2 minute read
Day of fun at Wonderland Pier ends up deadly and devastating
3y Brian O'Connell sports editor
Editor's note: The reporter is in employee of Wonderland Pier ind was and eyewitness to the ac·ident.
For the past 70 years, Gillian's WonderlandPier in Ocean City, iLJ. has treated guests to many un and exciting rides. That all :hanged on August 28th when the WildWonder roller coaster, a new tddition to the pier this past sumner, claimed the.Jives of 39-year>ld Kimberly Bailey and her 8rear-old daughter Jessica of Westchester,New York.
The park was hopping with housands of vacationers awaiting heir chance to go on their farorite rides. One of the longest ines was at the Wild Wonder ·oiler coaster. Everything was -unning smoothly at the park ;yhen suddenly a few minutes after 10 o'clock everyone's attention was focused on the roller coaster as a result of a loud crash. The car, which was supposed to provide and entertaining ride for the Bailey's, was on its way up a very steep 40-foot in partment and the media were on the scene in minutes. The guests at Wonderland stood in disbelief that such an event would occur and claim the lives of two patrons. Neighbors were on the streets and speed. As the car rounded a tum, the speed was so great that it ejected the Baileys from the car to their deaths. The car slammed into another car injuring two others. Those two riders were treated for minor injuries and released from a local hospital that night.
''The tragic accident was the result of a mechanical failure and such an event could occur at anytime, at any park, to any ride operator."
Paramedics, police, the fire de- on the coaster failed to activate, which sent the car rolling down the hill at a very high speed. After the examination, a park in Wildwood was contacted and instructed to close down a sim- ilar roller coaster on their pier. stunned by this tragic event. The following day, state inspectors examined the ride and ruled that the accident was caused by a mechanical failure. The chain snapped and for some unknown reason, the anti-roll back device cline, when suddenly the chain advancing the car to the top snapped and the anti-roll back device failed and allowed the car to fall in reverse at a tremendous
Jay Gillian A press conference was held Wi d l d G l Mi outside the pier that same day. on er an enera anager Jay Gillian general manger of on their porches watching the event in fear. The Baileys were taken quickly to Shore Memorial Hospital, located five minutes from Wonderland in Somers Point, but were pronounced dead as they arrived. The ride operators and staff at the pier were
Wonderland, expressed his sympathy an~ condolences on behalf of the entire staff at Wonderland to the Bailey family. He explained the rides was inspected by the state of New Jersey on July 1st and a follow-up inspection was conducted on July 21st. Both inspections were given a nod of ap- proval and to commemorate this new ride Governor Christie Whitman came to Wonderland for the grand opening of the ride. On August 28th, the smiles turned to tears as a result of the accident, and some people were left wondering wether they should continue to participate in amusement park activities. After the park closed that night, the ride operators were commended on their outstanding performance in dealing with the tragic event. The night of the accident Gillian spoke to ride operators reminding them that safety was of the utmost importance when operating their rides. He also stated that the "tragic accident was the result of a mechanical failure and that such an event could occur at anytime, at any amusement park, to any ride operator."