, a part time student, said, "I guess there is no such thing as an honor code at Cabrini then."

According to the survey, most students do not believe in the honor code.

Though unavailable for comment, Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of academic affairs, may consider administering a similar survey to the one done at Villanova.

Out of the 79 students who admitted to cheating, the style in which they cheated is as follows:

Look at another's paper 30

Use cheat sheet 14

Have access before test 2

All of the above 33

Publicsafety officerBeard 'terminated'from position

As of Wednesday, April 9, Officer William Beard was terminated from employment at Cabrini College. Details are sketchy at this point. Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student development, was unavailable able to comment.

"Beard was not fired, he was terminated," Rich McErlean. director of public safety, said. McErlean would not comment further.

Because Beard requested an appeal, he was not fired officially.

He must now go through an appeal process to determine what will happen next.

The appeal process, according to Susan Kazmierczak, director of human resources, will take about 30 or 35 working days.

There is an open-door policy at Cabrini that allows employees and supervisors to talk through concerns, misunderstandings and differences to seek a resolution, according to the Staff Personnel Policies Manual.

A correction of work performance will be issued if there are conduct problems regarding the employee. A verbal warning is fol-

lowed by a reprimand, suspension and, finally, dismissal.

Under a dismissal, one can appeal, but only under four circumstances, according to the manual. One is corrective disciplinary actions, including dismissal, demotions and suspensions.

The second is allegations of acts of reprisal as a result of using this procedure.

The third circumstance for an appeal is allegations of acts of reprisal as a result of being a witness or giving information during the informal or formal steps of this procedure. The final is complaints involving alleged violations of fed-

eral and/or constitutional rights as well as federal state and College statutes or regulations, including sexual harassment appeals.

The purpose of the staff appeals procedure is to provide a mechanism for determining whether unfair or discriminatory treatment in employment has occurred. and if so for determining an appropriate remedy, according to the manual.

A meeting was held on Wednesday, April 16, between Bonfiglio and Beard regarding Beard's future at Cabrini. The outcome of the meeting is unknown.





Siblings' weekend will be held from Friday, April 18 to Sunday, April 20. The movie Hunchback Of Notre Dame will be shown on Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the WCLH.



The Lady Cavs take on King's College at home on Saturday.April 19 at 1 p.m.

Wednesday MEN'S GOLF

The golf team plays Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science on Wednesday, April 23 at 1 p.m.

Thursday CABARET

Cabrini theater presents "Cabaret" on Thursday, April 24 at 8p.m. in the Grace Hall atrium. Performances will also be held on Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26.

Credit Card fundraisers for fraternities, sororities & groups. Any campus organization can raise up to S1000by earning a whopping $5.00NISA


Attention all students!

Over S6 Billion in FREE Financial Aid is now available for students nationwide from private sector grants and scholarships! All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. For more information, call: t-800-263-6495 ext. F65383

The Names Project AIDS

Will learn much about investments and sales. Possible full-time employment. Call Bob Green 800-664-8156

Memorial Quilt is coming to Haverford College on Avril 25, 26 .1. and 27.

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Thursday, April 17, 1997

Despite bad rep, rap stays steady

In its short 20-year history, rap has exploded in its popularity from exclusively African American audiences to include a more diverse following. This is one of the reasons why rap is now a favorite on Billboard and in Philadelphia.

Many rap artists have received a great deal of media attention due to drug activity, being in gangs and death. This negative attention has given rap a bad reputation. On the contrary, though, many rappers and hip-hop artists promote women's rights and an end to racism in the country.

Rap music is said to have started in inner cities where disc jockeys would scratch records at block parties. People like DJ Hollywood and DJ Herc would mix records along with made up sounds so people could dance and jam.

Many African Americans were present at these block parties and were featured in many issues of "Rolling Stone" and "The Source" magazines. Many readers have voiced their opinions about rap being only for African Americans. On the contrary, rap artists like the Beastie Boys and House of Pain

have diminished those opinions.

Today, rap is trying to reach beyond the African American community by diversifying concerts.

Rap groups and rappers like The Roots, The Pharcyde, Cypress Hill and Wu-tang Clan can be seen playing with rock and metal artists like Madonna, Sonic Youth, 311 and the Deftones.

Rap music came into the national music scene in 1979 when The Sugarhill Gang produced a song called "Rappers Delight."

Not until the early '80s did rap make it nationally on the Billboard charts.

Rap music has been getting more popular as the years pass. In 1993, over $780 million in rap music was purchased. In 1996, almost $1 billion in rap music was sold.

How has rap music stayed in such demand? Because more people than not have some type of interest in rap music.

"Rap music is just like rock music. There will always be some

To the following seniors who contributed to the

demand for it," Steve Browner, a salesperson at The Wall in the King of Prussia mall, said.

Some students, like senior Bill Matoney, believe that rap music is not original because of the popular use of sampling, which is using the beats of a prior song and turning it into your own work.

Other students, such as junior Victor Sgro, believe rap music is the best because you can chill out to the funky beat it offers.

Despite rap's lack of radio airplay, Power 99 FM is ranked number one according to Arbitron, radio's ranking system, in Philadelphia. Power 99 is strictly a rap and hip-hop station that focuses their attention on the people of Philadelphia. "Power 99 is the best because they stick to one kind of music. so you never have to change the station," sophomore Joe Devlin, who is an avid listener of rap music, said.

Popular music comes and goes, but rap music has done nothing but

1997 Senior Challenge!!!

Cynthia Balick

Susan Barr

Susan Brogan

Brenda Crownrich

Christa GeNasi

Sandra Goinden

Andrea Kelliher

Christopher Lomanno

Kathy McGeehan

Megan Wilmot

Contact Thomas McKee or Diane Grimaldi at 902-8412 or email at dgriwa!l@cabrini.edu by Monday, April 21 for more details.

photo obtained from t~e Pharcyde
why not manage ours? Loquitur is
a business manager for the 1997-98 school year.
A member of the rap group, The Pharcyde, is one of the many rap acts paving the way for rap and hip-hop in the '90s.
Its not too late to join these seniors to support the Senior Challenge! Contact Le~ in the Alomni Office at x8'Z56 or a Senior Challenge Committee Member to see how you can contribute! A special thank you to all Seniors who have pledged. Please remember to bring all pledges to the Alomnl Office by April 30. Thank You all for '.:JOUr support to Cabrini College!

