April 06, 2000 issue 20 Loquitur

Page 4

The theater department presents ''The Curate Shakespeare's ~s You Like It"' the way they like it.

Story on page 7

What comes after the "Pomp and Circumstance," the tossing of caps and the congratulations? Find out what some of our seniors have planned for their postCabrini days.

Story on pages 8 and 9

Mayor John Street has pledged to clean up the streets of Philadelphia by disposing of 40,000 abandoned cars in 40 days.

Cab r 1 n 1 C o I I e g e 4 . I ' Vol. XLVI, No. 20\\I Thursday, April 6, 2000 ,,, Rad nor, PA 19087
H ,·
Story on page 2

Jubilee 2000 planned to cancel 3rd-world debt

Jubilee 2000's -role is to have economically-stable countries cancel the debts of poorer third-world countries. The Cabrini community will participate in activities in Washington D.C. in favor of the program that would allow poor nations to concentrate on domestic issues. br_Renee Tomcanin Bank cancel the debt owed to them gether to fonn a human chain, which to vote for canceling the debt Around the world, support for canstaff writer by smaller, impoverished countries. will symbolize the chains of debt. Azeen Keramati, president of celing world debt is prevalent. Rae According to supporters of Jubilee The following day will be desig- Cabrini's branch of Amnesty Inter- mentioned that in the United KingThe year 2000 marks a campaign 2000, the countries that are in debt national, said, 'This will bring world dom. many pop stars have been that seeks to bring in-debt countries will never be able to pay it back and "This will bring debt to the attention of Washington speaking out on the issue, namely out of the red and into the black This are even paying more money be- and let them know that it is a serious Bono from U2. There has also been year thus far has been full of cele- cause of accumulated interest. world debt to the at- issue." a record released that supports the bration, but for many people, this If the debt is canceled, countries in tention of Washing-

Faculty, students, staff and anyone cause. Pope John Paul II has given year comes with a mission. Jubilee poverty could improve their way of else who is interested in supporting his support on the issue. President 2000 is a campaign that aims to can- life. International Club president ton and let them Jubilee 2000 may attend. There are Clinton has promised to call off the eel the debt of third-world countries Jenny Rae said that this would affect know that it is a se- sign-up sheets outside of the Wig- debt of those who owe money to the owed to larger, more independent everyone. The economy will change. warn by the mailboxes, as well as United States. However, this notion states. 'The International club and These smaller countries can put rious issue.'' more information about Jubilee cannot happen unless it is passed by other srudent-run organizations on money toward education and other 2000 and world debt. Srudents can Congress. campus, along with others across the important causes instead of paying also contact Keramati and Rae if 'This is a chance for the everyday world, are looking for support to off their debts.

-Azeen Keramati they have any other questions. Vans person to get involved in something help end world debt for this jubilee On April 9, Cabrini, along with president of Cabrini's will be provided for transportation. good," said Rae. She also mentioned year. Eastern College, will be attending a Amnesty International Other Cabrini organizations that that they will only be petitioning and Jubilee 2000 is a campaign that is rally in Washington, D. C. There will are involved in Jubilee 2000 are rallying to end world debt this year, held both nationally and worldwide. be a march, speakers and other Campus Ministry and the Mission- so it is a once in a lifetime opportu'The goal is to have larger countries, events during the day. At 3 p.m., an nated a Lobby Day, where support- ary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of nity. like the United States, and the World estimated 30,000 people willjoin to- ers will urge members of Congress Jesus.

Phila to drive.out abandoned cars with zero tolerance

br_Joe Holden

news editor

Philadelphia has embarked on a program that gears to rid the

nation's fifth-largest city of nearly 40,000 abandoned cars that line many city streets.

Mayor John Street is in the

driver's seat of the program that plans to clear 1,000 cars off of city streets a day, amounting to the massive goal.

Elected in a close mayoral race, Street has begun a cleanup policy that makes abandoned-car cleanup a priority.

The city bas adopted a zerotolerance policy to deal with the huge amount of automobiles that litter the city's many tight streets.

The war waged on automobile abandonment by the Street administration comes only three months before Philadelphia will be in the national spotlight for

the Republican Convention. Ernie Iovanonne, executive assistant to Phila. District Attorney Lynn Abraham, thinks Street's car abandonment program is a good start for the city's many neighborhoods. "It is a definite step forward," Iovanonne said. "Mayor Street is concerned with the neighborhood, not just the fact that the convention will be in town. "The convention isn't being held in the city neighborhoods."

----- --- ·---------- ---------- Thursday, April 6, 2000 NEWS

Harvard study cites rise in binge drinking

staffwriter Health educator Karen Pollack disagrees with several of the aspects of the study. First, she believes that the definition of binge drinking is not accurate. "Consider a 200 pound man who drinks five beers over the period of five hours. Is he a binge drinker?"

Drinking on college campuses has increased to extremes, according to a study conducted by Harvard University.The study noted a rise in both students who binge drink and those who once did not drink at all.

Binge drinking is defined by a conducted study where a male has five or more drinks in a single sitting. It is four or more for a female. Twenty-three percent of students said they fit this definition, up from 20 percent in 1993.

On the opposite end of the scale, 19percent of students said they abstain from using alcohol completely. This number is up from 16

As far as Cabrini goes, Pollack says that it is too early to tell. They are still in the process of gathering the information from the core survey done on campus a few weeks ago.

Several Cabrini students commented on the results of the study.A few offered reasons as to why binge drinking is up and solutions to reducing the percentage. "Bing<! drinking is up because students

have nothing better to do," said Woodcrest resident assistant Corinne O'Connell. Senior Jessica Webb also noted drinking games and easy access to beer as reasons students would drink larger amounts more often.

Tara Taylor, a first year student, said, "When people don't drink before college, they are more likely to try it in this environment."

Junior John Wood gave suggestions on how to prevent binge drinking. "Bars on campus would be a solution. That way the college could control, to an extent, where and how much people aredrinking."

First year student Missie Digiulio suggested lowering the drinking age to 18 because

having it at 21 encourages underage college students to drink.. According to the survey, "the average price of a glass of beer consumed by participants was only 25 cents." Raising prices could discourage students from drinking so much so fast.

Pollack suggests instead of focusing on the binge drinking, there should be more interest in those students who do not drink. "There should be emphasis on this silent group who are drinking responsibly or not at all," she said.

The results of the Cabrini survey should be available either at the end of this semester or at the beginning to see if Cabrini's number compared to those of the rest of the nation.

First-year students find registration problematic

Hushed grunts and grumbles were heard on campus last week during Thursday, March 30 and Friday, March 31. Though commonly heard in the gym during a sporting event, this time the noises were coming from the opposite side of the Dixon Center parking lot.

The registrar's office, which sits in the heart of Grace Hall, was beating steadily with first-year students struggling to schedule classes for the Fall 2000 semester.

Traditionally, the more credits you have, the sooner you are able to schedule. Seniors and juniors are the first to register, followed by sophomores. Lastly, the first-year students get a chance to create their schedules. Two days are allocated for each class and the

first letter of the students' last name assigns each student which day he or she will register.

Stacey Lawson, first-year student, stated, "I think that because of my last name that I should not be penalized to when I can schedule."

Commenting on the alphabetical way of scheduling, John Verdi, first year student, stated, "This semester was fine because I got all my classes, but last semester I had problems because I was the last time slot to register."

