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President of O'ND to speak on public relations
Larry Rubin says that several qualities, such as good writing and listening skills, will help hopefuls land a job in the public relations field.
by Cynthia Taura staff writer
Attention Cabrini students: do you have an interest in public relations, marketing or advertising?
If the answer is yes, then come hear Larry Rubin, president of O'ND Public Relations, give a speech at Cabrini on Thursday, Nov. 12 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the Widener Center lecture hall. His -t5peechwill consist of how to attempt to communicate perception of people, products, events, things that people come into contact with.
Rubin has visited Cabrini's campus and referred to it as a "hidden jewel," particularly when referring to the mansion.
Rubin graduated from Temple University with a degree in political science. Since then, he has given lectures at various colleges about what it takes to make it in these various fields.
He has worked for 30 years and spent 18 years working at the Spectrum arena, working in the publicity field.
To obtain a job in the field of public relations, Rubin says you should have good writing skills, good listening skills, the ability to sell people on a story idea, you must be outgoing and have done an internship or two.
O'ND offers internships every semester.
"It is important for undergraduates to work and experience public relations before they graduate" Rubin said.
Also, in order to make it in the public relations field, Rubin said,"You have to be able to know a lot of things about a lot of different things unless you specialize in a specific area."
In the past, Rubin says that his speeches at different colleges have drawn a very positive response.
"They were very interested in entertainment and the business procedures I went through" Rubin said.
An example Rubin gave was in the '70s at a Who concert when 12 kids were trampled to death trying to get into the concert. Shows were cancelled because of the tragedy.
Eventually, another show took place in the Spectrum and press from all over the world wanted to cover the show.
Rubin gave that example because many students take an interest after hearing of an actual event rather than being lied to.
Rubin's follows a certain philosophy: "Be honest, accessible and responsive."
With that philosophy, you can gain the respect of the media and have a head start on less credible people in business according to Rubin.
There are no 9-5 hours in this business according to Rubin.
Rubin carries a beeper and is available to Spectra Guard 24 hours a day.
Like Rubin, a public relations spokesperson eliminates confusion for clients in relation to the media.
He also helps eliminate the confusion for clients in relation to the media.
Rubin's job helps eliminate many people saying different things about the same topic.
Statistics show that 80 percent of people work in jobs they hate and it can take 10 years away from someone's life.
However, that may not be the case with the public relations field. It is not that way for Rubin.
"I enjoy my job," Rubin said. "I enjoy what I do. I have enjoyed it for a long time and make other people aware of the opportunities. It is fun for me to come on campus and relate my experience to the students."