6 minute read
There's a priceweallpaytor squatting,especiallyhere
Phantom Sh-----" struck again.
For those students who haven't heard, the "Phantom" mistook a stairway in one of the houses for a toilet earlier this semester.
At the time, it was thought to be a random occurrence of stupidity.
Chris Nielsen
Will somebody please tell me when the students of this college went nuts?
Okay, that's not fair. Most students here still have a sense of decency, but there are definitely some screwed up individuals running around here.
One such student made quite an impression last Saturday. With due credit given to the 141 Newsletter, the idiot dubbed "The
Every resident of the house had to pay $10 out of their housing deposit to clean it up, making it the most expensive poop I have ever heard of.
This second time is more upsetting.
The first occurrence might have just been on a drunken dare, or something else silly like that.
But the fact that this happened again just goes to show that we have one sick monkey enrolled in this school.
So why do I feel the need to give this moron any publicity? Because I feel that the "Phantom" is just the worst case of what has been a bad year in terms of van- dalism.
Yeah, last year, there were some damages, especially in the apartments. I can remember several cases of fights and broken windows and things of that sort.
Really, those kinds of things are standard for colleges, and the Zero Tolerance policy was a tough response to those problems. The worst part is that the new problems within the student body are more serious.
Let's put it simply.
Fights and damages = bad.
Arson, guns and poop = much worse.
Yeah, that's right, I wrote arson. There have been four reported cases of fire in Xavier Hall this year.
Four accidental fires don't happen in a matter of less than seven months.
So what should be done about these occurrences? Well, first off, I don't believe
Letters To The Editor
Administration cares more about money than its students
To the Editor:
This letter is for those of you on the administration staff to read carefully. I am a junior here at Cabrini and since my freshman year, I was happy with the choice I made in where I wanted to go to college. If there were any complaints made against any of you or the school itself, I was the first person to speak up against them in your defense. For the first time since my arrival, I am sorry that I ever supported any of you and your actions in making this a "better institution."
I must say that I am sorry that I ever made the decision to spend (I should say waste) four years at a school where the administration does not care for the people who keep them employed. A 9.7 percent increase in the tuition, directly following a 9.4 percent increase from the year before, is more than ridiculous.
If you want to know why so many students drop out or transfer from this place, it is because they have learned what I should have seen long before: this school is not worth it. Why pay so much when there is no reason for it?
My family and I have sacrificed too much so I could stay here. That is the only reason as to why I am not doing the same. I am not a quitter. Senioritis kicked in for me early last semester thanks to the empty promises and outrageous decisions that you make every year. If there is a problem concerning a student, you do not get involved unless it affects your weekly salary, for which you get paid too much in the first place. If you don't care, why should we? Enough is enough. You need to look at what really makes a college what it is. That is the students. Without us, you would not be driving your shiny, new cars and leav- that people keep these kinds of crimes to themselves. Why would someone make such an obvious cry for attention only to remain anonymous? The truth is they wouldn't.
This leads me to believe that sooner or later someone who knows who did these things will pick up this commentary.
Who knows, maybe an arsonist or even the "Phantom" himself (or herself) will read this.
Either way, I will finish with this plea: When you know someone who is committing serious acts of vandalism against the college, report them before someone gets hurt. In the long run, you will be doing them a favor.
ChrisNielsenis a sophomoremajoringin English/ communication.Heistheassistantperspectives editorof Loquitur.Heis offeringa $500rewardto thepersonwhobringshimthePhantom,dead or alive.Okay,maybenot. • ing here to go back to your expensive homes. Think about that.
The advisers and the staff who work under you care more about us than you, and they do not make as much as they deserve. For example, if it was not for Martha Dale and her staff in Alumni Affairs, I would not be here now. Martha, I thank you and all of your staff for your sincere concern for the student body. You should be made a model for the administrators at this school.
I will be probably the happiest person at Cabrini when the class of 2000 graduates next year. It means that I will finally be getting out of this hellhole of a school and I will have less stress and frustration in my life because of that. Although, thanks to all of you. we will be graduating in one of the ugliest buildings this campus has to offer. There is nothing more sickening to my stomach than knowing that I actually defended those of you in the administration for so long. What was I thinking? Just take a few minutes to let all of this absorb into those thick skulls of yours. The answer to that question is not easy for me to answer, either.
I just have one message and challenge for all of you to attempt to accept, if you are still reading up to now. If the student body is the reason that your jobs and Cabrini College are still here, act like it for a change.
Shannon Downs Junior
Administration not making things good for the students
Dear President Iadarola, and the entire Cabrini College community: I am a first-year student, who, like the rest of the students of Cabrini, pays a lot of money to go here. The money the students pay includes tuition, room and board, and fees. It also includes the usage of campus facilities, such as the newly constructed Dixon Center.
Last week I went to the Dixon Center to use the gym. An AAU basketball team was using the nets on the far side of the gym. I went to use the basket on the opposite end of the gym so I wouldn't disturb them. Not long after I did this, an assistant coach came over and asked me to stop because they could not hear themselves talk. I was astonished, considering that I pay all this money to go here and yet, I can't even use the gym I pay to use. Without further adieu, I left and went to the gym in Founder's Hall. I couldn't use that gym either because a team from a Radnor school was practicing. I left there, completely irritated and angry. I thought these facilities were available for the students and faculty to use whenever they were in operation.
Do not get me wrong, I'm glad Cabrini College rents these facilities out to the commu- nity. I know it is important to expand the image of the college, as well as the financial department. I have two problems with this, though:
1) Why can't someone post a schedule on the doors to these facilities to let students know when these student-accessible facilities will not be accessible to them?
2) If Cabrini's tuition is increasing 9.7 percent next fall, why are these facilities being rented out constantly, and where does that money go?
It seems that this problem occurs frequently in the Dixon Center. That building was built from the money of many alumni, and even they cannot share in the benefits of this beautiful sports complex because other schools are using the pool, squash courts, and gym. I'm sure many other students feel the same as I do. We pay a lot to attend this college; therefore, we should get what we pay for. Something should be done to make these "accessible" facilities more accessible to Cabrini students.
Name withheld at the request of the writer