"We rotate the alphabet each semester so everybody has a fair chance," stated Camille Tinney, administrative assistant in the registrar's office. Prerequisites to registration could be found in the Fall 2000 class schedule booklet. The instructions entailed copying down the course number listed below the course, and in obtaining an adviser's signature.

Mike Huth, first-year student, stated, "Overall, reg-

istration runs smoothly if the students know what they are doing, but it's hard when students forget to get signatures and it takes awhile to go through. I am very impatient."

Tinney stated, "I though it went well and I thought the students thought it went well. The last day there is always a problem with the classes being closed." If your heart is really set on a class, Tinney advises to "get a signature from the professor." Additionally, the registrar offers help in selecting compatible classes to fill schedules.

The first-year students of this year will soon be moving up the totem pole to the coveted sophomore position. Then, these students will no longer be on the bottom of the scheduling list.

Rachel Angeloni, a junior, offers her advice. She said, "Hang in there. The first year is the hardest. After that, you won't run into many problems."

Students who are parents learn to juggle different priorities

The alarm clock intrudes on Lisa's sleep as she blindly slaps at the box to stop the noise. It's 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning and she is already looking for-

ward to the weekend.

hesitant to get out of bed as his mother was, and even more reluctant to leave his favorite Pokemon pajamas. Eventually they come to a compromise and are ready to leave the house by 6:45 a.m.

Day at her son's school. The pride Sammy showed in his face and his smile for his mom, "the student," is just one of the things that keeps her motivated.

to practice by 5:20 p.m. On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Lisa stays at work late to make up for the time she leaves early.

"It sounds confusing, but after a while you get a routine going," said Boyle.

Heading Back


This is the start of a typical day for adult student Lisa Boyle, a sophomore education major at Lisa will proceed to take her shower before waking her fouryear-old son, Sammy. He is as

A day in the life of adult students is hectic; they are always running somewhere to get something done. The importance of juggling priorities becomes an art form. Being a parent is one of the most important jobs a person will ever have and being a student can be very time consuming. The adult student. has to blend these two responsibilities. "You just have to keep going. Sometimes it's hard, but you find a way," Boyle said.

Recently she attended Career

Lisa takes Sammy to Kindercare, where he eats his breakfast before beginning his school day.

Lisa proceeds to Cabrini where she spends two hours studying before she starts classes. After completing her morning classes, Lisa makes the hurried drive to her job in King of Prussia. Her schedule at this point varies according to the day of the week.

As all mothers know, children need creative and energy releasing outlets. For Sammy this comes in the form of karate. On Monday and Wednesday, Lisa leaves work early to get Sammy

Evenings for Lisa and Sammy are just as full as their days. They usually arrive home around 6:30 p.m. depending on traffic, how much time they spend at the grocery store and any other errands that need to be done. While Lisa is preparing dinner, Sammy sits at the table doing homework, with some help from Mom. Then Sammy sets the table for dinner. "That's his chore. He likes to feel like he's helping out," said Boyle.

Every other night is bath night; this is time for Lisa to do some house cleaning while Sammy plays in the tub. "Although I can get some work done, I prefer the other nights because we get to spend the time together on the couch," Boyle said. "That's the other down side. Sometimes I feel guilty about not spending more time with him."

The night is winding down and Sammy is thrilled to be back in his Pokemon pajamas. He goes to bed and Lisa has time to herself, but not completely, because it's back to the books. "I'll study as much as I can, but 5:30 comes awfully fast,'' Boyle said.

Loquitur NEWS----------------- 3
11 n• stu:: i' ' ,.

Students learn about the lives of children in Brazil

After watching the Brazilian film, "Central Station," students in Anne lskrant's Visions of Other Cultures in Film class, beard about real life problems in Brazil from guest speaker, Susan Rhoads, who spoke to them on March 30. •

The film, "Central Station" focuses on a young boy whose mother is killed in front of Rio de Janeiro's Central Station. He

is befriended by a woman who commits to returning him to his father in Brazil's remote Northeast. In conjunction with the film, Rhoads' talk centered on how she has helped the children in Brazil.

Rhoads previously worked in marketing and sales for Varig Airlines and has made approximately 45 trips to Brazil.

Rhoads was moved by the some 25 million street children in the cities of Brazil. _"My first trip down was an eye-opener,"

Rhoads said.

Rhoads wanted to make a difference in many of the children's lives so she convinced adoption agencies to fund an orphanage, called Casa Limiar. The children had food and rules to follow in the orphanage, which they were not used to. Many of the children, who were toddlers, had been abused and had special needs. They would live in the orphanage for six months and then be transported to the U.S. After living in the U.S. for awhile,


many of the children were not used to the discipline and wanted to go back to Brazil.

Rhoads was particularly moved by one little boy, Fabio. Fabio lived in a phone booth, and was shot by teenagers and left for dead. He eventually recovered and today is in college and learning how to survive.

According to Rhoads, the many street kids in Brazil are considered invisible. "I felt it was necessary to make social changes to accommodate these millions of children," Rhoads said.

Unfortunately, the orphanage had to be closed three years ago because of the high inflation in

What's Going On This Week

Brazil. They just couldn't afford it anymore. However, homes were found for as many children as possible.

Cortiva, a city in Brazil, has found a way to utilize the street children. They were given the opportunity to plant flowers and clean the city. Cortiva was given an award for being clean and beautiful.

Rhoads feels that "the world is full of problems" and that is why she has done the work she has done. Iskrant was impressed by Rhoads' work in Brazil. "It's remarkable that she did something. She saw the problem," Iskrant said.

.4 NEWS Thursday, Apnl 6, 2000
the Red CloudCoffeehousefollowingthe performanceof
If youare interestedin performingin the new ROCKmusical,
Friday,April14 In
''TheCurate"at 8:00 p.m. For moreinformation,call Jennaat X8709 or Dave at X8590.
photo by Linsey Heiser Susan Rhoads spoke to students in Anne lskrant's Visions of Other Cultures in Film class about the many problems that children face in Brazil.
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesda • Millersville Univer- • Search VI Retreat • Theater Spring Pro- • Search VI Retreat • Intramural Softball • M's Golf at • Philadelphia Teacher sity Teacher Recruit- • Theater Spring Pro- duction, 8 p.m. • W's • Student Art Exhibit Team Captains Meet- Gwynedd-Mercy, I Job Fair, 9:30 a.m.ment Day, 9 a.m.-4 duction, "As You Like Softball at Cortaca Opening Reception, 3- ing, 5 p.m., Dixon Cen- p.m. 3:30 p.m., Fort Washp.m. It," 8 p.m., Red Cloud Classic, TBA 5 p.m., Grace and ter •W's Lacrosse at ington Expo Center • W's Lacrosse vs. Coffeehouse W's Lacrosse at Alver- Joseph Gorevin Fine Beaver, 3 p.m. • M's Lacrosse vs. Neumann, 4 p.m. nia, l p.m. Arts Gallery • W's Softball at Neu- Neumann, 4 p.m. • M's Tennis vs. West • M's Lacrosse at Vir- • Mass, 7 p.m., Bruck- mann, 3 p.m. Chester, 4 p.m. ginia Wesleyan, TBA mann Chapel of St. • M's Tennis at Neu• Theater Spring Pro- • M's Tennis at U. of Joseph mann, 4 p.m. duction, "As You Sciences, l p.m. • W's Softball at Cor- • Mass, 4:45 p.m., Like It," 8 p.m. taca Classic, TBA Brockmann Chapel

Last Week in the World of News

3/30, Chernobyl, Ukraine

412,Havana, Cuba

•President Fidel Castro said that Elian Gonzalez's father was willing to travel alone to the United States on Monday if officials promised to tum over the boy and let them return to Cuba right away.

