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Moving on: What I learned the hard way

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It's hard to believe that this semester is near its close. Four years do go fast when you're having fun. As expected, life here was anything but dull. There was a great deal of highs and lows in this trip. As this ride ends, another wiJJ begin and now is the time to start looking back. The lessons that I will take with me are not the ones that involved a lecture or studying for a test of any sort. These lessons are the ones that I learned the hard way. So it is only fitting that my last perspective for the paper shares these lessons with you. There may be some things that you agree with, and others you won't, but these are the precious gems of wisdom that will always be the most valuable. It is okay to make mistakes, it's the one thing that makes all of us the same. It is also why the eraser was invented. Don't dwell on your shortcomings, focus on bringing your strengths out more. This will help you gain confidence and a greater deal of self-respect. Don't regret anything that you have done in life. Learn from everything. No matter what, every choice and move that we make should be looked at in this light.

Remember that not all that glistens is gold. Ever heard of fool's gold? In other words, don't get pulled into some- thing that's too good to be true if you can help it. Intimacy does not mean that your partner loves you. Be very careful if there is any doubt before taking this step. Better to hold out than to give everything you have to someone that is not willing to accept it. There is someone for everyone out there, just don't throw yourself at everyone who walks through the door. Time does heal broken hearts, as well as bad hangovers. Laughter and music are great medicines for any injuries.


If you are not with your friends, do not drink more than what you can take. In the morning, they'll be the ones to tell you what you really did the night before. Trust your heart. It is the one thing that knows you the best. If you are making a choice that will affect the rest of your life and you doubt for a second, take a day or two to think about it more. Take chances when you can, as long as they do not involve injure to yourself or others.

Do something crazy, something that you and others might not think part of your character. An example of this would be getting a tattoo (provided that it is not vulgar, or something you wouldn't want on your body for the rest of your life). There is something beautiful in everyone and everything. Even if you don't see this right away, don't forget that. A family involves people that respect and love you for the person you are, unconditionally. If your biological family does not provide this, find the family you have in your friends and treat it with care.

Don't ever pack more than you can carry (this means can be taken in more ways than I can count). If your load gets too heavy, it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It takes more courage to ask for help than it does to take on more than you can handle. Do not be the ftrst to throw punches, especially if the person you're hitting can drill you into the ground. Sometimes, it's just best to shrug and walk away.

There 1s a positive side to every negative. It may take time to find it, but it's there. There is no storm that lasts forever. When you strive for perfection, you fall much shorter than you would if you just do the best you can.

Finally, give credit where credit is due. To my friends, who are my family, I love all of you guys and these four years have been a pleasure thanks to all of you. To the staff and faculty that have helped me immensely, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now, as this journey ends, I will begin another as I start over in Florida. I miss the family of friends that I have left there more than I can explain. Still, it is with I will look back on these four years with a smile and much gratitude. Take care, everyone. Follow your hearts down the right path, then make that path a journey.

Shannon Downs is a guest columnist for the Loquitur. If you read this column out loud while listening to Enya, it will sound a lot like that "Everyone's Free to Wear Sunscreen" song. But who has an Enya CD in their collection? Furthermore, who would admit to owning an Enya CD?

Top Ten Hat Ideas for the Hat and Tie

by Mike "BO's" Butler, Perspectives Editor

10. The fez. It doesn't matter if you're not a shriner or that pudgy bearded guy in the Indiana Jones movies, the fez will serve you well.

9. A football helmet. When you get the urge to put your head through a wall but aren't sure that your noggin' will be able to take it, slap a helmet on your cranium.

8. A construction hat with the beer holders on the sides. Form and function come together in the pinnacle of American haberdashery.

7. A beret. Nobody messes with a guy wearing a beret. Plus I can't resist a girl in a raspberry beret (A little 80's joke there).

6. A tri-cornered hat. Run up and down Residential Boulevard yelling "The British are coming!" See how many people you can make panic before Public Safety apprehends you for your patriotism.

5. A ten gallon hat. It's so huge you could easily sneak a good amount of booze into your dorm in one of these.

4. A bowler hat. This will sharpen you up and get you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence.

3. A top hat. Pull a rabbit out of this hat, or a fifth of vodka. Either way, people will dig the hat.

2. A wide-brimmed purple fidora with a large peacock feather sticking out of it. Because pimpin' ain't easy!

1. Darth Vader's helmet. No one questions the power of the dark side.

Top Ten Tie Ideas for the Hat and Tie

10. A collar and leash. Guys, your girlfriends will love this idea.

9. A Traosformen tie. Nothing says cool like having Optirnus Prime around your neck.

8. A red bow tie. Pee-Wee Herman may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. Show some love to the man!




Perspectives Editor

7. A bolo tie. Wear it with the ten-gallon hat for that rustic, Nashville Network look. Just don't get too excited when they play Cotton-Eye-Joe.

6. A Speed Racer tie. See how many people you can get to sing the Speed Racer theme by wearing this tie.

5. A noose. For when you want to look like The ScareCrow from the Batman cartoon.

4. Barbed wire. The only tie that is HARDCORE!

3. A tie made out of duct tape. Your friends will admire your ingenuity and craftsmanship.

2. A clip-on tie. Easy on. Easy off. /

1. Any tie that has lights in it. It's like Christmas for your neck.

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