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LoquiturBehindthe Scenes
"We have a lot of creative people here on our staff, and I think it will be something more people read," he says.
Loquitur may not have the following that "Star Wars" has amassed, but with Ben working as editor in chief, we should see the same quality of work and dedication demonstrated in the newspaper that George Lucas put into his film.
by Janice C. Funk managing editor
Note to the "Weekly Almanac" of Honesdale, Pa: Loquitur's new editor in chief, Ben Lunn, is still owed $100, and he hasn't forgotten that fact. Ben's first experience with journalism came during high school, writing for the "Weekly Almanac," a hometown paper. Although he wrote around 10 stories for the newspaper, he never received his promised pay.
Luckily for Loquitur, this "experience that soured me on journalism" has been resolved in his mind, and Ben is ready to serve as the head of the newspaper for the 19992000 school year.
Returning students may recognize Ben, a junior, from his work with Cavalier Attitudes, the improv troupe, and various other theater productions. Theater is his professed passion, but journalism follows at a close second.
"I think that this year will be a better experience than I've had in the past with journalism," Ben says. "It may not be my first, all-time interest, but this is also something I enjoy doing."
When he's not in front of an audience performing, or behind a computer laying out a story, Ben enjoys watching movies and relaxing with his friends. His favorite movie is "Star Wars," which he has liked since childhood. "I liked it when I was a kid because of the guns and 'good guys versus b.td guys,"' he says, "but now I appreciate it because of what it has become."
But can Ben appreciate his new position as the editor in chief of the "forum for student expression," and "voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues?" "I want the paper to make a difference here," Ben says, "What I want to do is point out some of the things that are wrong here, so we can work to fix them."
by Kristen WIiiiams news editor
As the Perspectives editor of Loquitur, Chris Nielsen is hoping to "present an open forum for both students and administration to speak their minds."
When not writing for Loquitur, "Nielsen" can be found working out in the Dixon Center, reading, drinking beer, or going to the shore. Around campus, Nielsen can be seen in the Campus Ministry office, hanging out with the track team, or possibly giving advice to the new Student Government Association members, as be was once the president.
Coinciding with his stint as Cabrini's SGA president, Nielsen's lifelong goal bas been to become the President of the United States. When he finds his way into the Oval Office, Nielsen will be found eating his favorite foods, beer and cheeseburgers.
He'll allow the citizens of the United States to continue calling him simply Nielsen, or perhaps "Nieldog" or "Mad Dog."
He will run the country remembering bis hero, Elvis; after all, "he was the King."
While conducting this interview, Nielsen was listening to the "Trainspotting" CD, but you would have aJso found "Pink Floyd" in his CD player.
Throughout life, Nielsen has followed the philosophy of Tim Leary; "Why? Why not?"
J sports edllor academiccalendarto come ties. She bas to to readover spelling or grammar erron.
Cabrini. meet Cynthia er.
a senior,who is the new Other lbanbeing a copy editor for Loquitur this tening to music, camping. ha
• was bmn on Jan- After she completes her 1,1977 at SL Vincent's ing with a newspapetor mag
• in Staten Island, New When ftee time presents • Cynthia makes her long She prefers movies with Mel her home in New When her stomach is b at the beginning of each Italian or Mexican.
by Benjamin Lunn editor
in chief
Meet Janice Funk, the Loquitur's managing editor. She is also a 20-year-old junior with an addiction to Peach Snapple. ''It's like a cigarette, I could be driving down the street and just know when I need a Peach Snapple."
Aside from her tragic addiction, Funk also has another love that even comes before the paper - opthamology. If she had her way in high school, she would currently be studying ophthalmology and not be such a productive member of the Loquitur staff. Luckily for the newspaper and the communications department, her father noticed that Janice's talents lay along a different path, and sent her here.
At Cabrini, Janice is the junior class president. She was a student ambassador, an orientation counselor, and is currently a member of Phi Sigma Iota, the Spanish department Honor Society. Even with all of these activities and achievements, Janice feels more and more limited in what she can do. Her interests are quite varied, but with a tendency to wrap herself up in one activity time has become a precious commodity, and she finds little of it to spread around.
As managing editor, Janice handles many of the dayto-day activities of the Loquitur and sees herself playing the role of the enforcer, making sure everything is running smoothly. "I will definitely be playing the role o bad cop." Her hopes for the paper this year include a consistent amount of good work and solid reporting with every side being told.
Even with her addiction to Peach Snapple, her interest in ophthalmology and her varied achievements, Janice "The Enforcer" Funk is still somewhat humble. ·Tm not that interestmg maybe just a little off the wall."
• • As copy editor, C • bas many responsibilistory ID the newspaper to be certain that there are no has to be done for each issue before it goes to the print- years at Cabrini. Cynthia hopes to pursue a job work-
·tor, Cynthia enjoys hanging out with her boyfriend, lis• g out with friends and going to the movies.