3/31, Nassau, Bahamas

The Bahamas' governing party warned Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a lawyer for the National Resources Defense Council, to stay out of a local dispute over a luxury housing development.

They threatened to bar him from the country if he did not.

Students to attend bi-annual Search retreat this weekend

In college, people search for meaning in a confusing world in various ways. Some have been helped in this journey by the Search retreat that is sponsored by Campus Ministry. This is the sixth time that Cabrini has held the retreat.

Search is a peer-run program that aims to help students get in touch with themselves, others and ultimately God. Students give the presentations, lead the discussions and direct the participants during the weekend. It is based on Christian themes, but it is open to all people of all religious backgrounds.

The Search program was imported from the University of Scranton and Villanova University during the spring semester of 1997. Since then, over 125 Cabrini students have participated in Search. Because of the positive experiences of the Cabrini students, Cabrini continues to offer this exciting retreat program.

The upcoming retreat will be held April 7-9 and will take place at Camp Neumann located in Jamison, PA. Eleven student leaders wi11attend along with 35 participants.

Campus minister John DiMucci thinks that Search is a great opportunity for students and something they are not likely to do once they get out of college. DiMucci also believes that Search can better one's life.

Search is designed to appeal to a very wide variety of people. Be~ cause you approach Search from "where you are" the experience is as individual and unique as there are people who participate.

When asked how he felt about his experience with Search, sophomore Colin McGinley said, "It is the best $35 you wilJ ever spend at Cabrini." Although it is too late to sign up for this upcoming Search Retreat, future dates are Nov. 17-19 during the Fall 2000 semester and March 23-25, 2001 during Spring 2001 semester.

Thirty years after the split of the Beatles, the three surviving members have put together a book setting the record straight.

Sir Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr have spent six years putting together the 360-page, "Beatles Anthology," to be published in Great Britain and the United States in the fall.


A group representing some of Kosovo's Serbs promised that they would take part in the government's effort to do more to help Serbian refugees return home. They also said they will try to help stop the violence against them.

The government decided to close down the Chernobyl nuclear power plant by the end of this year. The decision followed pledges by President Leonid Kuchman to shut the plant down.

This is considered to be the site of the world's worst nuclear accident.


Loquitur NEWS
-Melissa Lepouski
SophomorfJRoy BowmanIs auctionedoffbyjuniorsDiansSuchsrand TriciaArnoldat the dateauctionon Frfday,March31. About 15 studsntswereBUCtlon«Ioffand about$600 wasraised.All of the proceedswentto the ElizabethSantorineFoundation.

Nob ones about it

Move over Pacey Witter, Luke McNamara has arrived. "The Skulls" hit theaters on March 31.

Joshua Jackson plays Luke McNamara, a senior at an Ivy League school, which is believed to be Yale although the name of the school is never mentioned. The reason for this is because the letter "Y" is on the uniforms of the rowing team in which McNamara is captain. Other than that, McNamara is an employee at the school's dining hall, has outstanding grades and is an aspiring lawyer.

The Skulls are no strangers to the students, although the fact that it is "secret and elite·• rub some people the wrong way, like Luke's roommate, Will. It has been known to be around for at least 200 years and it is believed that three presidents had been members. Becoming a member of the Skulls for Luke means free tuition to law school, a substantial increase in his bank account and a new convertible, which is a nice change from the 10-speed bicycle he was riding. Of course when Luke is recruited to become a member, he is ecstatic. However, he soon finds out that he can get whatever he wants; for a price. When Will, an as-

piring journalist doing an expose on the Skulls commits suicide (or does he?) Luke's suspicions arise.

All of the actors in this film play their parts very well. Cast member such as Craig T. Nelson and Paul Walker compliment this film as a father and son team. Nelson plays Litten Mandrake, chairman of the Skulls and Walker is Caleb Mandrake, who is assigned to be Luke's "soul mate." Leslie Bibb, known for her role on the WB series, ''Popular" plays Chloe, a friend of Luke's whom Luke has a crush on. She too plays her role very well.

This is a nice change for Jackson from his goofy but lovable character Pacey Witter on "Dawson's Creek." It should be fairly obvious that Pacey and Luke are nothing alike. Although he looks adorable in a tux, I don't think Jackson's character Pacey will be wearing one any time soon on "Dawson's Creek." Oh well. If you want to see Jackson and his baby blues on the big screen and leaving you full of suspense, then see "The Skulls." You won't be disappointed.

Universal Pictures presents :

The Skulls

Rated PG - 13

Starring Joshua Jackson, Paul Walker, Hill Harper, Leslie Bibb, Christopher McDonald, Steve Harris with William Petersen and Craig T. Nelson

Written by John Pogue

Directed by Rob Cohen

Produced by Neal H. Moritz

Student Art Exhibit

Just another peek at one of the voices behind the air waves on Cabrini's radio station, 89.1 WYBF FM, The Edge.

Anthony Scalafaro is a senior English and communications major. He is currently the traffic and training director for WYBF. As of now, Scalafaro hosts a modern rock show that takes place on Wednesdays from 2-4 p.m. Some of Scalafaro's top picks include "The Soprano's" soundtrack and the Smashing Pumpkins.

Some of Scalafaro's main hobbies include playing drums, playing piano_and listening to Frank Sinatra. After his career at Cabrini, Scalafaro would like to pursue a career in Internet Audio, wireless technology, production and finally a career performing in a signed band.

Tune in to Cabrini College radio on 89.1 WYBF FM, iliiil@ ~@I®@every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m to 2 a.m. and every Sunday from noon to 2 p.m.

Sunday, April 9 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Presented in the Grace and Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Academy located on the third floor of the Holy Spirit Library.


6 A&E Thursday, April 6, 2000 --------~
Here is Anthony, in the radio studio surrounded by technology and lots of CD's. You can listen to his radio show eve,y Wednesday from 2 p.m.to 4 p.m.and each Sunday from noon to 2 p.m. You can even look at his picture in the Loquitur while you listen to his show if you want.


A rendition of William Shakespeare's, "As You Like It" will be performed in the Red Cloud Coffee House this Friday, April 6 through Sunday, April 8 and also April 13, 14 and 15 beginning at 8 p.m. The cost is five dollars.

"As You Like It" is a renowned romantic comedy about a group of people that go into the forest and fall in love. However, this version is about a theatre company that just can't get it right.

Neal Newman, theatre director, directs and stars in the play. He plays the Curate and other older male characters. He stated that this was not the original play they planned to do, but it was picked because of the smaller number of characters. "Romeo and Juliet" was the original.

The play was decided by a group of friends trying to fix a problem. Because the Board of Trustees are coming to see it, he could not switch from a Shakespeare production.

"No Shakespeare is easy to do and it has been a challenge to do this play with about eight people acting the parts that would need a much bigger cast," Newman said.

Newman hopes that this play does well. He wants people to enjoy the play and does not mind if the people laugh when they switch costumes.

