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Clinton poll
by llegalt ZUStraand Julie copyeditorandnewsecltor
The President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal is somethingthat the entirecountry is talkingabout. Cabrini students give their views on the subject.
"I'm tiredof the whole thing. It keepsgoing on. Lots of presidents did this, but he is the first one caughtand publicized. CJin. ton should get some credit for admitting the relationship:' Lee Gamble,junior
"I don •t thinkhe should be impeached. When I have my affair rm not going to get fired from my job."
Matt:Fern,first..year student port, "It's not as simple as putting up tables and chairs. Until 315 is finished it is necessary to bump the classes to the downstairs lab."
Budzilowicz expects the lab to be up and running some time next month. Until that time, the hours for the student computer lab will be limited.
Along with the inconvenience to the students, there is an added inconvenience to faculty members, according to John Heiberger, chair of the business department.
Heiberger, who originally helped with the design of the room, planned on implementing computer technology using room 315 in at least 11 business courses for this fall semester.
Heiberger said that he was told in late August that the room would not be available for the classes. Heiberger said that he had two options. Option one was to take up the remaining space available for classes in room 118 (which would mean that there would be hardly any time left for students outside of class use). Option two was to drop the computer aspect out of the business classes that his department was teaching.
Heiberger decided on option two and dropped computer implementations in all the classes but one. Heiberger pointed out that "the people who are hurt most by this inconvenience are the students who are not learning the new computer applications in business which we hoped to implement this semester."
Heiberger had to inform his professors that they would not be able to use the computer technology in their syllabus just weeks before school began. At the present time, Heiberger said he had "no knowledge of when the room would be open for classes."
According to fohn Loeliger, purchasing manager, the furniture was ordered sometime during the summer. However, it is not known when the purchase order was sent out specifically. Loeliger said the reason for the delay right now is that "there is a backup with the manufacturer and that only some of the components are holding up the whole thing."
According to Heiberger, the room was supposed to be done by June or early July. Now, with September nearing an end, it is still unknown when the classroom is going to open.
"'It's wrongwhat he did, but it's his own personal life.. He sbouldn't be impeached." .l'leree, .. }'llll'admt ., fllis 'v;mt 1bep11:mc11•cJ docaintheWlaiflcHouae in the aft'octhim and his family image.,. JoeMcCullou&b, lnt-yearseud.mt ., don't thinkhe should be impeached. I thinkit was a waste of a lot r4 and -...Alt -· md I thinktbat I the Republicam are just upset tbatthe Democrats are U$heriDg us into the year :z<n>.It's a shame because he is a role model:'
Barbara Sau, senior
"Article two, section four of 1beconstitutiongivesconditions for impeachment. These include bribery. treason. other high crimes and misdemeanors. I don't think adulteryfits into this and therefore be shouldn't be impeached."
Roberta 'lnmbley, .......