Totally Awesome

• Bruce Springsteen was the "Boss." Russia was the U.S.S.R., and OJ. was still famous for his football career. Oh, how we ail loved the '80s. But are you still stuck in them? Here is a quiz to help you find out. Give yourself the amount of points for each section if you answered "yes". Refer to the chart at the end of the test to see how pathetic you really are.

One point questions:

I. In your opinion, two Coreys are "totally awesome."

2. In the summer, you only wear Jellies and Jams.

3. You think you are truly, truly, truly outrageous, much like Jem and the Holograms.

4. Every time you see a fountain you want to scream "Fame" and dance around it.

5. You can sum fun up in three words: Sit-n-Spin.

6. When you page your friends, you leave 867-5309, thinking it's funny.

7. Depression fills you when you think about Anthony Michael Hall's career.

8. To you, Jo vs. Blair is the major philosophical conflict of the 20th century.

9. You get in and out of your car through the windows.

10. When someone mentions "Nazis," you cringe for what they did to Indy.

11. You still wonder who really was "the boss."

12. A hot date preparation consists of frosted blue eyeshadow, a crimper and teased hair.

13. You are waiting for Menudo to reunite.

14. Sometimes you just got to "shout, shout, let it all out."

15. You are currently wearing (count one pt . .for each): Underoos, Kangaroo shoes, Ocean Pacific, ESPIRIT or Hyper-clothing.

Are you the ultimate '80s geek?

59 points and above: Take the stuffed Garfield out of your Yugo and go out and buy a Neon. You look out of place in public and people laugh at you uncontrollably. You define pathetic. It is a shame you cannot die by mixing pop rocks and soda.

41-58 points total: Still a light of hope at the end of the tunnel. Get a cell phone and stop trying to phone home using your Speak and Spell. Women trash your Jordache jeans and leg warmers. Men, cut off your rat tail and stop turning up the collar on you Izod shirt.

36-53 points total: It is comforting to know that some people realize Spuds McKenzie was a female dog. Stop gagging people with your spoon, and realize dance music is not disco.

18-35 points total: We can tell you trashed your Snoopy Snow-Cone machine and Garbage Pail Kid cards. Your next move is to stop playing Frogger on your Atari, and go get yourself a Sony Playstation.

0-17 points total: Congratulations. You remember even less about the '80s than Reagan does! Do you even remember taking this test?

'Count 2 points for each of these:

16. You giggle uncontrollably reminiscing about that time when Skippy got his head stuck in the banister.

17. Punky Brewster is your hero.

18. You try surfing the net on your Commodore 64.

19. Right now, in your basement, there are blueprints to your own Clockwork Smurf.

20. When you make a mistake, you think, " and now I know, and knowing is half the battle," or "Now that's one to grow on!"

21. You yell "Ponch" every time you see a motorcycle cop.

22. When you go to the beach you call yourself Rio and search for snorks.

23. You argue who is the better judge: Wapner, William Keane, or Harry.

24. When you are stuck in traffic you yell "engage turbo boost" and are horrified when your car does not talk back.

25. You are currently writing "The Breakfast Club 2."

26. Every morning you invent a word of the day and scream when someone says it.

27. You still bake "Return of the Jedi" Shrinky Oinks.

28. You ride through your house on a little train, getting off only to answer the duck phone.

29. You know what the "P" stands for in Alex P. Keaton.

30. During finals, you ask your professor if you can take the physical challenge instead.

31. A winter time necessity: Freezie Freakies.

32. Your homework is neatly placed in a "Trapper Keeper."

33. When you see a guy with an earring in his right ear, you immediately think he is gay.

34. Tonight's plans include "Wang Chunging" and a killer game of TV tag.

35. You plan to visit Mepos, but first you must break Murdock out of the V.A. hospital.

36. Every so often, you get a "Hankerin' for a hunk of cheese."

37. You know Alf's real name (no, it is not Alien Life Form).

38. You think Tom Hanks sucks as a movie producer and that he should return to being a cross-dresser.

39. You still call the guy who sings "Purple Rain" Prince.

40. You know which square Jim J. Bullock was in.

Thursday, April 17, 1997 A&E

Elitninate ignorance, p

Racial harmony in a multicultural society

Sister Noel Menezes inaugurated the President's Community of Scholars Lecture with a presentation to administration, faculty and students on striving for a multicultural society. Menezes lectured an audience of 80 on Tuesday, April 8, in the mansion's dining room.

After introductions by College President Dr. Antoinette Iadarola and Dr. Mark Quintanilla, assistant professor of history and director of various studies, Menezes proceeded to speak about the history of the country of Guyana, where she resides and works.

Menezes described her country as filled with racialtension as it has been since the 1800s. According to Menezes, African-American, Native American and Caucasian cultures have all been a part of the

Guyana racial and cultural tensions.

Menezes answered questions from aadience members concerning her work and beliefs. Menezes closed out her speech by encouraging her listeners to understand who they are. To accentuate this statement, Menezes said, "We must know where we came from before we know where we are going."

After Menezes's presentation, Iadarola presented her with gifts from the Cabrini community. Menezes also received the President's Community of Scholars Award for her extensive work in trying to create a multicultural society.

Dr. Cynthia Halpern, associate professor of Spanish, said, "Sister Noel spoke eloquently on the issue of multiculturalism and her optimism about the formation of a harmonious multiculturalistic community is refreshing."

What is discrimination? The process by which two stimuli, differing in some aspect, respond to one another differently.

How can we live in a non-discriminatory environment if there is a group of students making their opinions fact? For example, they make statements that hurt others and they do not think before they encourage similar actions among other students.

One does not judge someone else because of their cultural differences. Anyone who disrespects people because of their culture is irresponsible of the action they take. In the interest of living together, we first have to respect ourselves before we can understand anyone else. We need to understand one another and how each other feels inside.

People should encourage them rather than talk and laugh behind their back.

The principles of Mother Cabrini should be adhered to. Most students come to Cabrini College because they expect a family-type atmosphere with friendly students. It is difficult for a non-discriminatory person to deal with discrimination.

less of race, creed or color. If you see someone different, stop them and speak to them. Embrace culture and show your interest, not your ignorance. Something different may turn out to be the most exciting event.

