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much better mood. So, since I thought things could not get any better, we made our way back to Cabrini, got changed, and did the one thing that Eastern students could not do: drink some beers.
tration always does things to help us, and that we are just ungrateful students always asking for more.
Personally, I think that neither of these is true. Most likely, this third reason is the most accurate.
There are some administrators that truly are nice, and some people on this campus do care about us.
Then again, some people also don't care about us. It just so happens that everyone yells about those that don't care so loudly that we can't hear it when someone says "I care."
I think that each one of us, if we think about it, can think of at least one employee here (administration or faculty) that really cares about the students.
We must remember these people when we scream about the "uncaring administration."
There are some that will go out of their way to help you rent a car.
BenLunnis a sophomoremajori~in English/ communciation.Heis oneof Loqu1tur's assistantnewsed~ors.
a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.
Joe Elliott
It was a miracle, it finally happened, we finally got a real snow storm! I never though it was going to happen. I figured that the weather people were just out to have their little meteorologist joke and get our hopes up. But we got snow!
As you all know, Sunday afternoon, around 11:30 a.m., the snow started to fall here at Cabrini, and by 3 p.m., it was covering the ground with beautiful snow. By 10 p.m., the residents of house seven and company were getting ready to set out and do some serious sleigh riding.
We made our way to Eastern College-yeah, Eastern College-thinking that nobody would be out having fun because it was a Sunday night.
Well, weren't we surprised to find around 200 screaming Eagles out by the soccer field, playing in the snow.
Along with that, I was able to witness three things: l) the biggest group snowball fight known to man; 2) a 20-foot-high snowman; and 3) people having a good old, genuine fun time.
Well, this was definitely able to put me into a
But a funny thing happened. I found myself not really wanting to drink, but to go and play in the snow again, so that is what we did. We had a great snowball fight, even with people that we did not know. We did not worry about school, we did not worry about who hit who. It was good, old fashioned fun, and we were not worried about getting in any sort of trouble. Most of that was because of the two public safety officers who decided to kind of have a small ambush on us. Well, we showed them what was up, as we seriously beat them, even though I got a large snowball to the back in what I call a drive-by snowballing. It really surprised me to see that even public safety came out of their shells to share in the snow that we had been blessed with on Sunday.
I really do not know how to explain what happened, but for some reason or another, the snow was able to make every body on and around campus have a good time. It made us think that we were little again, and our parents were waiting to take us to the local sleigh riding hill on a Saturday morning.
I could not really explain what was going on this past Sunday, but I'm sure the feeling that the most recent snowfall gave us was that of being little kids.
JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/ communciation.Heis theperspectives editorof Loquitur.Forhim,notmentioning thealbinodeerin a columnis likeCalRipken sittingouta game.
Loquitur is a laboratol') newspaper wrillen. edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346. 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus commumt) are in' 11edto work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes. however. are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscnptioo price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Howe,·cr, 1f the writer wishe.s and the editor agrees, the wnter\ name may be left off the publication and an inscnption inserted. such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters to the editor must be submitted by noon on Mondays.