Sophomore Chris Swift plays the clown, Touchstone and admits that this is the first humorous role that he has played and has worked very hard at doing a good job. This is the fourth play that Swift has performed in the Coffee House, while for others this is their stage debut.

"People have put their heart into it, and it was a lot of fun to do," Swift said.

The other parts are being played by senior Amanda Huth, who plays Celia, the daughter of the Bad Duke, who is being played by Neal Newman. Junior Shane Chuvalas plays Amiens, a lord attending to the Good Duke. First-year-student Clarence Scott plays the role of William, a country fellow. Sophomore Rachael Sedgwick plays Rosalind, the daughter of the Good Duke. Firstyear-student Kit Dewey plays Audrey, a sluttish goat girl. The Guitarist is being played by junior Salvatore Iaquinto, Jr.

Don'tforgetaboutthe meeting for


Loquitur A&E
the April 14th performance of "The Curate" in the Red CloudCoffeeHouse.
(clockwise from bottom left} Huth and Chuvalas in action, the entire cast on stage together, The cast in the photo to the right; all photos by Matt Holmes
7 j I i
Top row: Neal Newman. Third row: Rachael Sedgwick, Amanda Huth, Chris Swift and Shane Chuvalas. Second row: Clarence Scott and Kit Dewey Bottom row: Salvatore laquinto,Jr.

What do you want to be when you growup? Here'sthe scoopon five very diverseseniorsand howfar they have comewiththat infamousquestion.

One can barely find petite Gina Muscella under the piles of schoolwork covering her desk. The special/elementary education major can't stop grinning ear to ear while she talks about her field experience students.

So, who's that girl always running on the treadmill in the Dixon center? Sporting lacrosse shorts with her brown hair piled on top of her head, Gilda Zoccola runs miles everyday to keep in shape for her fourth and final lacrosse season.

Zoccola, a sports science major, knew she was a ···science person" since elementary school. Her athletici sm,combi ned with her interest in exercise physiology, paved her way to Cabrini.

"The [sports science] program is actually what initially interested me in Cabrini. I received a letter informing me about the brand new program," Zoccola stated with a smile. She has been interning at Springfield Hospital since the fall.

·'Because I work in the fitness center, I opted to do my internship where I could get a different type of experience, yet in the same field," Zoccola stated. If I would have chosen Mainline or Novacare, I would have bad similar responsibilities that I do here at school,'' Zoccola continued.

As for the lacrosse field, Zoccola chose not to graduate early so she could finish her collegiate athletic career in the spring. Her most memorable moment was at the conclusion of her freshman year when the lacrosse team defeated Cedar Crest for the PAC championship.

"It was a great season. Everyone was cheering for their teammates," Zoccola recalled. As she glanced up to a photograph on her wall, she added, "The fact that my parents were there supporting me was what made it so special."

After the season and graduation, Zoccola plans to return to her home in Woodstock, Ma. "My ideal job would entail being a strength and conditioning coach for either Johns Hopkins University or Towson State University," Zoccola said. But until the offers come pouring in, she is going to continue waitressing and faxing out those resumes.

The best part of Muscella 's day is when one of her students approaches her and says, "Thanks, Miss M, for helping me."

"Connecting with one student like that is all I need at the end of the day to make all the hard work and preparation worth it," Muscella stated while flipping through her planner that looked more like an encyclopedia. Muscella has always loved helping children and knew since highschool this career was meant for her.

Her ideal job would be working one on one wi_thlearning disabled elementary students. After she completes her field work and graduates, she will begin the job search for such teaching positions.

In the meantime, Muscella has plans to work in day camps throughout the summer. Always surrounded by kids, "Miss M" already has a head start.

Jimmy McTamney is a dual major of marketing and management information systems. He interned at Global Compliance Group and gained a great deal of experience in the business world. As a fifth year senior, he has already started sending out resumes to several companies.

For those who know McTamney well, he's not just an all business guy. He can be found at a Dave Mathews Concert jamming probably to none other than, "Jimi Thing." As the cocaptain of the men's basketball team, he received the Scholar Athlete Award this past winter.

"Being a part of the basketball team was an mtegral experience here at Cabrini," McTamney said. "It taught me a great deal about teamwork that I can apply in the real world," he added.

One thing is for sure, McTamney was all business when he stepped on to the court. As for post graduation, he has high aspirations.

"I plan to work very hard and have success and happiness with whatever I choose."

8 FEATURES-----------Th_wsda_y_,A_pru_·6_,2000_ \ \
photo by Meghan Merkel Gilda Zocolla 1sexcited to head back to Maryland after graduation. assistant perspectives editor photo by Meghan Merkel Jimmy Mc Tamney grins for future employers. Photo courtesy of Gina Muscella Gina Muscella, or "Miss M" takes a break from student teaching to pose with some of her second graders.

Erin Barney always liked studying fish. Her favorite parts of science class involved marine biology and environmental issues. So that's where her major of biology came into play. .

However, she also enjoys working with children, so add elementary education certification into the picture.

"Although diverse, I have always been interested in both areas," Barney said. "It was, however, Mr. Hebard who taught my first biology class here at Cabrini that inspired me to teach science. I saw how animated he was and how excited he was to get every student involved with science."

Barney can't say enough about the biology program at Cabrini. "When I first came here, it was very rare to hear of other bio majors," Barney explained Now, however, the program is skyrocketing."

Although Barney had an internship with the Environmental Protection Agency, she knew she wanted to do

something truly unique after graduation. "Eventually I would like to open a children's aquarium with learning programs," Barney said, looking to the future with optimism.

However, she knows the aquarium days are waves away. She is already enrolled in the masters program at the University of North Carolina--Wilmington campus for September. After obtaining her masters, Barney plans to continue her education with receiving her doctorate My adviser at UNC is currently studying the thesis of the knowledge of children's perception of science," Barney concluded. She will also be teaching biology 10l to undergraduates at UNC through a teaching assistantship.

"I am thrilled that I found a realistic way of combining both my majors," Barney responded. She finished the interview with a thoughtful piece of advice, "This has always been my dream. Though it may be unrealistic, why not give it a try?"

"That 1s one of the main reasons why I chose Cabrini. I knew I would not just be a number. I really liked the bands-on environment," Klimas stated as she threw a huge pile of dirty clothes off her bed. Apparently with all the activities, it\ hard to maintain cleaning as a priority.

As Klimas got involved with the newspaper, she became interested in the layout, organization and planning aspects of the job. "That is when I deviews. cided to add my graphic design minor," she stated.

cut six inches off her hair just so she could look more professional for her inter-

Klima-; suggested all students should get an internship through the co-op office. She interviewed with several companies and picked PLANCO because of the job experience. Her daily responsibilities include designing postcards, mailers and flyers for the company.

Nicole Klimas is an intern at PLANCO by morning, SGA president and captain of the tennis team by mid-afternoon, college student by night and Student Ambassador by weekend.

Klimas is a busy girl.

The English/communication major and graphic design minor has taken advantage of the opportunities to get involved at Cabrini. Prior to this year, she was also a yearbook coordinator, managing editor of the Loquitur and a class officer.

As for life after graduation, Klimas isn't too preoccupied. "An English/communication major can go into so many different areas. My experience with newspaper taught me the most about what I would like to see myself doing." Look out Cosmopolitan Magazine, Klimas just might be your next editor.

Does someobe deserve a little recognition for a job well done, an honor they received, or the fact that they are just too darn nice to go unnoticed?

