3 minute read
Getting the last of my chips off of my shoulder
Crisis 2000" mentality, and Loquitur definitely contributed a lot to the mood on campus. Before that, we took on "Parking Crisis '99," "Apartment Chaos 2000," and the perennial favorite "Evil President Iadorola Raises Tuition to Pay for Duck Pond" controversy.
treated unfairly or disrespected.
So you can see, clearly we were not just another tabloid out on the attack. But, then again, sometimes we were. On that note, I'm going to point a few more fingers at people and things I consider absoulutely ridiculous.
You didn't really think that I was going to pass this section along to '80s without getting one last commentary in. Did you?
"If I could tell the world just one thing, it would be, we're all ok," said Jewel, the gap-toothed Alaskan songstress. And I think that pretty much sums up the year at Cabrini. But there were times this year when I didn't think we would all be ok.
I fed into the whole "Housing
Along the way, we managed to make some friends. We extended a late olive branch to Public Safety, partially because the new director looks like he could lay the smack down if he had to. And partially because a good many of them seemed to acually chill with the students instead of trying to be all hard all the time.
We supported Wood Dining Service, and repeatedly honored "Steak Night," a true red-ticket occasion. And we made a point to support our teachers, especially when we felt they were being
Elian is home with his father. I guess it's a shame that he got sent back, but I think that his life will go on. Not everybody thinks that.
My cousin Patti, a Miami resident, tells me that many Cubans are frightened that Castro is going to eat Elian. Now Castro may be a communist, and he's probably ordered some people killed, but I never heard that he is a cannibal. Elian will probably just go down to Cuba, learn to play baseball, and defect back to America to pitch for the Yankees. By then, Castro will be 103 or so, and he won't mind.
Letter to the editor
Who will take care of the CARE Center?
Dear Loquitur,
As students at Cabrini College, we have many services available to us. The Rooyman's Center (Center for Academic Excellence) houses counseling services, health services, learning disability services, the ACT 101 Program, and the writing lab. For the 2000-2001 school year, Cabrini College is contemplating the out-sourcing of the health services and counseling services to the Jefferson Health Care System. The services of the peer counselor/drug counselors who have served Cabrini stu- dents may also be out-sourced. This means that the nurses and the counselors who have served Cabrini students for many years will be replaced. Student satisfaction with the present personnel who provide these services is very high. It is very questionable whether out-sourcing these services will provide students with more attention and better care.
I suspect this firing is to save money, and I believe that it will do more harm than good. Replacing these members of our Cabrini family by out-sourcing is sure to create discontent among students. Why change a system that has proven to be successful?
If we all come together, we can help our present health care professionals and counselors at Cabrini College!
Thank you, Laurel Golub
The writer held a petition signing on April 18 against the out sourcing. Contact the Health Office for more information
On to other subjects George Bush Jr. is about as much a reformer as I'm a Pulitzer Prize winner. Which is not to say that Al Gore is any ball of fire either. The man who should have been our next president, John McCain, is at home in Arizona because the Texas oil billionaires who control the Republican Party sensed an enemy, and the bigwigs responded accordingly, selecting their Fortunate Son, "dubbya."
The NRA continues to stand by the overproduction and easy access to guns, despite the seemingly daily stream of shootings in and around schools. They are quite possibly the most evil industry in America.
If not them, then probably the tobacco industry, who make millions off of addicting teenagers to a killer drug. And Woody Harrelson gets arrested for planting a few hemp seeds.
So no, the world ain't perfect, but I think we can change it. All we need is to want to.
Chris Nielsen is the former Perspectives Editor and current staff writer for the Loquitur. He lost his editor position to Mike "80's" Butler in a cage match when 80's hit him with a steelchair. Long live "The Dude."
Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the tmlnhiblted, robust, free and open discussion of issues.