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many of the children were not used to the discipline and wanted to go back to Brazil.

Rhoads was particularly moved by one little boy, Fabio. Fabio lived in a phone booth, and was shot by teenagers and left for dead. He eventually recovered and today is in college and learning how to survive.


According to Rhoads, the many street kids in Brazil are considered invisible. "I felt it was necessary to make social changes to accommodate these millions of children," Rhoads said.

Unfortunately, the orphanage had to be closed three years ago because of the high inflation in

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Brazil. They just couldn't afford it anymore. However, homes were found for as many children as possible.

Cortiva, a city in Brazil, has found a way to utilize the street children. They were given the opportunity to plant flowers and clean the city. Cortiva was given an award for being clean and beautiful.

Rhoads feels that "the world is full of problems" and that is why she has done the work she has done. Iskrant was impressed by Rhoads' work in Brazil. "It's remarkable that she did something. She saw the problem," Iskrant said.

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