Although I am from a different country, I still look out for people from other countries. That shows how people from other countries look out for each other.

To better ourselves, we need to get together and work hard to achieve our goals in life. We cannot let anyone bring us down for what we work for in life.

Most students work hard to get where they are in life. What can we do to make Cabrini College a better environment?


Asian 9% Hispanic 8%

AfricanAmerican 24%

We surveyed 100 Cabrini students in an unscientific poll about diversity and

It takes time to know someone of a different nationality, but it takes nothing to go up to someone and greet them with a welcome. It is better to show your interest than showing your ignorance towards them. If someone speaks a different native language, then they should receive help with their English. other 5% Caucasian 54%

Parents teach their children to love everyone and they do not judge them by the way they look, dress or speak. These parents encourage diversity in views and opinions that are not narrow and closed-minded. A Catholic college should make someone feel comfortable. A Catholic college should not make someone be afraid to walk anywhere without having someone staring them down. Everyone needs to stop disliking one another and start accepting each other. Accepting someone different is fun and exciting, once you get to know them. I know it is not easy to overcome such fear, but we have to understand those who are different. Welcome visitors. Welcome strangers. Make new friends regardyes 29%

We need to have a conference to get everyone's opinions on bow to make Cabrini more comfortable for those who want to learn, and not worry about someone putting them down. One is more likely to become bored with monotony, not diversity.

The largest problem in today's society is getting the point through to others about understanding others' feelings as well as our culture.

do not know 5% yes 48% race relations on campus. The five graphs give a breakdown of the results. The chart above shows the percentages of the ethnic groups that participated.

no 71%

Have you ever been involved in a racial dispute on campus?

Do you think ethnic diversity houses are beneficial to Cabrini?

Stepping over boundaries can be enlightening

rotnote cultural aw-areness

do not know 4% yes 22%


Life isn't about keeping score.

It's not about how many friends you have Or how accepted you are.

no 74%

f you are a minority student, do you hink non-minority students are sensiive to the needs of minorities?

yes 59%

If you are a non-minority student, do you think minority students segregate themselves from from non-minority students?

An obvious, yet seldom asked question is, "What do international students want?" I see this question in your eyes every time you look at me and I wait and wait until you ask it. I thank those who dared because it means a lot to me.

How about you? Why did you avoid me? Is it because I have an accent you are afraid you would not understand? Is it because I have a yellow skin tone and dress differently? Or maybe because you are scared of offending me with that question?

I come from another side of the world. It is an exciting part of the world where summer never ends. We speak a national language that has no tenses and approximately 300 other tribal languages. We are unhappy with our government and we have no freedom of speech. We do have civil wars, discrimina-

Trying to fit in without losing identity

tion, hunger and poverty. Our arts are rich and diverse, yet we, too, import sound and visuals from other countries. We know all about the Oscars, the Grammys and MTV. Are you still scared?

I came here to receive a higher education, possibly better than I will ever get at home. So when you see me missing parties and studying a lot, do not blame me. It takes me longer to read and write in English.

All I want is to do well in school, because I really appreciate being here, in the land of opportunities. I want to learn what is so great about the American Dream. I want to see how people can be so daring in their speech and fashion, so maybe I can discover something in me I never knew I had.

Do not get me wrong, I do not want to be an American. I am

proud to be me, and part of me is where I come from.

I would not trade my identity for anything in this world. I think it's cool to be me. But to be accepted as me is even better. That is why I wanted to understand what exactly you mean when you say, "he has a green thumb."

I also want to share my experiences living in the countries I have lived in. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two in another language and cook a dish from my country. Maybe you will like it, maybe you won't. Will you take that chance?

Are you still scared?

One thing to remember always: I am a human being just like you. I may look, sound, dress and think unlike you, but I have a soul, emotions, passion, desires, hopes and fears just like you. Are you still scared?

Not about if you have plans this weekend of if you're home alone.

It isn't about who you're dating, who you used to date, How many people you've dated, or if you haven't been with anyone at all.

It isn't about how you've kissed, It isn't about sex.

It isn't about who your family is or how much money they have Or what kind of car you drive. Or where you were sent to school.

It's not about how beautiful or ugly you are, Or what kind of clothes you wear, what shoes you have on,

Or what kind of music you listen to.

It's not about if your hair is blonde, red, black or brown, Or if your skin is too light or too dark.

Not about what grades you get, how smart you are, How smart everybody else thinks you are.

It's not about what clubs you are in or how good you are at your sport.

It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper

And seeing who will accept the written you. LIFE JUST ISN'T.

But life is about who you love and who you hurt. It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposefully. It's about keeping or betraying trust.

It's about friendship, used as a sanctity or a weapon. It's about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe threatening.

About starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip.

It's about what judgements you pass and why. And who your judgements are spread to.

It's about who you've ignored with full control and intention.

It's about jealousy, fear, ignorance, revenge. It's about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow and spreading it.

But most of all, it's about using your life to touch or poison

other people's hearts in such a way that could have never occurred alone.

Only you choose the way those hearts are affected, and those choices are what life's all about.

I Thursday, April 17, 1997 FEATURES
9 I


The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers. not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.

Thursday,April 17, 1997

EDITORIAL Hoodwinkers

Consider these situations: (1) You have fallen way behind in your math class. It is Wednesday afternoon and you have a test on Thursday. (2) The book you are supposed to read for your English class is about 500 pages long and the paper is due on Monday. It is Friday night and there is a big party to go to and the weather that weekend is supposed to be the best of the spring. (3) You have been studying chemistry all night, and you also have a test in the American Presidency the next day.

These are all situations in which a choice must be made. Each offers two paths to travel and it seems like the path of least resistance is the one many students are choosing these days: cheating.

Villanova University was recently part of a national survey on cheating in college in which 80 percent of the respondents acknowledged cheating in some way during their college careers.

The question that needs to be asked is, why do so many people cheat? The answers are numerous.

The expectations of parents, who in many cases are shelling out the loot, would have to be considered a prime motivator in the mind of the average cheater. Another factor that might arouse the bamboozler inside an individual is the knowledge that the job you end up with will be directly related to the numbers and letters that appear on your college transcript.

Professors must also be considered as factors in the cheating equation. There are two ways they help perpetuate the situation. The first is by not changing the tests and papers they assign from year to year and the second is by not reporting students they do catch in the act.

