2 minute read
Breaking the bonds of time
by Terry Cipollini staff writer
Time is our most precious commodity. We need time to go to class, do homework, write papers, eat, sleep and of course, play. We have 24 hours in a day and we will n~ver have anymore. Our best defense is to learn how to manage time better.
If you were a resident of North Carolina and bad 48 hours to evacuate because of hurricane Floyd, you would find a way to protect your property, choose the valuable items you could not be without, arrange for accommodations elsewhere and notify your family and friends. You would be able to accomplish this because of the nature of the priority. The first step in establishing better time management, is to prioritize a list of your goals and expectations. Then begin to realize how you are currently using your time and compare that with your list. Focus on the daily activities and look for areas where you could make changes. Dr. Arthur Young, director of the Center for Academic Excellence and English professor suggests using a square piece of paper with the hours of the day and consistently write down what you do. This will allow you to discover chunks of time that could be better used.
Next you should decide how to restructure your schedule. As a col- lege student your first priority should be to block off scheduled class time. Your second priority should be to allow enough time to study for each class. The rule of thumb is to allow one and a half-hours of study time for each hour of class time. The necessities of college life time to relax. By scheduling time to play you will have something to look forward to when the work is done. In addition, you ease the tension when your friend calls and wants you to go out. Your answer is simple. You tell them you are studying but you can also tell them what time you will be available by checking your schedule. This should ease your temptation to join your friend and allow you to maintain your integrity at the same time. should follow. These may include sleeping, eating and doing laundry. However, you can study while doing laundry. Be creative, combine the more mundane activities whenever possible.
Other ideas may include making a list of the six most important things you need to get done the next day. Then review your daily list and your weekly schedule every morning to stay on track. You could also create a reward system where you treat yourself to something you really want when you accomplish certain goals. Or establish a buddy system where you and a friend can help each other stay on schedule.
Stop saying things like "Where has the time gone?" and "There just isn't enough time." Begin to use time as a tool to allow you to get the important things in life done.
Young said, "Time management is meant to help you enjoy your life rather than rule your life. Use a schedule to create opportunity not limit opportunity."
Another priority should be to schedule time to play and socialize Playtime will reduce stress and increase your ability to establish your own personality. Everyone needs lphotos obtained from internet