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The album, cons1stmg of two CD's categorized as "Orbiting" and Still Orbiting," contains a live performance of classic Amos tunes. Her live impersonations make up for the lack of originality in "Orbiting." With wails, guttural sounds, lilting vocals and whispered deliveries, the songs, featuring "Cornflake Girl," "Space Dog" and the popular "Little Earthquakes," are superior Amos. While hard core Amos fans will appreciate ''To Venus and Back," the first CD, "Orbiting," fails to live up to the reputation and novice expectations that Amos creates. "Still Orbiting," however, is a true Amos experience. It's a collection of old favorites that deliver the passion and emotion that only Amos, in her possessed-like
0piano playing frenzy can deliver.
• Cometo the Red CloudCoffeeHouse,located in the GraceHall atriumon Sept.26 for a previewof the new musical"ZombieProm"and other entertainingacts.
• FamilyWeekendis this Friday,September24. Eventsbeginat 7 pm in the Red CloudCoffeehouse Witha performanceof the CabriniCollegeComedy Troupe.
• TherewiHbe a celebrationfor the Feastot St. Jerome in 1M HolYSpiritLibraryon Thursday,September30 fromM pm. Aefreshment8wlHbe aerved.
• Sign up nowin the campus miDlsttyfor th& first retrea~which wBIbe October 1.