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Crazy hats and ties worn at last dance of the year
by Melissa Lepouskl staff writer
The annual Hat and Tie was a good time for most who attended. Grace Hall was filled with more than 100 students on Saturday, April 29, many who were wearing funny-looking hats and ties.
The annual semi-formal dance gives Cabrini students the chance to break out the abnormal hats and ties that they would normally not want to be seen wearing.
There was a variety of hats worn, including top hats, sailor hats, baseball hats, bucket caps and sombreros. The ties worn were crazy, including plaid, cartoon characters and outrageous colors.
Tina Hadley, a sophomore, said, "It was a blast. I like when the dances are held in Grace Hall because there is more room to shake your groove thing.
"This was the last semi-formal dance of the year. Joe McCullough, a sophomore, said, "It was fun because of all the people who came."
The theme of this years Hat and Tie was "Monopoly." Colleen Lampart, a sophomore, said, "Jt was neat to see all of the people who came with hats and ties that went with the theme." Hadley said,
"It would have been a better theme if there were more decorations." The decorations consisted of balloons and streamers and did not last the entire night.
During the dance, the newly elected members of the Student Government Association executive board were inducted. Alison Colantonio, a sophomore, said, "I thought the whole night was fun. It was nice to give recognition to those inducted into SGA."
The wide variety of music ranged from oldies to rap. Chris Quarles, a first-year student, said, "I had fun and the DJ played good music. There were people dancing all over the place, covered in sweat. It seemed like no one cared that it was close to 90 degrees in the dance."
Outside catching a breather, Jamie Johnson said, "I love the music and the DJ plays all of my requests."
Snacks including a vegetable tray, pretzels and chips were served for those who had appetites. Soda was also served.
Beer was served for students who were of age to drink, but there was one slight problem. Around midnight, the Campus Activities and Planning Board, who sponsored the Hat and Tie, announced that the taps broke.
Nicole Schulz, a sophomore, said, "I understand that they try to keep things under control when they are dealing with alcohol, but I don't understand why they keep cutting into the music."
Overall, the dance was a fun time and most people seemed to enjoy themselves.
Sigma R1,oBoord Members
Vice Presitlent:Loren Loomas
Treasurer: Kathleii&Amold
Thankyou to the outgo#!gtlficers Lauren Marie F~, KimberlyAnn Fritsch, AmyHelenitlt
Gail Melissa Mill6r and TaraRobuck for 1()llT dedicationand all your hard workfor Sigma Rho. Good lMck in all yourfuture endeavors!!
Thankyou also to Mr. WilliamKuhnsfor his constant support in the continuingdnelopment of the Kappa Delta Pi-SigmaRho Chapter!