Give them a spot of glory and a moment to shine as the "Cavalier Of The Week."

Leave a nomination including name, phone number and a brief description of what makes this person so terrific in the newsroom, located on the top floor of the Widener Center. Open lo all •e•bers of tl,e Cabrini co••unity.

------~---------------_Loq_w_m____________ fEATURES------------- 9
photo courtesy of Enn Barney Erin Barney gets comfortable on a beach in North Carolina where she will moving to in the fall.
"I plan to work very hard and have success and happiness with whatever I choose."
-Jimmy McTamney
photo by Meghan Merkel Nicole Klimas

Advice from Loquitur's most frequent flyer

a carry on. Now for the normal traveler this may be ok, but for a college student, especially me, this could be a problem.


Elian, we hardly knew ya, but it's time to say goodbye

Elian Gonzalez seems to be a pretty nice kid. He is ·acute six-year old, who appears to enjoy school, playing with his friends and Disney World.

The problem is, Gonzalez is an illegal alien. No matter how symbolic he may be, he is not ours, he is a Cuban citizen, and by fighting to keep him in our country, we are violating our own laws.

It seems that many American citizens and even segments of our law enforcement seem to be overlooking this simple fact. As many ways as we can try to rationalize keeping him here, there is really no disputing the fact that his uncle is currently harboring an illegal alien.

What kind of message would keeping him send? Would there be so much interest in keeping him if it weren't for his tales of being saved by dolphins (which is really unlikely, when you think about it)? How are we to send back the countless other immigrants who would inevitably be encouraged to make the trip if we accept Elian?

It is sad that this boy has become the focal point of the age old tension between America and Cuba. Both countries seem to have Elian's best interests in mind, but is he really just a pawn in the battle between capitalist America and communist Cuba?

America is the land of the free, and many, including Elian's mother, have died trying to achieve such freedom. It makes for a great story, the mother who died to give her son a chance to live in our country.

But here is the ugly reality: We have immigration laws, and we have them for a reason. It is never pretty having to send back Cubans (or anyone) looking for a better life, but that is the way it is. Overcrowding our country, which would be the result of unregulated immigration, would drive down the quality of life in our America.

It may be the time to rethink our immigration laws. America was founded by immigrants, and we thrive because of it. But we also thrive on law and order, and our law says one thing clearly: Goodbye Elian.

I would like to start this viewpoint out by saying hello to everyone out there on the Cabrini campus. When I was told that it was my turn to write a viewpoint I had no idea what to write. I did not want to write about housing or any other problems that they have here at Cabrini because I am completely sick of them. So, as I sat in my lovely dorm room in Woodcrest pondering on what to write and bugging my other two roommates nothing, came to my mind. As I started fidgeting and looking around the room, it came to my attention that I have practically my whole bedroom from home here in my dorm. Now, that is a problem for me considering that I am from California, or as my friends like to say, from a whole different time zone, and I have a limit on how much I can take home with me.

Now, this is not good for a girl who has a major shopping addiction and always brings twice the amount of stuff back from home when she comes back to school. The airlines allow their passengers to only have two checked bags and

Let me use Christmas break as an example. I went home just fine with two bags plenty under the weight limit of 70 pounds and a carry on, but Christmas break is also a very long break. Now, by the end of break I had accumulated a pretty nice supply of presents, much of which was food, and had gone on a few shopping trips. With these newly acquired items, guess who had a little trouble at the airport? That's right, there I was with my parents in the middle of the Fresno Yosemite airport, (whose initials are FAT), unloading items from my suitcases because somehow I had managed to fit over 100pounds of luggage into each of the two suitcases. As I left my parents and went to board the plane, I looked like a moving grocery store. My backpack, which I was using as a carry on, was filled not only with the essentials--gum, books, Discman--but also with a pair of figure skates, ten bags of Ramen noodles and a variety of drinks. Now, not only was my backpack a walking grocery store, but my purse looked like a mini Wawa. Sticking out from the sides, the nearby passengers could have easily acquired a can or two of chicken noodle soup. This could have come in handy if the meal was bad on the plane, but actually


•In issue No. 19 we misspelled Seth Frechie's name.

•We also misspelled Katie Mirek.

•The photo of the lmprovicons was courtesy of the yearbook.

it was quite pleasant.

So as the year progresses, I now have to face the problem that has resulted from my mother coming at the end ,of the year. Now, the problem does not lay with the fact that my mom is coming, because I am excited that she will be able to see my dorm room and the school. The problem lies in the fact that since the airlines have this weight and luggage limit I have lowered myself for the past couple of weeks to begging my mom to bring only one bag and let me have the other one.

So, I guess the point that I am rambling on about here is that the next time you are packing for a trip on an airplane, don't forget that on your way back home you will probably have more luggage than you did on the way there. Unless you want to pay the extra money that the airlines charge for over weighted luggage or "heavy" as they put it, I recommend, and this is corning from a very experienced traveler, to always leave extra room in your bags. This way you will never have a problem or have to resort to carrying items from your suitcase with you in weird places, which results in people coming up and asking you if they could have the can of soup for a buck.

Kendra Clark is a sports editor for Loquitur. She has had a bad case ofjet lag this whole semester.


10 The
editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
PERSPECTIVES __________ Th_ur_s_da_y,_Ap_ril_ 6 ,_zooo_
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The Real World - Cabrini

In this and subsequent issues of Loquitur, there will be a new feature to be known as "The Real World--Cabrini College." This segment works in conjunction with the Seminar JOOstudents taught by Dr. Seth Frechie and Dr. Charlie McCormick. The students conducted semester long research on issues of importance to the underclass population. They have worked in groups and individually on research from professional writings as well as field work at Cabrini. On March 27 and 28 they sat down with Loquitur perspectives editor Chris Nielsen and assistant perspectives editor Meghan Merkel to discuss their findings.

Music today: Gender, image and culture still rule

Students from the Seminar 100 classes met to discuss ''M11Sicand Gender."The following are some highlights from the students' term papers and interviews:·

"An observation that I made [from reading about this topic] was the fact that there were no females who have committed violent crimes at schools ... I am sure there have been incidents of violence involving women but none as serious as a school shooting. I also noticed that there were no female pop icons in trouble with the law or who have controversial lyrics. Could this have something to do with the lack of information I found on adolescent women committing violent crimes?"

ten to. The music people listen to helps them express the mood they are in at that particular time."

-Kristen Luft

"Most [music] companies want the 'good looking' women as their artists; they figure they can fix the sound of their voices with all the machines that they have. It is a lot easier for a male to make it in the business, because looks are not as important for males."

-Thomas Klein

" ...most young people go along with what is being played on the radio or what the majority of their peers are listening to They begin to dress, talk, and act the way the singers in the bands do, which sometimes can be very dangerous because these people are not their 'true' selves "

-Carly Clayton

"I think as the campus makes more of an effort to bring different ethnic groups, there will be more diverse taste in music. My roommate Joe listens to rock and country, so I get a little taste of country."

"Men listen more to rap and metal and girls like more romantic stuff. Guys could care less about that."

-Erin Lally

" ...all of this [research] shows that listening to certain types of music can affect the mood that you are in as wen: When listening to loud hardcore music people seem to get pumped up and hyper. Sometimes when people are sad, they will listen to sad music. Music really has a lot to do with the mood of the individual.

