4 minute read
Student's father comes to town as Secret Service agent
by Laura Casamento
"The most interesting thing about this job is editor in chief the interesting places we go to all over the world and all over the United States," he said.
Tony Zoccola is not allowed to tell you what he thinks of Monica Lewinsky.
He also can not comment about the impeachment process-or anything else involving President Bill Clinton-at all.
In fact, the only thing that he can tell you about Clinton is that he is very "presidential."
Zoccola, the father of Cabrini junior Gilda Zoccola, has served as a secret service agent for the past 8 l/2 years.
As a protective support technician, Zoccola is not only responsible for driving the President and his staff members to and from events, such as Clinton's recent speech at Norristown High School, but he also fixes and maintains the vehicles and serves as a bodyguard to t.he president aqd his staff members.
According to Zqtcola, ihe Jopks forward to some of the perks bf the job.
However, Zoccola maintains that the constant travel has its drawbacks.
"I don't like being away from my family," he said.
Zoccola, who lives in Maryland, was in the area on Wednesday, Jan. 20 to escort Clinton to his recent speech at Norristown High School.
Due to the strict rules that anyone involved with the president must adhere to, Zoccola is not able to discuss anything about Clinton except in the vaguest terms.
Though most of his time is spent working on the presidential vehicles, such as the limousines and sport utility vehicles, he does get to hang out with Clinton as his driver sometimes.
"He's very presidential," Zoccola said. "That's the only-w~y I can describe him."
Should Clinton stay in office? Students, faculty respond
A poll of the campus community revealed that the opinions of Cabrini students, faculty and staff on whether President Bi~IClinton should be convicted and removed from office are consistent with national polls. Of the 255 people surveyed, 34 percent want Clinton thrown out of office, while 66 percent say he should remain president. [} 1,.,, "~ ?c r red; tnf/ VGV~ /WJ ,r----------======::;---, 1-10 J-----------,138 120
"Clinton committed perjury. It is an im~ peachable offense, and it is an affront to every law-abiding citizen in this country if that man is permitted to remain in office."
-Bill Fmnan, L...,,iat.e ~tor of dmissions J and~ die-hard Clin~-;~~er 100 80 71
"He should be thrown out of office. If I perjure myself, I go to jail and lose my job." 60
G Facultyand Staff
--PaulWeaver of_,..(dmissions
-10 20 0 Yes No
E-mail system infected over break
The campus e-mail system was shut down over break to repair the sys~em.The system is back up and running, but students now have to recreate the link to their e-mail, according to Andy Cioppi, network generalist.
by Melissa Lessig and running successfully as of The Cabrini e-mail system is news editor Dec. 30, 1998, but school was not owned and operated by Cabrini. in session. Therefore, Cioppi said Therefore, it is the responsibilityof Cabrini's e-mail system was in- this "wasn't public knowledge." the college to repair the system fected by computer bugs over the Upon the college community's re- when it is faulty. Cioppi noted adsemester break and was shut down. tum to school, the e-mail was vantages in establishing one's eStudents could not access the e- working, according to Cioppi. mail through Cabrini as opposed to mail, owned and operated by Currently there have been no Internet e-mail, such as Hotmail. Cabrini College, with the address other disturbances in the e-mail "Hotmail uses your information of xavier.cabrini.eduover break. system. for demographicpurposes. Cabrini The system was repaired and was "It's been stable and running,"he e-mail is free and confidential," available to students upon their re- said. Cioppi said. turn from the break. Currently,the The only current difficulty, ac- Cioppi does not foresee many system is up and running. cording to Cioppi, is that students problems with the e-mail in the fu. Andy Cioppi, network general- have to recreate the link to their old ture. However, "it's computers," ist, heads the Cabrini e-mail. e-mail. But he acknowledges that Cioppi said. According to Cioppi, 'There were bugs in the system this is not an insurmountableprob-- the system is very stable. last semester,"he said. "We shut it !em.
"We are able to clean everything down to reinstall the server." "The nature of the e-mail allows up," he said. 'There are no probAccording to Cioppi, this is why students to create as many ac- lems resembling last semester. I'm the e-mail was down over the se- counts as they want," Cioppi said. confident that it will be available mester break. "We can flush out the ones not for students."
Cioppi said the system was up __ wo~kin.&'An?t peing,l!~ed:':•
"Our past two presidents, Reagan and Bush, were involved with arms to Iran, which is more harmful than someone having sex."
-GavinMirigliani senior
Class running out of time as graduation debate continues
by Brian O'Connell assistant sports editor
Since the construction of the Dixon Center, the administration of Cabrini has decided to have the new recreation center as the site of graduation. However, due to overcrowding in the gymnasium, seniors are protesting and eager to have the graduation outside, which would accommodate more family and friends.
Over Christmas break, senior class president Colleen Mmpby discussed the possibility of having the graduation outside with Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice presint of student development.
"Over break. we discussed the possibility with Dean Bob Bonfiglio of having the graduation outside," Murphy said.
Since the meeting with Bon• figlio, no progress has been • .' made. However, a meeting was held on Wednesday.Jan. 27.with Bonfiglio and a group of seniors to discuss any future plans they may have to improve this situation.
They also hope to make some suggestions the school would accept in order to have the graduation exercises outside.
"Whether or not the graduation will be inside or outside is yet to be detennined,'' said Bonfiglio.
Right now, the seniors really want to have the graduation outside. according to Murphy.
"We want the exercises to be outside, and we are not giving up our fight,'' Murphy said. ''We think it's a honible idea to have it inside the Dixon Center."
With the second semester underway, and graduation fast approaching, time will only tell where the graduation ceremony will be held.