1 minute read
ily. My stepfather, whom I've know since the ripe old age of eight, died at 3:39 on Thursday.
I expected all of my friends to be there for me, and they were. What I didn't expect was for Dr. Mary Alice Muellerleile, the interim Provost and academic dean, to be there for me.
Ben Lunn
It's like a rule. Every time you least expect it, something comes along to change your entire view of everything.
Even at Cabrini.
Just last week. one of these earth-shattering events occurred.
Well, maybe it wasn't exactly earth-shattering, but it certainly was unusual, and I'll never forget it.
A member of the administration (the very same ones that don't care about us) actually went out of her way to help me in a time of need.
Late last week. I had a death in the fam-
I had an early meeting with her and a few other members of faculty and administration the morning after I found out about my stepfather.
I wasn't too surprised at all of the 'Tm sorrys" and the "That's too bads" when they found out, but what surprised me was when Muellerleile asked if I had any way to get home. I said that I have no car, and no train goes to that area.
Then she asked me if I drive. I said yes, but again reminded her that I have no car.
It was then that she volunteered to help me get a rental car so that I could go home and be with my family.
Needless to say, I was shocked.
As it turned out, there were no services yet, and my mother wanted me to stay up here for a few more weeks until we spread the ashes.
I thanked Muellerleile profusely for her generosity and told her what my mother had said.
She then told me that when we spread the ashes, her offer to help with the rental car still stands.
Is this the same administration that doesn't care about the students?
That kind of generosity and genuine concern is exactly what the term "education of the heart'' means to me.
That is what the college professes to value, and finally I saw a genuine example of it in action.
What kind of a world is this that a genuine act of kindness elicits such profound amazement? What does it say about our college that caring causes confusion?
The way I see it, there are three reasons. Either the administration really doesn't care, and Muellerleile only offered to help with the rental car because she could get something out of it.
Another explanation is that the adminis-