Explanations instructors might give for not reporting someone are: it ruins their academic credentials and severely limits the options the student will have in continuing their higher education, or, cheating is too difficult to prove and it is just too much of a hassle to try. In order to make an impact on a student's willingness to cheat, professors must be more willing to act. Official training in the area of academic integrity might help them more easily deal with the dilemma.

It is no secret that in order to truly improve yourself, you have to work hard. Unfortunately though, as a sign of the times, people are forever in search of an easier way to get things done.


No time like the now

You never know when you are going to get a life lesson.

The other day, before I headed out of my house for theater rehearsal, I decided to grab a quick bite to eat. I grabbed a couple of Hot Pockets, which are either meat or vegetables wrapped in a croissant, and I threw them into the microwave. Approximately three minutes later I burnt my fingers taking them out of the oven. Unconsciously, I was rushing because I wanted to get to Cabrini to get a jump on what was going to be a long day rehearsing "Cabaret."

I had already scarfed down the first half of my first Hot Pocket when my mother entered the kitchen.

She gave me a quizzical look and asked me what I was doing. She noticed I was barely letting the steam from the Hot Pocket escape before I ate it.

A moment later she told me to slow down and relax.

"Notice the Hot Pocket in your hand. Be aware of every bite you take from it. Feel and taste the broccoli and creamy cheddar cheese in your mouth and against your tastebuds. Make each bite an event."

By this time, I did not know if I was eating lunch or engaged in a therapy session.

I admit it sounds very weird, but after some thought I realized that everything she was saying made sense.

I was not enjoying my meal. Hell, I did not even know what was in the Hot Pocket until I stopped and took notice.

The bottom line: I was not living in the moment.

After I took several minutes to actually focus on what I was doing (eating the Hot Pocket), I noticed I became more calm and satisfied.

Being aware of the food and thinking about how good it tastes and how it was nourishing me brought about these sensations.

It may sound strange, but I think that if you actually take the time to notice how good the simple and everyday occurances are, you just might be a happier person.

The game you have to play with your mind is to maintain foresight and vision about where you are going and what you want to do and at the same time be aware of the immediate moment.

Be aware of the conversation you are having with your friend

at lunch.

Be aware of how good it feels to get that paper done.

Be aware of how good it feels to get an "A."

Remember how good (or bad) you felt when you got drunk the other night.

Remember how good it felt to get a shower after reeking all day.

Remember how relieved you felt when you noticed you had one fresh pair of underwear left in the drawer.

Remember how awesome it was to just chill in your room and do absolutely nothing.

Remember how nice it was to hit the sack after a long day.

Notice a beautiful day.

Notice that you are simply breathing.

I know you might think this sounds really cheesy, but seriously, so did I until I was reminded about all of this while eating a Hot Pocket.

To remember the joy of the moment and to focus on the joy of it is important.

After all, you never know when your time will come and you sure as hell do not want to go while you are feeling pissed off.


Death's lessons

From its beginning, this year has been one full of loss, the loss of loved ones. As the Cabrini community readied itself for the new academic year, the death of Alan Bunch brought fall preparations to a halt. We pondered life's brevity and death's finality. We found ourselves asking, "Why take someone so young and full of potential?" While we worked through our own grief, death visited us once more: this time it took Julian Mejia. Why did death call on us so frequently?

Shaking our heads, we, the witnesses to life and death· s cruelty, questioned life's meaning and wondered when death would end his wrath on our college.

Ruthlessly, he continued his missions and stole more of our loved ones from our lives and hearts. In the end, he had seized an administrator, a professor's parent. and students' parents. Proceeding with his duty, death rendered us empty and painstricken. Now in the time of the year when life begins anew, we may learn that death, while taking away an enormous part of us, also afforded us certain lessons.

When my students read a complex piece of literature, I will ask them, "ls there a deeper meaning to all of this?" To our community I ask, "What can we learn from the sadness of losing someone close to us?" Each of us learns a different meaning. Yet, some common themes do surface when we analyze the situation. The death of a loved one offers these common themes: death gives birth to life, life is only a temporary state and life must be cherished and experienced. To understand more fully, we must contemplate each theme's meaning and lesson.

How can death give birth to life? There seems to be a contradiction in this question, but it is accurate and true. In death, we lose a person. However, we sometimes gain a stronger

appreciation for that person.

The void created by that person's absence allows us to focus on our lives. We must learn to live without that person physically, but he or she still exists in our hearts. That person's spirit coexists with our own thoughts, feelings, hopes, memories and dreams. In life, loved ones touch us in the depths of our souls and being. This touch will never erode or fade because it is the caress full of love. This caress continues through time.

As we face adversity, we may find courage or comfort m the words or actions of one who has left us. Each person touches another whether he or she realizes it at the time. The love of a person does not cease in death.

It flourishes deep within his or her friends and family. Our responsibility is to show that love and to share a person's life with others-allowing him or her to live once more. But this is only one lesson we learn from death.

One of the most difficult lessons is the following: life is only a temporary state. We will not-I repeat-will not physically live forever. The grim reaper never takes personal days or vacation time. Yet, the threat of his visit should not worry us. Instead, it should inspire us. We need to recognize life's fragility and brevity. We should not concern ourselves with the time or date of our end, but we should live life each day as if it were our last. Because death does not share his schedule with us, we do not know when he will visit.

Thus, the time has come to ask ourselves some crucial questions. If life is brief, why do we hold grudges against people? If life will not last forever, why do we keep putting our dreams on hold? And, if life could end at anytime, why do we leave those special words unsaid? Reebok once told us, "Life is short. Play hard." I propose we recognize life ·s morality and begin our !iv-

ing now! Because our time is limited, we should end our little battles with other persons, charge on towards the fulfillment of our dreams, and bestow loving words on those we adore. Remember, we only exist temporarily. We must not waste a precious second or moment. Once we accept the transient state of life, we can focus on death ·s last lesson.

Life must be experienced and cherished. View life as a gift from a store that offers no refunds. We must take advantage of this precious gift and enjoy it like it is the last one we shall receive. This gift has an expiration date and its date must not cause anxiety. With this being said, we must ask ourselves: What is the purpose for my living? If I am not happy, what can I do RIGHT NOW to change that? Or simply, what can I do to get more out of this life? We must learn to LIVE.

