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Health office to distribute drug, alcohol survey
The office of health education wants to know who is using drugs and drinking alcohol.
by Kate Pelusi staff
The office is asking for assistance from the student body. Each student can assist by completing a survey on drug and alcohol use as it pertains to them.
According to Karen Pollack, health educator, _!hepurpose of the survey is to get an accurate report of what types of substances are being used among the students. It will also help to determine how often and in what quantity these substances are being used.
It is important for everyone to complete the survey because the information collected will be used to help the community.
The more people who fill out the survey, the more accurate the results will be.
From the results of the survey, Pollack hopes to find out what is being used at Cabrini and create an appropriate response to the information.
"Research is often generalized, and we make assumptions," Pollack said. "This is an opportunity for us to really know what's happening here opposed to elsewhere."
Once the information is collected, Pollack also plans to create suitable programs that will help those who are in danger of becoming addicted and whose use affects their schoolwork.
The survey is a four-page document with 39 multiple-choice questions.
The survey asks basic questions about drug and alcohol use and other questions relevant to those topics. It will be completely confidential and anonymous.
Another important pwpose of the survey will be to address misconceptions about campus drinking.
Each student will receive a survey in the mail. An envelope will be included so that once the survey is filled out, it can be sealed in the envelope and placed in one of the survey boxes.
The boxes will be conveniently placed around campus in the residences and in other various campus buildings.
Pollack is offering an extra incentive for those who fill out the survey. If a survey is returned to her personally, she will distribute free candy.
Her office can be found in the Widener center opposite the campus ministry and student development offices.
She encourages those who choose not to fill out the surveys to return them to her office rather than throwing them away.