-Marianne Carobine

"Women think men hide their feelings, but the feelings they express show in the music they lis-

"I think they [music videos] added more to it [popular music]. It killed some people because they weren't looking good on T.V. Other people like Madonna were more successful than they would have been because she had more stage presence than most people in the 80s."

-Jose Jalandoni

''Men listen more to rap and metal and girls like more romantic stuff. Guys could care less about that."

-Erin Lally

"I haven't listened much to it [89.1 WYBF], but I hear it's allrock. I think there should be a diversity to Spanish music and stuff like that."

''Music, I believe, has nothing to do with gender construction at Cabri..ni.Students just listen to the music they like because they might be bored and

"People like Madonna were more successful than they would have been because she had more stage presence than most in the BOs."

-Jose Jalandoni

they listen to their typeof music Truthfully, I believe music has nothing to do with one's personality and gender."

-Kimairy Candelaria

"People at Cabrini do agree that the faces of people seduce and sell. People at Cabrini do not want to stare at an old lady singing; they would rather look at people that are young. My research has revealed that the people at Cabrini are falling into the trick of the music industry. The trick is to use beautiful people to see music."

-Kevin Grady

" ...girls are more likely to pay attention to the words of songs than boys."·

-Vicki Andraca

In the next issue of Loquitur, Perspectives will talk with the students who researched "Gendered Initiation Opportunities."


Take some time out to appreciate your local mobsters

Coming up soon, Joey Merlino, the reputed Philadelphia mob boss, will go to trial for a number of charges. Some of these charges are pretty serious, and the prosecutors are going for the death penalty. I actually heard one of them say that they think that getting Merlino would effectively end organized crime in our city. Yeah, right.

• I don't claim to know a whole lot about organized crime, but I do know that the mafioso is an intelligently run organization. There are Jots of bosses, mini-bosses and hit men. Merlino is supposedly the big boss, but I'm pretty sure that he also has a boss. I'd also be willing to bet that Robert DeNiro is involved in all this somehow. How many times has he played a mob boss in movies? Can't be a coinci-

of OLD N


I always said that if I could I would Jove to join the mob. The whole problem is that I'm not Italian, I'm Irish, and the Irish have their own wars to fight. One kid I grew up with could probably better fit the role, and he wants to start a mob out of Springfield. He is part Italian, but mostly Polish. The guy is more Polish than Kielbasa, but you wouldn't know it to see him in his Armani wardrobe.

The mafia has a lot of good things going for it. Sound silly? Think about the mafia values. They put family first. Respect is everything. They fight eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. These are all good virtues.

who goes here has a grandfather who is a reputed mobster. I wanted to talk to him for this commentary, but he refused to testify.

So I make this final defense for Merlino and friends: Where would we be without the mob? There would be no Atlantic City to gamble at, nor Las Vegas. There would be a lot less Italian restaurants to eat at. Hell, there would probably be no construction going on anywhere without the mob.

If the Philadelphia mob syndicate does somehow go down, we could all pay the price. A new, more violent mob could take over the city, with no hometown pride whatsoever. The dreaded Chinese mob could even take over, and those guys mean business. Merlino, DeNiro, and all the rest of you, I'm pulling for you. We'll all miss you when you're gone.

Chris "the Bull" Nielsen is the perspectives editor of Loquitur. Mess with the Loquitur, and you'll be swimming with the fishes. yeah, they kill "rats," but hey, who likes a tattle-tale..-------------------------, anyway?

Has the mafia ever hurt you or any of your friends? Probably not. That's because the mafia doesn't kill respectable citizens, they just kill other mobsters. And

If you trace your family line, you may well find a mafia connection in your family. A friend of mine

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

Editor In chief


Photography editor

Photography and Graph-

Staff Writers

Beth. Conahan Matt Coughlin

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Jessica Giordano

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Managing editor

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.' 12 PERSPECTIVES ____________ Th~ur..;....sd_.,..ay.:...,A..,._pr=il...;;.;6,=20..;...;..;00
Ben Lunn
editors Linsey Helser Joe Holden
Design Adviser
Tony Barrett Terry Cipollini
Tomcanin Allison Webb
Perspectives editor
Nielsen Adviser
editor Cynthia Taura Megan Zustra Sports editors Jessica Snow Kendra Clark Sports columnist Brian O"Connell Desipasslstant Charles LaCowte Editorial Boan! Chris Nielsen Assistant Editors Kristina Geerken-Features Stephanie Masuccl-A&E Meghan Merkel-Perspectives Matt Tooley-Perspectives Chris Vesci-Copy Jessica Snow Photojoumallst Matthew Holmes Cartoonist Mattlu,w Holmes Loquttur Is a laboratocy newspaper ,.rltten, edited and produced by students registered In COM 346, 350,351.352, 353 and 354. Member, of the campus community are Invited to work on or submit stories for publlcatlon.Onlystudentsregisteredln the aboveclM.SeS.however,areeUglble10 receiveacademic credit. Subscrtpdoo price Is $25 per l"'ar and Is Included In the benefits secured In tultlon and fees. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Leners should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Letters to the edltor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. Let Loquitur know what's on your mind! Commentariesand lettersto the editormay be submittedby the entire Cabrinicampuscommunityusing the followingformat. We look forwardto hearingfromyou! •Email:Actor169@aol.comor Nieldog@hotmail.com •ClassicMail:The Loquitur 610 Kingof PrussiaRoad Radnor,Pa. 19087 •Phone:(610) 902-8412 ----•Length:No more than two typedpages :Requirements:Names will not be withheld from lettersto the editoror commentaries,even at the author'srequest.

Many questiOns remain as the Flyers begin playoffs

Now that the NCAA tournament is over and Michigan State has gone home with the trophy, it is now time to move on to the NHL. The season is almost over and the Flyers need these last BRIAN O'CONNELL four games. The team as of late is a mess.

Former captain Eric Lindros is out for the season and pretty much erases any hope for a Stanley Cup this year. Coach Roger Nielsen is recovering from bone marrow cancer but will return for the second round of the playoffs. The end of the bad news in the organization is that Lindros and General Manager Bob Clarke were at it again. Lindros said that the trainer and Clarke should have taken him out of the lineup earlier than he did so there would be no further damage.

But life goes on with team and the rest of the season.

They have their four remaining games to win, and they have to win them in order to gain some confidence going into the playoffs. Two of the games are against the expansion Atlanta Thrashers, whom they have never beaten. The other two games are against the Boston Bruins and rival New York Rangers.

The Flyers have been fighting their way to catch the first place Devils. They trail New Jersey by four points and need these games to have any chance. The Flyers' play Atlanta tonight at the First Union Center. This is a team in which the Flyers are 0-1-1 this season vs. the Thrashers. The first game was back in December when they blew a 4-1 lead and ended up with a 4-4 tie. The last game was in January, and it was that game which started the collapse of the team. But they are still fighting and will hopefully realize they need these last four.

As for Nielsen, it will be a lot of fun seeing him come back from his recovery in the playoffs. Interim coach Craig Ramsay has done a pretty good job with the team, but the team really has to come together for any hopes to do anything in the playoffs.

Last week's results for Cabrini sports

Men's Lacrosse

On March 29, the men's lacrosse team lost by a narrow margin to Richard Stockton University, the final score 9-8. However, the men's team defeated Shenandoah University on April I, the final being 16-7.