Living means trying new things, taking risks. and experiencing people. I suggest we try to make memories each and every second, each and every minute, each and every day. And as we experience life, we can also cherish it. We ought to appreciate those in our lives, celebrate even the smallest events and squeeze the potential out of every situation. With this new inspiration, we unwrap and experience the gift of life.

Like our deceased loved ones, we show love and share our lives with the world. Our actions, gestures of kindness and gentle words will someday inspire and comfort others. Death teaches us that people never completely leave us-they dwell within us. Death also educates us about our own mortality and the reasons for living. Although its lessons do not comfort us in our time of despair, they do remind and motivate us to appreciate what we do have, and also help us to treasure our priceless gift: the

Two Cents

Doyouthinkcheatingwouldbe asprevalent if theschool institutedanhonorcode?

Deanna Brady, a sophomore: I don't think people would not cheat from feeling guilty about it, but if the consequences of getting caught are made clear, they might be scared.

Dave Coons, a junior: If people are going to cheat, they are going to cheat. It is a person's nature; cheating is the easy way out.

Kathy Malone, a senior: It would be more effective if students were actually expelled when teachers caught them cheating.

Chris Natali, a sophomore: I don't think they'd ever get an honor code put through. Too many people think they can get away with cheating, so it would not matter.

Betty Storti, a junior: An honor code might spark a few consciences. Some people might think twice after signing an official form.

David J. Nothstein, a senior: It is a good idea to have it because, for future work, they would think twice about turning in work that is not theirs. Cheating will not get you anywhere in the real world.

Tbursday,April 17, 1997 OPINION
I ill
.-J I j

Consider humane alternatives

Approximately seven million vertebrate animals are killed each year for dissection in U.S. biology classrooms. To illustrate the magnitude of this many animals, consider that if you lined them all up end to end, they would stretch more than twice the length of California.

And for what purpose? What gains are made when students cut open and explore the insides of dogs and cats and fetal pigs and dogfish sharks? The Humane Society of the United States believes that whatever benefits might arise from dissections, they are far outweighed by the associated costs. Allow me to explain.

First, there is the animal suffering involved. Investigations into the dissection trade have documented, among other abuses, cats being drowned 10 at a time in burlap sacks or prodded roughly into crowded gas chambers, rats embalmed in formaldehyde while still living, dozens of live frogs piled into sacks for days or weeks without food and sickly turtles, kept in filthy, overcrowded holding tanks. These sorts of conditions appear to be quite commonplace, and though they are inexcusable and sometimes illegal, they are not surprising in a business where the "merchandise" is going to end up dead anyway.

Then there are human social concerns. A principal goal of life science education is to teach respect for life. Dissection is an intrinsically violent exercise; it involves killing, preserving, cutting apart, then discarding an animal. However well-intentioned an instructor's desire to teach respect for animals, the typical dissection exercise will tend to undermine it by devaluing the lives of other creatures to the level of expendable objects. I have personally spoken with hundreds of bright, compassionate students who find dissection ethically repugnant. Their response is sometimes to turn away from such fields as human medicine, veterinary medicine, or nursing,

where compassion is most needed. On the other hand, less Sensitive students may be hardened by the exercise, the consequences of which are open to speculation.

There is also quality of education to be considered.

Teachers who continue to use anim&ls in dissections or other invasive classroom exercises are apparently unaware of or unmoved by the fact that more than a dozen studies have been published showing that students using humane alternatives learn anatomy and physiology as well as or better than students who use animals (The HSUS will provide an annotated list of these studies to anyone who requests it). Abundant resources are available for learning anatomy, physiology, toxicology and other animal related fields that do not require animals to suffer or die.

These include films, computer simulations, books, models, or a trip to the local veterinary clinic. To anyone who simply cannot stand the thought of dispensing with hands on contact with the preserved animal, human cadavers offer the fullscale experience without the associated ethical problems (people are not killed for the purpose of dissection and the patient voluntarily donates his or her body).

Even the economics of dissection do not argue for its use. The HSUS recently did a cost comparison and found that for all five species we looked at (shark, frog, rat, pig, cat), the cost of purchasing a broad range of alternative materials was lower than that of purchasing animals to dissect. For 270 students (two students per animal) over a three year period, money saved ranged from $344 (bullfrogs) to $4342 (cats). If you want to save more money, just borrow the alternative. The HSUS, for instance, operates an Alternative Loan Program that currently has over 40 items available on a temporary. free of charge basis.

Finally, there is environmental protection. Many of the animals harmed or killed for classroom use are caught in the wild. Populations of frogs and sharks, for instance, have been seriously declining in recent years, and while the specific impact of their capture for classroom use is not known, it is certainly not ecologically beneficial. Moreover, the world needs people who value environmental stewardship and compassion for life. Dissection fosters neither.

Perhaps there are a few fields such as veterinary medicine, for which cutting open and examining the insides of dead animals is indispensable. But how ironic that healthy animals would be killed for students whose professional goal is to save lives and ease suffering. Even vet schools do not need to kill animals to train their students. Conducting spay/neuter surgeries on animals from the animal shelters and procuring deceased cats and dogs from their owners who sign a consent form, are among the ethical ways that growing numbers of vet schools are procuring animals for their training programs. And as for the use of animals in medical school, consider that 27 of the nation's finest medical programs do not use animals in their curricula, and at all but one of the remaining schools, the animal labs are optional. Using animals to practice surgery has been illegal in England for more than 100 years.

With all the suffering in the world, should we really be adding to it in our education programs?

Is dissection necessary when other learning methods have been shown repeatedly to effectively replace it? Is there any justification for animal dissection when it has so many countsanimal killing, animal suffering, violation of students' sensibilities, mediocre educational merit and environmental disruptionagainst it? We think not.

Forget about pen and paper. E-mail your letters to the editor. Letters should be sent by noon on Mondays and don't forget to include your name.

E-mail us at tmckeeOl@cabrini.edu

Corrections Box

0 In the top photo for the story "Cabaret stirs a bit of controversy," first-year student Melissa Lessig was identified as a senior. In the bottom photo for the same story, Andy Yoos was identified as ??????.

We regret the errors.

