2 minute read

First-year students receive lesson in "education of the heart"

by Kristen Williams news editor

Cabrini's sixth annual Day of Service took place on August 31, 1999. According to Dr. Mary Sweetland Laver, campus minister, almost 90% of this years incoming class participated in the day. Over 19 different organizations were a part of this year's day and the number of students that served each placed varied from three to 24.


"I think there was a very positive reaction to the day," Laver said, "the students showed a very strong interest."

Laver's hopes for the day were to show Cabrini's new students at the very start that "education is of an entire person. It involved the community, not just papers and finals."

Laver believed the day to be a great way to show the importance Cabrini places on its Care Values. She also found the day to be a great bond of the campus community and the surrounding communities.

Candice Linehan, a first-year student participated in the day by going to the Philadelphia AIDS Fund where she bagged buttons, stocked shirts, and asked stores on Market Street to hang posters in their windows.

"I was excited to be doing something good and meeting new people," Linehan said, "I just bad hoped to have more interaction with the people of the organization."

Laver said "We hope to get more interac- tion from the organizations, but that's often hard to do. Students need to realize that these buildings need to be kept in order to do the work, so volunteers are needed to do that as well."

First-year student Ronald Branck spent the day at the Mary Knoll House. Branck said "Going into the day I had no clue what to expect, but at the end of the day I felt as if I had really done something good."

Students walked away from the day with feelings that they had accomplished something.

At the same time the organizations that participated were left with feelings of gratitude and joy as well. The Community Action Agency of Delaware County was so moved by the work of Cabrini students that they are hoping to form an on-going bond with the college. The students who went to the agency worked with children and families from various area shelters. A few days after their visit, the agency wrote a letter to Laver asking Cabrini to come back to them as the students had a "great impact on the children they visited."

Laver said "Overall I was very pleased with the day. We received a very enthusiastic and positive response. I hope the students will continue to show such interest in the community around them and keep building the bonds that they were able to begin."

What's Going On This Week

Friday Saturda Sunda Monda Tuesda Wednesda Thursday

• Dance Party

• Mass, 7 p.m.,

• Mass, 4:45

• Blizzard of eW's Tennis on the com- Bruckmann p.m., Bruck- Bucks Game vs. Gwynedd mons 6-11 p.m. Chapel of St. mann Chapel of Show, 8 p.m Mercy, 4 p.m Joseph. St. Joseph. WCGA

• W's soccer vs.

• M's Soccer at College Miseri-

• Fall Fling,

• W's Volleyball Neuman, 4 cordia Food & outdoor vs. Cedar Crest, p.m. activities, 12 7p.m. p.m. -5 p.m.

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