The women's lacrosse team was victorious with an l l-10 win over Montclair State on March 30. Ursinus College came out on top on April 1, with a score of 15-9.

Men's Tennis

The men's tennis team had some big wins, starting on March 29, with a 6-1 score against Gynedd Mercy College.

On March 31, the men defeated Cheyney University, the final being 7-0. The next day yielded another win against Eastern College, 6-1. However, the men surrendered a game to Philadelphia University on April 2, with the final score being 7-0.


Crushing Widener University on March 27 with a score of 7-0, the Lady Cavs began a successful weekend. The double header on March 30 led to a double win over Beaver College, 4-0 and 6-0. The following day was no sweat for the women's softball team. In another double header, the women defeated Marywood University, 7-0 and 6-0. Competition was fierce when the women lost two games to Rowan University with scores of 4-l and 7-2.

As for Lindros, well, chances are pretty good he will not be a Flyer much longer. He has suffered about four concussions throughout his career and two of the four occurred this season. He has seen several doctors over the years and some feel it is time for Lindros to hang up the skates if this continues. Some so-called experts are predicting another 2-3 years for his career. But, if you think about it, it really is a shame that this young star has not won a stanley cup with some pretty good lineups in Philadelphia. For his career to end this way would be really sad for not just Philadelphia fans, but all hockey fans. Imagine what life would be like without Lindros for good. We have seen some temporary absences, but he would be missed.

So, the first thing on the team's mind should be to win the rest of their games. The team is almost in shambles right now but are putting up a good fight to the end. How far they go in the playoffs will be decided by the desire and passion the players have to win. So let's sit back and hope this team gives its fans their best effort. Right now, that is all you can ask.

Javelin event held on front field

• Loquitur SPORTS 13 '
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photo by Jessica Snow Junior Joe Johnson moderated a javelin throwing program on Wednesday, April5, on the front athletic field. Students such as senior Mike Killeen took advantage of the morning event and learned a new skill. Many commented that it was more difficult than they thought it would be.

Tennis seniors want a PAC title before graduation

When senior tennis players Mike McGann and Joe Elliot were asked what they will miss the most about Cabrini when they graduate, they both said hanging out and goofing off with roommates and midnight barbecuing outside of Xavier their freshman year. They will both also miss being able to party on Thursday nights, because soon they will have real jobs. McGann and Elliot are the tennis team's only two graduating seniors. They wish they had more eligibility to continue their tennis careers, which they have established since their freshman year. Cabrini's tennis team currently consists of eight players and is coached by Reggie Day. The team's record so far this year is five wins and two losses. They believe the they have a good shot of winning the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship, which is scheduled for April 28th and 29th.

Joe Elliot is an English/communications major that plans to travel when he graduates. Elliot gives McGann the credit for getting him to go out for the tennis team when they were freshman, and they have been the best of friends ever since. He will


to be Gene Simmons

miss the team road trips during spring break to Hilton Head, South Carolina and the hard practices, because they were fun. Elliot really hopes that they win the PAC, because he wants to graduate with a championship.

Elliot also plans to further his education and possibly go to law school or graduate school, and he plans to get an apartment with his friends. Elliot will miss Dr. Zurek, even though Dr. Zurek made him get on his hands and knees to re-enact one of

Shakespeare's plays in class his first semester as a freshman. Elliot will also miss Steve Murray, an English teacher that taught a number of courses at Cabrini in previous years.

One fond memory that Elliot has of their spring break tennis trips to South Carolina is when they had practice every morning at 6 a.m. He remembers a time when McGann accidentally brushed his teeth with lcy Hot instead of tooth paste, because he was so tired when they were getting ready

for practice.

El1iot believes that this year's team has the best shot ever for clenching the PAC title, because it has four great freshman recruits. He believes that the team's attitude has also become more serious, and the team is playing to win, because they want to go out on a good note.

"The team has grown stronger as a whole than it ever has been here at Cabrini,"Elliot said.

McGann is a graphic design major that wants to work for an advertising company or a magazine company. He has to take a few more classes, and then he can pursue his dream. He will miss courses taught by Don Dempsey and Dr. Hedtke. McGann is glad that he is graduating because he won't have to deal with the housing selection process in the future, and he doesn't have to eat in the cafeteria anymore. He is pleased that the tennis program has become as strong as it has, because it is a worthy program.

McGann will miss the other guys on the team, because they work well together. McGann also really wants to win and graduate with the tennis PAC championship title.

Softball fans having as much fun as the players

"I brought Greg, that's about it," Justin Christian said about the journey he took with Greg Kulnis in his 1998 Ford Ranger.

At 5:30 a.m, hours before most of the campus woke up, on INSERT DAY/DATE

Christian and Kulnis drpve to Maryland to support Cabrini's softball team in a tournament.

Apparently Christian should have packed more protective luggage; he returned from the tournament with sunburn.

The two sophomore biology majors who are pre-med have not missed many games this season. Specifically, the pair did not attend two games last week and the games during the team's spring break trip.

Christian does not drive to all of the

games that they do attend. He reported that Kulnis and himself "switch-off' who will drive on a regular basis.

The three hour drive to Maryland paid off for the fans as well as the team, which went undefeated.

"At the Maryland tournament, we got to be really loud and obnoxious during the games by banging on a scoreboard that was not in use;' Christian said.

The commotion is welcomed by the players and their coach, coordinator of student activities Bridget Baxter.

"They cheer for us, bang on the scoreboard. The two of them make more noise than the crowds for the other teams," Baxter said.

The fans said that they have a great time supporting the girls and that more people should be doing it. However, they note that

the team would draw a larger crowd if it had a home field on, or closer to campus.

"It is a shame that more people don't come to the games. They are missing a lot, a Jot of talented players," Kulnis said.

Many of the players and their coach called it "awesome" that Christian and Kulnis have supported the team so much.

"It really means a lot to us. And they are really funny," Megan Johnston, a sophomore pitcher and outfielder said.

"They come to away games and home games. They help put the equipment away. They make the girls laugh a lot. They're great. It is really great that they are there," Baxter said.

Aside from the adrenaline rush of being a fan of a winning team and the talent of the athletes, Kulnis gave another reason he supports the softball players. Taking on a seri-

ous tone of voice, but with a playful smile, Kulnis revealed his political message.

"I Jive vicariously through the girls because we don't have a baseball team. It is good to see somebody enjoying America's pastime."

Screenings, massages, food planned for health fair

The Dixon Center will be packed with people, booths, displays and information on Wednesday, April 12. The career fair is not returning; this time it is a health fair that will fill the athletic facility with commotion. Information, screenings and free samples will be available from 11 a.m to 3 p.m.

Area doctors will provide spine screenings and foot

screenings. Integrated Diabetes Service is scheduled to offer glucose screenings., and other organizations will have cholesterol and dermascan screenings.

There will also be treats available for those people less interested in finding out how healthy or unhealthy they are.

Chair massage will be provided by Massage and Aroma Therapy Holistic Care, and Fresh Fields will supply samples of healthy foods that are available at its stores.

Cabrini's sports science department is scheduled to do fitness testing. Students will provide flexibility, body compo-

sition, blood pressure, muscular strength and muscular endurance testing

Some peer educators and Karen Pollack, Cabrini's health educator, will also be in attendance at the health fair.