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

us e-mail.
News Editor Paul Monte Assistant News Editors Becky Raetsch Kirsten Yard A&E & Features Editor Jeanne Lombardo Editor-in-Chief Thomas McKee Sports Editor Perspoctives Editor Jim Martin Chris Lomanno Assistant Sports Editors Assistant Perspecti,•es Jason Jungreis Editor Bill Matoney Dave Jurkiewicz Paul Moser Jen Kierur Laura Casamento Gavin Mirigliani Copy Editor Hollie Havens Assistant A&E Editors Colleen Ehrle James Kuhn Assistant Features Editors Michelle Burns Erin McHugh Assistant Copy Editors Andrea Koch Kevin Scott Dina Tartaglia Adviser Dr. Jerry Zurek Business Manager Dina Tartaglia Cartoonist Victor Sgro Staff Ron D'Orazio MarieFriel Mildred Metz Kelly Monahan Danielle Murray Photography Editor Stacey Caiazzo Assistant Photography Editor Diane Grimaldi Photography and Graphic Design Adviser Don Dempsey Sales Associates Becky Raetsch Kirsten Yard Photojournallsts Dennis Fohner Beth Molloy Dina Tartaglia Dana Nentwig Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written. edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346. 350. 351. 352. 353 and 354. Members of the campus community arc invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the abo,·e classes. however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is S25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquirur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes and tbe editor agrees. the writer's name may be left off the publication and an inscription inserted, such as "name withheld al the request of the writer." Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. • • R{¥dt~ Ill IUIDnU1't? 211K" t3 canfasdor sad? ... ::. CALLAMNION CD f, .£'!:'1· "' ! (610) 525-1557 - ~' :a ~ 0 ~,. counselt~andsur,rtto ,!I \ ::eE1 ,, ht9'you.ht . ,.,, c-, c::c \ ALLSER.VICESFREE ,,J

Valerio leads Lady Cavs to 18-14 victory

Despite the hiding sun, whipping rain and blustery winds on the upper lacrosse field, the Lady Cavs found a way to prevail over Bryn Mawr College, 18-14, on Saturday, April 12.

The game started with an early run by Cabrini, opening a 3-0 lead over Bryn Mawr.

Bryn Mawr would cut their deficit with one goal.

After a· timeout was called with the Lady Cavs up 3-2, Cabrini came out and took over the game.

With a convincing lead after the half, the Lady Cavs came out in the second half looking to lock out all possibilities of victory for Bryn Mawr.

Bryn Mawr would respond, but not enough. The closest they would come would be 13-10.

With key goals by junior Donna Falcone, sophomore Jessie Valerio and first-year student Gilda Zoccola, the Lady Cavs kept the pressure on and Bryn Mawr was able to get within two goals of Cabrini's score.

"We played really well even though the weather was horrible," said first-year student Merrie Lewis.

Valerio had six goals along with sophomore Lesley Kerrigan's four, Falcone's two, Zoccola"s one and first- year student Carrie Borish 's one.

"We knew it was going to be a hard game going into it." said Kerrigan. "We just clicked


together really well today."

With this victory, the Lady Cavs improve to 7-2 over all. They are 5-1 in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference.

Their first defeat came at the hands of Ceder Crest College which was a close loss with the score of 10-7. Their second loss was against Villajula College.

There is a positive vibe going throughout the team, especially with the outst~nding goaltending of senior Stephanie Casinelli.

Casinelli was a key player in the game against Bryn Mawr, stopping a lot of great scoring chances.

"Steph is really doing a great job for a first-year goalie,"' said Lewis. "She's coming up with

big saves at big moments in games."

The Lady Cavs will face Beaver College in a huge PAC match up on Thursday,April 17, at 4 p.m. on the upper field.

They will take on King's College at home on Saturday, April 19, at 4 p.m. and will contend against Chestnut Hill College on Tuesday April 22, at 3 p.m.

The Lady Cavs' lacrosse team is hoping that the PAC championship game will be held at Cabrini. The date for that game would be on Saturday, April 26.

With a tight and consistent offense and a very solid, quick and strong defense, the Lady Cavs are a very powerful force going into the PAC championship game.

Thursday, April 17, 1997 SPORTS 13
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NHLteamsprepareto battlefor LordStanley'sCup

Eastern Conference

New Jersey Devils (1) vs. Montreal Canadiens (8)

This series would be a good indication of what would happen if the Green Giant were to get into a fight with his good buddy Sprout.

The Devils are just too big and physical. Their style of play is more suited for the rough-andtough atmosphere that is brought about by the playoffs. Goalie Martin Brodeur is on fire at the right time and Doug Gilmour will be responsible for the Devils' scoring, while guys like Bill Guerin and Bobby Holik will chip in goals as well.

The Canadiens are just too small to compete with the big boys. Mark Recchi and Saku Koivu will be smothered by the Devils' "D ." Goalie Jocelyn Thibault is an unproven commodity in the post-season, which will definitely hurt them.

Keys to victory: NJ-smother Mtl's quick forwards. MltThibault.

Prediction: Devils in 5

Buffalo Sabres (2) vs. Ottawa Senators (7)

Do not be surprised if every game in this series goes into overtime.

The Sabres playoff fate is on the shoulders of one mangoalie Dominik Hasek. In his only playoff appearance two years ago, however, he was shelled by the Flyers in five games. The pickup of Miroslav Satan at the trading deadline was a great move and may prove to be a much needed offensive lift in the playoffs.

The Senators' attitude is that they have nothing to lose. They are expected to be thrown out of the playoff party before it really gets going. Goalie Ron Tugnutt has been playing fantastic lately and there is no telling how youngsters Alexi Yashin and Alexandre Daigle will handle the post season pressure.

Keys to victory: Buff-score early and often. Ott- keep attitude.

Prediction: Ottawa in 7

Philadelphia Flyers (3) vs. Pittsburgh Penguins (6)

The one thing you can count on in this series is that there will be plenty of goals scored.

Ron Hextall has faltered down the stretch and his confidence is on the verge of shattering. The saving grace for the Flyers, however, is that the Legion of Doom will dominate the Penguins' defense. Philly's defense has struggled as well and may end up costing the Flyers a game or two.

Goalie Ken Wregget has been bothered by a groin problem, but he will be between the pipes because rookie Patrick Lalime has not been as dominant as he was in the beginning of the season. Backlmer Darius Kasparaitis is a guaranteed thorn in Lindros' side. The return of Jaromir Jagr, though not at 100 percent, will help fuel the Penguins' upset bid and Mario Lemieux 's farewell tour will give him extra incentive for that last Stanley Cup push.

