9 minute read
A haunted house with a • literary twist
By Bridget Egan staff writer
An eerie house laden with sadness and death stands erect against the Philadelphia skyline, and every year 17,000 people come from all over the United States just to see it. This house is the Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site and within its brick walls lies the legacy of one of the most prolific writers America has ever known.
Located on 7th and Spring Garden Streets in Philadelphia, the Poe historic site is more of a preserved time capsule than a museum. The monument was the home of Poe and his wife Virginia Clemm and Vuginia's mother, Maria Poe Clemm, from 1843-1844.
In this home Poe worked on "Burton's Gentleman's Magazine" and the future "Saturday Evening Post" and also wrote several short stories. Poe was in Philadelphia for a total of six years and his stay in the city of brotherly love was considered the pinnacle of his career. This belief is the reason the historic site is located in Philadelphia and not Boston, where Poe was born, or Baltimore, where the author is buried.
From the outside, the house appears trim and quaint. The structure is quite large because there have been numerous additions over the years. When one enters the building, however, a different feeling grips the senses.
The rooms, though quite large for Poe's meager income, are stripped bare. The walls are naked. with only the raw brick exposed. The floor is dark, hard wood and there is a hush of silence over the entire residence.
The park service has not decided what to do with the rooms, so they are bare until renovations are planned. Until then, however, the cavernous space is devoid of furniture, carpets and life.
Lighting the narrow staircases are blacldights, and red paper covers the basement windows, forcing all light that enters to be transformed into a murky blood-like glow.
The tour was guided by a ranger who explained where Virginia Clemm rested while she was dying of tuberculosis.
One is led though the rooms and down into the garden where a giant statue of a raven stands, a tribute to one of Poe's most famous poems, "The Raven."
The guides seem particularly delighted in inviting visitors to guess where a body might be hidden within the cellar's half-finished brick walls, like in the story, "The Black Cat."
The rangers are quite proud of this home and it is obvious in the way they speak of Poe.
One ranger told visitors that this was not a haunted house. Instead, this was a monument to a brilliant writer. They remind the tour-takers of Poe's desire to be a poet and the meager living that the man made from his creativity.
"People come expecting a haunted house." Ranger Dan Blake said. "It's not that. It is pretty creepy when it's dark, though."
Everyday at 3:30 p.m. the lights in the house darken and on weekend afternoons the guides use lanterns to lead visitors through Poe's world. Tours for the weekend are taken by reservation for the 1 p.m. tour and later afternoon tours are on a first come, first serve basis. There is no admission charge.
The monument is open daily 9 a.m.to 5 p.m. until November, when it is open weekdays and Saturdays only.
• On Friday, Oct. 30, Cabrini College presents Ballet Gran Folklorico de Mexico, a program of folkloric dances and authentic music from several different regions in Mexico. The program begins in the Dixon Center at 7:30 p.m.
• If you have outgrown Trick or Treating, try some of these local Halloween events.
The radio station YlOO is sponsoring "Terror Behind the Walls," a haunted tour of the Eastern State Penitentiary and Old Fort Mifflin in Philadelphia. The tour runs until Sunday, Nov. 1. Tickets are available at all Ticketmaster locations or call (215) 336-2000.
The Philadelphia Orchestra is presenting a Halloween concert on Saturday, Oct. 31 at the Academy of Music. Call (215) 893-1999 for tickets and wear a costume if you go.
The Franklin Institute Science Museum is holding a special Halloween laser light show on Friday, Oct. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 31. The show begins at 10:45 p.m. Tickets are sold at the museum for $8.
by Karin Letcher
Amidst the modem day multi-cultural restaurants, high-rise a the Olde City section of Philadelphia are the buildings and ho great historical figures lived and worked in, as well as their gh different myths, the spirits of Benjamin Franklin, William Pen American Revolution all remain in Olde City. They dwell in the ious landmarks.
On any given night beginning at 7:30 p.m. at 5th and Chestn as numerous others, are told to anxious listeners on a candlelit of Olde City. The "Ghosts of Philadelphia" tour is based upon IIl entitled "Philadelphia Ghost Stories." Adams is a well-kno ality from the Reading area.
In a little over an hour, a "ghost host" takes participants t church graveyards that are supposedly haunted. The humorous torical references. The first stop on the tour is the American P known as Library Hall during the days of the nation's Foundin Quaker belief, it is said that the statue of Benjamin Franklin th ture leaves its post and roams the surrounding area.
The tour guides use imagery to bring the participants into the done in Adams' book, the audience is told to imagine themselves dependence Hall. A scene is then described in which what was tourist in the building past closing time is really a spirit that aro an icy cold mist into a human form. It is suggested that perh ghostly figure is a Founding Father coming back to bestow mor of wisdom.
Other stops along the candlelit tour include Washington Squ and the Pennsylvania Hospital. According to legend, appro 4,000 people are buried in Washington Square. These corpses c American Revolution victims and casualties from a potter's field isted on the land prior to the Revolution. Supposedly construe stopped at the park because workers have found remains of these Stories of apparitions of their unsettled souls wandering around In particular, a ghost named Leah roams the grounds.
On the lawn in front of the Pennsylvania Hospital is an extre statue of William Penn. This statue is also said to abandon its and meander around the gardens on the lawn.
