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Clinton's visit brings many out to protest, support
by Ron D'Orazio and Julie Shallis sports editor and news editor
As President Bill Clinton landed by helicopter for his speech at Norristown Area High School, protesters, police officers, secret service agents and bystanders waited anxiously.
One woman waiting for a giimpse of the nation's leader had an ironic twist to her visit.
"The last president I saw was President Nixon before he was impeached," said Marie Holtje, a native of East Greenville, ie21 "So I wanted to see the next W- ident in trouble."
Holtje was interested to see the demonstrators as well.
As for her opinion, she is in favor of the president's impeachment for several reasons.
Holtje said that so many people who fought for civil rights, such as women and minorities, fought against lying in the courts.
"It makes me wonder why many of the minorities and women would defend Clinton," she said.
Another reason that Holtje cited for removing Clinton was the fact that he displayed misconduct in the office where he works.
She said that the normal, every- day employee would be fired, and Clinton should be treated the same way.
Across the street from the high school, protesters gathered with picket signs that voiced similar opinions.
Protesters shouted things like, "Hide your daughter, Clinton's in town," while holding signs that said "Welcome, Pathological Liar."
"We're not going to change his mind," said a local protester, Tom Adkins, editor of the Common Conservative.
''We want to change the children's minds."
Adkins was there because he is against an immoral president. It goes further than sexual harassment, he said. He is afraid of things like the selling of missiles to the Japanese.