Keys to victory: Phi-Lindros. Pitt-Kasparaitis' play vs LOD.

Prediction: Flyers in 6

Florida Panthers ( 4) vs. New York Rangers (5)

The focus on this rnatchup will be on goaltending as two of the league's best, the Rangers' Mike Richter and the Panthers· John Vanbiesbrouck, will go head-to-head.

The Panthers will rely heavily on their defensive style of play that brought them to the finals last year in order to control the Rangers' big guns. The addition of Kirk Muller will help leading scorers Ray Sheppard and Scott Mellanby, while defensemen Robert Svehla and Ed Jovanovski will lay punishing hits on the Rangers' quick forwards.

The Rangers will look to Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier to grab hold of the reins and justify the team's $37 .9 million payroll, the highest in the league, to take them deep into the playoffs.

Their power play, which was top-ranked in the regular season, is one of their only hopes to beat the Panthers and the Beezer.

Keys to victory: Fla-defense. NYR-powerplay goals.

Prediction: Panthers in 7

Western Conference

Colorado Avalanche (1) vs. Chicago Blackhawks (8)

The deepest team in the league faces the underachieving Blackhawks. Regular season disappointments, Alexei Zhamnov and Eric Daze, notched back to back hat tricks in their last two regular season games. Tony Amonte is always a scoring threat and Chris Chelios is guaranteed to step it up.

Chicago will either die or die faster as a result of their midseason trade of their superstar goalkeeper. Playoff standout, Ed Belfour, was found expendable due to the 'Hawks' confidence in Jeff Hackett. Colorado will show the world that Hackett is nothing more than an overachieving Islander.

With no apparent weaknesses, the 'Lanche look to be the next team to repeat as Cup champs since the '91-92 Penguins. Just remember one thing: favorites turn into letdowns most of the time.

Keys to victory: CbiZhamnov. Col-show up to rink.

Prediction: 'Lanche in 5

DaJlas Stars (2) vs. Edmonton Oilers (7)

After missing the playoffs last year, the Stars rebounded to be the league's second best team. The inexperienced Oilers look like champs one night. and chumps the next.

With a balanced scoring attack, the Oilers look to Curtis Joseph to be the last line of defense against the Mike Modano-led stars. If frequent tnJury list visitors Joe Nieuwendyk and Greg Adams stay healthy, the Stars can make fast work of the young Oilers. Both teams can score a ton of goals, but Dallas plays significantly better in their own end. Goaltenders Andy Moog and Arturs lrbe need to play as well

as they did in the regular season in order to make it more than one and·done.

Keys to victory: Dallas- stay healthy. Edm- CuJo

Prediction: Dallas in 6

Detroit Red Wings (3) vs. St. Louis Blues (6)

St. Louis needs divine intervention to even have a chance.

Brendan Shanahan and Detroit will give Grant Fuhr sunburn from lighting the lamp behind him. Pierre Turgeon is a playoff flop, and the Blues' defense is week.

The Vladimir Konstantinov led Red Wing defense will knock St. Lou's snipers, Brett Hull and Joe Murphy, into next season. Stephan Matteau is a playoff standout which is one plus for the Blues.

Keys to victory: Osgood and Vernon.


Detst L-

Prediction: Detroit sweeps

Mighty Ducks of Anaheim (4) vs. Phoenix Coyotes (5)

This series is centered around

one player: Coyotes' goalie Nikolai Khabibulin. When he is hot, you can see the smoke coming from his ears. Paul Kariya and Teemu Selanne, the second and third leading scores in the league, need to exploit the "Bulin Wall" early in the series.

An easy way of doing this is getting Phoenix to take bad penalties and score on the power play. Anaheim is the best in the league with the man advantage, but Phoenix will make it difficult (3rd best penalty kill).

Phoenix has the deeper offense. Anaheim has the superior defense.

Guy Herbert needs to stand on his head against Keith Tkachuk and Jeremy Roenick (and his shiny Nike skates).

Like the East's Buffalo and Ottawa series, these games will constantly go into OT. With wins by the score of 2-1 or 6-5, each game will be close due to the dueling goaltenders.

Keys to victory: Anaoutscore CoyotesPho-outscore Ducks Prediction: Coyotes in seven

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When Cabrini College defeated Allentown on Sunday, April 13, by the score of 25-5, it marked the last home game that senior Joe Collins will play for the men's lacrosse team.

However, Collins, a four-year starter, went out in style by scoring seven goals in the victory.

Collins and the lacrosse team have came a long way since his first year on rhe team.

When Collins came to Cabrini from Monsignor Bonner High School, the lacrosse team was just starting up their program.

They had been a club team the year before Collins arrived at Cabrini, and in his first year they became a NCAA Division III team.

Collins, along with senior captains Dennis Fahner and Kevin Camp went through a lot of adversity during their first couple years at Cabrini.

The team struggled his first two years as they tried to build up their team while playing a very difficult schedule.

Some of the players quit because they did not get along with ex-head coach Randy Mills, who was famous for holding

practices at 7:30 in the morning.

Collins admits that "the first two years were shaky but the last two years have been better."

Last year, the Cavs posted their first winning record.

However, in a move that surprised many players, Mills, who recruited Collins to come to Cabrini, left before the season started.

When reflecting on Mills, Collins said "we just weren't clicking with him."

After Mills, who now coaches Neumann College, left, Collins, Fohner, and Camp interviewed coaches along with athletic director John Dzik.

New head coach Pat Scarpello was hired and he has came in this year and turned the team around by leading them to a 9-5 record.

According to Collins, he is having more fun this year than any other year.

Collins feels the Cavs are ready to take that next step in establishing a new program. by putting more winning seasons together and eventually joining a conference.

"With our new coach Pat Scarpello and players coming in , within three to four years we'll be a much better team, all we need is depth," Collins said.

Unfortunately for Collins, he will not be there to rake most of the benefits of all the dirty work that Fohner, Camp and him had to endure to get to where they are now.

Collins has been the premiere player on a growing lacrosse program for the past four seasons.

He holds almost every statistical lacrosse record at Cabrini and is the focal point of the Cav's offense.