The tales of Olde City spirits given in the "Ghosts of Phila tour manage to evoke interesting discussions and thoughts, more true fear. One participant, clutching her husband's hand, said, ' think ghosts can hurt anybody, do you?" The stories are not prese a manner to cause physical fear. Nothing is staged or set-up in tr "Ghosts of Philadelphia" excels in giving intriguing historical l without blatantly scaring the audience. Participants walk away different perspective of the landmarks, parks and back alleys c City. Olde City is not just the home to the Liberty Bell and Indepe Hall. It is also the place where numerous spirits lurk and dwell.
The tour runs until the end of October and starts up again i Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $5 for children ages three t 12. Call (215) 413-1997 for reservations and more information.
Charles Adams IUhas written a book on the legends and the his1 of Phlladelphia, called PhJlodefphla Ghost Slot/es. The book Is put llshed by Exeter House Booksand Is avallable at bookstores.He 11 also written several other books.
£;hostly candlelight
ours liven up Olde ity Philadelphia. The istory is just as scinating as the hosts.
a&e editor ments and speeding cars in that many of Philadelphia's and legends. According to nd British soldiers from the ·sparks, alleyways and var- treets, these stories, as well •ng tour through the streets book by Charles J. Adams oumalist and radio person-
•ous buildings, parks and •des tell tales based on hisosophical Society building, athers. Originating from a aces the front of the structales. For instance, as is night security guards at Ininally thought of as a stray ut of this ords Park tely st of t exhas ies. nd. old stal
The Bonaparte House at 260 S. 9th St, The name came from Joseph Bonaparte, the older brother of Napoleon, who lived there in 1815. The ghost that is said to haunt the house is named Chloris Ingle-
Rock climbing gyms are becoming popular spots for adventure-seekers. Indoor rock climbing gyms provide a challenging afternoon for people of all climbing abilities. The Philadelphia Rock Gym is only one of several gyms in the area. by Nick
_____ _ _ If a group wants to see who the biggest staff writer daredevil is, PRG offers three group pack- ages.
Ever feel that you need some excitement in your life that combines both the will and determination to succeed? Look no further, because rock climbing is the sport for you.
Now, you may say to yourself, "How can there be rock climbing here in Radnor?" There is no outdoor rock climbing officially in the Radnor vicinity, but there is an abundance of indoor training facilities that should whet your appetite.
One such facility is the Philadelphia Rock Gym located in Oaks, Penn. Here you get to challenge your expertise or just get your feet wet in the rock climbing business.
Located about five miles from Cabrini College, PRG gives you an adventure you will not forget. PRG has been recognized by "Philadelphia Magazine" as one of the "Top 50 places for Great Dates." John Dicuollo, an employee at PRG, said that most of their business comes from younger adults.
When you enter PRG, you will be amazed by the numerous challenging walls of rocks of different shapes and sizes.
There are a variety of different features that are showcased at the PRG. The first is the El Dorado, which is a huge wall to climb with many hard twists and turns to overcome. PRG also offers 35-foot waJJs and a jam crack where your hands have to be placed when climbing. This is very difficult to maneuver because of the angle and placement of your body.
There is also a complete boulder cave and a lead wall. The boulder is very difficult to adjust because the rocks are hard to handle if you are not used to this kind of activity. The lead wall enables you to enhance your climbing abilities to the next level.
For the college student, the rates at PRG are designed to be well within the college budget. There is an Introduction to Climbing package, which gives you the basics on rock climbing and offers safety tips and equipment rental. This package costs $25.
The general rate for a day pass is $12. The cost of the rental gear is $5 for climbing shoes, $3 for a harness and $2 for a chalk bag. PRG also offers a 10-visit ticket for $80.
The facility also has memberships. There is a one-month student pass (must have ID), which is very popular. The cost for this plan is $45. There is also a three-month membership for $105, a six-month membership for $180 and a year-long membership for $300.
The first package is for a group of IO to 30 people. The cost is $15 per person, which includes the number of trainers needed, a harness and two hours of climbing.
The second group package is intended for 30 or more individuals. This package reduces the price to $12 per person with the same features as the first package.
The third group package consists of 10 or more climbers. It includes two and a half hours of climbing with an $8 climbing pass, $5 for shoes, $2 for a harness and a $10 safety lesson.
A $50 deposit must be made for a group reservation.
PRG also offers instructional courses that can help you m your climbing adventures. The first is the beginner lesson, which includes a full-day pass, rental of all the necessary equipment and a safety lesson.
The advanced class offers instruction on lead climbing and techniques of movement.
After you make it through the indoor course and you think that you are an expert at the inside rock climbing, PRG offers Philadelphia Rock Guides. PRG takes you to Ralph Stover Park to experience outdoor climbing.
The intro class offers safety tips for the outside climbing world. The next class is an upgrade from the introduction class. Here the climbers are put through a tough course of rock climbing.
PRG also provides private courses.
PRG has a store that offers climbers an extensive choice of different materials needed in rock climbing. Harnesses, shoes and magazines are all available.
Rock climbing has the potential for a bright future and the Philadelphia Rock Gym is one place to experience this new wave in America.
For more information, visit their website at http://www.philarockgym.com.
Tol<e476 North (Blue Route) to the junction with 76 West.(SchuylldlExpressway.) Toke 1hot to exit 268 202South). After getting onto lnwnil~ follow signs tor 422 West ( West to Ooksexit ( of exit romp turn Rood. Go 1/4 mi Deli on the ien-nalll the deff