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Hurricane closes College, Causes destruction in area
,.-staftwriter ·es and.closed the col.Jege at 12:30 p.lll; in·. _lionInstitute ·estimated tha:t Floyd's damresponse to the heavy rains and high winds ages came to $800million.
Hurricane Floyd left a trail of death and destruction last week along the U.S.'s Atlantic coast; forcing lllillionS·of people to leave in the largest mass ~vacuation in. U.s: history.
North Carolina, New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Delaware were the hardest hit states in the U.S.
North Carolina suffered the most damages from Floyd's torrential rains and high winds, which gusted up to 50 mph.
•.The Delaware County area of Pennsylvania was hard-hit in certain areas, including Tinicum Township, Darby Boro and parts of Philadelphia.
At C_abrini,adrcinistr~tors canceled cfass~ Ute New York-based Insurance Inform;i.- Hundreds of thousands of households experienced power outages a~ a _resultof the storm.
brought on by the storm. The School Dis_- Officials -in New Jersey reported that trict of Philadelphia closed schools at the damage··ranged into the hundreds of milsame time, with inany districts in New ier- lions of dollari, U}erealone. • ••sey and Delaware closing schools for ¢.e Airports.·in New York City, Phiiadelphia, entire day. and Washington suffered delays and can-
Damage in the Radnor area, particul;i.rly celed flights due to the storm. roads and streets around campus_,was re- Train and _subwayservices were also disported mostly in the form of flooded roads rupted because of track flooding. However, and toppled trees, according to damage re- Amtrack officials said that _they have reports. stored-service to the entire Northeast area, Seven counties in the state of Pennsylva- and Septa reported only minor delays on nia, including Chester, Delaware, Mont- ·their subway lines. gomery and Philadelphia counties, were declared disaster areas by President Bill
Although most power suppliers had their service restored within 48 to 72 hours after the storm, as of press time some residences were without electricity.
Shelters were set up for victims who lost their power, or whose homes were flooded. Donations are currently being taken by several relief agencies to aid victims of Hurricane Floyd. • •
Food donations can be made by calling 800-344-8070.
• Friday,9/24 CavalierKickoffand Video Dance Party. Dixon Center, 9 p.m.
• Saturday, 9/25 Family Dinner Dance and Crowning of HomecomingKing and Queen, Grace Hall Atrium, 7 p.m.
• Sunday, 9/26 Mass, Brockmann Chapel of St. Joseph, 10:30 a.m.
• Sunday, 9/26 One Sky, One World Kite Festival for World Peace, Upper Athletic Field, Noon.
. Pleasecontactthe Officeof S
• Women's soccer vs. York College, 4 p.m.
• Women's tennis at Philadelphia U ., 4 p.m.
• Volleyball at Widener U., 7 p.m.
• Bingo, 9 p.m., WCGA
• • Family Weekend begins
·•Women's soccer vs. Roberts Wesleyan, 12 p.ni..
• One Sky, One World Kite Festival, 12 p.m,, lTPP"Athletic FJeld
• Field hockey vs. Immaculata College, 4p.m.
• Men's.soccer at Wesley College, 4 p.m.
• Women's soccerat WC?5leyCollege, 4 p;m.
• WQtnen's'teimisv·s. Lincoln u.;12 p.m.
• Volleyballvs.WJJson College, 12 p.m.
• Field hockey vs. Rosemont, 1 p.m.
• Men's soccer vs. Misericordia,2:30 p.m.
• CassandreMaxwell Art ExhibitOpenmg R~3p.m.,
• Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery
• Women's telllli$ vs. Alb~ Coll~. 4
• Women'stennisvs. RoseD19PtCollege,4 p.m.
• Mass, 4:45 p.m., Bruckmann Chapel of St. Joseph
• Field hockey vs. Eas~College, 4 p.m.
• Volleyballat Eastern College, 7 p.m.
• Intramural volleyball entries due/captain's meeting, 5 p.m.