Although opposing teams gear their defense towards stopping Collins, he is still the Cavs leading scorer this season.

When asked of his favorite memory as a Cav, Collins responded by naming their victory over Wesley, last year's ECAC tournament winner.

Collins said the team gained extra satisfaction because Wesley beat Cabrini by ten goals last year.

Joe Collins went out as a scorer in his final home game against Allentown.

Along with his seven goals, he also added four assists in the victory.

As Cabrini's lacrosse team grows in the future it will have players like Joe Collins to thank for getting the program to where it is now.

Woods is worth $40 million and much more

was getting. My curiosity got the best of me.

I will admit it. I am now a golf fan.

And the one and only reason I am now a golf fan is Tiger Woods.

A couple of years ago, I would not have even thought twice about watching golf.

However, then I started hearing more and more about Tiger Woods.

Last year, I decided to see what all the fuss about Tiger Woods was about. I could not believe all the attention Woods

Woods was going for his third consecutive U.S. Amateur title. Things looked very bleak for Woods before he made an incredible comeback to win his third consecutive U.S. Amateur title.

From that point on, I was hooked.

Woods has a charisma and a style of play that I have never seen before.

When Woods announced he was turning pro and he had signed a reported $40 million endorsement deal with Nike, many people were shocked.

They could not understand how a golfer who had not even played a professional tournament could get a contract for $40 million.

Woods then went out and won the first tournament he entered as a pro.

Coming into the Masters, there was a lot of talk surrounding Woods.

Jack Nicklaus and many other golf greats had predicted that Woods would become the best golfer ever and there was a lot of pressure on Woods as he began the Masters.

Woods started off the Masters in some trouble as he was four over after the first nine holes.

However, from that point on, Woods put on one of the most unbelievable performances ever seen in sports.

Woods regrouped on the back nine and finished the day at two under.

At the age of 21, Tiger Woods

became the youngest player to ever win the Masters championship.

And he did not just win the Masters, he won it in a fashion that has never been seen before.

Woods, playing in his first major as a pro, blew the entire field away as he won the Masters by a record 12 strokes over second place finisher Tom Kite.

I followed the Masters tournament this weekend like I follow the NCAA tournament.

I was glued to my seat as I watched in awe as Tiger Woods tore apart a golf course that some of the best golfers in the world could not handle.

Some of the noteworthy names that did not even make the cut were defending champion Nick Faldo along with Greg

Norman and Phil Mickelson.

Tiger Woods has transformed golf.

Every weekend a golf tournament is on I check to see how Woods is doing.

It is not that I am such a big fan of Woods, it is just that I find myself mesmerized at some of the things he does on a golf course.

He is the best thing that has ever happened to golf and he has increased the popularity of golf more than any player ever has.

Nike was criticized by -some people after they gave Woods $40 million.

Obviously, Nike knew a bargain when they saw one.

Tiger Woods is worth the $40 million Nike gave him and a whole lot more.

Thursday, April 17, 1997 r • , t SPORTS
photo by Stacey Caiazzo Senior Joe Collins starts the attack in the Cavs 25-5 victory over Allentown College. Collins led the Cavs with seven goals.

Cabrini said goodbye to three seniors in the final home game for the men's lacrosse team.

Seniors Dennis Fohner, Joe Collins, Dave Reign and Kevin Camp said goodbye to Cabrini on 'Sunday, April 13, with their last home game at Cabrini against first-year team Allentown College.

Cabrini trounced Allentown in a 25-5 blowout, their second blowout in a row after defeating Kean College 16-7. The game was stamped by the senior players.

It was fitting that Fohner, Camp and Collins were three of the major contributors in the game on Sunday.

Collins had a good game as he continued his excellent season by scoring seven goals to go along with four assists.

Camp held Allentown to four goals until he was replaced in the second half by junior goalie Andy Burke, who held Allentown to only one goal.

Fohner also had a very impressive game on defense while chipping in with a goal.

Sophomore John Gwiazdowski also added five goals for the Cavs in the victory.

According to Scarpello, the departure of Fohner, Camp, and Collins will be a major loss to their team.

Scarpello said "Dennis, Joe, and Kevin are big shoes to fill, but now we have to spend a lot of time on the phone recruiting."

The lacrosse team is looking to add talented high school seniors to replace the departed seniors.

Scarpello added "We are already talking to a lot of good quality players and trying to get them to commit. When we know who we have than I can judge where we will be next year. "

The victory over Allentown pushed the Cavs record to 9-5 overall and one step closer to getting a bid to the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference


In the men's lacrosse team's final home game of the season, the Cavs defeated Allentown by the score of 25-5. The game also marked the final home game in the careers of captains Dennis Fohner, Kevin Camp Dave Reign, Joe Collins. The Cavs also defeated Kean College, 16-7, on Thursday, April 10.

tournament. although they eventually hope

The Cavs are now facing the they will join a conference. most important part of their The Cavs victory was their schedule as they are trying to second in a row. qualify for the ECAC tourna- On Thursday, April 10, the ment. Cavs, coming off a tough loss to

Without a PAC championship Widener, took their revenge out to shot for, the ECAC is the on Kean by defeating them, 16-7. main goal for the lacrosse team. The Cavs jumped on Kean Head coach Pat Scarpello, from the start and the outcome said "I would imagine we would was never really in doubt. have to win four out of five to The Cavs are in the midst of a make the ECAC." transition from their past medi-

Unlike the rest of Cabrini's athletic teams, the men's lacrosse team is not a member of the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference.

The reason for this is that there are not enough members in the PAC who have lacrosse as an NCAA Division III intercollegiate sport.

The men's lacrosse team is an independent team right now,

ocrity to winning.

Cabrini suffered through losing seasons their first two years but they have been able to overcome the growing pains to put together a good record this season.

The next five games in the Cavs seasons brings road games against West Chester, F. D. U, City College of New York, and the Dowling tournament.

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photo by Stacey Caiazzo Junior defenseman Eric Udovich looks to pass the ball in Cabrini's 25-5 victory over Allentown College, whose lacrosse program is still in its first year. Cabrini's lacrosse program is still developing, but the team has enjoyed more success this season than in past seasons. photo by Stacey Caiazzo First-year student Dave Euler looks for a teammate as he tries to elude an Allentown College defender.

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