"We are doing alcohol screenings, and we will have a lot of information on important health related issues available. People can drop off their core surveys, and we will have more to fill out or they can just come by to talk to us, get any information they may need," Jamie Matozzo, a sophomore and a peer educator, said.

S Thursday, April 6, 2000 ~'4~·---------------- PORTS~·---------------~·--'-· ~.
,.dphoto by Jessica Snow McGann and Joe Elliot pose in Elliot's Cabrini apartment with what appears from Kiss. photo by Jessica Snow Described as "awesome" by players, Greg Kulnis and Justin Christian rarely miss a softball game.

7 lacrosse seniors go for third PAC title

This year's women's lacrosse team is lead by seven seniors, head coach Jackie Neary and assi'stant coach Melissa Michaels. Cabrini's record so far is 6 and 4, and the girls are 3 and O for the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship title. Coach Jackie said that "it is always hard to lose seniors, and I will miss them deeply, because they are my first freshman class that I recruited. I hope to have a great season because it is their last chance for being part of Cabrini's women's lacrosse team."

Merrie Lewis, a captain, mid-fielder and an All-PAC award winning player, will miss playing lacrosse for coach Neary. Mertie has been playing for the last 10 years and is looking to leave Cabrini with another PAC championship. Lewis will also miss "Patty," Christine Malone, our junior goalie, and "Cathy, the really nice lady that works in the Wigwam." Lewis will also miss "the rats," our coach's kids and Dukes' karaoke in Florida. Merrie also says that she "will miss the excitement of a new season, the thriJls, the victories and the agony of defeat." She feels that coach Neary is like a family member of hers, because she has been coaching Merrie since high school. Lewis also plans to continue her education and go to graduate school for sports management. Merrie Lewis sees the team in the future clinching yet another PAC title this year, and there is no doubt in her mind that Cabrini lacrosse will only come out on top.

Karen "Obs" Hassel plays goalie and wiJI miss her friends and playing on the team when she graduates. Hassel will graduate with a liberal arts degree, and she plans to move back to her home state, Delaware to find a good paying job. Hassel will not only miss Coach Neary's husband, Jody Neary, telling it like it is, but she will also miss Coach Neary's personable qualities. Hassel will also miss all of the bruises that the women's team gave her. She says, "I'll miss Christy Malone not only as a person but also as someone who taught me a lot about being a good goalie."

Megan Hyde, a mid-fielder and one of the most comic people on the team, will miss "free McDonalds on the way home from our away games." Megan will not only miss her friends when she graduates, but she will also miss "crushing teams and scaring players on the field." Hyde will miss Coach Neary and maybe her husband Jody, and "Miss Mainline Melissa, and her fake classes." Hyde plans to continue her education and go to graduate school for human resources because "she doesn't want to work yet." Megan will also miss screaming "Bang Bang" in the middle of the


side the Dixon Center upon arriving at Cabrini after the team's

4. (Christine Aldorasi not pictured) games and Coach Neary's speeches when she says, "What's that word I am looking for?" Hyde will also miss Dukes' in Florida and slaughtering Eastern last year in the 1999 PAC championship.

Gilda Z<x:cola,a team captain, and a right wing defender believes that she will miss being a part of the team the most. Zoccolo will also miss her independence, because she is moving back to Maryland when she graduates. Gilda hopes to become a strength and conditioning coach at a Maryland college, and she believes that "without a doubt the Cabrini women's lacrosse team will win PAC championships." Zoecola will never forget her freshman year on the women's lacrosse team, when they initiated her. The seniors made her go and steal underpants from a baseball teanl''lhat was staying in the same hotel and wear them on her head. "I was the only one who actually did it," she said. Zoccola feels that "Coach Jackie was not only a coach but a friend, and she treated us like her own daughters." Zoccola will also never forget playing miniature golf with her sister and "the rats" in Florida this year.

Christine Ream, a mid fielder, will miss Cabrini's small atmosphere and close-knit community.

Ream will also miss the competitiveness that Cabrini lacrosse offers and the Otis Spunkrnire chocolate chip cookies that they sell in the Wigwam. She will miss "working hard and having fun." Ream will also miss Coach Neary because "she is great at getting us pumped up. She encour-

ages us to do our best." Ream is a biology/pre-med. major and plans to continue her education and go to medical school to be a "DO." Ream believes that the team "will win the championship again and get the recognition that it deserves."

Angela "Coop" Cooper, a first home offender, a mother and a future teacher, will miss being part of the team the most. She was originally not going to play because she gave birth to a baby girl named Kaitlyn Milo. However she played anyway, because she knew that she would regret it. Cooper will miss playing against her sister that goes to Widener and all the pJlStvictories. Cooper will also miss Coach Neary, because "Jackie cares about us as people, not just players. She is always there for you if you need someone to talk to."

Angela Cooper wishes to be a kindergarten or. first grade teacher. Her ideal dream is to own her own daycare, and teach young children.

Christine Aldorasi, a point defender, a future teacher and the final senior for the women's team will miss "bonding with the girls" and the Education department. Aldorasi plans to teach in an elementary school in Delaware County. Aldorasi will also miss "Coach Jackie tremendously, because Jackie has been coaching me since high school." Aldorasi will always remember "being a Cabrini Cavalier athlete and Coach Jackie's attitude and presence."

Go If team started off season well, considers itself lucky

Although the golf team is often cursed with a short season, the·team, along with its coach Dr. Tony Verde, always produce a good season.

Since golf is not designed to be a spectator sport, you might be unaware of Cabrini's golf team. However, the golf team is a very active and impressive part of Cabrini's athletic program.

The golf team usually practices on Sunny

Brooke Golf Club's driving range. However, when Dr. Verde wants the team to play an J8 hole course, the players consider themselves fortunate to be able to play at Spring Ford Country Club or St. David's Country Club.

Practicing at these country clubs not only gives the members a better variety of courses to practice on, but it also attracts more members to join the team.

The team usual)y practices about once a week on Mondays, and the members usually seek out driving range practice on a more

regular basis.

The golf team usually competes against other small colleges such as Neumann, Albright, Allentown, Elizabethtown, Gywendd-Mercy, Misericordia and Alvernia. The team usually tends to choose more local meets.

At the first match at Torresdale/Frankford Country Club against Holy Family College, Swarthmore College and Widener University, Cabrini's golf team won with a combined score of 449.

At a usual match, the team is required to

have a six person team.

Dr. Verde is pleased with the performance of all the members, especially seniors Jeremy Dombroski and Brian Casey, two new transfers Alex Butz and Brian Mouse and freshman Anthony D' Aleo.

The team's next match is on Wednesday, April 12 against Widener.

Dr. Verde is hoping to start up the golf club's spring break trip to Pine Hurst in North Carolina in the upcoming years.

L_o_qw_·ru_r__________________ SPORTS--------------------1_5
photo by Kendra Clark Zoccola, Megan Hyde, Christine Ream, Karen Hassell, Mellie Lewis and Angela Cooper pictured out- 17-4 win over Gwynedd Mercy on Tuesday., April

The women's lacrosse team has 7 seniors going for a third PAC title before they graduate.

Story on page 15

Seniors on men's tennis team share memories of three seasons. Story on page 14

The men of the golf team are off to a winning start this season.

Story on page ts

L- o q- u - 1 t u r , Vol. XLVI, No. 20 Thursday, April 6, 2000 Radnor, PA l 9087
photo by Toni Pirrone

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