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Web site improved, still rnore to corne
Among the many features on the web site, students can obtain copies of transcripts, see the updated schedule of classes and exams and find the list of closed classes. They can also discover information and backgrounds on professors and courses.
by Alison Briant staff writer
After being under construction for many months, the Cabrini College Web site is starting to really shape up.
It is'· evident, upon visiting this newly improved site, that much work has been devoted to bringing Cabrini College into the technological age.
Presently, the site is filled with information and resources for knowledge. However, construction is not complete.
Much more is to come with the help of the professionals and the campus community.
Last year, a Web Advisory Committee was formed to provide advice and guidance to Kristine Mudrick, vice president for information technologies and resources, concerning the construction of the new web site.
This committee, co-chaired by Kristine Mudrick and Nancy Santos Gainer, director of college relations, and staffed by Jim Hirsh, vice president for enrollment services, Peter Bretz, head of learning resources and technology, Don Dempsey, assistant professor of graphic design and Pat Matkowski, publications specialist, has been meeting weekly since the beginning of the summer.
Currently, Cabrini's home page consists mainly of a view book and at-a-glance information.
The at-a-glance section includes an overview of the school's mission statement and a general profile of Cabrini College.
There is a section that covers the facilities and the opportunities for student involvement, all of which are accompanied by full color pictures of the landscape and campus personalities.
First-year SGA election to be held
The Web Advisory Committee, which consists of staff from the college, has plans for improvement.
Dempsey spoke to Loquitur
" Department members will have access to their own department pages in order to keep them up-to-date."
-Don Dempsey, assistant professor of graphic design about the up-coming additions to the web site.
A primary project, worked on by the committee, pertains to the addition of the Registrar's office to the site.
Instead of waiting in line at the Registrar's office, students can utilize the Cabrini College web page for a myriad of tasks.
This section allows students to request copies of transcripts, read the academic calendar, and view the updated schedule of current classes and exams and the list of closed classes.
At this time, the spring 1999 schedule is even posted on the Registrar's portion of the website.
This new area is also helpful for prospective students to get an early taste as to what courses exactly are available to them at Cabrini.
This Web Advisory Committee is focusing on increasing accessibility to information for the campus community.
They are in the process of developing individual pages within the web site for each academic and administrative department.
Students will have access to background information on each major and details about curriculum requirements.
Included on each academic department page will be a list of the various professors who teach in that area. From this list, the student can go directly to that professor's own web page through a link.
At this time, the web site has over a dozen links to various professors in six different academic majors.
Here, a viewer can find biographical information on that particular professor and distinct necessary items regarding the specific classes they might teach.
"This will provide control and opportunities for involvement to those within their departments over literature being distributed and promotes activity," Dempsey said. "Department members will have access to their own department pages in order to keep them up to date."
This web site will be made accessible for adjustments to the campus community in an effort to maintain current information which, according to Dempsey, is characteristic of only a few college web sites.
The committee is continually working on the structure of the web, using in-depth organizational charts.
The members of the Web Advisory Committee welcome comments and suggestions. To comment, go to Cabrini's new web site, www.cabrini.edu, and click on the Webmaster button on the bottom of the page.
by Mary Eileen O'Connor and Megan Zustra assistant features editor and copy editor
Elections for positions on the Student Government As• sociation for first-year students will take place from Wednesday, Oct. 7 until Sunday, Oct. 11 in the Food Court.
Meetings were held o,n Tuesday, Sept. 22 and Wednesday, Sept. 23 for any first-year student who was interested in running for a position on SGA.
To run, students must officially be a full-time student, which means they must be taking 12 credits.
Also, they must not be on disciplinary or residence ball probation.
They must submit a campaign platform stating their intentions if they. are, in fact, elected, before they are even considered for an SOA posi• tion.
Eight first-year students submitted their campaign platforms for the election on Monday, Sept. 28 for the five SGA positions, which need to be filled as a result of this election.
The deadline for platform submissions was then extended until Wednesday, Sept. 30. in case any more students were unable to get their platforms in on time.
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At press time, the names of the candidates and the nature of their platforms could not be released because all of the platforms had not yet been submitted and re• viewed by the current SGA officers.
More information, as well as the results, will be available after the actual elections are held.