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Parking violations: similar, different on local campuses
by Megan Zustra copy editor
The prices of parking and moving violation fines and parking permits at area colleges and universities are both similar and different from those at Cabrini.
The cost of a parking permit at Cabrini is $35 per year and firstyear students are not permitted to bring cars to campus. At Villanova juniors and seniors may purchase a parking permit for $75 per year, according to the official website of Villanova's public safety department. First-year students are not permitted to park on campus at all and sophomores are able to buy parking passes only if space is available and these are given on a first come, first serve basis.
At Eastern College the price of a parking permit is even higher at $82 per year, according to their department of public safety. Although first-year students are allowed to bring cars to campus the student handbook states "students new to the campus will be most successful academically and and socially if they concentrate on studies and remain on the campus over the weekends. "
Like Cabrini, Bryn MawrCollege charges $35 per year for a parking permit and Rosemont College charges nothing for the first parking permit one gets. After that each additional permit is $30.
All of the schools listed also have consequences for failure to register your vehicle and also for violating certain roadway rules.
The speed limit on Cabrini, Vtllanova, Rosemont and Bryn Mawr's campuses is 15 mph and Eastern College posts theirs as 20 mph. The fine for speeding at Cabrini is $50, at Villanova and Rosemont it is $25 and at Bryn Mawr the fine is $20. Eastern has no fine for speeding.
Not registering your vehicle renders a $25 fine at Cabrini, a $15 fine at Villanova, $100 and the cost of a permit, $82, at Eastern. At Bryn Mawr the consequence is a $100 fine plus towing and at Rosemont the fine is $15 if the hang tag is not properly displayed and the result is towing if the vehicle is not registered.
The refusal to obey a public safety officer or refusal to show proper college ID to an officer does not have a fine at Cabrini, Rosemont or Eastern but does have a $25 fine at Villanova and a $20 fine at Bryn Mawr College.
Driving under the influence of either drugs or alcohol is something that colleges also have fines for. At Cabrini the fine is $ 100 and also at Eastern the $ I 00 fine is the first thing followed by suspension of driving privileges on campus as well as disciplinary action. The fine for driving under the influence at Villanova is $50 and there is no fine for this violation at Bryn Mawr College.
Parking in handicapped spaces without the proper plates results in a $35 fine at Cabrini, a $50 fine at Villanova, a $20 fine at Bryn Mawr College and $25 at Rosemont. Again, Eastern has no fine for this violation.
Parking on the grass, unpaved areas or landscapes will get you a $35 fine at Cabrini, a $15 fine at Villanova and Rosemont , a $25 fine at Eastern and a $10 fine at Bryn Mawr College.
Failure to park in marked lines will not get you a Cabrini fine but will cost you $15 at Villanova and Rosemont, $25 at Eastern and $10 at Bryn Mawr.
Other violations at Villanova include $15 fines for, Parking in a reserved area without a permit, the failure to yield to pedestrians, parking in or blocking loading zones, parking in front of building exits and recovering a lost or stolen permit and not reporting it to public safety and forging or altering a permit.
Other violations at Rosemont include parking in fire lanes, parking in loading spaces, and parking in front of fuel oil fill areas. storms, blocking ramps, entrances or doorways, double parking, driving an uninsured, uninspected or umegistered vehicle, as well as driving without an operators license and reckless driving will result in a fine.
At Eastern failure to obey parking restriction signs is the only violation which bas not yet been addressed.
At Bryn Mawr parking in visitor spaces, running or removing a blockade, backing into a parking space, driving or parking on the sidewalk, forging or altering a permit and the failure to report the change of a license plate will get you a fine.
Each college is located in a different area and therefore has its own set of violations.
Rich McErlean, director of public safety at Cabrini, has already given reasons for the new violations here. At least one of the other schools mentioned has most of the same violations as Cabrini. Cabrini
Finally, at Cabrini fines not yet mentioned are turfing, parking next to the houses during snow
Partut;~ Violation $2S $182 $15 $15 $100
$5'J none $25 $25 $20
Refusalto Obeya PublicSafetyOfficer none none $$25 none $20
$3S $25 $15 $15 $10
Parking in Handicapped Spaces
$35 none $50 $25 $20
Failureto Parkin Marked.Spaces none $25 $15 $15 $10 graphic by LauraCssamento