If for Cynthia, one thing she likes to do is watch movies. • • suspenseand romantic comedies. for food. she likes to look for hertwo favorites, anything
When Nicole Klimas, designing editor of Loquitur an~ this years President of Student Government is deep in concentration, she taps her foot impatiently on the floor, tugs at her hair and lips and mumbles to herself. It's quite fascinating and can be alarming, but the only thing scary about the brown-eyed girl is her obsession with Frankie Avalon and fascination with mimicking southern accents. Busier than bunnies in spring time, Klimas fills her hours interning in the art department at Planco's Financial Group, playing on the tennis team, working in admissions and heading up Student Government. Her favorite color is purple but don't ask her why, she doesn't know and her favorite snack is Cheeze-Its. Come up to the newsroom and you can hear her talk to herself and sing weird tunes that she composes on the spot. Being busy and enjoying life,Klimas is a living example of the goal she has set for herself, " Get it all done and have a good time."
The second floor in Xavier is where Loquitur's sports editor Brian O'Connell can be found either watching television or listening to the radio. He likes modem rock and some dance music. He also listens to 95.7 and 97.5.
When O'Connell is not in his room. he is either running, playing basketball, at the newsroom or at Cabrini's radio station, WYBF 89.1-The Edge, where he is sports director.
This 20-year-old Pisces was born in Holy Redeemer Hospital in the Abington/Jenkintown area. O'Connell Brian O'Connell enjoys all kinds of food, but gravitates towards Italian food such as pizza and lasagna. O'Connell enjoys Irish potatoes and cheesesteak:s as well.
His favorite color is red and his favorite movies include "In the Line of Fire", ''Backdraft'', "Braveheart", "A Few Good Men" and "Saving Private Ryan".
This summer, O'Connell worked at Gillian's Wonderland Pier in Ocean City, NJ. He was just voted Team Member of the Year 1999-2000 by his co-workers.
Of his future, O'Connell says, "I want to take my communications degree and become a sports director on TV or the radio."
He is a member of the class of 2001.
O'Connell is a self-proclaimed friendly and responsible guy. He also likes to think of himself as fun to hang out with.
This year, the job of news editor for the Loquitur rests "'-'" on the able shoulders of Kristen "Woody" Williams. The tall redhead of the staff, Williams is as adept at listening to her staff and friends as she is at arguing with them when necessary, and she usually wins.
Williams' hobbies include playing basketball, writing and hanging out. Her friends describe her as selfless, driven and an understanding person. When not with her friends, she can often be found watching her favorite movie, the 80s teen pie "Say Anything," or listening to music. The most recent addition to Williams' music collection is her tape of Nick Reilly's live acoustic performance from last Wednesday (see News section).
Her hero is basketball superstar Michael Jordan. Williams admires Jordan because be has pushed on through the hard times in his life and persevered. Like Air Jordan, Wt.lliams one day hopes to be well-known and successful.
To the freshmen and other first-year Cabrini students, Williams offers two pieces of advice. "Don't complain about things your freshman year, like the living space in Woodcrest. When you look back on it, you11 laugh at some of the best times you had in college."
Fmally, here is Williams' philosophy, which we can all listen to: "Dream with your eyes wide open."
Joe Elliot
When Loquitur needs a Kodak moment, (or Fuji) Jim Snook, man-of-a-thousand words and the photography editor at Loquitur, is the one whose mailbox gets packed Jim Snook with demands, er, requests. Snook, an English and communications major, can be spotted in his trademark baseball cap and uniform of courdroy pants, always on the lookout for a great photo. "A picture says 1,000 words," he quotes with a smile. An avid follower of sports and lover of all music, "except country," Snook looks forward to graduation at the end of the school year. His mouth waters for "anything that's guaranteed to clog your arteries and stop your heart." Cheesesteaks and stromboli are top on his list and his favorite color is black.
Take a look at Shanna Fanelli. She is doing double duty as the new A&E Editor and the Features Editor o Loquitur.
She secretly desires to take a backpacking trip across the European Continent. When there she will visit all of the haunted castles of the Old World.
While still on Loquitur she plans to make the Features and A&E sections as interesting and informative as possible.
You don't have to take my word for this, though. You can ask her friend Jodie. She is the maple tree in the front of her yard.
Here is Joe Elliot, nature man ex trodinaire. His favorite color is green because it's the , "color o trees," and reminds him of "the environment."
Joe is the kind of guy whose hobbies and thoughts are on hiking. If his name sounds familiar, it's because you might have followed his obsession with the albino deer in last years Loquitur, where Joe was the perspectives editer.
Joe is also designing editor on the Loquitur. His favorite food is anything ethnic. This years goal for Joe is to, "be the best I can be every day." Shouldn't we all?