1 minute read


by Cynthia Taura staff writer

Anyone walking into the library on an average day might find a tall, brunette woman standing over a computer giving a student advice or showing a student where to find a certain book. This woman is Anne Schweim, the Cav of the week.


Schweim has been working as Cabrini's reference librarian for 12 years. Her job is not one to be taken lightly, and it is not an easy one either. She oversees references, all of the library instruction sections and circulation. ''The reference is not only answering students' questions but also giving handouts for frequently asked questions, purchasing reference materials and helping with the reference part of the Holy Spirit Library web page," Schweim said.

Included as part of Schwelm's job are library instruction sessions, which are available on an as-needed basis. She works with faculty on a subject or assignment. Some of the sessions are done for psychology, social work, Sem 100, business, a few biology classes, graduate and accelerated degree programs. She also assists students with history and political science, education, advertising and marketing. Schweim teaches these sessions herself.

In addition, Schweim teaches 1ST 125 for Dr. Paolucci. She usually teaches one course per semester. She also gives infonnation to put in the reference portion of the Holy Spirit Library web page. However, another librarian, Alan Silverman, puts the information on the web.

Schweim ·describes the best thing about her job by saying, "Every time a student asks me a question, I learn something." The worst thing is "not having the time to follow through." When students get A's on a paper, the librarians will usually hear about it.

Schweim also gets along very well with her coworkers. ''We all work very well together in the library. It's a team effort."

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