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Cabrini Day offers plethora of events

Burketo relay personaltriumphs I

by GeorgianaRushworth staff writer


Chris Burke was born with Down's Syndrome on Aug. 26, 1965. He began his education at the Kennedy Child Care Center m New York City. He then continued his education in Hanover, Mass. at Cardinal Cushing School and graduated from Don Guanella School in 1986 in Springfield, Pa. His interests are music, acting, writing, public service announcements and helping people with disabilities.

was then the lead in a TV series called "The Commish" which aired on ABC in 1994. His most recent performances have been on Geraldo, as a guest, "The Promised Land' (fV series), "Touched by an Anger' (fV series), and "Crook & Chase" as a guest. Burke has given many presentations about his life and pen;onal experiences as an actor with Down's syndrome. He appeared at UC Davis Main Theater for Disability Awareness Week and gave the Davis Community the opportunity to learn more about disabilities. He loves reaching out to those who need more help dealing with disabilities. He has received many awards and

Burke said he developed a love for acting after performing in his first school play as a child. His photo obtained from College Relatioi;.;;n_so_ffiic..;.ieachievements for all interest in acting was Chris Burke, an actor with Down's of his detennination hl·s connection to and h 4 rd work Some syndrome, will speak on Cabrini Day. • Cabrini College. of his honors are: Ten Cabrini offered acting classes to the stu- Outstanding New Faces (] 989), Nominee dents from Don Guanella School and Chris for Golden Globe Award (1990), Nominee knew this would help him to pur;ue his life- r l • ., r~ e Award (1990), Ten Outam a W1 a..:t r He appeared m se, standin,_'YoLingAmeri1....:ms ( 1991), '.itmna, era! Cahrini theater productions and, Rehabilitation Hospital Honoree (1993) and through determination and the courage to in 1995 Just One Break (JOB) Ability First face prejudices, he becan1e an actor. Award. Along with all of those great accom• In 1987 he was in a TV movie called plishments he will receive a Cabrini Award "Desperate," after which his acting career for his tireless efforts on behalf of people began to take off. From 1989- I993 he with disabilities. starred in "Life Goes Ori" as the well-known Presently Chris Burke is a National Good"Corky." This TV series aired on ABC and will Ambassador for the National Down's presently airs on PAX, a network dedicated Syndrome Society. He holds a proud title of to family programming. editor in chief of Employment for News & In 1992, he was the lead in a ABC/David Views, which is a magazine for and aboLit Wolper production TV movie called, individuals with Down's Syndrome. I ··Jonathan, Tlte Boy N~ody Wanted." He __

Workshop with Don Guanella School scheduled

EY.Shivon Watson ln the I 980s, Cabrini College and the staff writer Don Guanella School collaborated and

One of the workshops offered during Cabrini Day is with Don Guanella School stLidents. The Don Guanella School is for boys with developmental disabilities.

Purposeof Cabrini MissionCorps

by CrystalDavis staff writer

The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus started the Cabrini Mission Corps in 1990. They are an international institute founded in 17 countries. The founding director of Cabrini Mission Corps was Sr. Lucille Souza, MSC. Souza brought her many administrative and personal gifts, as well as her energy, to the ta~k.The CLirrentdirectors are Alison Arnold Ryan and Eileen Zebrowski. The Cabrini Mission Corps is made up of women and men who have a special desire to help others. Missionaries are brave enough to work with our brothers and sisters throughout the world, especially those who are distressed. Cabrini Mission Corps gives men and women the chance to commit their time, energy and talents for a minimum of one year to I 8 months in various ministries in the United States and other countries. Missionaries volunteer their full-time services and live with the Cabrini Sisters, learning from one another.

First-yearstudents informedon specifics of Cabrini Day

Patr,cia Gannon staff writer

Many first-year students have been introduced to a community-wide celebration known as Cabrini Day. However, they do not know what it is about. When they ask, they are given the same speech that was even written down for the person who read it, but they are never told what happens.

Brunchto begin day's festivities

by Shane Chuvalas

staff writer

In honor of the many people who have been associated with goodwill, change and Cabrini, there will be a brunch. To kick off Cabrini Day. the dining hall is hosting the annual Cabrini Day Celebrity Brunch under the direction of Dr. C)'nthia Halpern. The brunch will comply with the theme. 'There's No Day Like Today-Make A Difference" by having volunteers cook and serve a variety of delicious foods. Starting at 10:00 a.m. students will be able to indulge in carved ham, pies, waffles, soft served yogurt and more. After brunch, the festivities honoring St. Frances Xavier Cabrini and the Cabrini network of institutions will begin. Cabrini's celebrity this year will be Chris Burke from the ABC series "life Goes On." The brunch ends at noon.

Workshopto focuson Cabrinisports

by Tina Hadley staff writer

In celebration of Cabrini Day, students can attend numerous workshops to broaden their horizons about the college. One work~hop will focus on the history of Cabrini sports. Student Government president Chris Nielsen ..nd JUntor student leader Chad Ma) will be the hief coordinators of this program portraymg Cabrini's fine athletic traditioru,.Also involved in sharing tlus unique aspect of Cabrini is John Dzik, athletic director and long-time head men's basketball coach. Come to Founder's Hall on Nov. 5 to be enlightened on the history of Cabrini sports. The precise time and location will be announced at a later date.

formed a theater pro3ect intended to help improve the boys· self esteem and communication skills. The program also teaches students how to interact with others.

Workshop to address diversity, race issues

by Kristina Geerken staff writer

Shirley Dixon, coordinator of the office of diversity initiatives, will be offering a workshop: Diversity; Respecting and Valuing Our

Differences. It hopes to accomplish four goals: to help us understand our own diversity, discover other diversities, comprehend how diversity powerfully aligns with Cabrini's vision and to experience the impact of diversity.

Cabrini Day begins at 10 a.m.on Nov. 5 with a community brunch in the dining hall. Next, a World Game workshop begins at 10:30 a.m. This is followed by the dedication ceremony in Founder's Hall for the of· fice~ of ti· M onary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 11:30 a.m. From noon-2:30 p.m. there art: workshops dealing with an array of social justice issues. Then, a Cabrini Day Liturgy in the Brockmann Chapel takes place from 2:30-3:30 p.m. At 3:35 p.m. the Charles A. Mastrodonardi Service and Leadership award will be given by the key note speaker, Chris Burke, star of the series "life Goes On." Finally, in the evening, there will be an ice cream social.

Cabrini Day should not be considered a day off from school. Instead, it should be considered a day when we set aside our schedules and join in together in a day of celebration, education and friendship.

World Game to help studentsaccept



by Kara Driscoll staff writer

The World Game will take place in the gym in Founder's Hall. The event will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will cany on until 2:30 p.m. The floor of the gym will be transfonned into a gigantic map of the world. Students will be broken into different groups and different countries. They will then be presented with their respective countries' problems. The students will be expected to work out ways of Jiving in their country's society and will try to deal with their own adversaries.

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